If you are a thinking individual you should be a bit concerned about the type of information the big G is supplying to you concerning your seeking of UFO (video) information. For what we've established so far is the utter lack of depth at 3 of the 4 channels/websites at least --- and a strange out of sync point of view about UFOs in general in total support of the 'Disclosure Crowd' and their shrinking band of Gypsy's (now having kicked out and to the curb the 'we're already on Mars and have Time Travel Machines' crowd and point of view).
Everyday UDCC features the ordinary folks experiences with 'UFOs' and the `anomalous' --- those in the Traveling Disclosure show have NO MORE PROOF (IMO) than the reports submitted to the MUFON boards on a daily basis.... yes, indeed, the important ie: military and such ALSO have had `experiences' and while NOT be written off - IMO, carry only slightly more weight when attempting to figure out the reality of UFOlogy. Without question IMO - they could be stool pigeons or disinfo agents - as easily as they are concerned citizens fighting for all of us. Sorry, that's simply my point of view.
So, as I said when I began this series - UFO YouTube - I bookmarked a considerable number of websites that came up in the first 10 pages of that search (as I was looking for UDCC) and we are going through that bookmarked list.....but, as you can see... especially if you went to the links..... the results leave you empty even as they show you the OVER THE TOP ufo thing that you desire..... ie: SOLID APPEARING UFOs on the ground with aliens walking around it (featured yesterday) --- because, when you dig just a bit deeper... your skin begins to crawl... is this simply disinfo for the `alternative low information' person? The BELIEVERS?
So, I may do a bit more grouping of these remaining sites as ... really.... you are not being helped IMO. I will still try to be fair but remember... I bookmarked this crappola and know what is still to come (which even if it was enlightening... would the average G searcher for UFO info dig 4 or five pages into the results?). So, here we go.... again.... ready?
UFO YouTube - The Competition - Part Five
Global Rank 
A Big Facebook Commuity At USH too.
Is it envy that I feel when I see how highly rated UFO Sightings Hotspot is? Perhaps. ..... Or is it that we SHARE some keywords?
UDCC's Keywords at Alexa
Interestingly, when UDCC had Alexa breakdowns by education the break at UDCC was always towards the College Grad and above - the OPPOSITE is true of USH.================================================================
Indeed, I guess one could say we are the opposite viewpoints about some subject matter..... the gullible viewpoint and the analytic viewpoint..... IMO of course....LOL. Anyway at UFO Sightings Hotspot I've linked to a theme that kept occurring at these `all the same' point of view websites - that the UFO videos are being removed by G and YouTube (same thing really as you know) as part of a conspiracy theory. Indeed, the post I've linked to for you above says that at least 13 million page views of UFOs were removed from YT in Jan 2014 alone. Highlights of the post below which showcase the point being made at UFO Sightings Hotspots:
YouTube account danielofdoriaa came up with a disturbing statement that over 13 millions UFO video views were deleted from his YouTube account.
Danielofdoraiaa: "After uploading a mainstream UFO video almost reaching into 1 million views within a few weeks, YouTube attacks again and slams two strike on the account again and deletes over 13 millions views... hundreds of video's are now gone again.
And not only danielofdoriaa is affected by YouTube's censoring, also seeingUFOsPA reports that they have deleted about 2 million total hits off of their video views.
They have done it multiple times and to all UFO and Truthers channels. They filter the flow of powerful information that can empower the people.
And at daniel of doriaa I found this:
649 views 2 days ago
Greater Community Spirituality presents a prophetic new understanding of God and human spirituality within a larger arena of intelligent life. This is a spirituality that transcends all boundaries of race, culture, religion and language, providing the foundation for recognition and relationship between people, nations and worlds
Now, despite the near obvious agenda of bringing 'the truth' to all of us mere humans..... I do sympathize with YT or the big G `shutting down' ideas... as some of you know... I had a male political blog shut down in November by G....... that said, are they shutting down the 'truth' or a fraudulent fantasy loop that feeds upon itself and half baked ideas and disinformation?
So, I decided to visit UFO Sightings Hotspot's front page and lo and behold..... did you know (posted yesterday) that there will be a `worldwide false flag event for April 2014?'..... Yep........ (Just like the dozens of FF that these types of websites have been predicting since 2010 at least.) ...... Oh are you ready for THIS - `they' plan to do this FF with ROBO-Copters (you can't make this stuff up).... I mean jeeessssssss.
But, just THREE YouTube videos on this front page - TWO of the three videos about a NDE... okay.....?
Finally at USH.... it has you covered with special pages dedicated to Flying Humanoids, Atlantis, Nephilim, Tall Whites, The Hollow Earth....etc........ You know, the truth. Right.
Bottom line
I'm baiting my hook for your brain right now.
now, go take a shower
So, did you notice that I changed up the books on the top of this page? Oh, and when you look at the specials I'm offering today at my Kindle Author Page I hope you'll balance a freebie, or extreme bargain pricing - with a purchase or two too.