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Showing posts with label NYC UFO Event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NYC UFO Event. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The NEW UFO Disclosure Clock Setting

As I mentioned last month when I set the UDCC `Disclosure Clock' to the `peoples median setting of 2010' at 2:15 P.M. - I have decided on a new `weighting' or `indexing' to provide the relative UFO Disclosure Clock time. And, as I indicated in last months write-up after moving it from 11:56 P.M., the new attributes all would certainly have `different times on their respective clocks'.

By that I mean and explained - the government would have a time setting based on their latest official stance and statements by Phil Larson in 2011. Likewise, the lamestream media would also have `time setting'; and perhaps most importantly `the phenomena itself' would have an apparent time setting too. And yes, other factors, will have a combined `time setting', such as the current ideas of religion and science and the internet itself, upon the idea of UFO or Orb or Alien Disclosure. (Exopolitics too wherever they are playing at the moment.) 

Yeah, it's complicated. LOL. 

And, the time setting will and would be dependent upon the `indexing values' (which will change as space evolves) ascribed to each of the various categories of consideration. So, for example, if the MSM actually somehow acquired some balls and investigated or staked out some `flap' location - that attribute, the MSM, would rise in the indexing. IF the government issued a new statement about UFO's that attribute would increase, etc. And, IF the only coverage of the UFO Disclosure is coming from the internet, that would be the indexed value most in influence. It will make for a volatile clock I would think.

So, let me give to you a rough idea of my thoughts on this first re-setting of the Clock. I'd value your comments too. It's unlikely that the final actual setting of the month will fully reflect the attribute weightings so don't get bent out of shape.

UFO Disclosure JULY Indexing (which sets August time) All Indexes go from 1-100.

`The Phenomena Itself' - 65 (seeming increase in multiple orb phenomena, London UFO?, Ongoing Missouri Flap, Robert Bingham) (A 100 would be a month that included something like the NYC UFO of Oct. 13th, 2010)

The MSM Media - 25 (attention to Nick Pope's London UFO prediction, some Orb coverage increasing, continued snickering on stories) (A 100 would be something like the NYC LIVE UFO coverage of Oct. 13th, 2010)

Government(s) - 2 (suppression through disclosure) (This number is set via the official statement of Phil Larson last fall and NASA's continued insistence at ignoring the statements of astronauts about the issue of aliens and UFOs)

Internet/Other --- All the claims and such that surface and vanish in any given month. Including the recent words about UFO disclosure on Aug. 4th -------- JULY index - 30
So, where does that put the UDCC UFO Disclosure Clock for August? See the Clock at the bottom of the sidebar to find out. Your comments are welcome.

Is this a clock for you?
Finally, a thanks to the 20 of you who purchased my best selling UFO book about the 2006 O'Hare UFO Incident in July and the 10 of you who purchased my 2008 Stephenville Texas UFO Events book too.
Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2006 O'Hare UFO Airport Incident (The Heavy Stuff) Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2008 Stephenville UFO Events (The Heavy Stuff)
And, my latest E-Book looks at my conversations with Lujan Matus, The Shaman, in 2011. IF you are not aware of Lujan, he claims to be in touch with Don Juan Matus of the Carlos Castaneda Books in his own lucid dreams.
Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers

Saturday, December 31, 2011

1-1-2012 - A Great Day For Alien Disclosure

Hello Clockers - fresh out of my noodle this morning - FICTION - to end the blogging year. The `what if' scenario; as if I were a channeler. Ready? Let's have some fun.
You are a billion year old race of beings who has been monitoring a blue ball of life planet since the slime turned into caterpillars. You genetically altered the most advanced of the beasts with potential opposeable thumbs. You waited and hovered and monitored for millions of years for the created humanoid to signal our data collectors - which they did with the first radio signals.

We then began our journey to what is called `Earth' by those genetically altered apes. `We', also means in our universe, all of the previous sentient beings in the galaxy which sends data monitors into the time cone for `intelligence' activation - such as those radio waves. Which means WE are a number of `entities' who are arriving to monitor your progress - an increasing number now for over the past 8 decades. And, as a group, we have made a decision.

The data collected on the genetically altered apes, based on comparison to other `monitored civilizations', - is NOT impressive. NOT impressive to the point that `we' need to `correct' things and reign in the powermasters of the Earth Geo-Political structure. As some of you know, we have been monitoring the brainwaves of the meditating/spiritual/psychedelic users/shaman/whirling dervishes among you - sending messages of the coming changes and of our impending arrival.

Since `we' know that what you call humanity is on the very brink of a meltdown - on the very year a long term calendar has foretold of your societies very ending - if not the planets ending; `we' have decided to bring change on the very day your planet celebrates those new numbers 2012. Therefore, we suggest that you monitor the skies of your world tonight - perhaps in NYC as we did on Oct. 13th, 2010 to validate Stanley Fulham's information from us.

But, `we' may choose - some other location perhaps. Does Jerusalem make sense? Or, perhaps, Washington D.C. with the famous White House Lawn Landing well developed within your collective brainwaves? Or, would the world respond more to a full on-going daytime event on 1-1-2012 in the Heartland Of America - say, Lee's Summit, Missouri? With a HUGE craft just sitting in the sky for all to see?

After all, `we think' that 1-1-2012 would be a Great Day For Alien Disclosure.
How about you?
Thanks for being a reader and leader in 2011 - see you in 20-12. Oh, I just made my first webpage on in several years. It's another UFO site that I am asking Clockers to bookmark and to visit occasionally - and guess what I called it? 2012 UFO Videos (there's already stuff to see).
Product Description

The book that changes the mentality. Improvisation with the ancient sacred texts. Secrets of Yoga, the Vedas, Aryan magic ...
"The disciple succeeded in absorbing deeper into himself.
He followed all the rules that the teacher advised.
He was staying in a clean area, being pure himself and sure in the aim. He was learning, deliberating and contemplating the truth.
He was becoming different; the connection to the past was slowly disappearing, as his mind was getting rid of hopes, fear and desires.
He discovered that being free from desires is the biggest treasure.
in the past he seldom felt happiness… but now his pure mind was shining inside and out with the golden glance of bliss.
Slowly, from day to day, the words of his teacher were changing something in his perception.
Now he was able to turn his mind inside himself…
Now he could control his feelings, he could break the connection to the reality and go far inside himself.
The words of the teacher served as a guiding neat through the labyrinths of his mind..."
 `Does it get heavier than Mathematical Beings?'

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sky Sound Phenomena Moves `UFO Disclosure Clock' To Latest Time Setting Yet

Part of the `ingredients' UDCC uses to set the Clock of UFO Disclosure is, how `obvious', or nefarious, is the particular UFO phenomena event . And, as regular readers know, the increasing weird Sky Noise Phenomena, seems to be making its presence known. The real question is beginning to be - how long can the LSM (lamestream media) ignore it; as the phenomena is seemingly increasing and `showing up' - literally - perhaps - On LIVE Television Sporting Events as UDCC covered this month already. (see video at link above) Tell me that isn't one of the strangest sounds you've ever heard! I also provided updated coverage HERE too.

I will have additional videos of the on-going Sky Noise Phenomena (SNP) again tomorrow. Please check back as I've got a number of SNP ready to go again. The increasing and nefarious SNP pushes the Clock later once again.

Additionally, August did not disappoint in TV coverage of the UFO phenomena, beginning the month with The Off Flagler Beach UFO Crash or the unannounced Crash Of A Government Military UFO/Balloon In Ohio - (which was probably for spying on citizens) as well as covering ANOTHER strange Orb in Larado Texas - and - another NYC `ufo' event - just days ago immediately prior to TS Irene's time frame. Both the NYC and Larado events complete with tons of multiple videos and Facebook confirmations (Oh lord.). (The NYC thing is a bit weird in that the population would be looking at the sky in anticipation of a sky event on that day. Just sayin.)

Speaking of ORBs - `they' continue to exhibit themselves in predictable manners to some - for example, one Steamboat Springs Orb put on a show for seemingly just one person , while an incredible Orb crosses the sky at the end of a Vancouver Fireworks Orb  fireworks display with over a million in attendance.

(Vancouver also now has a cableTV effort that is tracking nighttime ORBs and comparing them to databases of known satellites and pieces of space junk. The service in its opening days showed some very strange going ons in the nighttime sky. Is the ORB phenomena about to get real confirmation?)

And, finally, UDCC provided some real blogging original content in August too. From the Original Music Video of a retired flyer talking/singing (called When Starships Fly) about UFO Disclosure; to interviewing a retired man in Physics who explained to UDCC readers How Saucers Fly. UDCC also `sourced' the `Obama Alien Disclosure' rumor And Found It To Be The Probable Hoax Of A ExoPolitics Person - hope all Clockers found the Original Content entertaining at least.

Lastly, Budd Hopkins died, just as the legacy of Alien Abduction comes under increasing non-acceptance - by those who originally gave it a possibility. However, IMO, the folly started to crumble when they used the vaguest of relationship of attributes, to at one time claim that MILLIONS had been abducted by aliens. Sheer folly and a lot to swallow. (Remember, I do maintain that a VERY FEW people have indeed been abducted by spacecraft.)

Therefore, unless the ORB and Sky Noise Phenomena decreases - it appears likely that the final minutes to midnight for UFO Disclosure - may be counted down in 2012 - who da thunk it?
The Custodians: Beyond AbductionFire in the Sky: The Walton ExperienceThe Grays, Alien Abductions and Genetic Creation of Humans Hybrids Race: Secret US Extraterrestrial Operations. Hybrids Habitats and Way of Life. (The ... of the Anunnaki and extraterrestrials)Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of Ufo Abductions
Adult Creepy Dr Nefarious Mask
Adult Creepy Dr Nefarious Mask RU Dr. Nefarious?
Please - Bookmark and Return again soon -

Monday, November 8, 2010

Head Nod Results In Arrest For Flying LED Kite At Night

If you are like me, you have never seen a LED kite in the sky at night; but, that time is about to end as I will be providing the YouTube today of such a display. And, it was this story that brought the issue to my attention -

Here's a screencam look at more anomalous lights over NYC on Oct. 18th. is more on-going activity not being reported by MSM?

Thanks for visiting UDCC today - tell a friend or become a UDCC follower (in the sidebar).
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Unusual Shaped Daytime UFO Video - Brooklyn NY

With the caveat that ANY video can be a hoax - this video is of an incredibly strange object - over Brooklyn (uploaded in 2007).

Again today I'm just clearing out links from October - the above was the best result of searching of NYC Ufo videos prior to Oct. 13th.

UDCC will also provide links like these to other UFO resources - this one is called 40 convincing blogs about UFO's - (yes, UDCC made the list) - - read about UFO's here too.

Here's a hot link - do aliens walk among us?

Here's a longer NYC Oct. 13th tape by a citizen:

Thanks for visiting today - check out some of these sun powered products. Great gifts and more.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Clearing Out Some Backlog Of `UFO' Links

Today's post will have some of the links that backed up during the focus on the NYC UFO Event of Oct. 13th.

Like these THREE lights (again) caught on camera near the Portland International Airport (this is all of a day or two after the same three light formation appears to the TV cameraman in El Paso) on Oct. 18th. - Good Pics. -

Here's a link to reports of a temporary small object hovering low over the treelines Oct. 26th of at least several eyewitnesses - - make SURE to read the comments.

