First up: An OHIO UFO - under 300 views - real uploader - really just an Orb at most but the reactions are real as is the guys eventual actions of chasing it.
link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_6Hd-HXgtc
Comments at the above vid of interest:
I saw something very similar to this at 2am on Jan 28th in northern Wisconsin, from an island in Lake Superior. I could clearly spot with my naked eye what appeared to be a star changing colors. I looked through a set of binoculars at these vibrantly changing colors, and noticed that no other star next to it or anywhere else in the clear night sky looked similar in anyway. I woke up my dad and he also said he had never seen anything like it before
Sweet! I looked for postings to this specific date hoping that someone else saw then as well. I live in western, MA and saw them too! At first I thought it was a plane, so I stood watching & the colors were red, green, blue and white-ish rotating. It stayed for about 5 mins, and 2 others showed up. After 5min, they vanished into thin air. Awesome! Glad we are all seeing the same thing 01/28/2012!!!
Here's a `fake' plane UFO by a UFO filmer/caller - hundreds of UFO videos by this guy. (dunkin1221)
Remember yesterday or so when I covered the FAKE STRANGE SOUND folks - here's another who simply can NOT accept that these strange sounds ARE Happening. He thinks it is all to bring fear to 2012. It's bringing fear alright - and the hoaxers, deniers will not let this come easily for sure. Especially with something heard by so few.
Perhaps the BEST Orb video of 1-28 was this one; unfortunately, it's the SAME MO that I've been seeing over and over. One site that points to the other as the original and that is always a GATHERING site with NO attribution. AS IF the gathering site IS MAKING UP THESE VIDEOS -- how long do we all have to put up with UFOSTORE1's bullcrap? Anyway, here's the latest FAKE effort Must be Fake - It's on a Gathering Site. What a joke the UFOSTORE has become.
And, finally - just a couple of links to more Orbs - OHIO Pictures of UFO near Akron. And, the same over Western North Carolina UFO.
Good news, UDCC has landed an interview with NJ's Chief Investigator with MUFON - look for that in this blog soon. Thanks for your visit today too - see you soon.
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