Whatever they are or the reasoning behind them - today I will highlight some of the various MUFON reports of the latest 20 listings for you to consider. I will just do snippets, go to the MUFON link to read the full accounts. I will also have other UFO links to consider later in today's post too - so read until the end. And, make sure to share this post to your Facebook Page or your Twitter Account - be a warrior about UFO info.
1st - happened this morning (Thursday) and is the very latest report of a THREE time recurring UFO in South Carolina `Multi colored lights flashing'. Quick read.
2nd - (Tuesday) - `lights pulsated in a circular pattern' in Texas. Quick read.
3rd - (Tuesday) - `row of white lights with red flashing light beneath' - North Carolina. Quick read. Oh, they got within a 100 feet - And took this picture yet another occasion evidently:
http://www.mufoncms.com/files/46446_submitter_file1__C36020130326205911.jpg --- is this a spectacular shot or a lens flare as it only turned up in one photo? AND, the person reported it in a separate report That Does NOT Seem Related To The 100 Foot Away Experience - obviously this person is tuned in or being tuned in. Quick read.
4th - `multi colored blinking lights' - (Wednesday, middle of night) in Michigan. Quick read.
5th - (Wednesday, for an hour) - `flashing red, green, blue and orange lights' in New York. Quick read.
6th - (Tuesday) - `red flashing light' in Connecticut. Quick read.
Had I expanded the inquiry to NOT be recent OR to include the word `pulsating' - the number would have been at least 1/2 of the reports.
I promised a good Orb splitting up front and you will not be disappointed in the story attached to the splitting Orb.
Indeed, it was on Wednesday in Kings Park New York, an quick encounter involving two witnesses to an Orb being chased by a helicopter and then splitting into two in front of their eyes:
Was at friends house went outside to hear a helicopter that sounded liek a military one. Ive seen them come over my town before. so me and my friend wait to see this just above the trees my friend goes "WTF look!" I see this thing that looks like a star in from of the helicopter like about no more then 100ft away. It had a really really think trail coming from it. as it went straight coming about what we thought was northwest to north west. it split into two orbs one yellowish and one reddish then they the helicopter continued chase out if view. Then we go to 711 after a few minutes my freinds dad shows up and says my friends brother saw a post on FaceBook about lots of orbs over NYC. Direct MUFON Link
Got a nice comment from a lady with a New Ageish blog of some substance (compared to most of that ilk) - you can check it out right here - Fahrusha's Weblog - a walk through her blogroll will take up the next 1/2 hour so......... and one EXCELLENT UFO site I found on her blogroll that I simply had forgotten about is George Filer's NUFOC - George is a buddy of Ken Pfeifer a person well known at UDCC. GF's site will add about another hour to your surfing time today. And, how about UFOdb? to complete your UFO and mind expansion for today?
My continued thanks to my UK readers who continue to purchase books from my Kindle Author Page - up to 9 books this month, most ever for one month I think from the UK. 100's once again have downloaded my occasional FREE BOOK too this month. Please read a sample of any of my books at my author page.