A UFO Site from down under - bookmark for a different take than what you find in America and elsewhere -

One thing that Lon Strickler has on Phantoms and Monsters are great examples of `ground proof' about the UFO phenomena - here is a well documented UFO Landing Ring -

Here's one of the cool websites that carried the UDCC material about the NYC UFO Event - - look around this website for more and their podcasts too.

And, with all this talk above of NYC UFO's how about this balloon anomaly in the skies in 2006 there. If you stick with this video for the full time it does seem to have a different look about it quite often. That said, this looks far more like a balloon than what happened on the 13th.

Visit the UDCC sidebar for more significant posts and videos of unusual objects.

I've been saving the best UFO links for almost 4 years now at this website on Squidoo -
If you have never been to a Squidoo webpage - Squidoo has over one million pages like mine - but - the page of the link above is ranked in the top 5,000 out of the million. Great Content.
You have to read the story of the Cash4Books Company when you go to this website - truly inspiring. Also, you will find that they buy all kinds of books, not just Textbooks (but they buy almost any textbook of the last 5 years or so). They also have a very easy to use search engine to enter any books ISBN number and find out instantly what they will pay you for it. Anyway, check it out if you have books lying around that you never intend to read again and would like to turn them into cash (and to spread them to another reader).

Sell Used Books Online - Quick Cash, Free Shipping, Free Quotes!

(click above picture for all the information)

Monday, November 1, 2010

October UFO Events Move UFO Disclosure Clock To Latest Setting Ever

As you know, recently UDCC changed focus from using this website and clock to monitor where the government was on UFO Disclosure - to one focusing on the media's involvement with the UFO subject based on events and on the reports of citizens about UFO's. Indeed, this re-focus has led to a re-evaluation on the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock to the tune of moving forward 16 and one half hours to 10:30 P.M. - one of the latest settings ever.

Indeed, October 2010 will certainly be remembered for a flurry of UFO Events and most notably for the Oct. 13th prediction and subsequent `Mystery' in the sky on that very day. But, the whole month immediately after the event in NYC was also filled with sky anomalies in many metropolitan markets that spurred TV coverage as did the NYC event which repeatedly used the word Mystery to describe the unfolding coverage.

For many UFO observers, key UFO books, the September UFO/Nukes News conference - and then the UFO events that unfolded in October - seemed to be a tipping point. And, despite the enormous move in the clock - I would still be quite hesitant to jump to any conclusions. And, my reasons are several fold.

Most notably, the lack of `legs' with the mainstream media of the news conference, or, the NYC UFO Event - which wasn't even on any of the next morning national newscast morning chat shows. While at the same time - trotting out quite weak `explanations' for the hours and hours event - balloons. Additionally, UDCC uncovered aspects of the NYC event that the media evidently thought too hot to report with any voracity - such as the `balloons' moving around - appearing and disappearing - reacting to jets. Or, the complete underplaying of the NYC airports and radar room being evacuated during the same day.

Indeed, it may signal that TV stations are going to be VERY careful in what they report IF indeed this is a real build-up and tipping point for something - such as intentional alien disclosure being forced on the population. Again, let me repeat, I'm not so convinced that is what is occurring ------- yet.

Finally, the ultimate clock setting will involve more than just anomalous phenomena that is reported EVERY day and has been for years on the internet -- and ignored 99% by the MSM. It will involve some REAL increase in the normal Joe's feeling about UFO's and Aliens - some increase that an acceleration is occurring. THAT I do NOT detect as the UFO community is still quite small as far as those seeking these types of answers from the powers that be.

Indeed, if and when the MSM interviews Robert Bigelow, will also determine how serious the recent flap and attention really is. And, finally, let me point out that with the Stephenville AND the O'Hare UFO events the government DID `officially' speak in a sense --- and as of yet, no one seems to be asking the `government' any questions about the NYC event at all.

(The first month or two of UDCC did have a later time setting as I was copying the idea of the endtime clock of nuke scientists that has been at like 10 minutes to midnight for decades - after it's reset in early 2008 - this time setting is the latest.)

Friday, October 29, 2010

What Is This In This Cult Film?

Could it possibly be an alien? Can cameras catch a reality we don't see? (All of under 525 views when posted.)

Oh, and here is an unedited video from CBS of the Oct. 13th NYC UFO Event. I posted this link before but wanted UDCC readers to have it easily seen too.

Thanks for visiting today.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fulham's Prediction And Other October 13th Oddities

I think it might be important once again to state my/UDCC's position about the Oct. 13th NYC UFO Event:

40% chance it is nefarious human activity with possible ominous implications for `normal folk' like the rest of us
30% chance it was extraterrestrial - again, with possible ominous implications
(note that I feel that EVEN if one of the above two possibilities is true that it does not mean IMO that the ominous implications are immanent)
20% chance it was a paranormal phenomena - with unknown implications, if any
10% chance it was balloons, Jupiter, skydivers and other explanations

I trot my UDCC readers thru that again prior to bringing you some highlights of an interview on Noory's Show on 10-15 with Stanley Fulham himself:

In the first hour, ex-NORAD officer Stan Fulham talked about his prediction that a fleet of UFOs would hover over the Earth's major cities on October 13th. Fulham explained that he receives his insight from a "transcended spiritual group," which consists of "very old souls who have lived on many different planets and spiritual realms." According to him, the UFO visitation is because the Earth's environment has been polluted beyond the point of human salvation and, thus, the ETs must intervene to fix the situation. Unlike other planets, where the inhabitants were allowed to pollute their environment to the point of mass extinction, the Earth has the "greatest emotionally energy of any planet" in the universe and, therefore, was granted this special aid from off-world forces.

Fulham clarified his prediction's timetable with new information that he allegedly received three weeks ago. Originally, the entities planned to appear over a plethora of major Earth cities on October 13th, 2010. They had no intention of landing or communicating with the planet, instead opting merely to make their presence known in gradually increasing appearances. This would culminate with an outright address at the United Nations in 2014 and then they would commence cleaning the environment in 2015. However, Fulham said, the ETs grew wary of causing mass panic with their original 10/13/10 plan and decided to just appear over New York City on that date. The reasons given for the choice of NYC was that it is an international city, a media stronghold, and that New Yorkers are "a blase people" who would be nonplussed by the appearance of a UFO in the sky.

Let me begin kindly. In his book (not stated above) the aliens are concerned about the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere and are here to remove it for us -- this graph certainly does seem ominous - and, supposedly the carbon dioxide is at it's highest level in a minimum of 800k years and perhaps 20 million years. And, it's hard to discount that information in regards to Fulham's stated reasons for his predicted alien intervention and alien disclosure display.

That said, his `after the book, only disclosed 3 weeks ago, and reasons for WHY it was a disclosure event in NYC - to me, IMO, - doesn't pass the sniff test fully. That said, I wouldn't rule it out completely either as the stated attributes are very within reason - NYC is international, a media center, and has blase people - who are used to seeing amazing things just being in the city.

Which makes me wonder if the aliens `expected more' from their display? (If aliens were behind the event.) And ONE HAS TO WONDER if the display wasn't simultaneous with the Chilean mine rescue - would the TV and MSM coverage been `different' (or did the aliens plan it that way thinking it would be a good `cover' and introduction)? Would indeed the event have been elevated to a LIVE allday report? Would the crowds have been even bigger had they not been inside watching the real news (the rescue)?

So, what about the prediction? Was Fulham `lucky'? Or, is that really a little too much to swallow too? -------- Or, was his `prediction' (which was mentioned by NOBODY on the street at the time of the event) a convenient way of cover for `nefarious forces'? Or, was the prediction even the CAUSE of the event IF it was a paranormal event?

I don't have an answer and no one else does too - you need to think this out for yourself. Certainly, Fulham's prediction and the supposed alien intentions can't be ruled out completely. Heck, if I had to guess, I'd say it even is more likely than the whole event being balloons. At the very least, his prediction makes the whole event even odder. (And, since he says it was to slowly get us humans used to the idea of the aliens being here and eventually humans being comfortable for them to be UN speakers in a short period of time, the ominous is on the aliens to continue to display in a significant extended manner like this and to be increasing the frequency too - we will all see IF that comes to pass.)

But, were other cities involved on Oct. 13th too? At this link you can find something very similar to the orbs that moved thru the night sky in NYC on the 13th -- except this is in SAN FRANCISCO -

Oh, make sure to read the comments at the above video too - for the range of ideas as to what may be happening if all this UFO activity is indeed the beginning of something.

Indeed, Oct. 13th oddities would include this 9 minute ORB video too:

Need more convincing of the nighttime UFO's/ORB's over NYC on the 13th?

And, did the UFO/Orb's return to NYC skies on the 15th?

And, how about this TV report of a another Triangle of lights in the air over Richmond Virginia on 10-17?

Finally, a recap of the oddities IMO:

Simultaneousness with Chilean Mine rescue.
Simultaneousness with Fulham prediction.
Reports of UFO's in sky hours before MSM's choice of answer for the mystery - balloon's escaping from teacher engagement party.
Street reports of `ufo formations' - `fighter jets' - not mentioned by MSM.
Police declaration of event being `unfounded' at 4:30 PM.
Buried reports of airport shutdown - and radar rooms being cleared. (second comment for the radar stuff -
(For balloon believers) Balloons that don't move for hours, then display independent movement.
Total 100% lack of `morning after MSM coverage' (ie: Today Show, etc).
Lack of ANY TV helicopters trying for a better shot of the event while on-going.

Finally, UDCC coverage of the NYC UFO Event is about over - time to continue with newer stuff and other stuff UDCC has been doing. UFO videos from Wyoming tomorrow!

Oh, thanks for all the comments and leads from my readers - you helped this entire story. Please feel free to comment further too.

Ok, one final link from 10-13 and NYC.

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Tons of great reads -
Tons of great reads -

My personal thanks to Rick Stokes at The Anomalist for his support in getting our coverage of the NYC event to the world. Many websites monitor TA and indeed our UDCC links were in lots of places.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Comparing Eyewitness Reports Of The NYC UFO Event - Was Some Info Censored Off MSM?

One of the purposes of the New UDCC - is to bring raw eyewitness reports (and the UFO Clock will be returning to such MUFON reports and YouTube UFO reports by state - soon) - And, while the UDCC comment section provided one of the first eyewitness reports on the internet - I've been digging around and found a good resource I wanted to bring to UDCC readers (BTW, thanks for all the new `followers' up from 55 just two weeks ago or so.). And, at this amazing link (which has so much stuff on it about the 10-13 event(s) that it loads VERY SLOW - so slow I wouldn't do it with dial up) were these comments and much more.

Does this match the impression left by the MSM of the event?

Here's the comments:

I just joined this site looking for a forum to tell about what I saw today, I live near 23rd and 8th and just went out to catch the ABC and NY1 reporters who did there report that you can see online or TV. Again, I feel compelled to write about what my girlfriend and i witnessed today. Make no joke about it, they were not balloons and the reports speak nothing about the formations that were formed and then broken between the smaller objects or about the “mothership” looking objects. ( UDCC emphasis) I spoke to the ABC reporter after he finished his report and he was sarcastic and joking about it, and the report of course comes off that way. Nothing about the military fighters that I and several other people saw. The military did scramble jets at high altitudes without a doubt. (UDCC emphasis) The guys I spoke with were older blue collar guys that saw the jest with me as did my girlfriend. Their contrails and speeds were definitive. Also, the patterns and the quantity of the smaller objects and their separation and then their union were beyond belief. (UDCC emphasis) They were not normal. They covered several hundred miles in seconds to unite and then breakaway from each other. I only witnessed one, near the ending of the entire event, smaller object proceed from a standing holding pattern across what must have been miles of sky to unite with a larger object. They were not balloons. They stop and moved. Scattered and formed. (UDCC emphasis) The military fighter (s), was as I said extremely high, well above the commercial air traffic. Their was something up, and it was not normal.

Well I am am the guy who called into the Jack Blood show. I saw these UFOs, whatever the hell they were with my bare eyes. I live on 34th btw 9th and 10th in NYC. We got a call from a friend who was shopping in Midtown. I went out side and didnt see #. Went up to our fire escape and sure enough these were these silverish glowing orbs that changed position, stood still at times, and vanished and appeared spontaneously. (UDCC emphasis) I don’t give a # if anyone believes me, I really didnt feel like typing this crap up. I have better things to do… but it made me laugh after I did a google search on it to see what was being said. Anybody who says it was ballons is talking out of their ass. These things had to be at 50,000 ft. I worked on A-6 Intruders in the Marine Corps, VMA 224, 2nd MAW out of Cherry Point, NC. I can gage these things pretty well. I believe they were some kind of military eye in the sky type of craft. (UDCC emphasis) I dont believe in aliens. Even if a craft landed in front of me and a little green man walked out I would still suspect the government. But that didnt happen.

I went out to 23rd and 8th during the daytime like everyone else to see whats going on. There were several objects up in the air, about 20-30 and they came and went pretty quickly. They did look like balloons thought but the shape seemed to change a bit. They were yellow and were in the air for hours. They basically hovered. At one point there was a group of about 15-20 and one came closer to that group as if it was going to join them but it went around them instead. They did not make sharp turns, they moved with intent unlike a floating balloon in the air. When they were hovering they did not move at all much. They moved in many directions and at one point there was a cluster of them. Some seemed to be near each other but moved in different directions, if they were balloons I don’t think they would have been doing that. My friend who was with me was convinced they were balloons but they were there far too long and moved in such an interesting way that I doubt they were balloons. (UDCC emphasis) I was watching this whole thing for about 45 minutes.

yes there was about 50 people or so gathered on 23rd street and 8th ave, my girlfriend and i and many of us witnessed white objects in the sky very high around 1pm, looked like 2 motherships white ballooned shaped, being at times merged with up to 30 to 50 very small round white objects. They were not weather balloons and they were way above commercial air traffic. We saw a military jet pass at high speeds well below the objects altitude. I personally saw one object still in position for 10 minutes then move across the sky and merge with one of the larger objects. My girlfriend, before I arrived witnessed a formation of around 10 smaller objects merge with a larger one. A man she spoke to had been there 2 hours prior and witnessed what he said was over 20 objects merging. No accounts on news. Anyone?

(So, he's there at 1P.M. - his girlfriend was there earlier than him and she spoke with a man who witnessed this merging up to 2 hours earlier - once again pushing the timeframe to 11AM or before. Remember, we KNOW that one set of 12 balloon escaped at about 1PM. These accounts again speak of multiple events. Also, the stated `highness' of these accounts is also not a feature of the MSM TV reports. Or, the jets.)

we have video from bad cell phone, we just watched and you cant see the objects. the frog video is about the same. We are very freaked now, as we new nothing about the oct 13th predictions, i googles “ufos manhattan 0ct 13th” and got the link to the predictions of fulham for today! It’s unreal. Whatever was in the sky was not of this earth and they were not military. I am not going to guess their altitude but they were at least thousands of feet above the highest aircraft. we are kicking ourselves for not running home and getting video camera but then again the altitude may have denied any good pic. So frustrating. But I ama skeptic and an agnostic and so is my girlfriend and we know that what we saw was very very unusual. (UDCC emphasis)

I stood and watched them for about 40 minutes moving into formations backwards and forwards in the sky. The strangest thing that happened in that time, that I haven’t seen anyone yet report was the appearance of a triangle shaped fighter jet, which raced across the sky and seemed to circle near them 4 or 5 times before seemingly disappearing into thin air! It was without doubt the strangest thing ive ever seen in my life. Anybody else see it? A few people stood with me on the corner of 23rd and 8th Ave saw it as well. 2 questions… 1. Why would the Air Force scramble a fighter jet to check out balloons and 2. How and why did the said jet vanish into thin air in a clear blue sky?

(Does UDCC notice a pattern? How about You?)

I was in mid-town early this evening and there was a lone helicopter hovering in one spot extremely high in the sky. It caught my attention because it was in a stationery position and frankly, I’ve never noticed that before so I stared at it for aboout 3 minutes and it didn’t move. I chalked it up to the news covering traffic on the westside. I was on 5th Ave and 39th Street near Lord & Taylor. May or may not have meaning but 39th and 5th is not that far from 23rd and 8th Ave. Not liking the possibilities. As if we don’t have enough going on.

I was there. It was very unsettling to watch. There’s no rational explanation to that spectacle in the sky. They stood together, in the same relative position to each other – you could call it a formation – and in the same spot in the sky, with very minimal movement for a long time. Small bright perfectly formed dots, against a perfectly blue sky. Surreal. Much too far, too bright and too stationary to be balloons, though I’m open to that explanation if someone can prove it to me. What I saw was unnerving – still is. There were two crowds of people, one watching a formation visible to the East and another crowd the formation to the West. (UDCC emphasis) I did not see the one to the West, because the Eastern one was enough. It took a while for the eye to focus on the dots. They were so far away. The one to the East had 5 objects in it. All stayed put with very little movement for about 20 minutes or so except that at one point, three of them formed a perfect triangle, the fourth one moved a bit to the upper tip of the triangle and the fifth one moved farther away to the right. Then they kept that position for a while. It got to be disconcerting. (UDCC emphasis) I have no rational explanation and was hoping the news would post something logical about military exercises, etc. No luck!

from this link -
I've also unearthed more videos of 10-13 of interest from the above link and others that I will bring you tomorrow (saving you minutes of waiting for the above link to load) - be ready for your head to continue to spin.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sorting `Evidence' Of The El Paso and NYC UFO Event(s)

Today, in a few hours, it will have been one week since the NYC UFO(s) Event and 5 days since the `follow-up' El Paso UFO Event of 10-15. Now, you note how I use the word `Event'(s) in relation to the NYC phenomena - as, seemingly, based on the available blog reports, videos made on the street by citizens, and TV reports - more than one solitary event constituted the whole affair.

Street reports have the event unfolding as early as 9:30 with the first video on day one initially reported as 11:00 AM - and the initial report and video show many `UFO's' (or balloons) in the skies - all `individual dots' in the video. Then, a comment on this blog as early as 2:22 PM, talked about (probably) the developing scene at 8th and 23rd (remember, the vendor said this was going on from 9:30 in the sky at that location) about 1:26 P.M. with the citizens own footage about an hour later (indeed, he must have commented to UDCC just before returning to the scene).

Now, the afternoon `UFO's are described as being fewer than hours before and `doing things' - moving about, appearing and disappearing, reacting to Jets, etc. - it is in the afternoon scene that another video indicates police presence. This `afternoon' scene according to one TV report had died down by 4:30 (when the police said it was unfounded) with evidently nothing in the sky.

Then, by 5:30 PM - TV reports once again have a `UFO' in the skies from that same intersection - which continued into the evening. It is THIS stationary UFO - with blinking blue lights - that may be the most mysterious IMO. And then, finally, there was some evidence via webcam (security webcam?) of  more evening orbs `moving about' in the NYC skies.

Don't worry, I won't trot UDCC readers thru all the videos again (just page back the last few days) - but - I do want to cover the `various photo evidence' on the MSM about the event. First the Bubble UFO.

Then, there was the `Triangle' 3 Spot UFO Picture

Additionally, any freeze frame on the YouTube video we posted first here at UDCC could supply you the multi-multi UFO's in the sky picture. (the above `Triangle' may just be a splice. That said, this video was either shot at 11AM or the `doctored' 6 PM timeframe --- and it doesn't matter - because the 8th and 23rd UFO's started as many dots in the sky too and that was up until1:30 P.M.ish at least). So, I will leave it to my UDCC readers to find the `multiple' UFO's in the sky picture.

Next up: the balloon pictures from the Madrid Celebration:
Here's info from the event and another picture link UDCC had earlier:

Here also is a video, more than likely, of the Madrid Balloons up in the air. It uses the videoing of the event to claim that the UFO sightings were a hoax. And, indeed, in the best close-up of the video - one can see what appears to be Yellow balloons in a bunch (btw, NOT the same color as the Bubble UFO either) - and indeed, on the ground, in this video - one can see 6 groups of Yellow Balloons. (Do note how these balloons were floating away - as all balloons do.) So, while some of these balloons may have been release alone from the bunch they were in - it does seem that up to three were released as bunches? (IF that is what produces the `Triangle' Lights in the sky early in the video - this all seems highly edited - as videos trying to prove a hoax seem often to be - IF they are not a hoax themselves.)

And, here, you can see the whitish balloons from the kids to their teacher of which a bunch of 12 got loose around 1P.M.-

Now, as reported in previous links - NYC police are to be notified of balloon releases and initially said none were to be done on that day. Then, we discover the Madrid release and I would bet others too that didn't get on some registry. And, of course, we had the report of the accidental release of 12 balloons together and I would bet - that others were `accidentally' released that didn't rise up to the level of a MSM report too.

My point? EVERY SINGLE DAY BALLOONS ARE RELEASED and float away - just as these did. NEVER has a balloon release - with simple balloons like these - stayed in the sky for hours, did maneuvers - vanished and returned and captivated the public - despite 1,000's and 1,000's of previous balloon releases. Additionally, I've been cruising the available balloon YouTube videos - even had a couple on my blog Barf Stew in recent days - and I can tell you that no videos seem to exist of folks releasing their balloons, - filming them into the sky - and see the videos stay in the sky onward and onward. I challenge anyone to provide me a video of a release from the ground, into the sky - on one video that goes on for hours.

Indeed, this link, from a skeptic forum,  provides (supposed) proof, inadvertently, of `correct winds' - proving - the Madrid balloons are all the fuss - -- so, what is it -- IF there were winds - they would indeed be carried away -- and the testimony (taken from UDCC) hardly would explain the REFORMING of the lights at the same spot in the sky on a timed basis.

Anyway, it's hardly `news' to say that winds existed. Or, that winds blow balloons. Or, that balloons released after the time of first phenomena (either 9:30 if vendor TV story is true, 11AM if first video is true, or, 1:26 PM if UDCC report is true - and of course all could be true) could be the cause - virtually ruling out the teacher balloons. OR be the cause of events AT LEAST 5-6 HOURS LATER (the early evening TV reports of the SkyLight with blue tail).

(I have still not been able to determine the time of the Madrid Balloon release.)

I know, that is a lot of time to spend to discount the `idea' I ascribed the 10% possibility to. That said, let me make their best case right here. The `100's' of balloons seen, the 20-30 balloons seen, the 3 balloons seen - could have been the Madrid balloons - BUT - could NOT have been them over an sustained time period. And, more than likely (at a huge %) could NOT have been more than ONE of the three types of sightings seen (that of over 30 dots in the sky, about 20 dots in the sky, 3 dots in the sky (and changing numbers too)). Therefore, we have multiple sustained balloon sightings all day long - in one location that is unexplained. And, at that same location, many hours later - now into the night - the SAME location in the sky has an anomaly.

Really, balloon advocates, need I say more?

Hey, the MSM was simply doing their job and reporting things that float in the sky - as they did on that day. The fact that the MSM presented it all in a brainless way is hardly to anyones surprise. IMO.

And, I assume you have seen the near-amazing YouTube video shot by a TV reporteer - of what UDCC will be calling - The El Paso UFO 2010 Event. Now, you will note my emphasised words - shot by a TV reporter. This is not some computer generated images given to a TV station. And, while the TV report certainly shows some edited version of raw tape (I can assume that the lights were in the sky for a longer period than shown for example.) - I think it shows the highlights of the reporters experience.

Also, the report clearly indicates that the lights hovered - rearranged - had a fourth light appear - moved then faded. Here's that report again:

Here is a written account - offering up several possibilities for the sightings - "They are magnesium flares on parachutes. They are used to light up battle fields. A single mortar is launched, then the three flares ignite, and drift down on parachutes. Then they burn out and go dark. Odds are there was some national guard training going one." and in the same article - an OR possibility - "Yes, it's skydivers, specifically the US Army's Golden Knights skydiving team from US Marine airbase Miramar practicing for this weekend's Alamo Airsho," said another commenter.

Others feel they had some connection to planes with the Amigo Airshow.

Let me take the EASIEST FIRST - PLANES? Give me a break! That looked like PLANES TO SOMEONE (other than a crashing plane - yet to be reported).? Ok, on to the next idea.

FLARES ON PARACHUTES had that kind of stability? Had that level of timing? Had that level of control afterward? Have the ability to leave no trace of smoke when finished with manuaver? -------------- I'd need to see the evidence. Seems to not fit the sniff test.

Okay, so we are left with the Golden Knights. And, here, I begin a slightly inside UDCC angle for a bit - you see a long time commenter, who I respect, buffeted the idea of the El Paso UFO with a post on UDCC that I thought was, possibly, trying to mis-direct people - especially based on quick `research on my end'.

Here is what he said:

The New York event is suspicious at best - we know there were bunches of balloons let go at the time, and due to the 13th prediction, a lot of people *wanted* to see something, so they did (including the lunatic fringe on the internet). The El Paso "ufo" is almost 100% identifiable as the Golden Knights parachute team (they do night drops - look on youtube for a night video of theirs that is virtually identical to the "ufo" video - and they just happened to be in El Paso for an air show on that very date... hmmmm...). So I'd put the probability that this is anything at about 10%, just solely based on the NY event.

One thing that I like about Jeff when he comments is that he, like myself, doesn't overextend my opinion as being infallible or open to other opinions. So, it was a bit unlike his comments to be so sure of the El Paso event. To which, as I said, I did this research and made my follow up comment - and as you can see, at the first link I dig into it showed the G.K.'s to be in Atlanta (my hometown, of which I had seen some of the amazing warm ups for the show, right over I-75 near Dobbins AFB) on Oct. 16th-17th Air Show.

I was wrong in the sense that ultimately there are different parachute teams ultimately operating under one name - all skilled skydivers of course. Often with multiple teams performing in different cities at the same weekend. So, my comment back to Jeff was too `surface research'.

Anyway, my incorrect rebuttal to Jeff - resulted in his additional comment that I've yet to publish until this moment here:

Hi R.P., On the contrary - I'm trying to get people to think a bit rather than instantly reacting to the hype. Directly from the Golden Knights website, from their Excel-based 2010 schedule: Oct 16-17 Amigo Airshow El Paso, TX Houston Texans Football, Houston, TX(17) and a nighttime jump video: If you can't come to the same conclusion based on that evidence, then I'd have to question your reasoning. Listen, I would like more than anything for true disclosure to happen and for a real, public alien visitation to take place - but I always think that these youtube-based, flimsily constructed pieces of "evidence" do the general UFO community more of a disservice than anything. Just mho. Jeff

Now, more than anything I wanted to follow thru with what Jeff was providing with both the YouTube link (which I had already bookmarked and bring to you below) and his G.K. schedule link. Jeff was dead on about a show being in El Paso that weekend. ----- As for the video, (and I may use it below) - I had already scourered YouTube for G.K. videos - and had either seen the same or close to it. But, one thing that I did notice was that 85% plus of G.K. videos were of day skydives and the FEW that weren't were of `twilight' dives (sun twlight still in the sky).

So, with that in mind - here's the best video of my initial research to `support' the G.K.'s theory of the El Paso 2010 UFO - It was the video Jeff is leaning on too:

Now, it does look somewhat like the `UFO' video - UNTIL - the 21 second mark on the tape - as the parachute is clearly visible when deployed - CLEARLY VISIBLE. There even exists a YouTube I found that shot the scene from `above' the divers after deploying that also looked a bit like the lights manuevering in the UFO video - but, once again, the parachutes could be seen.

So, while I've certainly had my reasoning questioned before (lol) - I'd ask Jeff to once again look at the tapes and see how really dis-similar they are.

Here's a few more links to the El Paso Airshow - and this one has a video of them in the early evening jump
And, finally, here's another link to the first video - this time presented by a different TV newscrew than the first.

