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Showing posts with label fake ufo video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fake ufo video. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Twisting The Unknown Boundaries

 Hello, and welcome once again to UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock - extra edition. So, while I have been silent on UDCC during the last two years - I have been observing the UFOlogy 'scene' and participating to a degree in an excellent closed Facebook group of 'sky observers' and serious bloggers..... of high strangeness. And yes, I've observed the endless cycle of "UFO Disclosure" tidbits given to inquisitive minds to digest and play with from so called official sources or even actual legislation with funded money to look into the UAP in a more sophisticated manner on a regular basis with reports.

But, today's post isn't about the's about another post by another "UFO" website - fairly new in the scheme of things and with a great name - Unknown Boundaries dot com. I've linked here to their #1 UFO Disclosure story of 2021. It's worth your read as it is what this post is about. 

First, my own disclosure - I've never read or seen Unknown Boundaries before writing for this post. It's new but at least has the article identified with a writer as opposed to anonymously. I will dig deeper into the kind of posts and report back to readers at some future point. But, this is about dissecting UB's number one post - first it's headline.

"Russian General Fully Disclosed UFOs Are Not Of This World - Piloted By 'Intelligent Beings'"'s tough to know where to start. First - it wasn't the "Russian General" who disclosed anything - anything at all - about "Intelligent Beings" - the one saying that reports of UFOs, given by Corolnal General Leonid Maltsev were piloted by intelligent beings... was THE NEWSPAPER reporting and giving their opinion on the 1989 report. Yes..... a 1989 report...when Leonid Maltsev was: 

From 1987 to 1990 he was a head of the district training center for junior professionals in Far Eastern Military District (Chita)

Yes.... the General, cough cough...said NOTHING about intelligent beings, nothing...nada. The headline is a twist at best.

To quote the source link above. And, as you read at the original link by Unknown Boundaries - the "Russian General" statements had nothing to do with the early 1990s or disclosing intelligent beings. 

The report from 1989, right here - Shows Point #13 As Attributed To The Newspaper and Not The "General" (about intelligent beings). 

Now, that's not to say that the various reports from 1989 aren't interesting...and as you can read in the reports...this is about the time of the famous Triangle UFOs in Belgium (and as the report concludes with). 

So, while I applaud the use of real sourced documents - the exaggeration - or "Mythilazation" of UFO reports - which is all this is about - military jets chasing lights doing impossible things. Including VANISHING.

And, if THAT is 2021's ultimate UFO disclosure post - the bullshit lives on. All that said, I'll dig a bit deeper into this website.


Now... not all UFOlogy is always in exaggeration mode - sometimes you read a killer article with 12 References Links to get the full understanding why Bob Lazar is probably full of guano. Funny that it is on a website called UFOlogy Is Corrupt. Perfect. The intelligent site (I'll probably add this one to the sidebar is run by a guy named Luis Cayetano - worthy blogger indeed it seems.) Great bloggers, like Eric Wargo Take Note.


Could I end this first post in nearly two years without critiquing a video? Nah. So, let's go with a popular one with over a million views at an UFO website that promises "Only Real UFOs".....sigh.  Nearly 1.4 Million YouTube Views With 15,000 Upvotes and 1,200 comments calling it the greatest UFO film ever.... (I'm coughing) 

Frankly, as readers might know.... it's BS videos like this which drove me out of UDCC on a regular basis. At least at the Original Poster on YouTube (60,000 views and one fake UFO site after another begging to use it) had some comments that....dear lord...questioned it and it being real with comments like "why did they stop filming" "why has NO other person uploaded their video of this daytime UFO" - etc. 

To me the video is either a drone or a CGI job and until real questions that a normal person would ask - like, let's see another video with another angle. Forget it. 
Finally, in 2011 I interviewed a Shaman..... he talked about UFOs..... you might be interested in what he had to say.... 
Or, have fun with this read.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

UFO Disclosure Equals Ludicrous Foes (anagram)

In 2008 some videos emerged that simply were `wow' videos... close up... saucer UFO's..... or were they all simply Computer Generated... the one below has some great `conspiracy' comments that you should check out... I will bring a few choice ones..... all of this is my summer bin cleanup.... yeah... stuff from years ago.... but good.

Some of the priceless comments... indicated the man that uploaded the video was visited by the FBI and vanished eventually.....that no one would video this and not be super excited and talking.... that this is a government object... that this is certainly alien... that this is FAKE.... go read the comments yourself at the link already provided above.
One of the websites in the comments above that is mentioned... as having this UFO available for a price is Turbosquid - UFO Models of which there are dozens.
Such as 
space station mother ship 3d model
All of the models come with levels of things they do and can pass off as doing... prices as low as 7 bucks... there are SIX pages of UFO styles to choose from... probably over 100.
More From The BIN Soon
start at 99 cents and are FREE to Kindle Unlimited Subscribers

Saturday, February 21, 2015

It Came Out Of The Sky - Atlanta

Just a quickie today before a longer already done post for Sunday... here's a website I've had in my bin for quite some time and it maintains a very readable database, searchable for many attributes including shape of object -  for just about every major city in the USA... what you see at this link are literally scores of ATLANTA UFO reportsThe Database Is Also Searchable In Many Manners... it's worth searching YOUR hometown.
From My Squidoo Files

Speaking of which.. how about a YouTube `Saucer'... In Texas... In the daylight... close up?
Disliked by a 3/1 margin
Tons of screams of Fake
NO evidence to support
And featured by someone who has this on their channel
Seen by 40,000 and liked 2/1
You Might Need A Shower

Saturday, February 22, 2014

`UFO YouTube' - The Competition - Part Four

Once again, like the last UFO YouTube site with 9 videos - this one too exists as a subdomain and is unrateable. YES, 50 videos all described with a sentence or two.... and all the old 'reliables' too - such as the required Baltic Sea UFO Anomaly which has been kicking around and recycled for a couple years now..... or, perhaps you prefer the latest digging into `Secret NASA Footage'? ..... Yes, this site is still pushing The Day Before Disclosure, the documentary of the UFO Disclosure Traveling Show..... and the John Lennon UFO Sighting because packing your YouTube videos with great Keywords helps.

As you can guess, I'm not very impressed, but, alas, this is a gathering site not designed for analysis or personalization ---- that said, I DO think alternative news sources like this are important for political news and such. That said, one of the totally over the top features is below (A fake?) - nearly 2 million views, gathering site, 3/1 positive to negative.

Most of the videos carried BTW on this website come from New York UFO (a subdomain) - indeed to the point that one assumes this area is edited by NY UFO. Oh, and like one of the three featured channels so far in my series - this one too is tied to the Audio Color World.... do I sense a pattern?

The comments SCREAM Fake
Now, I'm not an expert on CGI at all and indeed the above video would appear to be THE VIDEO you have been waiting for your entire life, right? Or, is it disinfo? ...... or, would you sell such a video to the Video Agency Of Audio Color World? 

w Much YouTube Paid me for 4 Million Views, Alternate Ways to

Oct 2, 2013 - $5,675.51 for 4,054,755 views over 6 years. I'm writing this to share my experience with others wanting to make money off YouTube, and  ...
Still believe that someone sold this to them?
Too good to be true is exactly that IMO.
This dragon flying over the UK is one of their other videos
They also own this video of the worlds largest pet dog!
Yeah, pretty shameless right? And one of the main sources that Google thinks should be featured when folks want UFO on YouTube.
Finally when I Googled the Aliens and UFO Video above I found some interesting stuff simply on the front page of the search. First, the video comes up as appearing on two websites prior to being on 07TV - Here's The Search I Did.
And, the NEXT Day it was on David Icke's Website. Anyway, 07TV has at least one more over the top classic
Now, go take a shower!
Hey, it's Saturday Night

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Catholic.Org - Asks - Contact with Extraterrestrial Life Imminent? What about God?

Yes, my appearance on tomorrow night will indeed occur about 10:15 Eastern Time - I hope you check it out please, I may need USE This Link To Read About And Go To The Show support. LOL. The discussion turns to Satan or lack thereof the second hour. I'd love to have some of my readers call-in.
So, back to today's headline - I find this overview on Catholic.Org about aliens and what that means to those professing belief in God. It's a classic narrow defensive viewpoint that takes the Carl Sagan, Arthur C. Clark, Stephen Hawking and Morman approach to the God and Life other than Earth positioning's. UFO's are seemingly impossible and of course, the Catholic Church is sited for being ahead of the other Christian religions due to it's 2009 Vatican statements. It's a high school read for a graduate level course.
Thanks again for the purchase from my Kindle Author Page of UFO's, And More yesterday - much appreciated. Please check out my 7 Kindle titles today.
And, I thought I was gonna feature the video below (as it is featured elsewhere) until I checked the poster of the video. RED flags galore, including a recent Project Camelot `like', no tracing of the stats, and it all happened for the alien sounding YT name just a bit too quickly since his huge interest increase for me. Nonetheless, let's take a look at this probable FAKE so we can get an idea of what they can do - this is not to be confused with seemingly legit Circle UFO's which have been featured before on UDCC - Has about 900 views in just a day with the `Morphing' keyword - about a 3/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion. Oh, the uploader makes no mention that this is a fake - (nor act like anything strange is going on when filming the anomalous event). Sad.

link -
Now, I found the above video at this story on Gather - which was written by someone named Tom Rose who is selling the Kindle UFO book below:

And, yes, the Mayan Calender figures prominently. Sheeeessshhhh.
Tell you what - why not dig into real UFOlogy via my FREE book on Kindle that includes SEVEN Chapters of REAL in-depth looks at what is possibly important for the average person to know - especially the DIS information. Anyway - my newest UFO book is FREE until Sunday at 12:01AM.
Finally for today - seems the last TWO folks who joined the Leaders and Followers of UDCC EACH have UFO Disclosure websites and are connected to Greer and the Exo-politics movement and a particular movie they are raising money to produce and distribute - you can find those websites Here who shamelessly has the audacity to use MY websites name to filter off traffic to his blog and Here is the head honcho himself.
advanced products for advanced people - a top seller
Maytag UKF8001 Pur Refrigerator Cyst Water Filter 1-Pack

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The BS of Facilitating The UFO HiJinx

As promised today - there will be a UFO video. The video is IMO nearly totally bullcrap in believability. And folks, as I have already been stressing for at least the last year, the sourcing of videos these days is of utmost importance. More and more of the videos `featured' on so-called respectable UFO websites - are coming from FARMS of what I here at UDCC call `gathering sites'. These `gathering sites' IMO are nearly ALL up to HiJinx and no good -- and almost for sure are either Government Dis-info websites OR immature teenage male hoaxers. Almost NONE of these `gathering sites' of UFO videos has a REAL PERSON behind them. No one willing to put a face to the nonsense.

So, the latest, carried by an unnamed but used to be somewhat reliable at screening out the crap UFO website, is another of the now famous `tourist' videos - a wonderful unnamed source of course. Oh, I need you to believe MORE - you see, this unnamed tourist IN LESS than 2 days - decided to give this stunning UFO video to a newbie on the block in an exclusive basis. Yeah right. I mean, if you believe THAT - you deserve to watch crappola UFO videos.

So, anyway, the video you are about to see lacks even one frame of distinction and all is a blur. Of course, a real UFO over such a populated area in the daytime would have MANY more REAL videos confirming this supposedly tourist shot and sold video. But, alas, and of course, ---- confirming videos do not exist of the smudge on this video. Most likely because nearly all of the videos on these `exclusive' gathering video sites on YouTube ARE CREATED by the gathering site. Oh, and all have embedded ads that must be clicked off to see the video at all. Sickening.

I could go on and on as to why a total outright ban on using these `gathering sites' for content by any reputable UFO website is coming to be in order. Oh, btw, you have seen NO ONE on any other UFO website, even talk of this issue yet. Are they even paying attention anymore? And, as sad as it is to say  it - at least hoaxkiller1 is onto these guys. UDCC is onto the gig and will only show gathering site videos with FLAGS of caution if at all. These illegitimate sites crowd out the few `real' UFO videos from being found via routine searches of the Internet.

link - 14K views in less than a week. 3/1 pos/neg.
Oh, so, the above video, on the hoax video site - (BTW, the comments on this video indicate that some are now saying that hoaxkiller1 is the hoaxer on another BS UFO video gathering site that I've flagged before thirdphaseofthemoon) - calls itself on YouTube `SecretScienceTv'. Yeah, pretty disgusting indeed, IMO. Ludicrous Foes. It's worth it to read the comments if you really want to drown in the quicksand. 

Finally, this over the top and near laughable disclaimed appears under this video and associated with SecretScienceTV.
Secret Science TV is an agency for paranormal activities. We show you videos you cannot see every day. Normally this material disappears immediately in the files of the countries and will be forgotten. We too receive fakes and therefore it is possible that now and then we upload such a fake. At the end of every year we will upload a report and a video what will show which videos were real and which videos were fakes. We have professional FX experts who can recognize every fake. We upload the most videos from the previous day, are thus still not been analyzed. We own all the rights for the videos and photos on our YouTube channel. It can be used private and the original link to our video can be used in Blogs, web pages, etc. New uploads or commercial use need a license from us. You can contact us through YouTube. Thank you!
Yeah, right.
Meanwhile....... Canada is Complaining About Mysterious HUM Coming from United States – Wants Something Done About It - The 2012 Sky Hum.
If you need another goofy MSM `alien' video - here's a 22 second video run by FOX news indicting that Aliens May Resemble Dinosaurs.
Finally for today - a big thanks to all the readers who are checking out the UDCC sponsors. It is appreciated. Oh, here's a real easy way to support the efforts of UDCC IF you like to take surveys about products, politics and movies - Ultimately you can earn about 50 Cents A Survey over time.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The One Month Marketing Of A 5 Million Hit UFO Video

IF you are a regular reader of UDCC or nearly any ParaNormal website - since the end of the first week of April you have probably seen the Large Ad (and small sizes too) for the `South Korea UFO'. It literally was a BLITZ of ads for ONE particular UFO video; - who in the world was sponsoring such a blitz ran through my mind. This certainly seems suspicious I thought; and I held off at even viewing the video until recently.

Lo and behold, it turned out to be one of the nearly for certain fraudulent UFO websites that pops up from time to time and increasingly with more frequency (as pointed out by SOL in the comments a couple weeks ago - these fraudsters seem hellbent on dominating the YouTube searches for anything UFO related). Indeed, the marketer of the Korean UFO video had already been featured on UDCC (yes, these very pages) as a probable hoaxer already. 

Indeed, a hoaxer with an interesting Niche he is trying to exploit - UFO Videos shot from Airplane seats - by commercial jet travelers. A niche he has been able to exploit mainly via international RAGS that print anything and play any video for viral sake - literally a chain of mainstream viral media with no scruples other than exposure. A niche that has been directly marketed for an amazing 7 million UFO hits for this channel in very short order. (All with embedded ads.)

All with videos with no attribution and most having been proved as bogus INCLUDING THE SOUTH KOREA ONE that was marketed for 5 million hits so far. Talk about smoke and mirrors. Talk about Ludicrous Foes. Talk about UFO Disclosure 2012 style............................. YUCK.       And you wonder why the MSM won't touch this stuff?

Here's more amusement from CrazyBreakingNews - the YouTube account that is marketing this slop --- today I caught his most recent upload minutes after it occurred..... and supposedly he was using another exclusive UFO video shot earlier in the day - daytime of course, and only a few moments, of course. Sad folks. Or perhaps Crazy. At least UDCC was all over this guys case before the latest 5 million hit marketing promotion. Nonetheless, ready to look at what 5 million other marketed to eyes have seen? South Korea Daytime UFO From Airplane Seat. ------------ Might this guy need to be banned from the Google adsense of paranormal sites by the webmasters?
UFOlogy 2012 - enough to make you want to puke in the corner.
Meanwhile..... Alabama witnesses report UFO orbs, human-like entity manifests - Strange MUFON report with `local' coverage and interesting speculations - this is a weird one Clockers. Multi Orbs that formed almost a field like opening for an entity to be seen within. April MUFON report. This article has a very specific idea what Orbs are as explained in a video by a man named John Todd. Hmmm? Is this Amazon book about John Todd?

I updated MRH today - for the headlines your hometown paper Somehow Missed Again. Thanks for your readership of my blogs.
BTW, speaking of books - a big thanks to the person who purchased this HOT book from UDCC two days ago:

The above book had over 70 reviews worth of 4.5 Stars - here's a sampling of reviews and opinions:
The Breath of God is a spectacular thriller that spans the world, history, and the limits of imagination; an epic adventure that left me yearning for more"
—Rich Doetsch, author of The Thieves of Darkness and The 13th Hour

"Jeffrey Small explodes on the writing scene with his first novel and this book has Best Seller written all over it! The Breath of God is a riveting novel that grips the reader from the first chapter and does not let go until the last paragraph. Fans of the Celestine Prophecy (James Redfield), and Conversations with God (Neale Donald Walsch) will place The Breath of God right alongside these books in their library!"
—FeatureMe2 Reviews

And, if you are taking a vacation this summer - make sure to check out UDCC'S NEW Sponsor - called Hotel Pricer. (Great name right?) - These guys know they are the new guys on the block and into your mindset. They want to win your business with GREAT rates. Just click the icon for info and rates.
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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Two UFO Videos From Plane Passengers In Just Weeks

Found these yesterday in my surfing for readers; first up - an excellent Orb/UFO traveling very fast below this jet. 47K views since Wednesday and a 12/1 pos/neg ratio of votes. Deservedly. A winner. Or, is it?

link -!
UPDATE 04/07/2012: Video Analyzed and Enhanced

An unidentified flying object was caught on camera from an airplane near Canberra, Australia on April 04, 2012, filmed by passenger Thomas Roth. The UFO was flying very fast below the Aircraft. It doesn't look like a normal plane or helicopter. What do you think about it?

Video by Thomas Roth. Copyright by CBN, Crazy Breaking News.
Yeah, it seems a bit dicey. This was his first amazing video from an airplane two weeks earlier - The Plane Seat UFO Guys First Video. Clockers, make up your own mind, but a YT name of crazybreakingnews, might be crazy to believe.
Meanwhile..... even the Huffington Post on occasion has a qualified person writing about the Cosmos we all live within. This article examines the whole SETI methods and asserts that it is possible that Alien Messages in Plain Sight - Like Artificial Structures. Of interest is the lack of finding such on first looks for huge artificial structures. No surprise to me there - the idea of manipulating entire galaxies has always seemed strange to me as a way to gauge the level of competence of an ultra society. Nevertheless, good read for the weekend.
Thanks for your visit today. If this is your first visit - over 510 posts about UFOs are in the archive - dig into it this weekend. I've also selected from Amazon today some books for everyone to enjoy. Thanks for your support of independent blogs and blogging. Oh, the CashUnclaimed banner in the sidebar is not some scam. IF you have a very unusual name you can probably find out for free if money is lost in the system for you. If a more common name, you pay 11 bucks to search your name and anyone elses too. For a month. Some folks use this opportunity to become bounty hunters. ( Disclosure - I get a small portion of the 11 bucks if you sign up.) On a personal note - I once found over 2 grand of an old insurance policy bought by my grandparents when I was born. It's worth a click. Read the success stories.
Here's those Amazon offerings.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Foes Ludicrous = UFO Disclosure? To Some In 2012 It Does!

Howdy Clockers - thanks once again for making your way back to UDCC for your fix of the UFOlogy lunacy. Today's featured lunacy is the make-up of the distribution of `fantastic UFO videos' - and their relation to UFO Disclosure. 
And, I begin with someone who has been `capturing daytime UFOs on video'; much in the same manner in which Pam Garcia has been in Texas (she shares some stuff with UDCC). What that means is simply setting up the video camera, and then looking at the results frame by frame - looking for something that appears to be anomalous. 

Yes, it is a very slippery slope and open to imagination and more. (That said, Pam's case seems different than the one I'm featuring now.)

I mean, are we indeed to believe that already in our atmosphere are dronelike probes? (Come to think of it that way it's not so unlikely. LOL) Objects that are simply going TOO FAST for us to catch in our normal perceptions? (It is a longshot IMO.) Or are there MUCH simpler ideas like `this is what birds or insects or video anomalies LOOK LIKE in ultra slow motion'? Indeed, would atmospheric creatures be SO CLOSE to our perception level - wouldn't these `things' show up in EVERYONES videos?
So, with that as a backdrop, we get to some of the meat of the Foes Ludicrous part of UFO Disclosure. Now, I'm not saying that this guy isn't catching something in his videos. But, do you believe that UFOs are so readily caught by random video taking - multi times a week? ------------- Anyway, this part of Foes Ludicrous is the niche of folks - with full sincerity and with a straight face - using the `slow down the video' method of UFO Disclosure (remember all my caveats above please). ARE they RIGHT? - Clockers can make up their own mind. This video has all of 274 views, 5/1 pos/neg ratio: `Caught on 3/14 around noon in Massachusetts by NWOrDREGS

link -
NWOrDREGS, a 54 year old `Freedom Seeker' (according to YT account) has caught a little over a dozen of his own UFOs since he started posting his own about 6 months ago (he used to post OTHER folks UFO videos). He goes by Real UFO's at YouTube too; with a background image of a badge for Area 51.......... Like many folks, he knows that the system is corrupt.
Next Up - A Daytime `UFO SWARM' - of course. (NOT balloons or the many things suggested in the comments.) - The video has nearly 6000 views since 2009. About 2/1 pos/neg. The uploader PushTheFader has 10 videos - most UFO videos he shot in 2008 and 2009.

link - (see his feed here)
As with most Foes Ludicrous Videos - the Title of the Videos nearly always OVERpromise. 
And, last but not least, I bring to you a link from a reader in the comments section of UDCC of what COULD have been a great video - except for the trail left when trying to verify the video. As you might expect - MassLandings2012 (any possible chance they are IN with an agenda? lol.) - with 37 themed videos - might have an agenda. This version of the video has about 6000 views and a 20/1 pos/neg ratio on this GATHERING Site. MassLandings2012 brings a HUGE story with the video and provides his link to the GalacticFederationOfLight info (sheeessh). Anyway, catch your of the  Massive Galactic Federation Mothership video is here. (It's always a mothership of course.)

Now, at least ML2012 gave the source link for the video -> MFGLOOM, who has two UFO videos - with an alien avatar. Both videos, the first three weeks ago, are of `suspicious lights' (Orb) type videos (and easy to fake IMO). His first video a few weeks ago was of UFOs going in and out of the distant ocean which got about 3K views using the USO keyword; - so, two weeks later, he ups his keyword to Happy Anniversary Phoenix Lights, and posts what most certainly is a CGI effort that gets him 25k+ views in recent days. The video has a 10-1 pos/neg break. 

Anyway, two weeks after his first YT upload of anything - he has a MILE WIDE UFO go over him while hiking - this guy knows a good story, right? Jumped on by lots of websites - MILE WIDE UFO Lights. And, here's an example of how such videos of MILE WIDE UFOs are used by the undertow of UFOlogy - Ascension Earth 2012. Who's webmaster has THIS as his profile:

I am a Starseed, incarnate of the Indigo Ray & channel for the Galactic Federation and my Star Family from the Ashtar Command, an 11th dimensional Osequeq collective from the Star System Tauri C; Amanda, Arisa, Rona, Jella, Morgana, Sophia, Germana, Capella, Jackie, Romana, Angela, Patricia, Anthony, Gifta, Maria, Mercula, Pierca, Ramulete, Augusta, Chevron, Thomas. I have incarnated at this time on assignment to advance my education and assist this planet and its people in their time of ascension to a higher dimensional existence. 

Foes Ludicrous. Mucking It Up.
Thanks for your visit - tell a friend about UDCC's post today by using the `share buttons' below. You can easily send this page to a friend via the E-Mail button too. OH, and thanks - to ANOTHER person joining `Second Life' via this blog yesterday. Visit UDCC's sponsors today - thanks.
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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Gigantic UFO Lunacy?

If your question has been `how far will the fake UFO folks go for hits?' - you may have your answer via the videos below - each of which pushes the envelope beyond reason. Why? Well, obviously, IF such events happened in a major location - these GIGANTIC UFOs would have many many `confirming videos' - even if only from security cameras. Additionally, IMO, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to NOT have such events hit the so-called `news' reports. (And, if you know of any please let me know.)

So, where to begin the absurdity? - How about in the Netherlands from about a month ago? With over 22K views and with the `comment form' conveniently turned off to prevent comments or votes: (oh, and picked up by (Streibers site) and

link -
 is the YOUTUBE name of this A-hole.
BTW, the same A-hole made this NYC GIGANTIC UFO about two weeks later, which has 6K views from about two weeks ago NYC Gigantic UFO. Hey, if you are going over the top, why not make it in BIG cities and during the daytime, right? And, you have this similar daytime UFO in a famous location uploaded on the same day Egypt Gigantic Daytime UFO (1/3 pos/neg) made by this A-hole -  of 
And, 46,000 have wasted their time with this horrible daytime Toronto UFO CGI since Valentines Day: A creation of  - 

The above trash was featured on MSM's Huffington Post (how blatantly absurd is that?) - The Examiner (of course) and Alien UFOs. 
I guess in the fantasy world the MSM sources live in (Huffington Post, Examiner)  it likes to promote the fear archetype of HUGE `Alien' UFOs hovering over our populated cities; you know, UFOs are ENTERTAINING. Rather than promote the much less interesting Orb phenomena or REAL Sky Noise Phenomena (they are the source of the FAKE SNP promotion however) of which folks should be possibly concerned.
BTW, I updated Strange UFO Videos yesterday - about a 4 minute clip about the `Turkey' UFO (the one that featured aliens in the craft). As Clockers may know, another idea about the Turkey UFO is that it was a Mirage of a Boat on the Water. But, the link has some GREAT closeups of the craft.
Thanks for your visit today. Please continue to share UDCC with your friends via the Facebook button below. You can also easily send this link via the E-Mail button below too.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

2011's UFO EVENT - The Jerusalem Orb - Six Months Later

As Clockers know, UDCC was one of the FIRST UFO websites in the world to focus upon what I call the Jerusalem Orb of the early morning January 29th, 2011(seemingly lost on all those who think it was on 1-28; even if it was 1-28 here when it occurred). And, if you were a reader in those heady days of the multiple videos of the event - you know that MANY other factors seemingly came into play about the event. (As opposed to those STILL finding out about the videos as evidenced on Twitter - - most recent update was 23 minutes ago.)

Indeed, on March 19th, about 50 days after the event, I was able to bring to UDCC readers OVER 50 links to try to attempt to bring an overview of the many factors of the event to my readers - - and even that turned out to be too early as more `evidence' surfaced afterwards. `Perfectly shitty `confirmation' evidence' IMO.

Of course I'm referring to the  released `close up video of a alien craft' - after releasing a 3 second version on THE very day of my above `review'. Eventually, that video even had a Long Version -- THAT REEKED OF COMMERCIALISM for an American car manufacturer. Eventually, EG REMOVED the `commercial video' from his website. And, to the best of my knowledge, EG has NEVER commented about this aspect of the entire incident.

When EG's credibility was destroyed by the catcalls of FAKE about the `Alien Craft' video - (the screams of FAKE began with the posting of the `tourist video', something EG had nothing to do with) - suddenly EG's background about connections to an Art school (with implied video courses) and the `teen video' were brought forth as some sort of `obvious hoax' - pulled on everyone.

But, was it?

First, it's important to note that the `screamers' of FAKE were convinced first that this was a `viral promotion' for an upcoming movie - turns out it wasn't. Indeed, the screams about `it's a viral promotion' really are LAME, IMO. Likewise, was the folks saying the near obvious FAKE craft video - was a car promotion - and, as near as I can tell, once again, turns out it wasn't. (OR, the car manufacturer lost their balls at using it.)

I will also say that I was and am still impressed by EG's taking the focal point of the entire event. His `investigation' into the event and self description of the event - IMO - smacked of realness. However, it was his becoming a focal point, and his investigation, that led IMO to the `FAKE CRAFT' video; so what gives?

And, IF I was forced to guess, (with no evidence at all) I'd say that someone, with lots of money, for reasons EITHER TO DISCREDIT EG or the EVENT ITSELF - indeed, paid him off to offer the `FAKE CRAFT VIDEO' to the public. Remember, it seemed at the time that EG was being `spoonfed' this `craft video' - from the THREE second clip onward, to the long version with poor acting and commercial implications. Hell, he might even have taken the money after signing some sort of `disclosure' statement; which would support his lack of details EVER SINCE the `craft video'.

Further, I'm convinced that the craft video only came about after the SECOND (if we are to assume that the `tourist' video was a fake)  video surfaced by the YT user `50nFit' - who has been implicated in the 2011 London UFO video of a few weeks ago (which UDCC has said FAKE about too). Indeed, make sure to read my overview link above for more on this dude.

To me, it was as  IF EG decided that the muck was already significant anyway and hey, WHY NOT profit from his involvement and video. And, while his profit may have been significant possibly, his TOTAL lack of commenting ANYMORE on his own YT channel (other than seeing videos he is favouring) implies embarrassment or a disclosure agreement IMO.

But, let's say you want to believe in The Jerusalem Orb; - is there anything there of substance; anything suggestive of PROOF? IMO - definitely yes. And, here it is in a nutshell.
The Proof:
EGs video and his friends video BOTH record the event as does the teen video - (links in overview) - additionally, and less widely known is the `street pictures' of the Orb (link in overview) - and frankly, the UNDERNEATH view (not of a craft) VIDEO - that seems ONLY UDCC found and covered - - which EVEN shows the Orb slowly moving away - JUST LIKE THE TEEN VIDEO. Indeed, how about this comment for this video:
its not fake, i was there in jerusalem and i saw it...

was fuckin scared every body in there!
this vid is true.. --------------- (UPDATE 8-9-11 6:30 PM, I NOW KNOW THIS VIDEO TO BE A `HOAX OF A HOAX' VIA THE UPLOADER HIMSELF. WILL BE SHARING MORE SOON.)Providing another witness WITHOUT a video; which is to be expected. And, finally, yes, there seems to be a legit `hotel cam' view that confirms the event; and, sketchy claims of on-ground observation and newspaper coverage.
As Clockers know, or those that dig thru the summary I provide in the 50 day analysis, my belief - which I still maintain - is that the event was an ORB (not a solid craft) and that the MSM will do ANYTHING to avoid talking about ORBS in a manner that ascribes `life' to them. Perhaps someday, if EG's disclosure agreement expires, we will know the reasons behind the Commercial FAKE video - otherwise, the video will forever retain the `uglyness' of that conclusion.
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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition