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Showing posts with label UFO sighting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UFO sighting. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2013

The UFO Aliens Of 1954

One of the valid points that `skeptics' make about the UFO phenomena experience is that the `UFO's" and `aliens' seem to `change' with the (human) times. UFO's in the `old' UFO days were-tended to be of the streamlined saucer shape and the `aliens' tended to be humanlike and in Earth Protective gear - such as spacesuits or bubble helmets (after all the logic went - how likely is Earth going to be suitable for THEIR life).

Keep all of that in mind while you spend the next 6 minutes being amazed by one mindblowing story of a 1954 `alien' encounter by a mother and her children (who would have been a great resource for this short interview): (Gathering Site) 600 views, 24-0 positive to negative ratio of opinion)
Like all the videos this week? Feel free to comment....... In the 18 minutes that UDCC was not `private' yesterday - my stats showed multiple sites spamming here. Google has got to get this under control or their data is worthless - seriously.
My Latest E-Book
shaking the very foundations of thought
caution is advised

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ground Evidence In Ayden, North Carolina? - (LMR's)

Had to take a day breather after that TOTAL 20 case review of the MUFON reports on Thursday...... I think you understand. Anyway, dove into it yesterday and once again felt less than sanitary upon leaving - I'll bring you today's blockbusters from the LMR's (Latest MUFON Reports).
1. Aug. 1st - Shook Home, Ground Damage In Ayden NC - Wants MUFON To Come Quick!
2.Supposed UFO picture: - NO Details at all of time/place, etc.
WEIRD, 1978 UFO Account
Yuma Arizona

I was witness to a UFO that flew next to the car I was driving. It was silent I now know the area as I have returned in search of it. I am able to identify the area as the utility poles are far enough away from the road as to allow the UFO the ground to cover. It was larger than the Lincoln Continental I was driving. I had a witness. Out of fear I drove 90 mph. It had large lights/windows. Witness was face glued to passenger window. She did not repond any longer in our conversation. It was a disc that kept right next to us and then abruptly took off to the right towards the foothill. There was no sound and speeds greater than I understood as possible. I stopped the car to asses our situation and immediately returned to the office to share this statement. KAL
What I love about the above account is the witness seemingly in a suspended mode - is that from some sort of time displacement or something else? Wouldn't `no sound' perhaps - be a `symptom' of time displacements?
More? You Glutton!
Fantastic Description Of Impossible Triangle Neighborhood Craft, 1-2-13 Haughton LA with multiple witnesses.
As I indicated earlier in the week - I've been fighting off a `Flavors.Me' attack all week - going `private does seem to help for about 12 hours and then the invasion begins again. You can gain access during these periods and in the future by getting on my mailing list from MailChimp.
Most readers to UDCC are new - take the time to investigate the content in the sidebar please before you leave. IF you want more content - similar - I have this GREAT Page On Squidoo - Includes UFO Films From The 1950's, Real Rarities!
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Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Retreads is the word that came into my mind on this one - as the HP (Huffington Post) trots out a 2 year old `tube' `UFO' seemingly confused (about date and time of event - which is clearly shown on the video - he did upload a 3 separate versions of the same a year later if that is confusing) about the upload date and more Huffington Post Piece .... caused by probably a misprint in another retread of the same video by UFO Sightings Daily which does nothing content wise but upload the `about' of the video that CLEARLY says it's from 2011 also. Yes, a mis-print causes that kind of `commentary' in the UFOlogy of the MSM.

And, indeed, because of my break - I was also able to pick up this new comment with the video that said it was more than explained:
yes the local astronomical society where havin a party and some members got a little tipsy, releasing this into the sky where it was stretch by atmospheric conditions into the shape seen. John Hawthorn of the Hillsborough star gazing society took full credit for this event and even detailed the drinks they had consumed by the Oz, which led to this happening.

Now, that said - I could NOT find any Hillsborough Star Gazing society either. Makes ya wanna take a bath don't ya think?  32,000 views, 2 years, 50-1 positive to negative votes
What the `other' UFO sights don't tell you (or evidently do) is to check the YouTube account of the uploader seen Here which DOES include at least one other `anomalous' video (of the Sky Noise Phenomena) - so the interest/awareness level is indeed present in this uploader.

So, what is it? Looks a bit like the Virgie Tube in a way and indeed, like balloons perhaps too. The `lighting' is unusual or simple reflections...... take your pick.
UFOlogy Worthy
in the bin and next up
Oh, my website is being bombarded with crappola that shows up in my google dashboard as `visits' but is really not even human. I assume I am being bombarded due to the content of my website and ideas. Literally tying my site up. ...............You will be finding this website more and more in a `private mode' for reading. You can be put onto that private listing - look for the link in the sidebar. You will still need to accept the invitation to this blog to be able to get in.
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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

2013's OMG - Once A Year - `Orb Video' - Canary Islands 6/29/2013

As `the' UFO blogger who named 2011 the year of the Orbs (year of the Jerusalem Orb video) - picked up by the internet alternative media IO9.Com as you can see - and who was largely the UFO blogger who `broke' the incredible 2012 ` Feather Orb Video of San Antonio (picked up by Coast To Coast) .......................... I proudly present (and am to a large degree breaking) what is IMO (in my opinion) --- THE 2013 ORB VIDEO OF THE YEAR (so far of course).

I found it at one of my previously featured `finds' in UFO blogs - Anything UFO's - which features an honest blogging effort and features just a few worthy videos on occasion (with commentary). But, that site was carrying a `gathering sites' version of the video - and digging a bit deeper - I was able to find the original uploader. (Who thankfully did NOT have a suspicious catalog of suspicious videos.) Indeed, I don't think this dude even knew what he captured or how rare it was.

He has 27 Videos In His YouTube Account - now, the guy is obviously a `head' as he has multiple videos on cultivating peyote..... perhaps that is a `reason' for the Orb showing itself to him?....... He's not positioning himself as a mystic or anything like that - although most of his writings are in Spanish so I may not know that. That said, he describes this amazing video in English as you can see: He also uploaded it the same day as he shot it on JUNE 29th - that 2 minute 57 second version is here - it has about 2,500 views and a 7-1 positive to negative ratio of opinion. 

It makes total sense that he uploaded this version - as he assumed that he had `lost' the `Orb' in the underbrush that he was videoing..... then, evidently, he looked at what he continued to film.... and found that JUST after the end of the original uploading he `thought' he saw it `fly off' (at the 3:00 mark to the 3:03 mark) --- and he then `made' a `version' of those 3 seconds in a 16 second clip that shows something flying off (could easily be an insect as he himself says and indeed you can see lots of insects in the Orb video -- showing the Orb to NOT be insects.) Anyway, that 16 second version of something flying off is Here and only 52 views as of this posting. Clockers can make their own decision of this one -- it indeed could be it `taking off' IMO.

But, that leaves us with the WHOLE video (which is nearly 4 minutes but the uploader tells us that nothing happens after the 3:03 part) - and this version at posting, uploaded the other day, also has under 65 views. Yeah, I gotta knack for these things.....
I will post what the videoer says is the exact location too:

So the reason I bring this version to you - is so that you can see the `exit' of the Orb in real motion/time .......
This object was filmed at a distance less than 150 meters, with a high definition camera. (But I do not have time to use a tripod so it moves a little) :-( Anyway pictures are of great quality and impressive content. This happened in Spain, Canary Islands, Gran Canaria, Santa Brigida, Ravine of the Leaks - 29/06/2013 - 8:00 AM. 
*Interesting parts of the video are:
1º-From 0:00 to 2:35 
2º-From 3:00 to 3:03
Enjoy it.

There are moments in this video when the orb took on the more orange glow of the San Antonio Orb of 2012 where it looked nearly identical IMO. Certainly seems to be the same phenomena IMO.
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Friday, July 12, 2013

Huge, Silent, Impossible

Today brings yet another UFO account from the latest MUFON reports that is..... huge, silent, and impossible. Nothing new here, right? The dumbfounding nature, of course, of all these `sightings' is - they simply `can't be' - in the normal phenomenological sense. OTHERWISE, that silent huge craft would have been SEEN BY OTHERS TOO in prior locations or post locations. In nearly EVERY CASE that is the situation on these reports - which means IMO - that they have anomalous qualities in some manner. 

As Clockers (regular readers around here) know, I maintain that the actualization process of everything around us has a counter-point as it `runs off' - an `able to not be' if you will - so that the next moment has room to materialize. This able to not be is `everywhere and everywhen' --- including exceedingly rarely --- in the here and now. IMO, there is a literal `world' of perceptions that we normally do not `see' or `encounter' - due to our focus on a different part of the actualization process.

Anyway, .... enough of that - and onward to the MUFON report of the event that happened in Patricia Texas In 2011:
I was working in west Texas for a water hauler company. My night job was filling fracking tanks for energy companies to use to frack formation in drilled wells. I had to stand on top of my truck to monitor the volumne as I unloaded by pump my tanker. I would lose prime on pump if it fell to low. We had a bright light that lit the area up around the tanks being filled. I was on the fartherest row of tanks away from the light station. I had my back to the light in the west. I was facing east and looking up for meteors in th dark sky in front of me and periodicly check the volumne. As I was facing east I notice an object in my right peripheral vision that my mind was saying a flock of birds due to the size. Even as I looked directly at it for an instance my mind finally realized it was a triangle shape vessel. The bottom had 5 slightly glowing domes in the triangle shape and the light glow was in the flight pattern of geese flying as seasons change. Anyway it was silent made no sound. It moved at an angle from my right to in front of me or I turn more in the direction it was flying. When it came to my front it turned slightly and the shape changed due to the rear was now in vision. and accelerated and in less than a second speed away. The rectangle shape , or rear of vessel just grew smaller until it disappeared. 
The vessel moved like some low altitude jets do in flight manuvers here in Alabama where I live. The 5 Domes were surrounded by black color That I could see against the star lit sky. The sides had lower half black and upper half lighter grey color. the top was the same grey. 
The vessel was hard to determine how far away it was but if it was around 1/4 mile away it was about 300 to 400 feet long and the rear was about 150 to 250 feet wide. It was maybe 75 feet thick. the domes were about 20 feet in diameter with black space, color, in between them. That is the best I can describe it now. 
Email me if you have any questions. 


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Monday, July 8, 2013

1976 Missing Time Anomalous High Strangeness

Hello Clockers and newbies - thanks for either your return visit or for having an inquisitive mind. First up today we go to the UDCC bin of anomalies supplied to UDCC by Ken Pfeifer of MUFON. In today's initial offering we go back to the mid 70's - about the ONLY time in `UFO' history that indeed seems to have a number of `real ontological' alien encounters that ultimately involve the phenomena of missing time. (And very very often that missing time is from 1-2 hours.)

(BTW, years ago I wrote this piece in The Heavy Stuff - The Missing Space Of Missing Time Experiences.)

Anyway, here's Ken's offering:

On January 6, 1976, three women were abducted near Stanford, Kentucky. As they were driving together to have dinner, a bright red object appeared in the sky, which Mona Stafford at first thought was an airplane on fire. As the object descended from the right side of the road to a point ahead of them, they could see that it was not an airplane, but a huge object bigger than "two houses."

Original Report: January 6, 1976 was Mona Stafford's 36th birthday. To celebrate, she and her friends Louise Smith and Elaine Thomas decided to drive thirty-five miles from their home in Liberty, Kentucky, to have dinner at the Redwoods Restaurant, between Stanford and Lancaster, Kentucky. Louise Smith was driving them in her '67 Chevy Nova.

The three women had an enjoyable dinner together. None of them drank any alcoholic beverages with their meal. At about 11:15, the trio headed back home, expecting to be home by midnight. At Stanford, Kentucky, nine miles from Lancaster, they turned off Highway 27 and onto Highway 78 towards Hustonville.

Just outside Stanford, a curious thing happened. A bright red object appeared in the sky, which Mona Stafford at first thought was an airplane on fire. As the object descended from the right side of the road to a point ahead of them, they could see that it was not an airplane, but a huge object bigger than "two houses." The object stopped about a hundred yards ahead of them, stretching across the road on both sides. It rocked back and forth for a couple of seconds, and then moved off to the left.
They kept driving, and assumed that whatever it was had kept going. However, after they had been about a quarter of a mile, a blue light appeared through the rear window of the car. At first they thought it was a highway patrol car with its lights flashing, but soon they realized that the flying object had circled around and had come up behind them. Suddenly, something wrested control of the car away from Louise Smith. The car accelerated even though Mrs. Smith took her foot off the accelerator, and the speedometer was soon on 85 mph. Mona Stafford, in the front passenger seat, tried to help Louise regain control of the car, but it was not possible. The women began to feel a burning sensation in their eyes. The ignition lights lit up on the instrument panel, an indication that the car's engine was stalled, but they were still speeding along. They saw a wide, brightly lit road ahead of them, and then, seconds later, the scene became Highway 78 and they recognized they were on the outskirts of Hustonville, a full eight miles from where they had just been. Checking the time, they found that, incredibly, an hour and twenty minutes had passed.

They arrived at Louise Smith's trailer in Liberty at 1:25 am, almost an hour and a half late. They went inside to collect themselves and found that they each had a red mark like a burn on the backs of their necks, and they all had burning, irritated eyes. Louise Smith went into the bathroom and removed her watch to wash her face. She saw that the hands of her watch were spinning at a much higher than normal speed. When she splashed water on her face, she found that contact with water caused pain in her hands and face.

They went next door, to the home of Mr. Lowell Lee, and told him what had happened. He had them separately sketch the object they had seen. The sketches were extremely similar, if not identical. They called the police and the local navy office, but neither showed any interest in their story.

In the days that followed, Mona Stafford had more problems with her eyes than did the other two women, and she sought medical help for severe conjunctivitis. Louise Smith's pet parakeet was now inexplicably terrified of her and the bird died a couple of months later. Smith's car also began to develop mysterious electrical problems.

The navy office reportedly gave information about the story to the news media, and the story was soon in the newspapers. Hearing of the case, Jerry Black of MUFON set up an interview with the three women. J. Allen Hynek of CUFOS and Jim and Coral Lorenzen of APRO also investigated the case. The investigators found that other individuals had independently reported sightings of a UFO in the Casey and Lincoln counties that same night. Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle of the University of Wyoming heard of the case and flew in, and on March 7, 1976, he performed a preliminary hypnotic regression of the women.

In July of 1976, Lexington Police Department detective James Young separately gave the three women lie detector tests regarding their experience. They all passed with no problems. Later that evening and continuing into the next day, extensive hypnotic regression of the women was performed by R. Leo Sprinkle. These sessions were similar to the story of Betty and Barney Hill in that they revealed that during the period of missing time the three women were taken on board the object they had seen. While there they were medically examined by shadowy beings that they later identified as being similar to depictions of aliens. -

Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000's
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And, From The Latest MUFON Reports Today
June 2013 - Cylinder Of Light - Cape Coral Florida
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In my Twitter timeline you will find very interesting things and ideas...... such as..... assuming Roswell was an event with Aliens, why was no rescue mission launched?
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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Holy-Moley - Daytime Black Object/Orb Videoed In California July 5th - Latest MUFON Reports

As Clockers know, I check nearly daily with the latest MUFON reports in the slim possibility that perhaps someone uploads something spectacular. And, while NOT spectacular - what is offered today on the LMR's is certainly interesting, similar to other `black blobs in the sky of recent note', and could indeed be something anomalous IMO.

If you remember, we've been covering similar objects - daytime, blinking, silent, hovering, (NOT HIGH IN SKY) black objects - (like this one in Encinitas California on Friday) for the past year or so, originally seen in Georgia.
Encinitas, California
And, the confirming video uploaded:
As I said above, here's another example of whatever this phenomena is - this is the one shot in Ballground Ga last year
Ballground GA Black Blinking Sky Blob and this is similar to the Acworth Blob and the New Orleans Blob.
What the Hell?
My thanks goes out to Sol who checked in with his typical near weekly comment yesterday about Aliens In Cahoots With Government(s). Always intelligent stuff from Sol.
BTW, already DOZENS of you have already signed up for the `private UDCC' listing - much appreciated. (It's the only way to get into UDCC on days that UDCC is in `private mode' on blogger.) You too can be put onto the private listing by filling out this simple form I am using from MailChimp - this is also my personal mailing list for UDCC and these folks are provided alerts to things in general.
Remember, the `private' mode is about to be used more and more - don't miss a day of your favorite UFO blog.
I updated my `science' blog recently - stories about Coke Bottles Made Of Ice and That The Way Has Been Cleared For A Human Head Transplant - seriously. More stories too on my blog called The AnomalyMan Listing.
Oh, I also updated When The SHTF for those with more of a conspiracy bent. All my blogs have great material to explore - go ahead - it's Sunday.
For those not of age - Holy-Moley is a phrase used in the golden age of living - the 1950's.
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

June 1970 - Occupants In UFO (Latest MUFON Report)

With most of the `amazing' UFO stories ..... going to..... Amazing UFO Stories (my other UFO blog).... Clockers are seeing fewer of these old time tales that are spewing forth now at a regular rate into the latest MUFON reports.... such as this one from East Aurora New York:
UFO With Occupants

I was 11 at the time, my mother and older sister were in the garage. It was early evening and I was shooting baskets. Off in the distance, about 1/2 mile i saw a light coming at me. I was thinking after I looked again , "wow thats a low flying plane or helicopter," I heard no noise. Thats when I felt it wasnt a plane or chopper. I kept looking as it slowly came over the treetops. Most of the trees were Maple trees, and I would say approx 75-120 ft tall around . As it got within 1,000 ft of me, it was now more or less in the open as it glided over the backyards. I started to feel helpless and stared at it , wondering what it was. Our garage had the basketball hoop on it and I was facing it as I stated earlier, shooting baskets. I then turned and to my front now faced the cherry tree we had on our property line. The Cherry tree stood approximately 12-15 ft. high. The object was now clearly not man-made at all, even at eleven I realized it right away. I saw a sphere like object sort of flat on the bottom. It was a yellowish color, not glowing or anything like that, not round as it kind of flattened out on the bottom, like it was the "cockpit" and it was approximately 25-30 ft. across. I say "cockpit" as it was then about 250 ft. above and about 50 degrees I saw THEM. I now clearly saw 2 occupants and they were silhouetted by the "cockpit" light. The one to my right was apparently standing up, arms spread apart standing upon the "control panel?". The other occupant was sitting down, as I could only see "its" shoulders and head. Both figures were silhouetted, but they had round looking heads, slim bodies. The craft may of been gliding slow for this took like 10-15 minutes to observe. As it passed overhead, I remember no shape to it, I stuttered out to my sister **** come here look!. I looked back and the craft now slowly had already climbed into the sky and within the few seconds it took for me to cry out and her to come out of the garage it was gone. She said she didnt see it, but due to my excitement, knew I had just seen something. I jumped on her bicycle and rode to the school parking lot, about 1500 ft. away. I didnt see anything but stars.

I have reported this before 2x in my life, once to some online site that claimed they were reputable, the name i dont remember as it was like 30 some years ago I did that. I also had reported it to MUFON about 6 years ago, never heard nothing. I also asked for The Disclosure Project aka Dr. Greer to contact me, all I got was an auto response.

I was in the military and carried a TSCI of Top Secret Umbra with Gamma Access. I also had a second sighting, which was seen by myself, my sister, and my Uncle and Aunt. It was noted on a radio station too that night. I will submit that report as well, IF anything becomes of this one.

The proverbial ball is in your court.
A UFO site that is reputable?....... How would MUFON investigate this?.........Have a happy 4th folks!
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Saturday, June 29, 2013

The `Proof' From Above - Daily In The Latest MUFON Reports

Interesting stories and pictures in today's LMR's - enjoy the posting. Oh, please listen to some of my 15 minute UFO shows on Blog Talk Radio - links abound - so check it out. Thanks.
Up First - Corbin Kentucky 6-9-13 - an impossible silent craft in the middle of the night: Corbin Kentucky UFO Sighting. (Account below)
As I was standing in my driveway around midnight coming in from town, as I closed my car door I was looking westerly and noticed a triangular mass heading towards my direction. At first due to a hazey atmosphere that night, no stars visible, I thought to myself how odd it was to see three aircraft low enough to be visible. However, as I continued to observe the lights, there were no sounds as though low flying planes were in the area. Even a higher altitude jet wouldve been audibly observable in the area this occurred. What I noticed the most was an eerie silence as the object passed over head and out over the horizon towards the east. It was moving too quick to be humanly possible for high altitude, which would have been impossible to see from the haziness anyway. But even if it were three close moving private jets, there were no sounds to be heard. Once the three lights went out of sight, every neighborhood animal in the adjoining areas began to make excessive noises at once. Dogs barking histericly, horses in a close farm along with cows began to go crazy. All simultaneously with no other provocation other than the dim lights passing overhead. I had a feeling of disbelief and fright because no human object wouldve been visible in the atmosphere without some sort of audible tone of an engine accompanying.
Once again that ever pervasive `all knowingness' of the animal kingdom and the impossible 3 light(orb) Triangle object.
This next one falls into the `we didn't see it at the time' category - and is really a STRANGE looking object (if not some sort of camera anomaly of course) - happened supposedly years ago (2006)  and the film was just developed of this possible event in New England North Dakota.
Folks, it's not as crazy as you think that cameras may catch a  very temporary reality that is below our observation and perception IMO - I've blogged about  this idea before at my blog called The Heavy Stuff - Could `Cameras' Be Actualizing A Virtual Reality? How strange is our reality if such objects are indeed in some sort of parallel space?
Next up? How about some OMG `proof' from a retired Houston Cop about a 2009 event in Huntington Texas.
I could not sleep for some reason. Went to front door and looked out and craft was hovering just above trees. It executed upright manuever and floated down to within 5-8 from ground. Then floated back up and the turned vertical. After a few seconds I heard a uuf sound and there was a rear ignition, now what was strange was that as it ignited it started at the center and spiraled out like a bullseye, then shot of. As it descended I could see what looked to me like 4 red glowing windows. there were no wings on it no any at the rear. My family thought I was nuts until it was in the Lufkin daily newspaper the next day about ufo sightings. I can think of no other explanation other than it must have returned. A small section of woods across the street from me appeared to glow in the dark on the forest floor for 2 nights. Lufkin used to be a hub for Bush inter. Airport but that changed after that time. I had the strangest feeling that the craft was trying to extract something, maybe it did. personally I wish I had never seen it, but I did. Military craft have been active in the sky ever since. This craft executed manuevers contrary to gravity and it was not of this demension, or from earth. I guess I am just imagining but somehow I felt I would see it again, but I guess it was only wishful thinking. I was mesmerized while this happened, unable to call out for my family. I am a retire Lt of police from Houston PD and you wou would think I would have collected some evidence. I have a friend who said his brother shot a picture of it parked near a home but I have yet to see it. I stand ready to assist you, though I have no decent camera or eqpt.
How about another neighborhood UFO in Moore Oklahoma - yes, THAT Moore Oklahoma. Anyway, the lit up UFO was even during Heavy Lightning and happened on Thursday.
And, here's more of the Orb With A Jet Phenomena observed yesterday in PA.
Sincere citizen reports of anomalous perceptions!
My continued thanks to those of you who support independent blogs by purchasing webmasters offerings -- like my E-Books on Amazon -- priced at 1.29-3.49. Thanks for reading a sample.
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I have a number of 15 minute UFO shows on Blog Talk Radio (8 this month) - take a Look - then give a listen.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Beams From The Sky (2005 UFO In Latest MUFON Reports)

One of the more curious UFO phenomena is where a person simply sees `beams of light' or simply some unusual light display. This 2005 report just submitted to MUFON of the incident in Indiana smacks of unusual-ness.

I was watching television and I heard something outside on the porch deck. I thought maybe there was somebody outside. So I walked slowly over to the back door leading to the deck and checked to see if it was locked. It wasnt so I locked it. I then sat on the couch to look out the row of windows to see if someone was on the deck outside and then I looked to see if somebody was in the yard behind our house. All of a sudden a beam of circular light appears 6 feet away from me onto the deck. It was about 1 foot in diameter. The beam was not like a flashlight or a dull porch light. It was bright white almost too bright I couldnt even see the color of the deck anymore. I watched one of our cats run around one of the lights as if it was scared. Then another light appeared exactly the same as the first, the second beam of white light appeared about 3-4 feet from the first beam of light. They both were stationary, I just stared and I had no clue what these lights were, because I knew they were different than any lights I had ever seen. So I started looking up and the lights were coming from darkness in the sky right above the house. I knew what I was seeing was not possible or was very rare to ever happen, and then the thought of aliens and UFO popped in my head. I tried my best to study the beam of light and how it could be so perfect and straight. It was as if the light came from its source and then there was no trace of it leading to the circle itself but there it was a circular beam of white light. I watched the first light disappear, and after that I ran away from the windows.

Now that I think about it I have a theory of what this possibly was. What if there was aliens visiting earth and the beams were there to pick them up to beam or materialize the aliens back to the ship. The cat was scared so maybe the cat sensed or saw the aliens they could have been invisible and beamed up to the UFO. Just like in star trek how the people would stand on the white circle to be beamed down to the surface of a planet.
Indeed, today - MORE than one account featured this moving or strange light phenomena - here's an account from Maryland that happened in 2010 and is also in the LMR's:
My friend and I were wound up after a long day and needed to get out. When we get together we are normally late night people , so even though we did a lot that day, we werent very tired. We went for a late night car ride and wound up at Dans Rock, a fairly close mountaintop view place that some of the kids in town told us about. They said the view would be fabulous, even at night.

After a fairly long hike to the top we took in the view, which was impressive. From where we were standing, which is the very top of the mountain, I could make out tree tops beyond the rocks, at the bottom. The trees themselves are around 40, so it was easy to judge our elevation at around 1000. You can see over a very large valley which leads to some homes and business across the other side. I would have loved to see it in daylight. Although somewhat windy, it was very peaceful up there.

At about 4:15 am, just as I was commenting that we should stay long enough to make the hike back down worth it, I noticed what appeared to be a very bright star. My friend said "its an airplane, see its moving." and I agreed. Until it stopped movement, hovered in one spot for about 6 seconds, then turn about 40 degrees and sped off in a zig zag manner. We both thought it was a little weird, and chalked it off to some military plane, or something like that.

Only minutes later, we decided to have a cigarette before beginning the climb down, and just after lighting it, I saw a beam of red light all the way at the bottom of the chasm. The red light appeared just like a 1/2 inch diagonal laser pointer dot that moved from left to right horizontally, approximately 5 inches over 1 1/2 seconds, then disappeared. I saw it first, all the way at the bottom. Around 10 seconds later, it appeared again, identical in shape and size, about 150 feet higher than the first time. I had no idea what it was.

I called my friends attention to it. He looked over the side of the railing with me and sure enough, the light appeared four more times, rising in elevation 150 or so feet each time, lighting around every 10 seconds in the exact size time and shape as before. It definitely changed path a couple of time on the way up, but was essentially a vertical ascent. The light finally appeared at eye level, approximately 20 feet in front of us hanging directly over the chasm.

There was absolutely no noise, no outline of any kind, only the light. We both got spooked, and just as I said "maybe we should get out of here," the light reappeared from eye level 20 feet away to eye level about 10 feet away. We made our way out of there with due haste, and never saw it again.

I have been bugged by this over the last several years, and my friend and I always discuss our theories, but in all my research over that time I have never found a similar incident reported. Some say it was some joker with a laser pen on a balloon. That would be easier to accept if it wasnt so windy and four oclock in the morning. Really, would someone be out there at that hour, at the bottom of Dans Rock just waiting for someone to show up so they can play a trick? I just dont know. But I would love to. Please advise if you have ever heard of a similar incident.
Curious, don't you think? Two light events with really..... no craft seen at all. The type of UFOlogy the MSM would rather simply avoid.
My E-Books feature my reactions and analysis of reports just like the above - in-depth thinking about UFO's and all priced at just 1.29 To 3.49.
Some other books to consider!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ohio UFO Videos

Catch Today's Podcast At 4:00PM Eastern
Welcome Ohioans. One of the BEST features of UDCC is the `State UFO Series' - as I try to ferret out the best anomalous videos by State - and today is Ohio's day (see more State UFO's in the sidebar). Generally, such searches produce some excellent Orb videos - I'll let you make your own decisions. Also, I try NOT to embed too many videos and to let you simply view them at YouTube with the link provided. Ready?
How about a WOW video for a beginning?
About a month ago in Massillon Ohio - 500+ views 3/0 pos/neg ratio of opinion.
Fantastic Orange Orb Capture!
Published on May 18, 2013
This is some sort of glowing orb that I captured with an iPhone 5 from my car on May 18th, 2013 at around 11:50 pm. I don't know what the hell it is, but I'm fairly certain it isn't swamp gas or a plane.

You will want to see the comments at the above link too - LOTS of other folks seeing the same thing and all saying it isn't Chinese Lanterns.
Other UFO Videos From Ohio
Ohio had no shortage of very recent 2013 UFO uploads - and this one brought tears to a teenagers eyes. It might be worthy of your 4 minutes too - but, seems to be multiple Orbs at the horizon at best - and could be simply teen hysteria.
Here's another Orange Orb video remarkably similar to the first embedded video. Published on 4-21-13, about 440 views and a 7-1 ratio of pos/neg opinion.
Hey, it could be Chinese Lanterns but doesn't seem that way.
Some States seem to have many already attuned to the `Orb Calling/Filming' aspects of UFOlogy - Ohio seemingly doesn't have many...... except for perhaps `The Dreamr' On YTube.
This one is from(NE Ohio - normally means Cleveland area) THIS MONTH (June 4th) -- one of about 7 UFO videos this guy has captured (all Orb videos or structured Orbs) and has all of LESS THAN 15 VIEWS:

Cincinnati hardly is left out either with this 
2012 - NEAR FANTASTIC - Multiple Orbs Filmed From Distance - might have one more of this same Sept.2012 event in his YTube channel too. - About a 1K views and a 6-1 positive to negative ratio of opinion. That said, it is SO far away that it could be anything such as lights on a kite, etc. The comments say flares - BS!
Next Up - Defiance Ohio, (probably shot on 9-11-12) uploaded in 2013 - Folks, this is one of the MOST honest Orb recordings you will ever find. Indeed, the Orb just sits there for minutes, THEN begins to change into what UDCC calls the multiple structured Orb phenomena - THEN the Orb moves over the couple (creating confusion as to is/was it a plane) - all the while the woman is speaking with other folks (her mom) who are seeing the same thing and more from their close location:
All of 76 views this year:
Defiance Ohio Spectacular Orb Display
More Possible Orb Videos Of Note From Ohio
3-4-2013 - Pioneer Ohio 5 Minute Orb Video - 54 views
5-26-2013 - Rudolph Ohio - Orb UFO MUFON Video Report
`Historic UFO's Of Ohio' Covered by the MSM
MSNBC Coverage of the 2010 Euclid Lights
Famous 1996 Air Traffic Control Describes UFO Associated With Cleveland
The BEST for last? Of course. You will really love this one - high tech - night vision - Orb goes INTO SPACE (or simply dims out via losing power/energy). Shot April 21st and posted to MUFON (I am using a Gathering Sites YT) - this footage over Cleveland Ohio Is
NOW, Don't miss the other State UFO Videos - for dozens of States in the sidebar to the left.
please share this post via the `buttons' below - don't you know someone in Ohio?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

ORB `UFO' Flies Over Protesters In Brazil

Supposedly happened yesterday. Hottest `UFO' video in sometime on the gathering sites. The 10 websites already carrying the video are all carrying this video - from a gathering site with NO attribution - HOWEVER - THANKS TO A READER I HAVE FOUND THE REAL ORIGINAL VIDEO (only 1K views in one day and a 25-1 Positive/Negative ratio of opinion). First the somewhat amazing video:
That said, some folks say that what you see in the video is a remote controlled object of the news channels to record the demonstration. But if you look at this link that I did here at UDCC in Sept. 2012 on Quadrocopters - the object (ORB) certainly seems to go further, higher and faster than these Quadrocopters. Obviously, we'd need folks at the demonstration to say whether it had sound or not. (Why would a news or military drone have such a light?)

But the biggest drawback, perhaps, is that NO OTHER videos of the same object are on YouTube (based on the search that I did) --- this would certainly be something with multiple PROOFS one would assume IF it were a real video of a daytime UFO over a mass of people.
Below is another purported Brazil UFO - May 2013 - From yet another suspicious YTube person (recent join, tons of UFO videos) -- Just about 100 views on this one.
That said, the above does look like what was seen in New Orleans last fall IMO. The Ballground Georgia Blob. (look at all three vids here).
Oh, I just did a Blog Talk Radio Show ABOUT today's post and the post from the last two days too. Brazil UFO Radio Show.
Have some good material the next couple days - stay tuned.
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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition