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Showing posts with label 2011 ufo disclosure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2011 ufo disclosure. Show all posts

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Responding To Phil Coreski's `Alien Craft - Alien Connection' Interview

Good afternoon Clockers, and newbies, to UDCC - thanks for visiting again today. And, today I will be discussing Phil Coreski's answers to my interview questions about his on-going encounters with a mysterious Orb he films near his property. You can find that interview Here if you missed it. And, while there is more at the link, the Q's and A's are below too.

I will respond Q by Q.
Q1 - Ok, my first question is - if the craft/orb appears near the same spot every time - why not set up in that location or walk towards the orb as it is out/on?
1) the craft generally appear in the same area which is right over some heavily forested woods, and to walk back into those woods at night is not cool, because there are coyotes back there! so I will not venture back there for that reason. what you see as orbs around the craft are a result from the molecular plasma light and clouds generated by the core of the ship's drive.
Why not walk back during the day - make sure no coyotes nests are there; or, go back before it gets dark? I don't buy the `excuse' but do NOT rule out it being possibly true from Phil's perspective. As I've already indicated, I think Phil doesn't change his position because of his SUCCESS from his current protocol. ---------------- ALSO, and it's a BIG also -- I doubt that Phil is actually videotaping an actual CRAFT (but, again, I will not rule it out totally) but IS videotaping some sort of anomalous plasma based consciousness driven `ball of light'. As such, I doubt that Phil's understanding of it being given off by the core of the ships `drive' to be probable fantasy or misinformation given to his mind via his `contact'.

Q2 - How is it you are in contact with the entities that display to you? Is it all mental or is some indeed a physical contact?
2) My contact is generally of a telepathic form which includes lucid dreams and sometimes OOBE's (out of body travels) to meet with the ET's within the astral dimension. at other times I have rare brief physical encounters where the ET's let me see them physically on the streets. and I have a mode of real time physical contact with them through a technical means which I'm not allowed to reveal for security measures. from this mode I'm given answers and explanations in the form of written descriptions.
I buy Phil's impressions of the lucid dreaming and OOBE's - I do believe that Phil's meditating has put him into some `special spaces' -- (In my Phillips Phenomenology - it would be the Able-To-Not-Be space.) that indeed MIGHT put him into a contact with `information or consciousness'. HOWEVER, SEEING THEM ON THE STREETS? (I will also warn Phil of messing with the unknown as far as human outcomes in general. Just sayin.) -------------------- (In seeing them on the street) We are talking about the outer edge of what the able-to-not-be MIGHT be able to produce within perceptual fields -- wow, if true, --- edging into madness if not. ---------------------------- AND, Clockers gotta love that Phil has, in essence, a MACHINE that transcribes the messages. -------------- You mean like this Radio Shack sold `Franks Box' that communicates with the DEAD?

Indeed, could Phil be in contact with the DEAD? (And, I'm not talking about Jerry Garcia.)

Well, I have a slightly different idea -- it is my opinion that Phil is in `contact' with some sort of `specialized consciousness' that exists within the universe. It's the SAME place and same type of experience that `alien abductees' have when they are shown pictures of a destroyed planet, wars, etc. - often ON a `space ship' craft. I wrote about THAT experience of others  On My Blog The Heavy Stuff in a post called A Twist To `Aliens' Showing Us OUR Apocalypse.
A different SPACE alright.

Q3.Are you familiar with the idea of Fortean Events?
No, I'm not familiar with the idea of Fortean events, although I've heard about it.
Fortean events HAVE NO CAUSE/EFFECT relationship and are literally FOR the `astonishment' of a/the human consciousness. IMO, it's NOT impossible that this is `the answer' - that said, I think other `answers' as I've been elaborating upon - are closer to the so-called `truth' of the matter for the OrionIFO orbs.

Q4 What do the entities you are in contact with say about the Greys?
4) My Orion contact has told me that the greys consist of several different species, one species if from the Zeta Reticulum constellation and these are short greys and they are generally benevolent and will not cause serious harm to human. other species of greys are from Orion these are taller and they can be somewhat rude in their interactions with humans, they will abduct humans and perform examinations on them against a human's will. and still other species of greys are clones by the taller species of grey, these are like robots or androids and are usually very hostile towards humans.  

Sounds MIGHTY familar to the words from a headline link I ran on Barf Stew on Nov. 3rd:
The Greys are made up of probably four groups of sort of gray-colored beings. There are what I call the Type B Greys, which are about 5and ½ feet tall and have triangle-shaped heads, pointed chins and dark black pupil-less eyes. They need food to survive, and prefer dairy products. There are the Type C Greys, which are around 5 ft tall, with more human-like eyes with pupils, but a small nose, mouth and sort of ears with a rounder face, and they can speak with verbal words. They are more human in appearance, might have some human DNA in their make-up. Type D are similar to Type C but their skin is reptilian in appearance, maybe a “C” with reptilian DNA in the mix. The Type A Greys are the most well known and are about 3.5 to 4.5 ft tall and about 40lbs. They has large heads in proportion to their bodies with huge almond black eyes with no ears and a slit for a mouth and nose. They have a tannish, pinkish gray body color. Their nourishment is absorbed directly into the skin (rubbed on animal membranes). They are probably more robotic than bio. And they have done the vast majority of the human abductions and human material gathering.

All the Greys have an agenda here and probably have been here as long as or longer than we humans have. They have been messing with us for thousands of years. We are their cattle
My gut feel about nearly all of the above is CRAPPOLA. I believe little to none of it. That said, IMO it is possible that humans may have been DNA modified --- possible, not probable.

That said, I will now `reveal' what strikes me as almost the strangest thing of all --- ORION is NOT a location - it is a collection of UNRELATED stars Wikipedia Link that as seen on Earth, create the one with the most visible `human' figure like THINGS in the nighttime sky.

Doesn't it seem a bit STRANGE that THAT is where `they' are from? And not from one of the 1000's of other stars in the sky? Does to me. Orion stars are in general, 100's to over 1000 light years from earth. WHICH Orion, Phil should ask?

And, the same goes for Zeta Reticulum - shouldn't Phil ask `which one?' As It is a binary star system - which OF COURSE has similar characteristics to our Sun. Also, IF the stars are ONLY2 billion years old - would THAT be enough time for a humanlike race to even evolve? It didn't on earth.
Q5. Are you being told by these entities that Alien Disclosure is going to occur?
They have made a form of disclosure through me, but on a universal scale as far as disclosure from the US military in an official form? I was told they will not admit this right away and may never admit it.
IMO, not much of an `answer' as obviously, hopefully, Phil would be aware that contact is NOT simply thru HIM. (UDCC has identified many Orb callers and videomakers.) Not that it is possible that he is indeed among a selected few (which could be dozens or more). Hopefully, Phil has googled Prophet Yahweh by now.

Maybe never, not soon (on ufo disclosure) - sounds like a mighty safe answer to me.
Q6 - Provided links to best material - see above link to previous interview for those links.
Q7 - Have you contacted local or national media? Do you have videos with lots of friends observing at the same time or videotaping at the same time?

7) No have not contacted local media or national media, neither myself or the aliens wanta lot of exposure, the ET's have told me they do not want to be known by vast numbers of earth people at this time.
Frankly, this hit me a little differently -- as up to now, Phil has been following the exo-politics folks mantra pretty closely - BUT - don't the Exo folks say that ET is just chumping at the bit to reveal and be known to the world? All that said, would REAL ET's really like to be known, and like Phil, I doubt it. Nor, as I have already stated in another post, I think that Phil is convinced he his part of a procedure which literally produces the Orbs and wishes to NOT upset that balance. I get that.
Q8 - Why do you feel you are having these displays made for you?

I'm having this displays and contacts for very personal reasons which have to do with myself and the ET's. which I'm not allowed to explain further than this
Of this, I believe Phil TOTALLY. (Indeed, I believe that Phil is largely NOT being evasive or dishonest in his answers - just that he is mis-interpreting them IMO.) Phil is vital to the protocol that produces the ORB IMO. The Orbs are Phil's FORTEAN event!(?).
Q9 - When was the first display?
9) my first recorded display of unusual alien UFO activity was on June 16-2009
Q 10 - Do you meditate? Are you religioius?

Yes I practice deep meditation and have for years now, and I consider myself spiritual not religious.
The first thing that strikes me is - have you seen the ads on UDCC and other `paranormal' or UFO sites that says something along the lines of `what do ET's say?' and then give the `answer' is `to meditate?'. It makes me wonder if those ads might be worth clicking - lol.

Anyway, in no way do I make light of Phil's `mentalness' and altered state access potentiality. No doubt in my mind that it is also possible that `non-body spaces with consciousness' might indeed TUNE IN ---- TO PHIL. And then provide him an interchange mechanism for actualizing his intentionalities.
But, that is just MY opinion - I look forward to reading yours in the comments. That said, it seems that OrionIFO is gathering up a posse ready to gun him down as you can see from the video below: (With 198 views in 4 days)

link -
Interestingly, the guy above runs a UFO site you may have heard of that is like a one stop shop all for UFO's and entertainment. Perhaps the title `UFO sheriff' tingles his in-nurds but, for the life of me, other than comparing Phil to another regular `UFO filmer' Allison in PA (who is indeed flaky IMO, and is indeed NOT filming crafts or even orbs most of the time) he presents as little `evidence' as Phil does.
Should Phil respond - I will present his words here on UDCC.
Finally for today - Seems Lee's Summit has produced a UFO video - From Oct. 31st - about 10K have seen this:

I'm less than impressed.
11-11-11 - Tomorrow - Be Ready
BTW, thanks to my readership for the two items purchased off my blogs in the last two days - Hydroponic Food (hmm) and the most recent episode of GLEE - I have a diverse readership. LOL. And one not confined by boxes. Below is another opportunity to show how diverse the UDCC tastes are.
 - Collectors Item?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Phil Larson Declares NO E.T.'s On Earth

Who the F is Phil Larson? Well, some would describe him as a low level policy wonk. OR, you can take his ANAGRAM for his name `Phil Larson' = An Op Shrill. Amazing how these things work out isn't it? Anyway, Phil was responding to `demands' via the internet that the White House agreed to partake as part of openness I would assume. Too bad that NO ONE believes the White House, Congress or even Phil Larson. Anyway, should you care to read the official NON DISCLOSURE by the USA (I mean, come on, many advanced english speaking countries have ALREADY released their data about UFO's in a soft disclosure.) - Phil Larson Becomes `An Op Shrill' To Answer About UFO Disclosure.
NO, Phil Larson does NOT have a Wikipedia Page.
However, in the spirit of trying to force the government to do ANYTHING in regards to their UFO actions - here's a petition via the FOIA that is requesting info about the US shooting down a UFO into the Gulf of Mexico Last Month - Oct. 2011.
Shouldn't they just ask Phil?
Or, Phil Coreski perhaps - as here is his writings on his MY Space Blog  Orion Contactee's Blog - now we all can wonder, has Phil been implanted? Get ready for a mind blowing `conversation' about everything - including Nazilike wars on other worlds.
Abena is his contact BTW.
Speaking of our inner dreams - did you know that scientists have measured dream CONTENT for the first time by using Controlled Lucid Dreaming And Brain Scanning?. I wonder what Phil's brain would look like while he is `in contact'?
Finally, for today's MIND BLOWER - comes this dude who says that the Earth does NOT revolve around the Sun.

link - 69K views
Lots in the bin so be here tomorrow too.

 Two Amazon books sure to please.
Thanks to the person who purchased a `Cutting Board' off one of my blogs yesterday - appreciated.

Monday, November 7, 2011

11-11-11 Approaches

So far I know of movie premiers, Ron Paul's money bomb, and the Thrive Movement that has staked out 11-11-11 as an important day on Earth. (Today's date of 11-7-11 ain't bad either.) Appropriately, we've had `news' about Huge Asteroids passing closely and unusually placed large Earthquakes as a backdrop - such as in Oklahoma within the last few days. Oh, and the world financial markets seem to be especially nervous - as more and more we see ex-President Clinton's face on the TV more and more. (World President?)

As high strangeness is seemingly abounding near Lee's Summit Kansas and Rick Perry degenerates into a comic bookish character along with HC and his compensated accusers. All while the OWS demands for a bank boycott on November 5th were as ignored  by the MSM as their lack of interest in the connection of Robert Bigelow to the UFO mysteries that abound. Meanwhile the D word begins to bubble about the coming economic bubble burst caused by worldwide `debt' (to the landlords of money).

So, IF worldwide concern; so IF numerology means ANYTHING; so, IF mega conspiracy folks are to have a date to cling too forever; so, IF the aliens want to choose a MEANINGFUL DATE to announce their presence; ---- IF any of that means anything - it could be an interesting week.

You might want to stock up on toilet paper.
See you Tomorrow.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Would advanced intelligence even be material?

Some excellent insights in this Headline Article - great website too.
Will keep it simple today.
Quick read - funny conclusion - The UFO Myth - again, a great website to waste away your Sunday reading.
TAL updated again today - Halloween Spooky House Picture - And, a Gorey Lane From 1939. Fantastic Website.
UDCC strives to keep you connected to the full range of the esoteric, at least occasionally - Hidden Experience - Another Top Quality Blog Read For Sunday.
Lest we all forget: The 2007 UFO DRONE California Hoax(?)!
Short YouTube review of the Drone stuff.
You say you'd like to watch UFO videos for the next half hour? Here's the Website To Use.
Thanks for your UDCC visit today - now, for something really spooky:

Amazon Book:
Phantom Voices Ethereal Music & Other Spooky Sounds: Musical Ear Syndrome: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Auditory Hallucinations Many Hard of Hearing People Secretly Experience

Saturday, October 22, 2011

UFO's Spotted Off Myrtle Beach - TV Report (With Video)

As Clockers know, how UFO's and UFO reports by citizens is covered by the MSM is one function that UDCC serves - and here's another helping:
TV Report.. I will say one thing about this report from North Carolina - the one `light' is illuminating a very craftlike looking object. Whole report under three minutes.
Over at TBS - this recent post showed a `huge ufo found in home video'. That said, you will find a bit of high strangeness perhaps - VERY short video at end of the link - TSB UFO Video - caution, some of TBS's material is somewhat adult in nature.
The Notre Dame Orb/Rod During Lightning Storm and Football game on Sept. 3rd:

link- (sheila alien report) -
These HD TV shots are beginning to catch some interesting stuff perhaps.
Oh, finally for today - I updated my Reddit Blog today - featuring stuff about Anonymous, The German Pirate Party, Some of the Latest Physics Findings and More. Now with over 6K page views.
Oh again - the 2012 calendar links on the top of the page work now. Certainly you want to have a `weird' calendar for 2012 - don't you?
UFO `Toys' From Amazon:
 You will GULP when you see the price of this ultimate collectable.
 - Find out about this toy with a click
 - Remote Control Your Brains Out

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lee's Summit Craft Event - More To Digest

Hello Clockers and hello newbies to UDCC. I've got a couple videos today of interest in the Lee's Summit Craft event, and a bit of info perhaps - that in a bit.
First up, the video of the moment - perhaps the `craft' that was seen near Lee's Summit on Oct. 4th - one of those shot by people in a car or outside of its window:

link -
Description:Witness report: I was driving in a car heading home. I saw the object in the air heading away from us diagonally. It then turned in the direction that we were headed. As we went down a winding road we saw it hovering over a small field. I was very excited when I saw it. We turned around and it flew overhead then we lost track of it.

Here's a slightly different version of the same videoHere.
Ok, a couple things strike me. First, why didn't the witness/videoer get any cellphone shots when it was hovering..... Just sayin. And, this indeed looks somewhat like the ONLY picture (already posted here on UDCC) regardless if that person said it didn't. Also, IMO, this looks more craftlike and less Orblike than I expected I guess. Wish the witness mentioned sound one way or the other too.
Next, just some inside UDCC mailbag stuff. In the last twenty-four hours I was contacted not only by a person who witnessed the craft on October 4th but who also indicates they have had more contact than just a sighting over some period of time. (saying it very broadly). Interestingly, this person e-mailed me with a .org address of interest for the area. Perhaps UDCC will have more, perhaps not.
Next up; the TV report about the Lee's Summit Craft Event and with a slightly different video it appears to me:

link -
This video also ends (watch it to the end) with an `update' about how some stunt pilots had stepped forward to claim the UFO was them.
You mean the SAME pilots that the Lee's Summit General Manager indicated have been doing these practices for over a Year? ------------ You mean the `stunt pilots' that supposedly are called the K.C. Flyers that are UNFINDABLE online? ------- And, what about the reports of hovering - of silent crafts or orbs - of multiple nights ---- of as the Lee's Summit GM said `reports at 1:30 AM'?

And, really folks, below is a video of nighttime air pilot shows and while for a moment it looks a BIT similar, one can CLEARLY SEE the airplanes at times and one certainly can hear them. Just sayin.

Why not just call it swamp gas?
Finally - this was the OTHER Oct. 4th KC video that UDCC ran earlier First Video - it was the one that appeared to be a bit more `Lantern' but was of interest for sure. ---- Anyway, that man/young adult - has put up a response YT video to answer some questions that people have asked (why did he stop filming for one). IMO, his answers and his buddies are slightly lame but seemingly honest at the same time - you can make your own judgement by viewing his Three Minute Response Here.
Oh, my.
I still have that second `mix of links' coming up this later this week. Tomorrow however I will be blogging about those ads you've been seeing on all the paranormal sites (you do see ads on paranormal sites, right?) . The one with the girl peeking out with one eye. Yes, that THRIVE stuff. Be here or be square.
Lastly for today - I've blogged on The Heavy Stuff a preview of a chapter I will be contributing to an upcoming book of Robert Cheatham with a preliminary title of Manifestations and Materializations. As you might expect, I go all Phenomenology on my `answer'. Lots of heavy writers you are familiar with will be in the book -- I will keep you updated on the release expected in a month or two or early 2012.
Anyway, here's my tease of my chapter - The Slippery Slope of `Now' And `Real' - thanks for checking it out.
Books by Robert Cheatham

Monday, October 17, 2011

Odds And Ends

Have gathered up a number of links and still have some (really lots) to clear out from other periods of time - so, today and probably tomorrow expect just some listings such as the below. You will enjoy these clips, articles and websites!
Here's something that I will probably dig into - seems someone has taken the time to MAP -- are you ready? -- 41 of theSky Noise Phenomena's Of 2011. Some are indeed clustered as has been suspected.
BTW, here's a recent visiting company to the blog searching `ufo disclosure' The_Aerospace_Corporation - hmm.
You'll have to wait LESS than a minute into this video for the `good stuff' - REAL clear saucer shaped craft:

And, on a similar note - here's some more background on the claims of aliens interfering with our Nukes - Aliens And Nukes. Worrisome or comforting?
Robert Hastings Book
Want a good read from an excellent blogger? And, how's this for a title Does Lake Erie Harbor an Underwater UFO Base? - none other than the The Paranormal Pastor - fine site to explore today. Includes video too at the link.
Having fun yet?

Ran across this strange book of possible interest to UDCC readers.
And, here's an OMG collection of UFO reports From Israel and The Number One UFO Researcher There - whole gambit, very interesting. You'll bookmark this. Detailed Read.
Here's another Compelling UFO sighting In 2011 that you haven't heard squat about. Quick Read, with Picture.
More Good Reads Tomorrow Too - See You Then

Oh, how about clicking those social media buttons below - thanks.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Lee's Summit UFO Craft(s) Event - Attributes, Timeline, And First UDCC Analysis -

Good morning Clockers, and welcome newbies to UDCC (UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock) - you arrived on a very good day for an entertaining read about just how anomalous the whole UFO saga really is. IF you are just catching up on this newest UFO Disclosure incident, (potentially), get ready to be blown away by what seemingly happened a week ago in the Kansas City Missouri area, - an event most often seen in the Lee's Summit area near interstate traffic.

But, I get ahead of myself in this review.

And, actually, as reported on UDCC a few days ago -  unusual `craft' incidents have been going on in the Lee's Summit area for at least a few months - with a TV report in July and other independent citizen UFO videos too in July on YouTube. (Just dig into the UDCC coverage below on this blog for that info as I have covered this story now the last four posts.) And, as exclusively reported in UDCC - the manager of the Lee's Summit Airport indicated that citizens have been calling for WEEKS about things in the sky - both at dusk and around 1:30 in the morning.

So, SOMETHING has been going on in the skies, in and around the Kansas City area - the Heartland of America. In Missouri - THE SHOW ME STATE. With the big SHOW TIME event on 10-4! (Have we got the message, the transmission?) And, all of it seemingly fitting into the general progression of possible `blatent' displays of UFO's in 2010-2011.

But, as I mentioned, something has been `building up' to actualization level in the Lee's Summit Area for sometime. There are specific indications that the 10-4 event began at least the day before in a sense. What I've done below is what I've worked on for several hours in an attempt to clarify, as best I can with scant data, - a timeline and attributes of the event. And, to provide some on-going analysis related to such.
The first thing to say is that MULTIPLE PEOPLE claim to have seen something anomalous in the skies on MULTIPLE DAYS. This is EXTREMELY rare in the UFO saga and seemingly only happens to the very rare `UFO/Orb callers' that UDCC reports about on occasion. Nonetheless, MORE than one report of the handful I examined off of the MUFON database had the multi-day experience.

And, while this COULD suggest that various individuals are or were being targeted - it could also be nothing more than the result of the EVENT happening in the local area and congruent with these folks schedules. (Let's believe the later to keep from slipping too far into the rabbit hole.)

Indeed, on 10/3, - at least THREE reports exist. On 10-3 two reports is of a UFO, very low, with flashing lights - and one report had the UFO `hovering over houses' ----- and a separate report mentioned the LARGE size of that particular UFO (seen at 7:50 on 10/3). And, at 8-9PM a couple in a car (most of these reports are by car riders) reported a UFO `very low', 7-8 lights, blueish-white lights on the bottom, sped away and CAME BACK OVER THE CAR.
Then came the big day.
In my notes I have about 12 MUFON reports and 1 UDCC report for 10-4 - so that you have an idea of the level of these attributes reported. And, many of the `attributes' stand out as `defining' what made the sightings say UFO, I will review those shortly. (That said, a couple didn't perhaps.)
UFO Attributes:
Each in `parenthesis' is a different report.

HOVERING or Floating Slowly - `extremely slow' `floating or hovering' `hovering' `very slow' `slow moving' `moved slow' `hovering' `floating' `hovering' `hovered' `without much speed'
Yes, 11 of the reports specifically mentioned the lack of motion speed and another I didn't list is of the `dropped down over them' nature, which would also indicate a hovering, - but, I will be treating that attribute separately.

HUGENESS - `extremely large' `very large' `huge' `very large' `enormous-size of a football field' `huge giant' `huge' `size of large cargo plane'
Eight specifically mention the size of the object, a few observers mentioned being a mile or two away - perhaps limiting that notion.

BRIGHT (BANKS OF) LIGHTS as part of craft - `bright lights' `12 or more lights' `orange not blinking lights' (not all colors will be noted in this listing) `multiple lights' (I will also not be noting where on the craft lights were seen as some were on the top, bottom, and sides.) `red and blue lights' `bright rows of lights' `beaming bright lights' `very bright lights' `green and white lights' `line of lights' `lots of lights' 
Yep, at least 11 reported them on the craft and all over the craft. Some reported the lights to be blinking in a NONrandom pattern and at least one man tried to communicate with the object - RESULTING IN IT VANISHING.

ELECTRONIC Malfunction - `Sunroof wouldn't open' `Picture Wasn't of Object I observed'

V Shaped - Triangle Shaped - `V' shaped over Longview Lake' `Triangle Shaped Object & Triangle WITHIN The Triangle' `V shaped craft' `Triangle'
Note that a few witnesses didn't know the shape until they were UNDER it, and the outside shape to many, without this underneath perspective, was somewhat varied as you will see below too. Still, it's a bit surprising that only about 4 specifically mentioned this shape.

Saw Craft Separate/Saw Craft Reform - `10/3, then saw separate and reform into one' `Broke into three triangles and one dropped down in front of the boat' `saw break into three parts' `appeared to break into three pieces and then rejoin into one'
WTH, right? Obviously, this is cause for deep speculation perhaps.

LOW Elevation/Easily Seen - `moving over treeline' `hovering over Raytown Water Tower' `200 feet high' `500 feet high' `hovering right over us'
The obviousness of this event was frightening to at least one witness. Others used the word blatant.

NO SOUND - `no sound, no wings, no tail,' `no noise' `silent' `not noise'
To some that were close enough to the craft - it was even more amazing. This is also only a characterist one would consider for those very close to the object.

More Oddities

Contacting Authorities after seeing - `called L.S. Airport and then KCI airport' `called KMBC' `called police dispatcher'
This event shook folks to the reporting level - at the TV station they indicated 4 or 5 had called before them. The L.S. Airport claimed no reports (HMMMMMM) and the KCI airport gave very strange info supposedly of their being an object that the airport `wasn't talking to' - then claiming the thing seen was a 747 that landed about 7:30 PM. The police dispatcher downplayed the event and said no one had called.

Two reports of people seeing - smoke or black smoke emitting from the object(s).
Of interest, is that the events didn't stop totally on 10-4 - and indeed, very similar reports are in the UDCC reporting database for both 10-5, and 10-6. In that sense, it's a lot like the Stephenville Texas UFO Events of 2008 - a string of events that involved sometimes a HUGE slow moving craft (or moving quickly) with multiple UFO type phenomena over a number of days. Including Orbs and strange light formations in the sky..

Indeed, in this 2011 event - on 10/5 a `fireball, 40-60 feet in diameter hovered 60 feet over a vehicle for 10 minutes' and on 10-6 a `huge, size of 5 747's, slow moving, with banner lights' (looked like an aircraft - and this was the vanishing banner and craft event). Showing that in some manner, the high strangeness simply has NOT played itself out in the Lee's Summit area of Missouri. (Is this why Robert Bigelow and MUFON were and are so interested in these over the top experiences - because some mechinism is allowing the actualization to recur?)
It's also interesting to note the ultimate takeaway of these witnesses - truly perplexed. Some thought for sure that it was a UFO not of humankind - whereas others thought that what they saw was some top secret military vehicle.
But, what ISN'T certain - is that everyone saw the same object - even those that saw IT close to the same time on the same day. Indeed, from what can be pieced together - if looked at as IF all was true and accurately reported - what can be said is that something HUGE and EXTREMELY Bright, who's shape was hard to tell unless one was underneath of it, was `nearly hovering' right next to an Interstate Highway, blatantly on display for anyone to see - and that it eventually moved, sped up, broke into three parts and recombined and broke up again into three pieces (one even described these as triangles too) - one of which hovered over a boat.

All of which has been part of an on-going several months of anomalous sky events in the area of which for several weeks has prompted the public to reach out for some answers.
Yet, despite the above, - multiple witnesses, HUGE craft on multiple days seen by same people, and house and car hovering UFO's - this event is still below the MSM's attention. (After all, was Micheal Jackson Killed? And, where is that 10 month old?) Is the lack of attention due to the lack of `video' evidence?

It is curious, no, VERY curious, that something hasn't appeared on YT with some clarity. The only videos are the one UDCC has posted and one link posted on The Examiner (btw, that YT video was now `private' - for all I know the one I posted is too).

Also, remember, this very strange UFO picture from Missouri also very recently:

BTW, note the above and the comparison to another `hanging jetliner' report from Jan. 2009 in Alabama and the picture that came out with that one - DESPITE the person seeing a FULL jetliner and nothing like the picture as it turned out.

Only number one is the Jet, others are car window glare
(for story)

Now, are you ready for a little trickster - a little Fortean Times? My wife called me on the phone about a month ago - said she just saw a `hovering jetliner' that must not have been able to land (near Sweat Mountain in Cobb County Georgia) she thought.
Yeah, that strange - I won't even go into my questions for her.
So, one week later, what are we to make of it all? Speculation is easy but nearly worthless. BUT, something occured that our MSM has avoided like the plague. Something that perhaps defies being photographed and is able to mis-represent what it's appearance actually is. Something that doesn't give a crappola if it is seen, with a possible interest in humans.
Is this the next step up in what UFO Disclosure is going to look like from those wishing to contact mankind or care for the Earth?
Or, has some human force attained the technological level of `producing the appearance of events in the sky'?
Bookmark and Return Again Soon
Oh, my thanks to the person that bought the book below off my blogs yesterday - appreciated.

 Airships of the 1800's?

Friday, October 7, 2011

Lee's Summit Airport Manager - (Kansas City UFO Events) - "Employees have been receiving calls for the last several weeks from citizens around the metro area"

Ok, so UDCC has done some footwork normally reserved for Forgettomori. Yesterday I reported attempting to contact the General Manager of the airport most associated with the `Crafts' of the Oct. 4th UFO `events'. I have exchanged e-mails and the above headline quote is from his answer to my inquiry asking how aware he is of the reports.

Not only that - I have received a `comment' that also includes direct information about the events of the evening - you will also find that below. Indeed, the citizens comment brings into focus that the entire event seems to have included multiple phases of actualization or phases of perception projection. IMO.
First up, my private exchange with John Ohrazda the GM of the airport:
From: []

Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 11:36 PM
To: John Ohrazda
Subject: Re: Question from the Website

Thanks John. (I'm thanking John for informing me of the answer to my first question to him - which was - do planes take off and land after 7PM - answer was - they take off and land 24/7 - 365 days a year)
Do you know anything about the MUFON reports of an anomalous craft near your airport on Oct. 4th in the early evening?
John's answer:
Rick only what I read. We close the office at 7:00pm and the reports were afterwards.

Employees have been receiving calls for the last several weeks from citizens around the metro area. Some are early evening reports and some state they are seeing unusual lights or craft in the sky at 1:30am in the morning.

I believe the Tuesday and Monday evening reports near the airport are related to a group of pilots flying formation right at dusk. I have made several inquires to the lead pilot of this group but don’t have an answer at this time..

Some of the reports on the internet, are too far from the airport to be related to activities at or near the airport, and are related to some other activity.
To which I asked John a number of questions - I await his answer.
Then, UDCC's inbox lit up with this - which I will publish after this post:
A friend of mine had a close encounter with one of the triangle objects over Longview Lake. She wants to remain anonymous and has not made a report – but we read through all of the different reports last night. What I gather of it – The Craft was one large V Shaped object – huge – big enough to hover over the entire highway… then – it broke into three triangles and those went off and did their thing… one of them dropped right down in front of my friend while she was on her boat in Longview Lake! I know three people who saw something that night… The funny thing is that each one of them saw a part of this “evolution” – One friend saw the large V Shaped Craft (around 7:45)– then my step brother saw the object split apart (about 8:00) – three separate triangles… and then my BFF and her Longview Lake experience with one of the triangles (about 8:15). This whole thing is nuts man.

I would be happy to publish the personal accounts if this reader can get those involved to provide them.
UDCC is still digesting the info available. My understanding is that DOZENS of first hand accounts are now `out there'. I invite those wishing for those to be on UDCC to contact me via the comments or at has a great review today. (see our new sidebar button for the Anomalist).
And, in just the last few hours - a video: (48 views when posted)

link -
link to `suspicious' YouTube account - -- And, here is why this video is slightly suspicious - the uploader sited as the source does NOT exist on YouTube `LamborginiBoy007' - but, what is most `disturbing' is that this user has uploaded a crapload of UFO videos in the last few weeks - a newbie. Just all seems a bit strange. That said, it is an impressive video and hey, this guy is just gathering what he feels is good evidence to him and posting it on YT so - more power to him. BUT, if somehow he IS Lamborginiboy007 - it smacks of possible fakeness.
Here's another YT video from Lee's Summit on July 3rd - two Orbs supposedly - - great reactions from this crew of folks.
New Missouri MUFON UFO links of this week:
10/3 - ufo hovering over houses. very low but to low to be airplane or helicopter. Lots of flashing light such blue,green,yellow,red,white. - - Saw on multiple days according to description.
#2 - U was at work looking up for some odd reason, just happened to catch my eye. I knew it was a ufo, considering i have past military secret clearance. It was tree elevation above a hill at my job about the size of at least 5 747s end to end with no sound. It was extremely slow moving and did a U turn right in front of me. Right after that all the animals of the woods headed to the top of the hill, it just left oddly enough. The second sighting was on 10-6-2011 when i was at home smoking outside still thinking about the first sighting, i flashed my high intensity flashlight at an object that looked like an aircraft with a banner to catch its attention, as soon as i flashed it the 'banner' disappeared and a few moments later the aircraft in front disappeared in a clear sky. Again, seen on multiple days.
#3 - On Oct 3, at about 7:50 p.m. we were driving on 40 Highway west heading towards Noland Road to return to our home near Raytown. As we headed west on 40 Highway we saw off in the distance a rather large object with many lights. It was moving very slowly and we wondered what it was but didn't think much about it at the time since we only saw it for a short time. Then, the next evening, we were going out for an evening walk since the weather was so beautiful on October 4th around 8:00 p.m and saw the same object again. As we exited the house (we live up high on a bluff between Raytown and Lee's Summit, MO) we noticed unusually bright lights in the sky and I said that I wondered what that was since it was moving extremely slow and looked very large. Then all of a sudden, it appeared to separate so then I thought it was three separate planes but just as fast as it separated it went back together as one and headed northeast. I wonder now if it looked like it separate but in fact had just turned vertically. We continued to wonder what it was but went on with our walk as it continued across the horizon. When we got about 3 blocks from the house, we again observed the large brightly lit object in the sky and as we walked it moved very slowly and seemed to hover at times. The lights would change sometimes being horizontal and other times being vertical, sometimes solid and other times blinking. When we got to a cul-de-sac which sits on a bluff, we stood in someone's driveway and watched the object in amazement. It was off on the horizon and appeared to be over the Raytown area. At one point it appeard to make a 180 degree turn and go the other way. The lights appeared to triangular in shape when it would turn a certain way. When it was the nearest to us we commented that it was making no sound. My friend commented that maybe it was some kind of blimp since there was no sound. As we were standing there, the person whose driveway we were standing in came home and we pointed the object out to them. The guy jokingly said it was a UFO and we laughed and agreed. As we started to walk we heard some noise and then saw a helicopter but the object had disappeared. We ran into some other neighors who said they had seen it while they were walking in the parking lot of the Teetering Rocks Golf Course. We all agreed it was like nothing we had ever seen but had no idea what we had seen. After reading all these other sightings, I decided I would report what we saw. It was never as close to us as others have reported but our description would be very similar to the others that have been reported.

  • - once again, multiple days.

  • #4 - As reported to Assistant State Director by phone yesterday:

    "I was driving south on Douglass in Lee's Summit, Missouri at 9:50 pm and came to a stop at Forest street when a bright orange/red fireball moved over the top of my car from the back to the front and hovered over my vehicle, almost at exactly 90 degrees above me but slighly forward above the windshield. It stayed there for ten minutes. I was too scared to move, or drive on and just sat there, frozen, until it took off very quickly directly East. It was out of sight in less than five seconds. It was approximately 40-60 feet in diameter and aproximatley 60 feet above my vehicle. No other cars came by at that time. I immediately went home, just a few blocks away, went inside the house and locked all of the doors and windows. When I heard about all of the other UFO sightings in the area I thought I'd better report this. I heard from some friends that they saw something similar earlier in the evening and they said they'd contact MUFON, too. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures. I was too afraid to get my cell phone out to take a picture, but wish I had now." Is this part of the multiple Orb breakup and one targeting this vehicle? Oh, the above happened on 10-5.
    #5 Another 10-4 report Here
    As of yet, the MSM seems strangely quiet on all this. I'm sure I'll have some more thoughts on all this tomorrow and perhaps new reports sent to UDCC.
    IF today is your first time to UDCC, have a look around the sidebar for lots of original content and unique finds. Thanks.
    I have heard from John the GM of the Lee's Summit Airport in answer to my latest questions. See below:
    From: []

    Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 3:50 PM
    To: John Ohrazda
    Subject: Re: Question from the Website
    Thanks much.
    Why do you think it was a group of pilots for some of the reports? Have you heard back from the group leader by chance yet? ------- How many in that group normally? Do they fly at altitudes that would draw such attention in your opinion? Or, be SO unrecognizable?
    I really appreciate having info this close to the source, so to speak. lol.
    (At 5:15, I heard from John again.)

    These folks have been performing formation flying for over a year and a half, so they are not new. As one pilot today told me, “he has never seen an UFO, and when he first saw the formation Tuesday night he thought for sure that was what it was, until the group turned and then he could tell they were aircraft”

    Have no idea what makes people think what they think.
    I have talked to numerous persons on the phone, who would not believe what they saw were aircraft, but something other then that.
    I thank John for his candidness and 10-4 good buddy.

    Thursday, October 6, 2011

    Are The Kansas City Sightings --- 10-4 `I Understand Your Transmission'?

    Yes, I have one testimony after another again to bring you from the MUFON site about the 10-4, Kansas City Craft Event. Interestingly, when one looks up 10-4 on Google - near the top is the urban meaning of 10-4 `I Understand Your Transmission'- which at this point is anything but true in this craft sighting.

    One thing I tried to clear up was the Lee's Summit Airport - whos hours of operation end before the major portion of these sightings. I've sent an e-mail earlier today to the general manager of the airport - unresponded to - asking if planes take off and land after hours. I would assume this guy is being overwhelmed by folks asking questions.

    Anyway, without further ado - here's more sightings from 10-4 in Missouri. The MUFON reports.
    #1 - I was driving from the UMKC campus after my night class at 8:10-8:15 on Emanuel Cleaver Blvd along Brush Creek. I had just past Gates BBQ at The Paseo headed north/east towards Raytown. I saw about a 1-2 miles away a V shaped aircraft with several orange lights VERY close to the tree line. They were not blinking. It did not appear to move like a normal airplane, it hovered. I first thought it was a large jumbo jet making an emergency landing in the location of 350 highway near 435. But the distance from where I was to where the object was made it too big to be a commercial plane. I continued to drive north/east on Emanuel Cleaver hoping I'd see it closer but I lost sight of it in the trees once I passed 71 highway. I used to live near Whiteman AFB when I was in college and would see B2 bombers and other military planes, this was nothing like I'm used to. It was too big. I would definately like to know if the military is testing an object over civilian areas without informing us or if this really is what I believe it is.

    When I got home my fiance told me he had seen something odd in the sky in Independence where we live. He was on 39th street near the Independence Center. He saw the aircraft hovering in the sky around 7:40-7:50 over 470/291 towards the Bass Pro shopping area (west direction). He said it was V-shaped with and had lots of blinking lights. He thought it was a plane but it moved too slow and circled around to much. He said at one point it went vertical and hovered then broke into three parts.
    It kind of freaked me out that he saw the exact same object and told me about it before I said anything to him about what I had seen. That just struck us both as odd and not normal. Hence why I'm submitting this report. I've seen other reports through MUFON on a blog and those reports are similar to ours.
    #2Report taken by Assistant State Director today: "I was driving North on Woods Chapel Road in Lee's Summit while heading home from work and saw people stopped and looking up. I stopped at a stop sign and saw a huge craft with multiple green, white, and blue circlular shaped lights on the bottom of it come directly over my head. The lights were all on the bottom in a triangular shape. The size was enormous. To give you an idea for the size - it filled up the entire windshield of my car. It was moving very slowly in a North direction towards the small Lee's Summit airport. That airport is too small for large planes to land. I see planes in the area all the time but this was not normal. A co-worker of mine saw it too. It was flying very low. At first we thought it was a large plane, but it did not look like a plane at all. After it turned towards the airport, it slowed for one minute, then contineud North, which was left of our position, and it went out of sight. I am sending a drawing to the investigator."
    #4 As reported to assistant state director today by e-mail and phone:

    E-Mail report:
    "Me and my boyfriend saw what appeared to be a ufo, we were driving and saw the object because it was pretty low, we thought it was an airplane or something until we saw about 7 or 8 lights at the bottom of it, it sped away pretty fast, we kept driving and saw it again, we had our camera phone out recording it, and it came back to us, right over us in a matter of seconds, I saw lots of blueish whitish lights at the bottom, we have some of it on video, this happened Monday night around 8-9 o'clock p.m., on our way home, not too far from home."
    The witness called me today and further stated that it would take a car to cover the object up at arm's length. THe lights were all facing downward. She said that it took off at a fast speed, then returned and hovered right over their vehicle. Her boyfriend took video of it with her cell phone and she is sending it to me. The object then just floated away slowly.
    #5 Lee’s Summit, Mo. Tuesday 7:52 pm

    October 4th, 2011
    I saw a U.F.O. I do believe that we are not alone in the universe and I do believe in God. In my lifetime I have observed strange lights in the sky, I have read articles about abductions or eyewitness accounts U.F.O. sightings, and I admit to watching shows about area 51, Roswell and government cover-ups. Hollywood is alwys entertaining when bringing a new twist to the elusive E.T. ‘s that are watching us, snatching us and performing their tests on us. I am not fanatical about the subject.
    I am going to recount the events and what I saw from my balcony. Many other people saw the same thing and reported it. I just want to know what it was.
    I was sitting on my balcony, talking on the phone, I looked up as this enormous, slow moving, very bright object began to move over the tree line. I said I had to go, wanted to get a picture of this & my phone was dying, so I needed to get my charger plugged in. Then I stood frozen and stared.
    It was Not a stealth. It was moving SE, and another smaller craft (small plane, helicopter?) was moving NW. At first I thought they were going to collide, then (it seemed almost awkward) maneuvered and I remember thinking ”the little one seems panicked.” It was not the normal amount of space between two aircraft. The little one disappeared, then count-I, 2, it flew over the top of the big one. This is when I remembered my desire for pictures and my dying phone. By the time I was back outside it had moved to the E side of downtown L.S. Then my phone rang, I answered it, plugged it in, and it was gone when I got back outside. THAT FAST!
    The Craft- It was at least the size of a football field. I really could not tell what the overall shape was. It had two rows of lights that spanned the width and then under those lights were two more rows, centered, but shorter in width. There was a consistent pattern in the lights, that changed in number, becoming less at the center, but symmetrical, for example- Left to Right- 9, 8, 8,, 5,, 3, 4, 3,, 5,, 8, 8, 9. Each number represents the uninterrupted chain of “bulbs” each comma represents a space. The top two rows were identical. Sizeable space, then rows three and four were solid, no interruptions. I would say they were the width of 5-5. The lights seemed brighter, whiter than the little craft’s light, but I don’t remember them changing colors or pulsing.
    I didn’t see the craft flip on it’s side or disappear. What I noticed the most, frightened me most. There was no noise. Not from either one. I could hear my cats playing inside, my microwave beep (my tea was done) and my neighbors talking.
    My daughter was on HWY 291 with a friend. They both saw it. They had to lean over in the car to see the whole thing, it was right over them. The same daughter has chosen a caree in avaition, so we CONSTANTLY watch the aircraft in the skies. This was different.
    October 5th, 1:30 pm. I called LS airport, to inquire. The man who answered said he had heard nothing about this occurance, that it must be some local pilots practicing their formation routine for an upcoming event (off the record, of course.) He said that I must be mistaken, that people mistake common things (weather balloons, stray kites, etc.) all the time. I responded with “doesn’t our local airport have a responsibility to know who is where in our skies?” He informed me that clearly I was mistaken, thanked me for calling and hung up.
    I know what I saw. I made my next call to KCI. I was transferred four times to “someone who could better answer those questions.” Number five was an air traffic control person. He listened me but said he had heard nothing of this either. I asked him to google UFO/Lees Summit10/04/2011. I asked how so many could see this and KCI not know? I said “if it was confidential, then say it’s confidential, and I would shut up and hang up. If it’s a really big airplane, then tell me the model, but don’t say you didn’t even know it was there!” He reviewed radar starting at 6:00 pm. After about a minute he says” Well I see here there WAS Something flying in our airspace, but we weren’t talking to them” I said “HUH?” He got quiet, then said “oh it must be a 747 that landed at about 7:28 pm. He had nothing else to say. I thanked him and hung up.

    I am not an MIT hopeful. I will never be a brain surgeon. I am also not stupid.

    If it was confidential then why was it flying SO Slowly and SO Close to the ground? We all know what the Stealth looks like…a weather balloon? A little more tact when insulting someone’s intelligence is in order.
    Yep-it’s unexplained. Yep-it looks fishy. What are they doing at our airports? Answers would be Awesome! I have low expectations.
    And, this is NOT the first time that Lee's Summit has been the focus of UFO reports - as you can see from this TV report just two months ago of a multiple witness sighting on July 30th. 7K views.
    Very interestingly, I've yet to find an uploaded video even while some are mentioned in the various reports. UDCC will keep on it and bring analysis as the week rolls onward.
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    The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
    Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
    a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

    design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

    a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

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