Lastly, concerning the El Paso 2010 UFO - it seems that the website ATS (Above Top Secret) obtained a cryptic response from the G.K's (perhaps) about the event -

Think this is a local US only event? Here is how the UK is handling it and indeed, even better pictures can be found at this link than above ( a treat for those of you that have read the whole thing) (Great Cluster Shot Of Dots too).

See you tomorrow with some final 10-13 connections.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Did The NYC UFO Event Begin At 9:30 A.M.?

The video below may be the one TV coverage not linked to by UDCC previously that really blows the lid off of the overall coverage. For one - it extends the timeline well into the morning of the 13th - as early as 9:30 according to a vendor. AND, it verifies the anecdotal reports that initially there were `hundreds' of `stars' blinking on and off. AND, it confirms the `clustering together' at times (with the dots of light `doing things').

It also is probably the best TV view of the EVENING UFO with blue lights (supposedly in the same spot in the sky) - which is on the video from the 36 second mark or so for about 30-40 seconds.

Finally, the video provides `funny' info too - such as the `police patrol' that finally investigated at 4:30 only to find nothing and who say `it is unfounded' - (the silliness of police showing up 7 hours later, or at least 3 hours later and saying that - is over the top IMO) - so those who have faith in the police can rest calmly I suppose. The video also includes two interesting points of view from the street - on the MUCH BIGGER IDEA than a UFO in the sky (you know the giggly attitude carried by our MSM) - in one a woman says "as long as it wasn't here to hurt us....that is the bottom line" -- followed by a man who says "if it is real, that would be the best .... we would not be alone".

Hilariously, on this YouTube video, if you look at the verbiage about the video - seems the MYFOX staff was willing to use a reader E-mail to explain the Evening UFO:

A Fox 5 viewer e-mailed the station to say the UFOs were probably balloons floating away from the celebration on Broadway in Times Square of the 100th anniversary of Madrid's Gran Via Avenue.

"Balloons will float to a point and then seem to bob up and down in the upper atmosphere as the pressures change and wind currents blow," Stephen Parris wrote. "The tails were the black strings on them and the blue lights were the reflection of the sun on them."

Never mind that the balloons - seen in this picture - are tiny, (and supposedly released separately) - and would have been released many many hours before -
--- black strings on them? reflecting blue lights from the sun? ---

Give me a F-ing break.
More tomorrow on The El Paso UFO Event too.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Conjectures Concerning A Repeat Of The NYC UFO Event

Yesterday I provided my gut speculations about the 10-13 UFO Event in NYC - even, absurdly, - putting percentages on what my ideas of what the event actually WAS. And, IMO, the most likely scenario at 40% likelihood - was that this was a display put on in the sky intentionally by humans in some manner. One would assume to do such an advanced activity would involve the resources of more than just a person or group of people - and therefore a government agency or something beyond such a formal designation - might be likely suspects.

And, really, we are back to square one - as this event is really an extended duplication of the same considerations one has to give to events such as the 2006 O'Hare Airport UFO Incident. Who or what would choose to do events in either restricted airspace or over hugely populated areas (let alone do it on a day that had some expectation that such an event could occur).

And, frankly folks - it doesn't seem like it would be the `good guys' if the most likely scenario of `humans' being behind this is the right one. That said, IF it were `humans' - and was NOT the `good guys' - what better ploy than to see if a little pandamonium could be established on the streets? Indeed, the `good guys' could be accessing how much coverage will be allowed of such events in the future IMO.

Have we seen the `little brother' of Project Blue Beam?

And, what IF it IS the `good guys'? Who for some internal reason decide to `test balloon' so to speak - the very notion that `aliens' might be here? To test street and press reaction. Who may have an agenda in regards to eventual real ET preparation.

Anyway, IMO, IF this is the right scenario, the human scenario - NYC will NOT see a similar event in any near timeframe - and indeed, to me, it is the `timeframe' of when the next NYC UFO event occurs - that may give a further clue into this first event mystery.


And, yesterday UDCC gave a 30% chance that the event was indeed Extraterrestrial. Indeed, after seeing the UFO Event in El Paso, Texas a couple evenings later - makes me almost ready to increase this percentage.

I mean - come on - is this the proof of the pudding? What if EXACTLY SIMILAR EVENTS OCCUR at an increasing rate? What if they OCCUR AT PREDICTABLE TIMES?

Could that mean that exactly one week, or one month, or one lunar cycle would have the same occurance? And, then, if so, the next week, or month, or lunar cycle? Or, the exact same event over another major world city - a week, or month, or lunar cycle from 10-13.

So, IF choice two is the actual scenario - IMO - we will see some sort of `predictable pattern' emerge. One that puts yet another `twist' to the unfolding events that would be gaining in awareness with each occurence. Much like the added twist that this event in NYC was predicted. Therefore, look for SAMENESS and regularity for the ET positioning to be correct.

If it was however somehow caused by a `collective expectation' - IMO, we would see NO repeat of the event in any near time frame; that is at least until the next `predicted' day. IF events like this seem to be most riveting on predicted days - we may indeed be dealing with some sort of `global consciousness' type of phenomenology. As such, the next event on a predicted day of `alien disclosure' - could be expected to evolve and be different than this event. IMO.
Finally, IF random balloons caused such a stir - we can expect the next set of UFO balloons soon to be released by hoaxers wanting attention. We could expect the next event soon IMO and it would look even more like balloons. The government could even do it to increase the silliness factor of the first event. Therefore, since copycat attention seekers are everywhere and since the MSM gave such huge attention to the balloon release stories as an explanation - we certainly are going to see at least someone do - scenario 4 - the balloon theory.

And, the disinformation will have begun again.

So, look for these patterns mentioned above - as - the next event is probably in the making - somewhere or somewhen.








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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition