Just 3 days ago I brought to you a 1966 UFO incident involving a school and schoolchildren in Australia http://ufodisclosurecountdownclock.blogspot.com/2011/07/suburban-ufo-mystery.html . Of which, the only pictures taken of the event by a teacher, were then taken away by the authorities.
Today's post involved 62 school aged kids in Zimbabwe and no adults. Like the Australian event, this too involved the UFOs literally landing. This YT account includes interviews with several of the students - even by the one minute mark of the vid -so hang in there for the full seven minutes.
Yeah, the above one makes your skin crawl a bit, as the description of the alien, and the aliens thoughts, makes for uneasy company. These kids certainly don't seem to be lying. As far as I know, these are THE TWO incidents like this that have ever occurred. If you have heard of others please bring them to UDCCs attention.
But, what are we to make of UFOs LANDING outside of schoolyards during the day? As far as I know none have landed outside of office parks, hospitals, etc. I hope you get my drift; is this intentional stuff by `the aliens'? Is it that children are thought to be a good contact to provide truth of reference? OR, is it super creepy? And, does the `mind contact' suggested in the above video suggest a mental event or mental perceptions?
All the above sent me searching YT for one of my favorite `special children' influences of my own childhood: Village of the Damned
And, here's a link to the original trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MBresWP9MY - time to call your kids into the room perhaps.
Go ahead, go crazy and fill in your collection today.
Do `aliens' appear during `meditation' states? - read the first of several accounts now up at this new webpage - http://ufoworldcentral.weebly.com/ufo-sightings.html - aliens or entities?
Speaking of meditation states, have you checked out the sidebars new `mind products'? And, just what is Quantum Jumping? LOL.
And, if you were up to reading a couple of alien contact stories today - how about 25 collected reports for your Sunday http://contactedbyaliens.blogspot.com/ Enjoy.
UDCC, the full spectrum of the UFO phenomena.
Solar Sense?