Hello Clockers and newbies to UDCC too. Today I share with you, one helluva website, and, yet another UFO experience by the webmaster of that website. I come by his experience as he left his experience via a link in my comment section of my personal UFO event - http://ufodisclosurecountdownclock.blogspot.com/2008/07/my-ufo-experience.html that I wrote up 3 years ago this month for UDCC.
Anyway, its part of the motif that most UFO websites are run by those who have had `personal' experience with the phenomena. And, in the account you are about to read - I ask once again my readers to consider that WITHOUT independent confirmation by others - that this too could be a `perceptual event' only.
Here's a tease of this guys experience:
Oct 1994, Friday night approximately 8:30pm Reston Va
I suppose this incident finally, after all these years, led me to create educating humanity. I feel that people are now compelled to tell their story for a reason. I think you will find more and more of us coming forward.
I have told my story to family and friends on numerous occasions and in the last week I have posted this incident on a forum. I have been reluctant to really go public with it for various reasons but it seems that enough people are finally waking up so this story is no longer that incredible.
I had come home late from work, about 8:30 pm, sitting on the back deck of the house facing the golf course.
The golf course began getting brighter by the second. About thirty seconds later an extremely large object appeared moving over the house in complete silence. The object was somewhere between 300-500 feet above me. It was triangular in shape with a large bright circular disc in the front and two smaller bright circular discs in the back. Connecting the disc was a very dark (almost black) center part of the craft. It was on a trajectory coming down ...... (see full story at http://www.educatinghumanity.com/p/my-ufo-experience.html
If you go to the link you will see the tireless work this individual has put into his website - over 400 posts this year alone. That said, I can see he likely monitors any number of sites - including this one - and yet NEVER lists any `hattips' or such. I have never once seen a referral from this site. And, has no blogroll. Just sayin. He does however give this link to UFO forums - http://www.educatinghumanity.com/p/list-of-best-ufo-forums.html
Meanwhile..... we've been touching softly on the `God' connection here lately - so, when I saw that GOD has only a 52% approval rating according to a survey of over 900 folks - I thought it deserved a write-up on Barf Stew - http://barfstew.blogspot.com/2011/07/survey-says-gods-approval-number-52.html
Finally for today - the RARE Diamond UFO, filmed in 2006 - video is at the link. -
Thanks For Your Visit Today - Enjoy TGIF
2011 The Edge Of Solar
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