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Showing posts with label alien disclosure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alien disclosure. Show all posts

Friday, February 6, 2015

UFO Dog And Pony Show Presents - 5-5-15 The Roswell Aliens `Smoking Gun' Slides

As folks who read this blog know, I largely consider the `UFO Disclosure' cabal to be a `dog and pony show'... with absolutely no one taking them seriously at all... whether or not they should be is of course the real question. But, they brought it all upon themselves IMO.... and last had any credence well before the build up of the loonies praying for 12-21-12 to be the big day.

So, what in the hell am I talking about for 5-5-15? Well as you will see in what I've gathered below... evidently one of the biggest and least reliable `alternative' UFO guys.. from Mexico... will bring to the world historic news on ... you guessed it... Cinco De Mayo... a party day that NO ONE will be paying the least bit of attention to the media of UFO's.... (here come the smoking gun) `two slides' that have been found that seemingly contain unusual photos of unusual humanlike beings on slabs..... dead. With the silliest of background stories about their finding.

Okay that's enough of a tease... it's time to let you make up your mind about what's about to be ignored by the MSM:
Published Yesterday - 2000+ views, 35-1 Pos/Neg - Second Comment By Bruce Duensing
A pop gun that shoots confetti. The hard sell to recoup the cash investment. One expects Mickey Rooney to gush  "Come on kids..lets put on a show!" (Bruce Duensing)

You'll note that you see... virtually nothing in the tease above... but more is out there already on the internet.
BUT - what it seems that the storyteller above is really talking about is this background story of the same `two slides'. I'm gonna give you some of the comments at the YT video too:
Published on Feb 4, 2015
In 1998 a box of slides was discovered near Sedona, AZ. Two of the slides show a very unusual body in a glass case. This is what we know so far.

REZ GODFATHERZ23 hours ago

I can see you people are milking this thing for everything you can possibly get. While claiming you were vetting authenticity of the slides you were actually focused on the most important human aspect of this whole situation - The Bottom Line: swinging a Mexican conference with all the major UFO players, international live streaming pay per view, a documentary, a book, advanced booking at all major UFO symposiums, merchandising, mass multimedia platform, social networking, and don't forget merchandising. Kodachrome t-shirts and alien sticker included with $350 one day conference entrance pre-order? Ka-ching. Well, at least you have your priorities in order

newstart4921 hours ago

 Frankly I'm losing interest.
 Show them or throw them!
 Got better things to do.

LadyDanielle Zana1 day ago

Obviously from what i seen in the last preview video, the character has pointed ears rather than being flat, also to note the surviving extraterrestrial was starved to death when interrogated.

Ryan Roberts20 hours ago


Nil Bymouth4 hours ago

Get ready to be underwhelmed

Slidebox Media YouTube Account Less Than A Week Old
16K Views within two days -- 12/1 pos/neg 

So... Slidebox Media is behind the original Kodachrome video... and what's the story behind THEM? ... well.. I took to Reddit to find that.
Here's a comment from the thread... again.. and typical of the support:
[–]babtras 2 points  
This is 100% authentic bullshit. If they showed us the slides then we'd lose interest. Also, if you were an acquaintance of Obama, would you have your picture taken with him or settle for a picture of him from the crowd at a public event? Why do you spend so much time trying to convince us that the photographer was associated in any way to important people in government and military? Because you're targeting the idiot demographic, of course.

[–]Solarslave 7 points 1 day ago 
Much a do about nothing. My guess is that when these folks were touring the country they stopped at a sideshow/freakshow and took some pictures of a dried up monkey being passed off as some freak of nature. Its in a glass display case with a placard. I guess the government decided to build a nice little display and charge admission for a picture. Come on man. There is absolutely no connection to Roswell. Dud of a story.
permalinksavereportgive goldreply
[–]Ivan_Johnson 3 points 23 hours ago* 
The CGI model does look like a shaved monkey and the entire story smells like a scam involving the usual cast of characters. Photos of genuine ET wouldn't escape the attention of the global intelligence infrastructure, also I doubt intel would insert genuine photos into a fake context because it would contaminate the future data stream. The only plausible conclusion is this is 100 percent fake.

One Reddit Provided Link To The Aliens Photo Is This - you will not be impressed I bet. Love the term... idiot demographic.
So, it turns out that Slidebox Media was formed in 2013 in Nevada Company Registration and the information would suggest that it is a subsidiary of :
Manager - DEW MEDIA, INC.
State: IL
Zip Code: 60618
Country: USA
Status: Active
(So, I searched who this is)

Dew Media, Inc
3804 N Hamlin Ave., Chicago, IL 60618
Video production located in Chicago but mobile. Specialized in quick-turn corporate videos and video services for high school athletes

(Ultimately, Dew Media refers folks to - they know what college coaches are looking for btw

1111 W. 15TH STREET, UNIT 229
State: IL
Zip Code: 60608
Country: USA
Status: Active

(This it turns out is a 900 foot square condo that is not for sale )

More?... You Glutton.

Lon Strickler carried this photo as being part of the story
is that a penis?
why would the hand be so indistinct?

Now Lon had this posted THREE days ago.... the photo seems to be becoming less distinct as the days go on.... and Lon's Story Link is quoting this whole story coming from Anthony Bragalia -- ( a name with some real credibility btw)... and Kevin Randalls UFO website...  As of Feb 5th the story - the story on Feb 4th and the original story on February 1st.
Are you tired yet?
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Beams From The Sky (2005 UFO In Latest MUFON Reports)

One of the more curious UFO phenomena is where a person simply sees `beams of light' or simply some unusual light display. This 2005 report just submitted to MUFON of the incident in Indiana smacks of unusual-ness.

I was watching television and I heard something outside on the porch deck. I thought maybe there was somebody outside. So I walked slowly over to the back door leading to the deck and checked to see if it was locked. It wasnt so I locked it. I then sat on the couch to look out the row of windows to see if someone was on the deck outside and then I looked to see if somebody was in the yard behind our house. All of a sudden a beam of circular light appears 6 feet away from me onto the deck. It was about 1 foot in diameter. The beam was not like a flashlight or a dull porch light. It was bright white almost too bright I couldnt even see the color of the deck anymore. I watched one of our cats run around one of the lights as if it was scared. Then another light appeared exactly the same as the first, the second beam of white light appeared about 3-4 feet from the first beam of light. They both were stationary, I just stared and I had no clue what these lights were, because I knew they were different than any lights I had ever seen. So I started looking up and the lights were coming from darkness in the sky right above the house. I knew what I was seeing was not possible or was very rare to ever happen, and then the thought of aliens and UFO popped in my head. I tried my best to study the beam of light and how it could be so perfect and straight. It was as if the light came from its source and then there was no trace of it leading to the circle itself but there it was a circular beam of white light. I watched the first light disappear, and after that I ran away from the windows.

Now that I think about it I have a theory of what this possibly was. What if there was aliens visiting earth and the beams were there to pick them up to beam or materialize the aliens back to the ship. The cat was scared so maybe the cat sensed or saw the aliens they could have been invisible and beamed up to the UFO. Just like in star trek how the people would stand on the white circle to be beamed down to the surface of a planet.
Indeed, today - MORE than one account featured this moving or strange light phenomena - here's an account from Maryland that happened in 2010 and is also in the LMR's:
My friend and I were wound up after a long day and needed to get out. When we get together we are normally late night people , so even though we did a lot that day, we werent very tired. We went for a late night car ride and wound up at Dans Rock, a fairly close mountaintop view place that some of the kids in town told us about. They said the view would be fabulous, even at night.

After a fairly long hike to the top we took in the view, which was impressive. From where we were standing, which is the very top of the mountain, I could make out tree tops beyond the rocks, at the bottom. The trees themselves are around 40, so it was easy to judge our elevation at around 1000. You can see over a very large valley which leads to some homes and business across the other side. I would have loved to see it in daylight. Although somewhat windy, it was very peaceful up there.

At about 4:15 am, just as I was commenting that we should stay long enough to make the hike back down worth it, I noticed what appeared to be a very bright star. My friend said "its an airplane, see its moving." and I agreed. Until it stopped movement, hovered in one spot for about 6 seconds, then turn about 40 degrees and sped off in a zig zag manner. We both thought it was a little weird, and chalked it off to some military plane, or something like that.

Only minutes later, we decided to have a cigarette before beginning the climb down, and just after lighting it, I saw a beam of red light all the way at the bottom of the chasm. The red light appeared just like a 1/2 inch diagonal laser pointer dot that moved from left to right horizontally, approximately 5 inches over 1 1/2 seconds, then disappeared. I saw it first, all the way at the bottom. Around 10 seconds later, it appeared again, identical in shape and size, about 150 feet higher than the first time. I had no idea what it was.

I called my friends attention to it. He looked over the side of the railing with me and sure enough, the light appeared four more times, rising in elevation 150 or so feet each time, lighting around every 10 seconds in the exact size time and shape as before. It definitely changed path a couple of time on the way up, but was essentially a vertical ascent. The light finally appeared at eye level, approximately 20 feet in front of us hanging directly over the chasm.

There was absolutely no noise, no outline of any kind, only the light. We both got spooked, and just as I said "maybe we should get out of here," the light reappeared from eye level 20 feet away to eye level about 10 feet away. We made our way out of there with due haste, and never saw it again.

I have been bugged by this over the last several years, and my friend and I always discuss our theories, but in all my research over that time I have never found a similar incident reported. Some say it was some joker with a laser pen on a balloon. That would be easier to accept if it wasnt so windy and four oclock in the morning. Really, would someone be out there at that hour, at the bottom of Dans Rock just waiting for someone to show up so they can play a trick? I just dont know. But I would love to. Please advise if you have ever heard of a similar incident.
Curious, don't you think? Two light events with really..... no craft seen at all. The type of UFOlogy the MSM would rather simply avoid.
My E-Books feature my reactions and analysis of reports just like the above - in-depth thinking about UFO's and all priced at just 1.29 To 3.49.
Some other books to consider!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

`Alien Disclosure In The USA' - (The Search Term)

As I did recently, I've decided once again to simply take the terms of a Google search that point folks towards UDCC - and provide an `answer' as to my opinion on the subject; today's term `alien disclosure in the USA'.................. and here's the basic `answer' from a UFO blogger.

Of course the simplest answer is that the USA `answered' the outlines of the question in late 2011 with a statement issued by Phil Larson - you can find that statement and the media reaction to it in the sidebar of UDCC. In simple terms - the USA answer was - total denial of any human interaction with aliens. Those looking for the USA government to give any credence to `aliens' is simply not listening to the governments `answers'.
So, the obvious question then becomes - are `they' right or full of manure. After all, we've had a `Disclosure Movement' lead by a variety of folks of various `former military' involvement with UFO's and aliens - and by offshoots of the same who profess the `calling of aliens'. (IE-Greer). NONE of those folks have gotten ANY traction with the MSM (likely controlled by the powers that be on important issues such as this)... of course.

But, is the Disclosure Movements stories about aliens, just that, stories? Stories designed to highlight OTHER ISSUES that the `Disclosure Movement' truly wants to bring out (the whole free energy crappola and a too big out of control military presence into everything). It certainly could be..... but, does the DM have any basis of fact to hang their `alien hats upon'?

That answer, anyone's answer,  is of course nothing more than `opinion' - as obviously, NO alien has ever been trotted out live on the MSM. Ever........... and EVER is an important point............... But, there does exist........ a grainy video or two.......... of what certainly appears to be an alien, non human, lifeform --- on the internet - the Main Stream Media (MSM) of the PEOPLE and not the government. But, are those videos dis-info? (The obvious advantage of letting your enemies think you have alien information.)

There also exists a handful of seemingly credible accounts of what I call `real' alien abduction - mostly from decades ago (Travis Walton and the other handful of stories from mostly the mid 1970's.) And, of course, the near countless renditions of what I call subjective `alien abduction' - interlaced with a strange form of lucid dreaming/doppelganger engagement. And, of those - to me - only the VERY few handful of cases should be considered as involving real phenomenological `aliens'.

So, my take is that `real aliens' ARE here around Earth at some level that is very minimal but real. Minimal is of course a subjective word and my minimal might be THE ALIENS ARE HERE to you. Unlike, the DM, or the many varieties of the 2012 crowd -- I do NOT think the aliens are here to save or help or conquer us. NOR do I think that they even COULD save, help or conquer us. I think 99% of folks ascribe more `power' to a method of getting here (therefore they could conquer Earth and Earthlings) - than is what could be mustered as a destructive force.

And, to me, the obvious issues are more complex - such as - IF they are indeed here at any level HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN HERE? That is the big issue to me. Are we talking EONS? Or, are we indeed talking only decades based on `their' discovery that we have attained some level of intelligence with our radio waves? THAT is a much much harder issue to ferret out - but the evidence is certainly skewed to the decades answer IMO.  (There are other answers to ancient civilizations on Earth too IMO - and the out of place objects that turn up on occasion.)
Want more of my thoughtful UFO analysis? My E-Books are chock full of such material - read a sample today.
Don't miss my UFO show on Blog Talk Radio in a half hour (NOON eastern time)
(if you don't catch it live, why not listen in via the archive?)
Oh, Clockers, I have a stellar VIDEO from the latest MUFON reports over at Amazing UFO Stories and Strange UFO Videos (my other UFO blog) - and it is a winner. From Grass Valley California (now that sounds like a heady place) and the video was shot 6-21.
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Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17th - CE-5 Contact "Amazing" - (Latest MUFON Reports)

As regular readers know around here - I have strongly mixed feelings about Dr. Steven Greer's involvement with the whole UFOlogy saga - especially the `Disclosure' movement of comrades. That said, and like Carlos Castaneda before him, his CE-5 protocol --- to him the calling of extraterrestrial beings, most likely has some substance behind his concepts for what is occurring. THAT SAID, IMO - he is most likely over-reaching what his CE-5 `accomplishes' (like the first alien picture he claimed to take who was wearing boots).

Nonetheless, like Dean Clark, P.Garcia and any number of other `Orb Callers' that have been featured on UDCC - the concept of `calling the anomalous' - is bearing fruit over and over for folks of a certain ilk. ............... Believers in their own methodology that initiates a real phenomenological event for observation. Think of it as reverse QM (Quantum Mechanics) -- in that by seeking to observe - it `changes' into visible format.

Anyway, this brief report from the latest MUFON reports, demonstrates the euphoric effect of such a discovery that one is really a magician on a scale that is hard to conceive possible.  

I was looking up the sky at night and starting a CE5.
It worked. After a few minutes I saw three different Ufos in a five-minute-tact.
I do this every night.
It's an amazing feeling to have contact with extraterrestial beings. 
You may also like these related posts:
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Does `Alien Tree' (With Picture) Attract `Neighborhood UFO'? (Latest MUFON Reports)

In this report, from the Latest Reports Of MUFON, comes an odd tale of a `tree with an alien' and a family within that house that has twice experienced what UDCC calls the `Neighborhood UFO'. In this instance, AFTER seeing something anomalous in the sky - the family sees a RED BEAM come through the skylight of the home. And, yes, once again, we see the `casual denial' of the incident at the immediate time - only to find that dismissal itself to be also weird.

Here's the report itself.... Tulsa Oklahoma - June 5th, 2013 UFO Incident With Red Beam - here's the `Alien Tree Picture' submitted with the reporting:
Alien or ghost, right?
Other interesting reports from the latest MUFON reports:
And, the latest `alien' picture
The Report With Alien Picture - Texas 2008 - A Medium Captured This Pic - Alien Or Ghost, Right?

Monday, June 10, 2013

An `Orb Clue'? MUFON Report With Security Cam Shows Orb Near Cellphone Tower! (VIDEO)

Here's some idle speculation - is it possible that the increase in `Orbs' in our atmosphere (or the reported increase at least) is partly the result of the energy surrounding cellphone towers? Could some types of this temporary life-form be `living' off the power grid in some manner? Are we energizing atmospheric life in some manner?
What this video purports to show - and quite convincingly at that - is a glowing Orb near a cellphone tower - that near the end of the near 2:00 minute tape `blinks' a time or two -- then fades with a series of slight flashes barely visible. Is that `fading' itself a clue? Comments?
Short Verbal Report Submitted With Video Of Security Cam Orb
Seriously, wow.    ...........    

The above report also submitted another Orb Video Too. (Will begin to download with click.)
How can the MSM ignore stuff like this?

one of my Kindle Books

Sunday, June 9, 2013

"I Think They Are Monitoring Me.... They are threatening to kill me" (Latest MUFON Reports)

As real Clockers know from previous readings here at UDCC - the above statement is hardly unique. Many folks claim to have a connection to lifelong `alien' or anomalous events. And, others claim to `know' when `a UFO' is going to occur - and simply go outside and film one (an Orb). And, yet other folks indeed think some sort of monitoring of their brain or body is occurring. This `report' however - seems to blaze a new trail......

It is with that spirit that I bring to you the best in the latest MUFON Reports:
From Kenosha Wisconsin:

This has been going on for what seems 20 plus years. Ive only recently started talking about it due to the fear of being ridiculed. Ive been too honest recently and realize I have to talk to people that are willing to listen.

The objects I usually see are pulsating yellow-orange. They hover, appear to float, and implode upon themselves ( as if they are going into a stealth or different frequency ). Ive been accustomed to seeing these things for years so I cant say Im nearly as fearful as I used to be. Often times Ill look away from these objects to try and put them out of mind.

Ive been being studied/abducted since I was around 8 years old. I believe these creatures to be what ufology call "the greys". Theyve physically affected me as well as psychologically. The harassment has turned a corner over the last year and has become extremely severe and threatening. Theyve tried to get me to do certain things in the past and are extremely upset at the direction my life has taken. They are threatening to kill me for what they say " breaking a condition ".

To make matters more complicated, Ive been in the presence of reptilian like creatures as well. All the literature Ive read points to them being aggressive and selfish. However, from their actions towards me I cant help but feel confused. They seem to be helping me against "the greys". I cant be sure this isnt a complete ruse.

Ive kept details vague to protect myself and loved ones. Please contact me for a full story. I have some artwork that Id only be willing to show in person. Ive noted on the form that Im the only witness to these events, however my wife is willing to confirm as much as she can.
You know, I'd need to turn to my more `spiritual' anomalous friends on this one - BUT - doesn't it sound like a entity is `imitating' an alien? Why would the so-called Grey's suddenly begin to threaten to kill?
OHIO UFO Videos Day Is Coming! - I'm already working on it.

thanks for having an inquisitive mind

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Cellphone Pics Of UFO Over Canonsburg Pennsylvania (Latest MUFON Reports)

Good Morning Clockers. My checks of the latest MUFON Reports continued to be fruitful visually as you will see from this report out of Canonsburg PA for 8 pictures taken of one of those `house hovering UFO's' that UDCC covers. What's of interest if you read the report were two things - at least to me - one being the statement by the photographer of the object NOT being like what he saw "orange/red Orb hovering over a house" (while he was driving by - he stops in the middle of the road to get these pics - sounds like a neighborhood) - and that he DOES visually capture the DISTANCE the object moves away quickly.

I will bring just two of the photo's here - the first being while the object was close - this is a winner folks - from 10-22-12:

And, then, one of the pictures as it becomes far away and much more `line-orbish'.
Other picture links to the above:
Nice Overview of The Above Link And Neighborhood (kinda proves this isn't manure)
Absorbing the entire content of the above experience, from the description to the photos - is one of the more honest feelings I've had of a MUFON report in some time. Very interesting `proof' of the `Neighborhood UFO' experience. (And it changing upon being `observed' perhaps - QM style.)
Others From The LMR's
I appreciated those multiple purchases of books off my Kindle Author Page yesterday. I also appreciate those that continue to sign up to receive UDCC on their Kindle Device for FREE what a convenient way to get your UFO dosage.
Did you catch the 2nd UDCC `Blog Talk Radio' Show YESTERDAY? It was called the Friday's 4:20 UFO Review Show - where I talked about the UFOlogy of the week. It is a 15 minute show - give it a listen. Thanks. More and more of these short shows are going to be happening. I am also considering a chat-box too.
the purchase button is for more info

this is your bug-out plan

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The IMPOSSIBLE Perception Limits Of `The Neighborhood UFO Experience'

Oh, I have a `classic' for you today - just posted into the Latest MUFON Reports - of a UFO sighting in Bartow Florida - that happened on an iconic date of sorts 11-11-11. Yes, and that is just being reported now. When you read the report you may understand why someone would be so reluctant to share the story as it simply is IMPOSSIBLE. 

Here's the full report below:

My friend and I were watching a movie, I cant really recall what movie, because I have been hesitant about posting on here for the past two years and Im not at liberty to say why... However I can tell you this is not the first time unusual things have occurred around me such as this... Anyway we were watching a movie late at night, and I had to pause it because we couldnt understand the dialogue due to the volume of whatever was outside, as I said we thought a plane was about to crash outside so we ran out to see what was up. We made it to the front porch and stood their for a second, the sound had dissipated completely, slow at first but just disappeared by the time we made it outside, we saw a helicopter about a mile or two away with a searchlight on looking around towards the ground, and I remember thinking it was probably just someone the cops were looking for. Shortly after, I remember everything vibrating like I imagine an earthquake would like, I mean the ground, puddles of water, windows and cars, we both kind of stopped and looked up simultaneously due to a sharp gust of wind that swept the area around us, mind you Im on my front porch! I look up and I see a huge light with four lights around it, and I cant even begin to account for how many lights surrounded the exterior, Im not epileptic, but my god I felt like I could seizure staring into this, whatever I was staring at, but I could make out a deffinent shape that was a circle or oval. It was all black, the lights illuminated so brightly it was difficult to make out much else of the craft, but the sound Im telling you was deafening, I talked to my neighbors and NONE of them heard anything throughout the night. Only my friend and I heard it. How thats possible in itself I cant fathom, let alone the fact that this thing which Ill remind you yet again was right above my house! and by the way, its radius far surpassed that of my house! Im no scholar or anything but this things circumference was at least four-seven times the size of the perimeter of property. So if my estimations are correct, this thing was a couple hundred feet in diameter. And it lingered above my house, no, my friend and I for at least a solid sixty seconds before slowly hovering down my street until it was above the baseball field at the end of my street and just turned to the right from where I was standing and it moved a little bit that direction and then just flew off and it was gone, I mean I had my eyes zoned directly on this thing the whole time and it just disappeared. My friend and I didnt even talk about it until about a month after it happened. That night, afterwards we just looked at each other and she said simply, "Ok well Ill see you later" and I saw the look on her face, and I told her to get home safe and call me when she got home. I stayed outside until she called me, it took about thirty minutes, but within that time I saw and heard at least four more helicopters, never saw any of them though. then she called me to let me know she was safe and we still didnt talk about it. The week after that, I saw several military choppers surveying the area frequently and I mean almost every day for a good two-three weeks, not to mention small regimes of soldiers here and there. A lot of similar stuff has happened in this area in the past months after this incident as well.
Taken at face value - what is to be made of this UFO sighting? Wouldn't it be IMPOSSIBLE for it not to have been seen by many others based on its BRIGHTNESS, SOUND AND LOCATION? ------------- Seriously.

BTW, ONLY UDCC takes on the `Neighborhood UFO' perception experience.

So what it means, again if not a ruse, (and why in the world would countless folks write such short impossible scenarios) - is that SOLITARY PERCEPTIONS (or shared within another or others in the exact same location/moment) - with all the anecdotal evidence `puddles of water' shaking - are being `shared' in some sort of `special consensus reality' of observation powers. (Or projection powers.)

It's hard to imagine a `projection' DEMANDING TO BE SEEN in a greater manner than this - don't you think? ------- And yet, TOTALLY WITHOUT confirmation within the `real reality'. At least by any other human consciousness................ And, as often is the case,  the VERY fascinating `not talking about it' with other observers phenomenon.
I'm still scanning the LMR's and have already found one that I'll be sharing on my other UFO blog Amazing UFO Stories and Strange UFO Videos. You can find links to AUS-SUV in the sidebar on most days with ease.
You may want to note my Twitter Account or become a follower because IF you do not sign up on my MailChimp listing for when UDCC is in the `private setting' - you may be shut out. (At twitter I will post that MailChimp link.)
More to do?
advanced products for advanced minds

invest in savings

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Curious View About UFO Disclosure

So, I found this UFO website a day or so ago with this LONG piece about UFO Disclosure (there was some heightened interest in UFO Disclosure in the past week as the UFO Disclosure Dog and Pony Show was wrapping up - Oh, and Dr. Greer's `Sirius' Movie) - that in my opinion (IMO) gave a different take on UFO disclosure than I think I've read before (and that is saying something). So, I assume that all Clockers will want to check this out.

What the person is saying, if I read the intentions of the article correctly, is that the government DOESN'T HAVE THE RIGHT to take away our assumptions about `aliens and the unknown'. To strip away our foundations of thoughts about religion and such. To change the way we think about the worldview. That the LACK of disclosure is `what keeps the negative aliens away'!.................. Pretty heavy duty reading.

And, how about a tease as the link to the posting -
understand that continuing to support Disclosure is a misdirected and misunderstood good intention at best, and an intentional violation of Liberty and treason to this planet at worst.

The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure
BTW, the Dog and Pony show continues now on a monthly basis - get your Ticketmaster tickets today: (SAD)
Like the first link today - to a UFO blogfind - here's another approach to the UFO Truth via The Blogosphere - hey, you like UFO blogs - go see this one too.
Oh, BTW, that 8 inch `alien' that Dr.Greer has been pinning his hopes upon? Well, this NEW article, quite science oriented says that the `alien' of the Dr.Greer movie Sirius is a human with the mother born in Chile. Interesting read. It was NOT a hoax.
do you know the role of internet surfers?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

"Distant POP BOOM Sound" And Then......... (Pictures from latest MUFON Report)
This display was in San Lorenzo California on Thursday; please take a look at the BLOWUP of this link at the original photo. Interestingly, while it resembles the growing number of `Virgie'- like parallel light structured Orb phenomena - IF you blow this up and if you look VERY carefully (IF you don't) - you can see two related `light squiggles' - one of which links with the `structure' and one that is below it. VERY Interesting.
Here's the FULL description! (oh, once again, the description of the `object' in no way matches the pictures, once again.)
Another winner of a UFO read you say? Sure. The Big Study - 1950's UFO Case - lots of detail and exhibits as usual. Great blog-blogger.
please read a sample of my books:
Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2006 O'Hare UFO Airport Incident (The Heavy Stuff) The MythRepresentation Of UFOlogy Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2008 Stephenville UFO Events (The Heavy Stuff) Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real - The Phenomenology Of Actualization The Ultimate 9-11-2001 Anomaly (Best of The Heavy Stuff) Beyond The Great Beyond Unspeakable - Chemtrails And Economic Collapse (Best of The Heavy Stuff) Going To The Light At Death - The New Theories (The Heavy Stuff)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

OMG - A 2013 `Hanging Jetliner' Photo Emerges In Latest MUFON Reports

If you want to draw dumbfounded blank stares - bring up `hanging Jetliners' and see what look you get. It's a rarely reported phenomena that UDCC is almost the only game in town as far as reporting the near absurd phenomena. Make sure to hit he hanging jetliner `tag' for more background or see the one remaining link in the sidebar.

Nonetheless, today's beyond belief picture and short report - IF REAL - are astonishing (picture taken yesterday in Illinois). First the picture and make sure to go to the original for a bigger blowup size. 
My nephews wife saw a large military plane hover for about 3 minutes making no sound. She had her cell phone and took a picture. She said it looked big and had 6 engines.... 2 pointing down. Again it was silent. She went inside for a minute came out and it ead gone. 

BTW, some Clockers may remember that my wife indicated to me that she saw a `hanging plane' about a year ago near a small mountain near our home area - I showed her this picture and asked her if it struck a cord - `kinda' (showed her the blown up version of course). Can anyone identify this plane?
BTW, the Colin Bennett story of his hanging aircraft story is getting harder and harder to find on the internet and the only two remaining links seem to have vanished. It is still available via a forum that copied the entire story which I now bring to you below: The Colin Bennett Hanging Aircraft Story
III. A Lancaster Bomber over Powis Square.

Here I offer my own personal experience as the kind of human testimony that did not get into the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society.
It was a Sunday sometime in the midsummer of 1978. I was writing plays at the time, and I had a play being performed at the Shepherds Bush Theatre, only a four-minute bus ride away from where I lived in Notting Hill. Lots of lively people were always passing through my flat (they still do!) in the Portobello Road, but on this Sunday no one called and the telephone did not ring. I felt a bit out on a limb, which is an unusual feeling for me. I decided to go to the theatre and see my play. I did this several times during the week as a playwright learns a lot seeing his own work being performed.
I got to the theatre only to find it dark and closed. I felt like an idiot, because of course I should have realized that there were no performances on a Sunday.
I traveled back to Notting Hill Gate by bus and got off the bus still feeling out on a limb. I crossed the road to the Coronet Cinema and saw advertised a film entitled “Salon Kitty.” I blush to recall – this was a soft porn film about Nazis and prostitutes. I got my ticket and sat there watching this piece of crap and asking myself whether I had finally reached the age where I went into cinemas alone to watch soft porn films!
The film finished round 11.10 pm. It was now dark, and I bought some cat food from a local store and started on the five-minute walk home. I reached my house and was about to turn right into the yard from the pavement when I saw a bright white light in the sky above me. It was raised 20 degrees elevation from the horizontal plane, and was about as big as an outstretched fist, and it was moving very slowly.
It was a most peculiar white light. If it had been say, a searchlight of that power and intensity it would have blinded me; I would have put my hands over my eyes and fallen to the ground.
But no, it was quite pleasurably hypnotic, and it went straight to the back of my head. Almost as if the light had prompted me to do so, I turned to the left and looked in the sky above Powis Square, a play-park in front of my house in Colville Terrace.
I then saw something that I have not forgotten to this day. In the sky above Powis Square was a World War 2 Lancaster bomber no less, hovering dark, silent and quite still over the square, its nose pointing west. There were no lights on it, and its four propellers were not turning.
At this point I decided to call for help. I have to explain something here. At the time I had a third-floor flat in the house I refer to. I had a girlfriend (we will call her Barbara) who lived in the basement flat of this same house. Seeing her lights on to my right, I shouted to her. She came out, and started to mount the basement stairs to come up to street level. I remember thinking at the time in a panic-stricken kind of way that if when Barbara reached the top of those steps she did not see what I was seeing, then I was hallucinating or someone had slipped me something.
Then she saw the bomber, lit ghost-like by the original light which had now diminished somewhat. Her jaw dropped and she was a very frightened woman.
The bomber-shape now began to move to the northwest as the light diminished.
To the utter astonishment of us both, the bomber now began to change shape. It changed (“morphed” we would say today) into a huge triangle that disappeared rapidly to the northwest.
In the sky high above the black triangle there now appeared a much smaller light than the first light, which had now almost faded to nothing. This second light raced across the sky in the same direction as the disappearing black triangle. Another even smaller light came out of this light, and executed some six complete cycles of a sine wave.
The entire display then disappeared, rather like a light bulb being switched off.
Speechless, we got into Barbara’s flat. As soon as I went into her living room, horror struck me. There was man in black sitting on her settee!
At first, at least, he was “explained.” He told me that Barbara had kindly let him in order to wait for James, who lived upstairs and was not at home. The MIB was a handsome man, about fifty years old and well built. He wore an immaculate suit and tie, with a lion’s mane of tawny blond hair over a large head. He was very well spoken and he moved and gestured rather like a rather old-fashioned stage actor. He said that his connection with James was through Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
The MIB, on seeing two pale-faced people who obviously did not want to talk much, decided not to stay and wait any longer and politely took his leave. I could not understand at the time why Barbara (a most cautious and very straight woman) had let in a total stranger in the first place.
Here I have to enter a personal note. As I said, Barbara was my girlfriend at the time, and though I had a third-floor flat, on most nights I usually stayed with her in her basement flat. But this night, in a state of shock, we parted without saying much after the MIB had gone. I suppose both of us wanted to be alone for a while. This struck me as unusual because frightened people usually want to stay together.
I collected my cats from the yard and took them to my flat upstairs. I opened the tins of cat food, and put the food in the cat’s dishes. It was when I straightened up from bending down to do this that I nearly fainted with a terrible realization.
I had lost some time!
It was still only 11.10.
By this time it should have been approximately 11.35.
Of course I did any and every kind of time check: Phone, radio, TV (there were no personal computers then). I phoned the cinema manager and he confirmed the time the film finished. I checked with other tenants in the building. I again went through my rough calculations. No matter how I calculated, I knew I had lost half an hour between leaving the cinema and the ending of the experience.
At this point I should say that I took the kind of decision that can cause accusations of falsehood, deceit and deception. I decided not to rush downstairs and tell Barbara about the missing time, since she was most upset about the incident. I should add here that Barbara was a dour physics graduate with little imagination and sense of the ridiculous.
The next day I saw James, and remarked that he had missed his AA friend the night previous. Puzzled, he asked me about this friend, and I described his appearance. My head spun again when James said he had no such friend as described, adding that there was no such person in the AA groups he attended.
Needless to say this was the second piece of information I kept from Barbara. I did note that James, though of much smaller build, was also very well spoken and he also moved and gestured rather like a rather old-fashioned stage actor.
The follow-through was profoundly disappointing: no dreams, no disturbing recall of aliens, no indications of an abduction-type experience. And nothing remotely like it has happened to me since.
The relationship between Barbara and I broke up almost immediately due to this incident. It was as if she now regarded me as some kind of witching person who had done something terrible to her. I had become a spider who had trapped her in a drama of conflicting explanation structures. For the rest of her life Barbara knew that she would have a broken world-structure in her hands. Naturally, she moved away from yours truly as fast as she could. Barbara, by the highest standards was a brilliantly intelligent woman, but like most scientists, she was ill equipped to deal with this kind of experience. Relativity having not yet settled in as a common cultural reference, Barbara had great difficulty applying her imposed Cartesian/Newtonian framework to the levels of absurdity that she had encountered.
After 25 years I still see Barbara occasionally along the Portobello Road. But she now hurries by me, and according to reports, the man she married eventually once asked her why she appeared to be afraid of me. She said I was “strange,” and left it at that. Her husband (not a very bright or inquisitive fellow I am afraid to say) shrugged his shoulders and forgot about the matter.
We live now in an age where the clocks and measuring rods of late 19th century mechanism are being translated into streams of information which have a life almost of their own. These streams consist mostly of powerful images generated by media and entertainment in which “fact” in the mechanical sense plays little or no part at all. Mythological engineering now plays a part in Western societies equal to that of mechanical engineering, and in many cases the two (such as Star Trek) are mutually supportive. Yet the “hard” physical sciences do not yet understand the equations of Marshall McLuhan, despite the cognitive lens of which I spoke of earlier undergoing changes of focus, definition, and organization. By ratio and comparison we have subjected stone-age cultures to this kind of experience. We would be fools indeed if we thought that it could not happen to ourselves in turn.
It took me some time to realize just how complex my UFO experience was. It had a subtle psycho-mythological substrate. When I discovered this, I was quite shaken by the implications. I had seen a mythological animal, no less. Not a unicorn or a white rabbit with a pocket watch, but a mythological creature for a technological Age: a Lancaster bomber, of all things. Why is such a thing mythological? Because this aircraft was once was a flying lance of freedom, a piece of Britain’s sacred electro-mechanical muscle, just as symbolic as the lance of St George and engaged in an equally desperate life and death struggle with a dragon.
What I saw was a multi-faceted information-based phenomenon, and its mystical unity came complete with a shooting star above it, no less!
All of this, of course, was not felt consciously by me at the time: This interpretation came as a result of the deconstruction of the experience itself in bits and pieces over the years that passed afterwards. It was only after some years had passed that I began to realize how rich in lore and symbols was the experience.
To myself now, years later, this UFO was a liminal object that is something whose “existence” lies between fact and fiction, like an Escher drawing. I am now aware that indeed there were other structured levels involving time, destiny, and personality besides an “objective” component.
I have analyzed the major features of this experience as follows:
(1) The folklore content. The transfer from the myths of pre-technological Age (knights on horseback) to the Lancaster, a “modern” construct.
(2) The National/historical element. This aircraft represented no less than the saving of the National life.
(3) Personal factor. I had seen a film about Nazis approximately some 20 minutes before the sighting.
(4) The screening filter. I applied some screening myself as what I thought at the time was a necessary measure. I did not tell Barbara about the missing time, nor did I tell her about James not knowing the MIB. What I was being screened from in turn is anybody’s guess.
(5) Atmosphere. Just like the one-minute’s silence before the bugles sound at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day. Although there was no sound, there was also the feeling I had when the only Lancaster still flying appeared on the Hyde Park horizon in 1995 during the 50th Anniversary of D Day. I had the feeling that all our lives had been saved by such things as this aircraft.
(6) The spectacular hi-tech “alien” manifestation of an ancient almost holy thing such as a Lancaster. I had also the creepy feeling that this “hi-tech” dimension was designed for the framework of my human understanding.
(7) The “objective” content. The UFO moved, accelerated, had a shape-change, and was accompanied by no less than three kinds of light phenomenon. As I have said, I had a witness not normally disposed to the appreciation of such things.
All of these elements form a powerful multi-dimensional information construct in terms of images and situations. Instead of pods on stilts with insect brains, the “aliens” (and what I saw was certainly not of this world) gave this holistic dimension as “communication.” I had always rejected what I always thought to be the hopelessly crude Victorian Station Master’s idea of detecting “signaling codes” from outer space by electromagnetic emanations. This mechanical metaphor was derived from an Age of lighthouses and railways and postal services and a box-like Euclidean space in which parcels and passengers traveled in quantifiable numbers and units from point A to point B. According to the Theory of Relativity, this would surely result in the greatest dead-letter box of all time. The novelist Hermann Melville’s character, Bartleby (whose whole personality was annihilated by working in a dead-letter office of mere Earthlike proportions) would be doubly amazed.
Certainly my “encounter” convinced me that we live in a vaster framework of being and existence than we could possibly imagine. I had the sobering thought that this manifestation was the kind of thing George Adamski and many others saw. This kind of technology, not far removed from holographic TV, could produce a “man from Venus” at the drop of a hat. It would be an equally sobering experience for scientists to find that their discoveries were part of a multi-dimensional media/gaming entertainment system of many levels of focus, development, and application.
The model in my mind which emerged from this experience is that of an islander from a far-flung Pacific culture that has not invented weaving or the wheel, waking up one morning and seeing a sail-rigged ship with paddle wheels and a single funnel pouring smoke into the sky.
I was that islander, and by analogy, and with a little tribal re-scaling, I think I saw such a ship.
Twenty-five years later I was to write a book about George Adamski, Looking for Orthon. I think the book began that night in Powis Square.
Colin Bennett
About Colin Bennett: Colin Bennett was born in Robin Hood’s Sherwood Forest, within arrow-shot of the Sheriff of Nottingham’s castle. He left school after studying science and mathematics, became a professional musician, then a mercenary soldier before winning a scholarship to read English at Balliol College, University of Oxford.
After leaving Oxford, he had several plays performed on the professional stage in London including the Royal Court Theatre before retraining as an electronics engineer to cure what he calls “a bad dose of left-liberal decadence.” After his reconstruction, he then ran his own electronics consultancy and printing firm. He has had two novels published, and now lives within a spear-throw of Portobello Road, London, and hopes he has done with reconstructions. He is frequently consulted on security, conspiracies, and computer hacking. He now heads a team who spend all their time running the Combat Diaries web site
He is the author of Looking for Orthon (Paraview Press) a biography of George Adamski. His following book, on the life work, and ideas of Charles Fort, was Politics of the Imagination (Head Press). This won the Anomalist Award for Best Biography, 2002.
His third biography is due out in March 2005. This is An American Demonology (Head Press) the story of Captain Edward Ruppelt, who headed Project Blue Book in the early 1950s. This Project was the official United States Air Force investigation into the UFO phenomenon. Both the above books are available on Amazon.

    Looking for Orthon: The Story of George Adamski, the First Flying Saucer Contactee, and How He Changed the World 

    Flying Saucers over the White House: The Inside Story of Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and His Official U.S. Airforce Investigation of UFOs








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    The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
    Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
    a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

    design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

    a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition