The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Showing posts with label Israel UFO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel UFO. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2011, The Year Of The Orb - The 2011 UFO Saga - Told In Story Form - With Top Five Videos

If you remember in the last chapter,  titled 2010 - the year ended with a huge level of expectations as for what to expect to happen in our skies in 2011 - do to the unprecedented PREDICTED October 13th, 2010 day-long UFO sky display that eventually had LIVE TV coverage with the man in the street in NYC.  As such, the Stanley Fulham predictions for 2011 loomed as he himself passed before the year began. Would alien contact be accelerating as he predicted so that aliens could save our atmosphere? Would the `shapes' of UFOs continue to develop new attributes as they did in 2010? (Reports have suggested a possible increase in  squareish, and rectangular and irregular shapes IMO.)
But, most importantly, would some form of UFO disclosure come in 2011 - some sort of direct `answer' about the anomalous phenomena seemingly being captured more and more on camera. Would the government of the USA itself take the `soft disclosure' route already taken by other countries, and, begged for by the exo-politics branch of the UFO contingent of folks.

And to that end, perhaps most amusingly of all official stances of the government in 2011, a man named Phil Larson stood in front of a podium and read some prepared statement in answer to the long awaited desires to know if aliens exist, or if the government is hiding information about such matters. You will be happy to know that your government is NOT withholding such information and according to Phil Larson (whose anagram is An Op Shrill) - humans have never interacted with alien entities. ............................... But that we continue to look with our telescopes and microscopes for life elsewhere other than our earth centered universe..................... Not quite the outcome that was desired by the Exo-politics folks.
At least TPTB got that out of the way, right? Now, President Obama could point at that as some sort of symbol of our open government system..... I mean, why dangle any carrot or grey area in the answer right .... cough cough?

And, if Donald Rumsfeld could answer `What is building 7?' to a question in 2011 - be happy that TPTB were willing to give any version of an `answer' at all - lord count your blessings. This answer of Phil's despite numerous retired military personal a bit more knowledgeable perhaps than Larson -  even inferring our NUKEs have been compromised by anomalous phenomena............ So, you have your answer sheeple, now be happy with it - and move along to the back of the pen please for your shots. Oh, and remember, your government has answered the `Alien Disclosure ' questions - And as a reminder, the answers are NO and NO.
But, the digging into the dusty pile of already released soft UFO disclosure papers and files in the most recent years of the 2000's  has produced some interesting `findings', or perhaps only opinions would be more accurate. Especially about what we here at UDCC call the Orb phenomena. As this year it came to light that this was the analysis of some UK agency:

That Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP or UFO) Exist is indisputable. Credited with the ability to hover, land, take off, accelerate to astonishing velocities and vanish. They can reportedly alter their direction of flight suddenly and clearly can exhibit aerodynamics characteristics well beyond those of any known aircraft or missile - either manned or unmanned.

The Conditions for the initial formation and sustaining of what are apparently buoyant charged masses (of Plasma), which can form, separate, merge, hover, climb, dive, and accelerate are not completely understood.
Dependent on a color's temperature and aerosol density, it may be seen visually, either by it self generated plasma color, by reflected light, or silhouette by light blockage and background contrast.
Occasionally and perhaps exceptionally, it seems a field with, undetermined characteristics can exist between certain charged buoyant objects in loose formation, the intervening space between them forms an area, viewed as a shape, often Triangular, from which the reflection of light does not occur. This is a key finding in the attribution of what have frequently been called black "Craft", often triangular and up to hundreds of feet in length. - The UK Ministry of Defence

Check out this document recently declassified by the UK Ministry Of Defense on Unidentified ]Aerial Phenomenon or UAP's, or as they are called in the US....UFO's

That's pretty darn close to what disclosure may be folks. Orbs are the key IMO to the vast vast majority of the anomalous sky phenomena. What is most intriguing to me perhaps is that the area between the plasma takes on special characteristics. That would seemingly make them MORE than plasma balls of some sort. Is this in-between area of the `Triangle of Lights' that often is seen as `part of the lights' which thereby forms a craftlike object - some sort of a projection of the Orbs? WTH?
So, in the same year that we have the declaration that nothing has EVER gone on concerning aliens -  and the declaration of something unknown going on; that mysteriously forms those black triangles in the sky perhaps...... is where we all - the public, are left to decide for ourselves.
But IMO, the `story' of UFO Disclosure is not so neatly wrapped into either of the official government viewpoints on `UFOs'  that I have just covered above. Indeed, the story of 2011 in UFOlogy, perhaps because of the big upcoming fear year of 2012, for the internet, largely focused on anything but the official government lines about such matters. As you know, governments are not in much favor in the worlds eyes right now with many billions of citizens.
So, away from the official chatter, - was the `internet world of UFO's' - which includes it all as you have seen on UDCC; but the 65th chapter of this story is `2011' and what made an impact. And, what made that impact was the 2012 syndrome - the end has to be near; and things have to be accelerating! (The websites always say, don't you feel it?) Indeed, in 2011 you could end up reading the end of time garbage for months and leave your mind as mush - so - this review of 2011 will include (and just did) some of the conspiracy and some of the high strangeness.
These were some of the other subchapters in the year counted as 2011: the first one, the MSM is yet to even delve into.

                          2011 - The Year of The ORB

While it's been buried deep within the history of UFOlogy - it's now becoming much more apparent that Orbs recur in certain locations and sometimes  even `come' or shine on command - some folks doing this mentally while others are via contact lights such as lasers. Orb callers who have orbs splitting and merging before the video camera.

Indeed Orbs that do all the things that the UK government paper above says they do. AND MORE. In fact, `the Jerusalem Orb' original videos of the dropping Orb - and the TV coverage given within the first week - changed somewhat the coverage of UFOs since then.

Indeed, compared to the alleged HUGE increase in UFO reporting to MUFON in 2011 and other quarters, the media has almost kept their mouth totally shut (except to be a mouthpiece for Phil Larson) since the Jerusalem Orb Drop. That even included ignoring the amazing spate of reports in the Lee's Summit area of Missouri - that included more than `just an orb'. Indeed, the lack of MSM interest of the on-going nature of many anomalous sky events is incredible to those even casually following the reports.
It will take something spectacular to shake the shutdown of the overall reporting on the anomalous now - especially with the upcoming political season in 2012.
Indeed, the anomalous reports are changing in ways the MSM is yet to really report; - such as the new Sky Noise Phenomena being reported in many places of the world. Such as the evolving seeing of more `boxlike' and rectangular `craft' - or simply strange hanging craft that look like hanging jetliners to apartment buildings. Saucers have not vanished from reports but it is nearly so.
But, back to what the internet covered of UFOlogy in 2011; - well, how about the endless predictions of the aliens `showing' or disclosing themselves? Remember `The Agency' Predicting UFOs over Washington D.C. back in February? OR, Shaman Lujan Mathus's prediction that March 8th (3-8-11) would be important? Or, the various Galactic Federation predictions? Dates were continuously floated all year long - some traced to bogus one man campaigns by UDCC

As the 65th year went on (1947 year one), the MUFON reports started to contain an increase in localization and high strangeness - with LOTS of startling close up experiences to report. (Very disappointing videowise however.) 2011 also saw the continuance of the nearly beautiful `sky symbols' experiences first associated with the Stephenville Texas events,  where the `sky light show' changes literally every second in impossible ways.
The year 2011 also had many videos of unknown sources that seemingly were over the top in stretching belief. UDCC vouches for none of the UFOs nor the current `understandings' of the UFO community for `where things stand' on any given video. These were the videos of most impact and interest to UDCC and the public in 2011. And, to that end - the below represent the Top UFO Videos, and Stories, OF 2011.
Drumroll please..................................................!!!!!!!!

UDCC's 2011 Number One - The Jerusalem Orb

first covered on UDCC -
UDCC's Number Two - The 2011 Sky Noise Phenomena

first covered on UDCC -
UDCC's Number Three - Phil Coseski, Orb Caller

first covered on UDCC -
UDCC's Number Four - The July 4th LIVE TV - UFO on Chicago TV

first covered on UDCC -
UDCC's Number Five - Fisherman Cellphone UFO Video And Story

first covered on UDCC -
You may want to bookmark the above and send it to some friends. PLEASE share this post if you think it is worthy via the Share Buttons Below such as Facebook. Your help at spreading the UDCC viewpoints are appreciated.

 (54 folks rate this a 4.5 stars)
Book Description (From Amazon)

Publication Date: October 13, 2009

In The Physics of Miracles, Dr. Bartlett builds upon his popular seminars to teach us how to access the discovery he has made -- a process that merges the science of subtle energy with our innate imaginations to produce measurable results. By applying forces known to modern physics, you will learn to tap into states of healthy awarenes from different moments -- in essence, travel in time -- and bring them into the present for immediate, profound results. As Dr. Bartlett shows, this practice requires no special training and produces transformation in the blink of an eye, giving you the key to a whole new level of power, awareness, and potential in your life.

Filled with stories of success and discussing seemingly implausible topics such as alternate universes, invisibility, and levitation, The Physics of Miracles is not only fascinating but also instantly applicable. For millions of people looking for empowerment in an increasingly disconnected, impersonal world, Dr. Bartlett shares his experience with these phenomena that will reshape the way people think about their own place in the universe.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Odds And Ends

Have gathered up a number of links and still have some (really lots) to clear out from other periods of time - so, today and probably tomorrow expect just some listings such as the below. You will enjoy these clips, articles and websites!
Here's something that I will probably dig into - seems someone has taken the time to MAP -- are you ready? -- 41 of theSky Noise Phenomena's Of 2011. Some are indeed clustered as has been suspected.
BTW, here's a recent visiting company to the blog searching `ufo disclosure' The_Aerospace_Corporation - hmm.
You'll have to wait LESS than a minute into this video for the `good stuff' - REAL clear saucer shaped craft:

And, on a similar note - here's some more background on the claims of aliens interfering with our Nukes - Aliens And Nukes. Worrisome or comforting?
Robert Hastings Book
Want a good read from an excellent blogger? And, how's this for a title Does Lake Erie Harbor an Underwater UFO Base? - none other than the The Paranormal Pastor - fine site to explore today. Includes video too at the link.
Having fun yet?

Ran across this strange book of possible interest to UDCC readers.
And, here's an OMG collection of UFO reports From Israel and The Number One UFO Researcher There - whole gambit, very interesting. You'll bookmark this. Detailed Read.
Here's another Compelling UFO sighting In 2011 that you haven't heard squat about. Quick Read, with Picture.
More Good Reads Tomorrow Too - See You Then

Oh, how about clicking those social media buttons below - thanks.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Eligael Gedalyovich - Who Filmed the Jerusalem UFO Speaks Out

While this may be less than satisfying to all - IMO - (and that is all it is an opinion) - this guy hardly seems like a yuckster. For those looking for some confession, or admission of a hoax, forget about it. Eligael also indicates that this isn't the first UFO he has seen in the location (I can tell you from following this that he posted a non-interesting UFO video about a few days after his famous video): Fewer than 3,400 views as posted.

Here you go:

I am not done with my full review of this event - stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Four Jerusalem UFO Video Perspectives

No one has stepped forward - 9 days AC (after contact?) - UDCC expects one,  as some `fame seeker' will probably make a try, perhaps. Will they be scrutinized or accepted for all the videos to be brushed off?

Once again, - the Day 10 Video review in one location:

The Coming: The Bible's Identity of "So-Called" UFOs
The Coming: The Bible's Identity of "So-Called" UFOs
Now, let's put it all into some perspective:

Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries
Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries
The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America's Favorite Planet
The Sky Is Not the Limit: Adventures of an Urban Astrophysicist
Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution
Merlin's Tour of the Universe
Oh, I found another short vid by a first time ufo caller:
Philip Chen - Underwater adventure, aliens, 2013 - Falling Star

Monday, February 7, 2011

The `Shelf-Life' Of UFO Events - AND - (Please No) Did The Jerusalem Orb/UFO `Flash' One Day Prior - And, Is THIS The Video?

As I mentioned in yesterdays post, IF the Israel UFO was a `hoax' - the time is waning short for the `hoax viral video maker' to step forward. Already, without more videos surfacing, it is apparent that the `shelf-life' of this event has reached or is reaching its expiration date. Perhaps more interesting is this strong feeling expressed by a comment in UDCC:

2) As to the hoax possibility, I think the biggest issue is not the resultant embarrassment and damage to the credibility of "believers", but the incalculable damage which will have been done to everyone's sense of trust, which is already in danger of disappearing. A hoax would be so harmful that if this does turn out to be a corporate publicity effort, we must take some kind of action that will make publicity-hungry businesses think twice before trying such a cynical publicity stunt.

If it turns out to be a publicity stunt, we have to hurt the hoaxer. By that I mean a massive, 100% punitive boycott of the product they're pushing. I know it's premature but I'm very worried about the fallout from a hoax. If it tuns out this has been done to promote a movie, we've got to do what we can to persuade the public NOT to reward it with their attendance. We have to persuade them to "vote with their dollars", and refuse to pay to see any movie that uses such a scummy scam as an apparently real UFO. It starts with us not going, and then spreading the word that no one in the "community" should support such a movie.

However, I surmise that more videos, if only city webcams or security cams, that caught the FLASH at the minimum, exist IF this is a real event. That said, at this point - anyone who had OTHER VIDEOS of the event surely know they are marketable. Worth dollars. So, why post to the world in a free public forum.

Then again, how many videos exist of any public event at 1:00 AM `by bystanders'? (Remember, the golden number of 1 AM videos demanded by Discover.Com for such an event to be real is evidently in excess of a DOZEN) -- (Oh, and let's not forget about the need for a tripod to stop that shakiness in the video to address the concerns of About.Com).

Okay, that was a lead on to TODAY'S JERUSALEM UFO/ORB VIDEO -- I'm calling this one the `impossible flash' which one of my readers sent to me. The link, again, on YouTube, is the effort of someone to see if any Israel Webcams might have caught the Saturday Morning Event.

And, amazingly, as you will see in the video - a Flash - supposedly in the same location as the UFO (via google earth) - that according to the date of the video is almost exactly 24 hours in advance of the `event'. (The person submitting the video thought it was the event but the date is wrong or different on the video camera --- that said, I have seen claims that when videotaping paranormal it can affect such things as displays.)

So, put this somewhere in the matrix web of your mind that responds to the words `Jerusalem UFO': All of less than 700 Views when posted before 10:28 AM.

Here's the verbage with the video post:
I went to this website and typed in the date as follows 28-01-2011. Also on this website you can get the location of the camera, the manager of the states that camera looks north, so using google earth I typed in the location of the web cam and looking north The Dome of the Rock is within the range of the cam, although it is distant and hidden by the old wall of the city and The King David Hotel. At 00:57:59, or 12:57:59 a.m. (on the webcam time) you see to the right of the screen over where the DOR is a bright light that disappears.I hope this shows what I mean accurately, all credit to the original filmers of this event. Never tried to make my own video so here it is for what it's worth. The only edit I did was shortening the webcam video. You can do all this yourself and find what I found. Peace.

How many little links of meaning exist for any given event?

My bet, on this particular video is that - wrong day, big co-incidence - but, who knows in this Fortean World.
Thanks for being a Clocker! A Leader!
Three Folks bought this Thriller I've recommended in the last two days - it mixes a storyline that includes aliens and the year 2013 - the reviews are awesome - he's a new writer - Falling Star - check it out, the E-book is like a buck. Paperback available.
Falling Star
Wrote this yesterday --

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hold On; ANOTHER `Recent' Jerusalem Orb Video Shows Impossible Moves

Okay, have you got your seatbelt fastened? I've been digesting as much as I can stand of the reactions to the Jerusalem UFO/Orb event of a week ago for the last day and a half - yes, the video you saw here as early as 9:03 AM last Sunday, before the brouhaha had really taken off.

Monday morning I posted THE FIRST CLOSE UP video of the Jerusalem UFO/Orb when the video had less than 1,500 views - it now is over 900,000. And, on Monday, in my two commentaries I said, in UDCC, - movie promo or sophisticated hoax but that UFOlogy had moved to a new level - and, I echoed that in my Barf Stew write-up.

To me, it was obvious from the start that this was a qualitatively and quantitatively different `event' than all previous Orb videos -- and, I've covered Orbs folks - tons and tons and written tons and tons about them - this link providing only one set of examples from one of my three blogs that touch on the Orb subject.

This Orb was very different - although it started like ANY OTHER ORB of the 1,000's you can see on YouTube. - Then, the dramatic move downwards - (virtually unseen in any other `normal' Orb videotape) - was very distinctive, even to a frequent ORB video seer such as myself. Indeed, to my memory, NONE of the previous Orb videos that I've ever seen moved with such `determination' to near ground level and hover.

Indeed, to my memory (last Sunday and Monday), NONE of the previous Orb videos that I've ever seen - then FLASHED and accelerated upwards - again, with such distinct `determination'. And, then, almost unlike other `morphing UFOs/Orbs' - the event finishes - indeed - with yet one final distinctive event - the flashing lights and `pop' - right out of our reality.

As if it KNEW it was seen - and to say - THERE. Or, here I am, or here we are.

Evidently, the world via the internet web, felt the same. Not since Stephenville has the MSM brought such semi-immediate coverage. Even during unprecedented storms and upheavals.(Other than local affiliate UFO stories going national for a one day view.) Indeed, at least IMO, the MSM was very TIMID initially; one, perhaps to not get immediately `burned' by a viral media campaign or taken in immediately with such a DRAMATIC UFO by a hoaxer. (Indeed, will this fear bar of ridicule stop the MSM from covering such dramatic events such as this?) --- But, their resolve weaken with the 2nd and 4th videos - both, close up, both from separate angles. Much like the `far views' of videos one and three.

Oh, and BTW; so, far the MSM has ignored the similar `Orb Release' video in Utah - three hours later than the Jerusalem event -- yeah, UDCC had THAT video on last Sunday too.

Really folks, people need information that is put together, that tells a real story - it is a shame the newspeople don't have those skills (or balls)  or are intimidated to do so about certain subjects. Anyway, let's all not forget UTAH - (sounds like a battle cry) lest we muck up the MSM roar of hoax!

NOR, shall we, I at least, forget that this is NOT this first time(s) Orb's `fell' out of the sky and were videotaped.

But, I digress. That is indeed expecting too much of the lamestream media.


Indeed, what IF, there is ANOTHER `Impossible Jerusalem Orb' - and this one was in the day and was in mid-December. A video that has been `labeled' a `spirit orb' and `ghost' - and that has seemingly been slipping under the radar until now (still under 152,000 views) perhaps because of the label attached to it. It's only a few seconds of video,  but - again - in UDCC's opinion - is very distinctive and deliberate and determined. Here it is:

I am not making the claim to be the first to bring this to the publics eye and in the last few days I'm sure some `end of timers' have played the above `confirmation' out in their minds to some extreme level. However, what I DO want to get across as an analyst is that weaving data together often tells a larger story. And, so,  yet another ORB video - that IMO is as INCREDIBLE as nearly any daytime videos I've seen of Orbs in the sky - in the same area of location - `could' be indicative of something bigger.

But, IS IT REALLY `ALIENS' folks? -------- Obviously, it is unlikely that either of the ORBs now featured had a `biological' entity within them as the G-forces would seem beyond tolerance. And, what about the short phenomenological structure we are witnessing? These events END! Vanish! Stop! Does normal phenomena do THAT?

Also, in part of the huge ---- `can it really be aliens MSM dialogue (all of which went from silent to neutral to deny leaning) of the last few days' - other ideas continue to be suggested, even beyond that the multiple locations multiple people multiple cities `orb droppings' were a hoax. (And now, multiple times in the same city evidently.) -- Suggestions that, IMO, are even MORE worrisome than some of the possible things that the Jerusalem event(s) may represent.

And, that most worrisome thing that was trotted out as possibilities was that the Israel Military has technology to do exactly what we all witnessed on the multiple location, multiple people, multiple cities - videos. (or any military of course) - I mean OMFG! But, then again, when seeking plausible deniability, in an incredible EVENT like this, one pulls out the trump cards seldom used. Perhaps.
Indeed, LET UDCC BE THE FIRST ONE TO MAKE THIS POINT -- IF THE `HOAXER' (viral ad maker) doesn't `step-forward' THIS WEEK - then there is NO Hoaxer. Indeed, very few hoaxers would have even waited this long and each day make that likelihood LESS.
But the range of responses available online is incredible and I highly suggest an interent search with the words `Jerusalem UFO' or `Israel UFO'. You don't even need to search `hoax' - as it will come up strongly. Indeed, while all sites on the net were not yelling hoax by a longshot - consider a few of these `reactions' days and days after the initial reactions from sites such as UDCC.

For example, - wanted DOZENS of videos at such a popular location before they believed - and this was NPR's reaction - you see, it is all a matter of BELIEF! (Don't forget Utah.)

Micah Hanks, one who is on occasion able to put together fuller pictures like this website - here laments with this overreaching headline `Recent Israeli UFO Videos Suspected of Viral Advertising' - which is based on one persons e-mail that suggests `One theory I’ve gotten emailed about is that this was made by the marketing people behind Sony’s Battle: Los Angeles as part of the viral marketing campaign.”

To which, I frankly answer - WHO WOULDN'T want to connect virally with this event?
Oh, you can find on the exopolitics type sites lots of stuff about how the Jerusalem videos confirm this or that - just google Webre.
Which brings us all back to what actually happened out there on what UDCC has shown by three separate videos, Utah, Jerusalem, and now Jerusalem again. THREE highly unusual ORB events. These are NOT craft we see (that said, I easily acknowledge cloaking and such) - these are glowing balls of something - some energy. Some energy that seemingly is making conciousness moves within our perceptions by making conscious moves itself.

Almost a reflection to show we are not alone.

So, what are these ORBS is the REAL question. NOT is this all a hoax. The MSM has avoided the subject of Orbs and Tulpas big time now for years. Orbs have been `being called' now by a number of individuals over the last few years. Including those investigated by MUFON even.

But, Orbs open up almost a whole new can of worms for our lamestream media. WAY too esoteric a subject. Throw in Tulpas and Thought Forms and you might as well turn on the Simpsons and fogettaaaabbooouuuuttt iiiiittttt.
Finally, just what ARE these Orb displays all about? Have the dead evolved somehow and are showing us either that they live on or that they can return? Is this the way non-human non-physical `entities' beyond our timecone can interact? Are these indeed cloaked `craft' that are getting bolder in their appearances and are ready to take it all a step further?

Or, scarily, is this indeed what human technology has reached as a `show' to the world by an elite group of humans - perhaps the ones that run the planet. And, this all is to gauge the reaction on the lead up to something much more nefarious?

UDCC will continue to try to put together the pieces of data and the attributes they suggest - thanks for being along for the ride. Oh, that seatbelt, give it one more tug to make sure it is buckled.
What if the Jerusalem event happened over the super bowl -

Philip Chen - Fiction story that mixes aliens and 2013 - Falling Star

Friday, February 4, 2011

Today's Jerusalem Israel UFO Video - Full PreEvent Too

Yes, the videos or video versions continue - thanks to my field reporters I bring this to you with less than 1,700 views as I post it: At the least it is background material. Still has the spectacular footage too.

See you Tomorrow.
Want to read a fiction thriller? One that mixes aliens and 2012 typestuff?
Falling Star - read the reviews a click from now.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

FOURTH Jerusalem Video Surfaces

First, hello and welcome to the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock (UDCC) - I hope you are ready to be amazed today. The reason is that a FOURTH video of an unexplained event has surfaced. IF you are just catching up on this coverage - on the morning of Jan. 29th at about 1:00 AM in Jerusalem, Israel - and then again about three hours later in Salt Lake City, Utah, in the United States - what can best be described as a Glowing Orb was videotaped above Jerusalem - that after hovering for a bit of time, descended to near the ground for about 20 seconds, and then, with a burst of light preceding,  shot up into the sky - finishing with about a dozen or so blinks of a reddish or white color (one could imagine a craft if one wanted) and then vanishing in a `pop'. Three hours later a similar but NOT identical event was captured on a cellphone in Salt Lake City - this `video' was covered by at least one local TV channel.

In a nutshell, you are up to date on the basics - however, for the Jerusalem UFO event - videos are continuing to surface and today I bring you a video that when I found it an hour ago had less than 400 views and is now up to 4,300:

This is the fourth video angle above - and from this angle you can see that the the UFO moves when near the ground also. Below, is a video that when I found it this morning had 50 views -

You may also want to check out the comments on this blog too as at least one other reader has come forward to say they have seen similar phenomena. Indeed, in other comments, a man suggested that the FIRST close up video was nothing more than a `video' of the Wikipedia Page of that area of Jerusalem - and while the video did look mighty similar - at least to me and my perception - was NOT identical in a number of ways (that said, one nighttime picture of a town, will look similar to the next as they will have the same streetlights, and lit-up storefronts, etc. Even many homes or apts. that are up on one night are often up the next. Anyway, I viewed the video and the picture side by side and to me - not the same.

And, now, it may be a moot point with the newest closer in video of the event - from a totally different angle than the Wikipedia picture too.

Here's the first video:

Here's the first close in video:

Here's the Utah video:

Here's the first two distant videos co-ordinated:

And here's the first three videos co-ordinated:

So, take some time to digest that the Earth may finally have the type of video `proof' of UFO activity, or, at the very least, very nefarious human activity going on in our skies. And, as I said, yesterday in my analysis at Barf Stew -- it would seem unlikely that humans would want to draw this much attention to their special status.

IF the Oct. 13th UFO event in NYC was the tip of the iceberg - we may be starting to see, indeed, especially if this is REAL - the expected `progression' of `contact'. NYC provided an `on-going' UFO that allowed the NYC media to literally be in the street, interviewing folks about `are we alone'? The event, not as close-up, involved lights in the sky and lasted hours.

Whereas, this event - provided `the short term close-up' -- and -- the PROOF of differing `angles' LONG MISSING IN THE WHOLE `I filmed a UFO' saga. This one is NOT balloons. NOT skydivers. And, allowed a close up view.

Thinking of a logical progression from here would be -- LONGER near ground `contact' --- an evolution of the LIGHT near the ground INTO an object --- the continued `confirmation' via `other events' in a similar timeframe (what Utah was this time).

One of my readers supposedly sent a contact e-mail to one of the YouTube posters of these videos - it will be interesting to see if UDCC can get any scuttlebutt from the ground. Finally, if you also would like to provide your UFO experience - especially if similar in any details, please do so.

I will continue my analysis tomorrow or at Barf Stew later.
I continued at my AnomalyMan blog - What IF The Jerusalem UFO Event Happened Over The Super Bowl? -
IF you enjoyed my fiction above about the what IF about UFOs and Super Bowls -- please conside this `fiction' (I'm almost afraid to draw attention to this as the Exopolitics Folks might think it is real) book by a fan of my blogs. His name is Philip Chen and this is his first book. Indeed, below is a review by a top reviewer:
following recommendation from a charter member of the National Book Critics Circle, Alan Caruba:

It is rare when a novelist makes his debut with as powerful a novel as Philip Chen’s Falling Star ($15.25, available from, softcover and on Kindle). It begins in 1967 and concludes in the Oval Office in 1993. In between Chen introduces you to an array of characters, all of whom have unique talents, some of whom are U.S. Navy officers, some with the FBI, all devoted to the protection of their nation. They are a handful of people who know about mysterious entities far beneath the surface of the waters surrounding the U.S. Others are members of a rogue KGB unit, moles who lived among us, but whose mission ended when the former Soviet Union collapsed. This novel stands out for the way you are introduced not just to the characters, but the physical reality in which they live, the sights and even the smells. Slowly and then with increasing intensity, the mysteries are unraveled, the enemies identified, as life and death often hangs in the balance. Drawing on his own life as an ocean research engineer, attorney and banker, Chen brings an authenticity to the novel that provides a heart-pounding reality that forces you to ask “What if?” What if Earth was under observation by those from another planet that is circling a dying sun? What if they intended to colonize it? What if the year for this was 2013? If you read just one novel in 2011, make it Falling Star.

Wish we all got reviews like that:

Falling Star
Falling Star

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Israel AND UTAH UFO Videos Move Disclosure Clock To 11 O'Clock Hour In O'11

For the first time since the heady first days of this website - the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock has a setting within the 11 O'Clock hour. And, when the time until midnight is no longer measured in hours, but is instead measured by MINUTES - indeed, something has changed.

And, indeed, while still awaiting some sort of confirmation that the event over Jerusalem was a viral movie promotion or elaborate hoax - short of such word - I must act to move the clock on the face of the `evidence'. Especially with the SAME Phenomena in UTAH within the same evening - evidently - and also caught partially on video: see it here:

This additional `evidence' especially at the same timeframe (same evening) - makes the naysayers of the first video in Jerusalem have a much weaker case - as - obviously, this newsteam has NOT A CLUE THAT THE SAME PHENOMENA happened over Israel too. Please see yesterday and Sunday's posts for those videos.

And, the evidence is - in short - a) a `striking' UFO event over a world landmark;  b) MULTIPLE videos of event that seem to be in coordination with each other; c) a Near Landing with eye-catching striking movements and display; d) a morph into what could be `imagined' as a Triangle UFO Craft. e) same red color associated in both sightings with same dropping of white ball of energy f) near identical event in Utah with Multiple Witnesses not associated with another

One could also throw in that the event happened at the same time as the largest world event since the Chilean Miner rescue - the turmoil in Egypt. Indeed, it is almost as if this is to `cloak' this evolving disclosure, perhaps. *(except for enlightened Clockers?)

The mind can weave many ideas into the whole saga --- for example, does the Light over Bethlehem come to mind? What if a new light appeared nightly and did EXACTLY THE SAME THING THAT ALREADY OCCURED? OR, what if the same phenomena began to happen at other World Landmarks.

In the quest of the human mind to look for patterns and meanings - could the desire by many for such higher contact play out in a manner of believabilitiy? One with a structure that sets up a belief in the actualizations? Making the actualizations even more believeable?

I'm reminded that the anagram for `two thousand eleven' is `A Hoedown Slut Event' --- seems to be fitting the 2011 UFO Saga exactly - hold on to your senses.
Thanks for the 100th Follower of this Blog --- WOW --- I do appreciate all of your interest in my analysis of this phenomena.
Oh, I talk these two UFO events MUCH more here today on my other blog:

I appreciate all you Clockers.

Monday, January 31, 2011



I believe we may have the confirmation the UDCC has been looking for on a `major' event -- a second video HAS surfaced (less than 1,500 views so far) of the SAME EVENT video that I ran with yesterday. OMG. Check this out - now, UNLESS they are a hoax team, THIS IS the type of NEAR PROOF that UDCC has been waiting for. Enjoy.

IF this isn't some movie promo OR sophisticated hoax - we HAVE moved to a new level. IMO.

I've written more of my opinions on this event here today -

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday UFO Videos - Photos - Links

Korea UFO picture:

Here's one from this week that stands out and stands out bold. One problem, the guy responds to the SECOND move of the UFO BEFORE it occurs (could this be a delay in the recording somehow?). Other than that - and the obvious lack of reports on the ground when it was hoving there - this is a winner video:

Here's a picture of what was admitted a FAKE ufo earlier this week - lamppost -
Weeks Important Link find -
Horrible source - interesting `news' - Ex-China Foreign Ministry Official says Extraterrestrials live among us -
Mr. Salla - again, horrible source - interesting `news' -
The 100 Year Starship Study - Pentagon, NASA Talking Interstellar Travel - -- this real sourced story may come as a disappointment to the Exopolitics folks who say we have colonies on Mars and have been to the stars DECADES ago.
Mothership on Google Earth - or - Nonsense?
orb photos via MUFON
Thanks for being a Clocker!








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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition