Hi, My name is Chris. On March 26, 2013 I had a strange experience. I filed a report with MUFON. This happened in Brownsburg, Indiana. At the time of my report I did not realize that I had been abducted. This was on my way home from work. I have driven this path every day for the last 20 years. I felt this strange light and could not move and when it quit I saw the UFO. I know when I felt the light and when I saw the UFO and realized I had driven a mile down the road that I don't remember. A few weeks later I was pulled out of my bed then awoke seconds later back in bed. The missing time is 20 to 30 minutes every time. This usually happens around 2:30 AM. I have lost count of the times I have been abducted. Twice I was aware of my surroundings. One time I was on a hard surface and felt heavy weight on me and finally screamed to get off me. It took a lot of effort to get the words out; then I was back in bed. The other time I was being forced to walk and felt something happening behind me. When I turned my head I saw an alien standing there for just a second then I was back in bed. Each time this happens I get a two inch "dent" in my head... This is about a half inch wide with a circle indentation at the end. This takes several hours to appear. A couple of time the dent is bigger and wider at the top back of my head and this one appears quickly. I have had headaches from the start. I don't always wake up when this happens.
The somewhat rare car experience UFO - mixed the UFO amnesia - mixed with missing time in nighttime `bedroom' abductions UFO - it's a long slippery slope in UFOlogy - often associated with `light' events that distort space literally for the observer.
My wife and I were driving on the Apache Trail road towards Tortilla Flat. A couple of miles before reaching the saloon at Tortilla Flat, we noticed a silver disc in the sky on our passenger side. My wife was taking pictures the whole way with her phone (sitting in the passenger seat), so she already had the camera ready to go. We literally took dozens of pictures on our trip, so I not only have this picture but pictures leading up to it and afterword if they need to be provided in the future as proof. The object was hovering in place, and then appeared to start moving. Our view was obscured for a split moment after the sighting, and when we could see again, it was no longer there. The disc was highly reflectant, bright silver ,like a bare aluminum can, with no lights other than the light reflecting from the sun, which was significant. It had a very large dome in the top center of the craft. We never saw the bottom half of the craft, so the best description I can give is that it was slightly tilted downward so we could see the top part, not the bottom. Almost as if the craft was banking a turn, although it didn’t appear to be moving in a curved line. It was too far away to see a great amount of detail, such as windows or panels, but it was close enough that it was right in line with the closest rock formation in the distance. I’d estimate it to be about a half a mile from our vehicle.....Thinking back, the only oddity would be that my 2014 Jeep Wrangler made an audible “ding” sound literally right after we saw the craft the first time. I’d say, maybe 5-10 seconds after the sighting. It’s the same “ding” as you’d hear if the safety belt wasn’t fastened or the door was open. At the time, I didn’t correlate it with the sighting, but thinking back it is a bit weird, especially since both me and my wife had our seat belts on, and the doors were closed, with no error light on my dashboard. ....The only other thing worth noting I guess is that it didn’t feel like anything significant was going on during the time, but the more I think about it now, the more amazing the experience really was. I guess that’s opposite of how I should have felt, instead being shocked at the time of seeing it and then not caring later.

No, the amazing thing is that the BEST photo doesn't resemble the description yet this isn't mentioned.... and NO ... lots of folks didn't see this.... and Forteana too.
A disturbing chain of livestock mutilations has plagued farmers and ranchers throughout all 50 states for decades, but law enforcement has failed to name a perpetrator. Cows, horses, goats, and other livestock have been randomly found dead—the corpses mutilated and organs removed with surgical precision. With each of these attacks, no tracks of any kind surround the site, perplexing ranchers and law enforcement. Many theories surround this mysterious and persistent wave of attacks. Suspects include predatory animals, satanic cultists, extraterrestrials, and even the U.S. government. To this day, no arrests have been made even though more than 10,000 attacks have been recorded throughout the country, according to KLAS-TV Las Vegas. These cases stand out from regular predatory attacks on livestock. Their surgical nature is eerie and unexplainable. Colorado rancher Tom Miller recalled his first encounter with the mysterious mutilations: The eyes, ears, tongue, and reproductive organs had been removed from one of his cows with surgical precision. No blood was found onsite, which is typical among the mutilation attacks. Miller said that his cattle have been periodically attacked in this way since 1999. Adding to the bewilderment are the fractured bones, including ribs, inside the carcasses of the mutilated animals, suggesting that the animals were taken, operated on, and then dropped from an elevated height. Supporters of the extraterrestrial theory suggest that aliens take the animals aboard their craft and then discard the remains, according to the “Unexplained Files.” Ufologists—those who study UFOs—believe that the mutilation of these animals represents a need for bodily tissue in order to create alien-human hybrids. This claim is perhaps lacking in evidence, but in many cases of cattle mutilation, the reproductive organs were removed—embryos included. In the scientific community, cow embryos were used in human cloning attempts by the company Advanced Cell Technology in 1999, reported the BBC and NewScientist news.
In no way do I believe that aliens are using human reproductive organs to breed hybrids - which is also part of the alien abduction from bedroom lore too. That said, the animal mutilations certainly seem nefarious at the least. That said, IF humans have back engineered or simply figured out anti-gravity - humans could have these crafts too and then the nefariousness may be more explainable.
In 1980, Billy Meier, the Swiss UFO contactee, took 63, clear 35mm film photographs and a five-minute video of an object dubbed the Wedding Cake UFO, or WCUFO. Skeptics immediately pounced on the photos claiming they showed a model made from a garbage can lid and Christmas tree ornaments. With MUFON, the international UFO investigating organization, lacking the technology to determine the authenticity of his UFO photos, and Meier himself not saying anything in his own defense, the matter was perceived as a hoax and became just another UFO "cold case." Enter "CSI" Fast forward to today where - just like in an episode of CSI - independent researcher Prof. Rhal Zahi revives the Meier cold case by taking a took a close look at the "DNA" in the WCUFO photos using PhotoShop, professional 3-D computer modeling software and actual scale models. His 74-page report, including his reproducible protocols, conclusively authenticate the photos as large, unknown objects and rules out small models or special effects. Prof. Zahi then discovered never before seen details in a nighttime WCUFO photo that have been hidden in not so plain sight - for 34 years - revealing that the craft is hovering over a gravel road and that Meier somehow actually took the photo from... above the object.
MUFON Takes Another Look. Armed with Prof. Zahi's authentication of the WCUFO, Meier's American representative, Michael Horn, contacted Jan Harzan, the Executive Director of MUFON, who has known about the Meier case for 25 years and struggled with it being simply "too good." Harzen and Horn formed a precedent setting alliance and, for the first time in 34 years, MUFON opened the Meier case to its 3,000 members worldwide. Staggering Implications. According to Horn, "Prof. Zahi's work vindicates Meier of charges that he hoaxed his evidence. It also makes the SETI program unnecessary because it conclusively shows that the UFOs photographed and filmed by Billy Meier are extraterrestrial in origin. With Meier's well-documented contacts with the Plejaren extraterrestrials still ongoing for over 72 years - and so rich in scientific information- the implications are truly staggering. "Now along with NASA aerospace engineers recognizing its significance, modern technology makes it easy enough for an eight year-old child with a computer to prove the most important discovery in all of science and human history for themselves. We are not alone, we've been contacted and now it's up to us to see if we can actually recognize - and handle - the truth." An update on the remarkable, historical developments in the Billy Meier case may be announced at the upcoming MUFON Symposium, July 17 - 20, in Pennsylvania.

I'll provide some blogging with this one - here's the MUFON page about Billy Meier - it does include the work above BUT also has several debunking examinations too. My question would be has anyone at MUFON verified the latest findings? Seems not and I could find nothing suggesting anything happened in July other than it was discussed. All that said, it's not like 100's of folks have such `evidence' and claims.... only this one.... just perhaps that makes some sense.
I was traveling south. One block south of me and traveling north toward me, a dark grey and black saucer-shaped craft topped the hill. It was as wide as the three lanes of traffic and had two red triangular lights on either side in a similar position to where the parking lights are on an automobile but on the bottom edge. However, no light from these reflected onto the ground and they were not bright like headlights, but they were large rectangles and most definitely red. The largest part of the craft was very dark gray and the top “bubble” part was black. This craft was only a few inches off the roadway. My light changed and as I proceeded toward it, it was as if something came between us and it was no longer visible. As there was nothing there to actually come between us, I feel as if it “cloaked ” itself, but it was gone. This area is very well lit as there are street lights on either side and there are businesses on both sides of the road so my visibility was excellent. At this time of morning, there was no one else on the road except for it and me. This road runs directly behind my house and this happened 1/2 block north from my backyard. I went home and immediately called my friend who I had just dropped off and told her about it. However, over a period of 20 minutes, we were only able to maintain a phone connection for about 5 minutes, as our call would get dropped and I would get the message “Call Failed” which never comes through when a call is dropped but rather when it doesn’t go through to begin with. I would try to call her back and it would do absolutely nothing. Just like dead air. She left me a voicemail message but my phone had not rang. She would call me and get the same nothing. One time, I called her and as the phone was ringing, it sounded as if there was a third party on the line and I could hear! some scratching like claws on a piece of wood but just when the call should have gone to voicemail, it just disconnected and I got the “Call Failed” message. She said when we finally were able to talk that she had never experienced anything like that ever before with a cell phone. I hadn’t either. I was unable to go to sleep until about 6:00 a.m. The next day she told me that she had checked the Arlington Police Dept. active police “blotter” after we hung up and that from 3:00 a.m. until 3:30 a.m. there had been 9 calls to 911 that were only classified as “disturbances” within a 1-mile radius of where this occurred and my house. She tried to take a screen shot of this information, but it would not work. I can get a copy of that night’s activity from the police department, but cannot do so for 30 days. At that time, I will forward you a copy of that to go with this report.
High Strangeness can be associated with UFO perceptions/phenomena.
I did some real UFO blogging
only two reports 3-3:30 and neither nefarious.
There did not seem to be a way to search 911 calls other than the active ones.
time to go?
And, finally - did you VOTE for UDCC at the top of this column?