And, as you might suspect, since it is today's headline - I encountered a dozy today that simply brought all the bad grammar, bad spelling and bad story telling to a peak. It had to do with the last and 20th report at the bottom of today's MUFON page and reported as happening in Ft. Pierce Florida just the other day (I have buddies in FP btw.) Oh, there are other reports also in today's list from very nearby.
Anyway, here's the Ft. Pierce UFO Report of the object on February 20th:
I have seen different types..the one that was over my head was the size of a football field. The others all I could see was the lights it was late at night after midnight.and some foggy..but a as it it knew we seen them they slowly followed as we got scared .and got home we could send in the sky there are more than one..back in 1985I lost time and I got home around 11when I left my cousins home at 8pm.on the tv.said"us sure force chanced 4: to.up yo 600 miles HOUR ..and I have seen a lot in the last 27 years Im scared to say I seen them but know what I have seen and still seeing as well as others now.its very active around my house 1985after I stuck my head out the window I realized it was a : I couldnt talk but could think.and ask them to please dont hurt me and my baby. The nested morning my ear was scab I was in all
I mean, it's the persons one chance to be specific - to be communicative...... what different types? You mention NO shapes in any fashion of even ONE of these `types'..... over your head at WHAT height?...... now all the others are only lights?....... so, you saw lights through fog in the past....... WHEN was this hovering AND following? .... On the 20th?....... send in the sky(?) so, you don't know how to spell the word SEEN or seeing? .... and in 1985 your missing time experience was how long? how far do you live from your cousins? NO DETAILS?..... and, on the TV it said WHAT?.... you are totally unintelligible in this area of your `report'..... `active around your house' for how long? In what manner? ..... and WHY are you scared again? ...... nested = next?.......... all=awe?
Seriously, is this person rendered stupid?
Anyway, I wanted Clockers to see just how inane going through these reports can be............ My thanks to the book purchasers off my blog yesterday. Appreciated.
I have some good stuff going on at my other blogs too - On Amazing UFO Stories you can catch the tale of a 1974 alien-humanoid that was Bowlegged And Wore A Jumpsuit --- seriously. And over at The AnomalyMan listing, my `science' blog - you can catch what I often feature there - Trippy Art Fantasies, with photos such as the below:

And, yes, I even have a UFO Video over at my BS (caution adultish content).
Finally let me once again encourage you to Subscribe To UDCC IF You Have A Kindle Device and to RENT my books, worldwide, via the KINDLE SELECT `Library Link' too.
(A HUGE thanks to the person that bought SIX historical books via my blogs yesterday).