The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Madness Finals - UFO Links And More

Hello Clockers - will not be updating much for the next few days but have plenty to savor below:

I'm saving comment and further analysis of the Jerusalem Orb until April - that said, this is NEW as the hubbub surrounding the LONG version of the latest close-up view continues - it's a forum debating the video:!/home.php?sk=group_196061063754905&ap=1
To Me: here's the highlight so far:
Matt Ufo Briefcase

MUFON Dismisses Jerusalem UFO as a Hoax
UFO Briefcase
After careful analysis, MUFON’s Chief Photo & Video Analyst, Marc Dantonio provided the following statement to UFO Briefcase concerning the Jerusalem UFO Video: I analysed the 6th Jerusalem UFO video
and feel very strongly that it is in my view a CG hoax. The UFO is in my opinion computer generated  
Raul Lorenzo

Now, to me, this is a good analysis, basically the slow motion composition in X Ray Effect at the end (Frame 4:50>>) shows clearly it is NOT a 2D Photo by scrolling it forward yourself frame by frame, note how the X RAY LIGHT in BLACK does the way it is suppose to do in reality...gradually illuminating JUST the front of buildings and not the WHITE SHADOWS BEHIND THEM (remember we are in negative or X-Ray, Black is the light, White are the shadows) it progress it creates a CONE of light coming from the ship (frame 4:53)...We do this in 3D Animation by adding a Conical Spot Light to the Ship hierarchy Group, timed to flash at specific timing and in the gravity center of ship, not the lower center light that keeps "On" all the time illuminating the area, the problem with this 3D Programs is their "perfection" goes beyond reality and many light filters had to be added like a Gaussian in order not to see the pix-elation when looking frame by frame in the fading out contours of the cone, this one looks excellent, beautifully disseminated and faded and it occurs in only 2 frames?, however this 3D programs work at 29.9 Frames/Sec, Cameras work at 24/s, so with a lot of work and a VERY GOOD Batch Render-er like Mental Ray or Caustic Enhancers, and HD Shadowings it could be done...Now concerning the small town that gets illuminated below...that HAVE to be created in DETAIL, walls, plants, street, lamps and different objects...each one must have a different texture...and color, and materials...Even having a movie as a stage background running like MAYA LIVE...still would be a 2D would not rect the same against the lights-shadow like we see here....sorry MUFON...
Your calendar is reading right, March 31st, not, April 1st.
EM again - calls on the US government to 'open up' about aliens - - Edgar Mitchell continues to push.
Could be the best Japan EarthQuake Orb video I've seen:

Oh, `bad' news on two recently posted `spiral' videos - one was a launch indeed - seen here, --- and Terry The Censor indicates that the `weathercam' one (on TAL) was a hoax. Here was that footage -
Repost - Not all clockers were here when the Stephenville Texas UFO story was hot - remember when -
A UFO discussion? Impossible? -
Were Orb's in the NYC skies once again on Dec. 6th? -
On The AnomalyMan Listing today - an under-reported incident in the Columbus Ohio skies years ago - a RECTANGLE UFO - daytime - 20 minutes - more details at - - includes video investigation.
UDCC turns you onto new UFO blogs -
Thanks for being a returning Clocker today. Tell a friend to help spread the word too - thanks.
Clockers LOVE Pocketwatches
Colibri Pocket Watch Day Date and 24 Hour Sub Dial with Pocket Chain
Colibri Pocket Watch Day Date and 24 Hour Sub Dial with Pocket Chain - Under 50.00

Monday, March 28, 2011

March Madness - UFO Links and More (Part Four)

Hello Clockers, welcome back. Welcome also to you finding UDCC today for the first time - this is a near daily blog about UFOs and things seemingly in our Earthly skies. Today I continue to bring links that have backed up within the bin so to speak. Ready?
First up today is The AnomalyMan Listing - which covers 4, yes FOUR `Triangle' UFOs/Orbs in the American skies within about 10 days -- some of these are AMAZING videos IMO and almost unbelievable that a couple weren't on TV reports. ONE is very similar to the Phoenix Lights of 1997 -
The Phoenix Lights: A Skeptics Discovery that We Are Not Alone
Chemtrails in the news - Atlanta station asks for pictures - includes video -
Chemtrails Confirmed
Want an intense read about a guy who heads one of the countries top UFO research databases? Who lives in an abandoned missile silo? -- Then, you've come to the right place, go get your reading glasses, this is a long one - Peter Davenport Believes in UFOs -
Jan. 30th - one night after the Jerusalem Orb:

UDCC doesn't venture too far into the conspiracy realm too often - so, I'll let this slip in -
IF you were wondering JUST how strange UFO sightings can be - meaning the shape of the phenomena (shaped like buildings etc) - then this is the post just for you -
One more plug for Arvin Hill's UFO blog that I featured last week -
Meanwhile ...... Another Spiral? .... Or, Hoax - beautiful regardless - End Time World Reporter 2011 - "WEATHER CAM CATCHES MAGNIFICENT UFO!!!" -

******************* This is where I was the other day in my post when I checked to see if anything was new concerning the Jerusalem UFO/Orb/Craft story - as Clockers know I found the long version of the `Craft' video. On that day, the LONG long version was NOT available (thus capping it's total views and letting the `craft video' portion - the one I posted - become the `one talked about') - but - last night it was again available - and I posted the link on UDCC last night -- I don't want Clockers to miss this as it REEKS and UDCC will be updating more about it. Please, watch this video -
A few more links --- one of the many claims made by the Exopolitics People of upcoming `announcements' - none of which ever come to pass -
A heads up - late this week few if any updates from me.
More March Madness as the last couple days once again stopped the flow of UFO links: - Such as: Two nights after the Original Jerusalem Orb, Eligael uploaded this Orb video -
Meanwhile, Mr. Donlan, great blogger of high strangeness, has a request - Blogging as a business - - he's `selling' the content of his old blog about Bigfoots. I can tell you that this guy had some great content on that blog and that he is a great writer and thinker. What he is doing is providing that content for a `donation' - via his secure donation button (just like here on UDCC and that has been hit by some folks here last year). It is well worth it.
This is the kind of GREAT post that Mr. Donlan does these days - - you get the idea.
That's it for today - more tomorrow. Thanks for your return visit. If you were new today, don't miss the sidebar for more content.
Recently Purchased from my blogs:

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Jerusalem `Craft' of Jan. 29th, 2011 - UDCC's Positioning

Yesterday, UDCC was just about the first, if not the first, website in the world to carry Eligael's new `Jerusalem UFO' video. That happened because I search nearly daily various sources for information pertaining to the `event', and my timing was impeccible as Eligael had posted less than 8 hours previously on his own site this new `long version' close up video. Here is my link from yesterday to the video itself - - it's well worth your minute or so.

As you can see, yesterday I let it speak for itself. And tried to let you Clockers form your own opinions; as I'm sure that you did. And, I'm not here to try to pull you too far off of whatever opinion you have formed - and the one I'm about to offer is simply that - an opinion.

I stress that because NONE of the scuttlebutt you will read over the coming days is going to mean anything unless you are capable of NOT litening to YOUR ideas of things being challenged by the naysayers (of whatever your belief is). It is now important to remember that the Jerusalem UFO is BIG TIME potentially power structure threatening IF TRUE. AND, if you think our power structure wants to give up anything - let alone POWER you are sadly mistaken IMO. So, the stakes are unbelievably high and you should expect HUGE pushback -- especially immediately to this new info. And, as such I DO NOT EXPECT THE MSM TO COVER THIS IN ANY FASHION - that is my prediction -- this video will NOT grace the MSM unless it is shown with an `already debunked' attitude.

So, from that, let me begin my opinion as of this morning.
First, my regular Clockers are way ahead of the game - as you have the 54 link resource I put together in a largely chronilogical manner last week - - and, if you remember - in that analysis - I indicated my uneasyness with the TWO close-up videos (most of the MSM only thinks of the tourist video) the tourist video and the `underneath' video. That said, I found NOTHING to discredit the LONG views of the experience/event which has at least 3 videos angles - including the teens, Eligael's and the `hotel' view. I also noted the `photos' video too (close up and showing an Orb.)

Now, perhaps tomorrow I will look into each vid and compare each for realness in the possible `total whole' --- but --- today's analysis will be based on the bigger picture overall - and for certain purposes - will make certain assumptions at times (give me a moment to unfold this). As you know, I am an analyst who will look at data and possible outcomes based on data assumptions.

First assumption --- THIS VIDEO IS REAL.

I guess the first thing for me to say is that since my beliefs of it all being a Real Event is NOT based on the previous TWO close up shots -- that I am INDIFFERENT overall IF this is REAL or NOT as to my ultimate determination. But, IF I'd assume this to be REAL - certain things flow from that. First, it almost - but not totally - makes the first two `close-up' videos FAKES. (Now, I hedge only to leave that to my deep close look at the vids tomorrow.) And, if they were FAKES I am not totally surprised - and - since the long view is `settled' the only thing to `play with' is the close up idea - the `perfect' video.

Continuing the assumption of `REAL'  (ctaor) - it is the near PERFECT video - caught from the moment it came down, started to move, moves nearly directly overhead for extreme closeup, and then captures the departure even with the final motif of red dots and white `flash out'.

(CTAOR), the expected pushback on such as Perfect REAL video would be -- TOTAL AND OVERWHELMING to the source. I quote from Eligael's YT channel:


this latest video is obviously a fraud. why are you discrediting yourself? many are angry with this obvious hoax and you have lost a lot of respect because of it. if you are honest about what you saw then you do not need this rubbish. stick to what you know and what you saw. honesty always wins. peace

You are Charlatan. Disgraceful,fucking disgraceful. Fuck you and everyone who lives in your house.

shame on you eli! i supported you even though many didnt, but the clear fake plane and ridiculous acting with the monk outside the yeshiva absolutly is the icing on the cake! HOAX

Come on fraud be a man and face those you've deceived!!! Stop hiding like a child you fraud.

Check it out people: The Knights Templer - The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (Latin: Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici) was where the name Templer came from during the crusades. The Dome of the Rock = The Temple of Solomon. The Well of Souls etc. It's the place where the Arc of the Covenant was once said to reside and if you keep watching this Channel the only thing your going to end up seeing that Key going into is a Korean Hyundai Genesis Sedan. 02-112012-T = 02/11/2012 - The chess board under the Date shows you this is nothing more than a Game of Strategy in which this car manufacturer believes it can fool the world with a Viral Hoax! Thus keeping you all glued whilst the Advert plays itself out, very sorry for you Eligael but Rook to D-7 my Crusader has cornered your King - Check Mate!

The Hyundai Genesis is due to role from the production Line on the 02-11-2012 Hence the Key in your updated full video is the Key presumably to the newer Hyundai Genesis Sedan, the other side of the Key-Fob depicts the St Georges Cross or Maltese Cross which was the logo of the Knight Templer, the Crop Circle formation shown on the underside of the UFO in the full-video is the Banbury Castle crop circle in which astrophysicist Mike Reed noticed was a depiction of Pi. Hope that answer's your three Questions

the monk is Eligael ..i think monk and ufo video is different footages.lately arranged somehow..tryied to adding moore mystery to video..i think you did biggest mistake in all off your ufo story mybe the event was real but from this time everybody have a dubt about you...anyway some how you get google adsense account for your videos..congratulations...;)))

 think the ufo is much to big , compared to the original footage, and c'mon the scenery with the monk is very bad acting. Think about it !!!

DID Anyone noticed that the "monk" had a really really flat nose at least 10 cm ???

Why do you remove your video and put an edited version up? Why do you not answer any of the many questions presented to you? We are all interested in the authenticity of this video..but you answer nothing..and they remove the original and cut out the obvious monk scene with the key with the masons symbols on it..what are you doing? you had video that was very convincing and then this video is no doubt professionally done the craft is not something someone could do with a cheap some questions please.­I  check it out you can see connection between cropcircles and ufos

See this "Ship Blueprints in the Crop Circles" about the symbol under the UFO:­I&feature=related

I believed from the beginning this event. This latest video is perhaps true. The symbol drawn on the body by 3 lamps from below represents a "crop circle" very experienced and interpreted the plan as an antigravity machine by a physicist. A movie could very well use it .... BUT!

A QUESTION IS: WHO, WHAT HUMAN SHOT THIS UFO? We see nothing about it and yet it is the most important question! Humanity is stupid to have welcomed this way, you can not find? As a human, the thought of this move gives me more harm than wrong about the veracity of this film!
So, in the opening moments - the video brought out the typical CGI comments, viral marketing comments, and `the paranormal connection' (crop circles). It is all of these comments that I would like to think that Clockers are able to assimilate as just part of the game.
Because IF this is real - I'd like to have TWO things considered if not more: 1) I `worry' that it might indeed have been an incredible `hologram'. Yes. After all, it had that HUGE `light' beneath it that `could' have been `projecting' upwards that `bottom of craft image' onto a hologram `surface'. Billions or perhaps Trillions of black budget money, over decades,  should be able to produce incredible effects IMO. I mean it. Perhaps I say this first because of my lack of ANY trust in the power structure - take that as you do. AND 2) My beliefs, internally, are that the world we see MAY have to do with a `common consensus' of perception - and IF that is the case - and the CRAFT was or had characteristics of  `Real' - could it be that - in this day and age `humans saw' - and `actualized' - a `craft'? (Instead of a messiah?)

(CTAOR), but, perhaps most distrubing to me - is that THAT CRAFT in NO way was `thick enough' -- to be piloted by ANY Beings -- and was most certainly (using human assumptions) NOT OCCUPIED. Which brings up the question as to WHY the NWO (new world order) OR `Aliens' - would want to show us a Craft that `can't be occupied'?

Finally, (CTAOR), let us go all the way baby. The craft was a real occupied Alien Craft ----- that appeared and vanished - and contained TEMPORAL BEINGS. (At least to our perceptions.) Yeah, I can see the MSM lining up to bring THAT NEWS to the public!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER.
My analysis IF this is FAKE -----> The obvious thing to say is that Eligael is being manipulated by someone for whatever purposes; by bringing the `lacking truth' `smoking gun' to the table --- either to F&ck him over credibility wise and the other `far views' of the event (and the near views too) - OR, to bring about `THEIR' (the mysterious they) agenda in some manner.

Remember, Eligael after weeks and weeks, (not instantly I point out) started his own investigation for `on ground sources' (confirmation exists independently of other mentions in the Israeli media) trying to come up with the proof. He has assumed the investigative role normally not done by the lamestream media. (For which he is critized.)

OR, IF FAKE, Eligael himself, continues to provide the most thought out, complex, organized UFO hoax of alltime - providing a cast of characters, a timeframe for increased release of confirmation videos and photos, and, while providing symbolic references to Cropcircles, and The Knights Templer AND the Marketing of Hyundai Genesis. NOW THAT IS A HOAXER extrodinare.
Or, you can believe what the total circumstances suggest.
Something happened in Jerusalem in the early morning hours of January 29th - something that causes excitement, fear, and hope perhaps. Something that is NOT going to go away quietly. Something for YOU to form your own opinion about.
Tomorrow, UDCC will look even closer as to how all the video's MESH together - or don't. Thanks for your visit today.
(sorry for typo's today - spellcheck isn't working for some reason)
NIGHT EDIT - - THIS IS THE VIDEO THAT WAS `REMOVED' WHILE THE 1:16 VERSION WAS OUT YESTERDAY AND TODAY. This version shows that certainly someone/something - is behind at least associating themselves with this video. One would like to think that Eligael only was trying to get the `Craft Video' out and wasn't aware or care about what was before or after the `video'. Nonetheless -- make sure to see this link -- as it does add to the discussion in many ways.
Please visit the sidebar for more content before you leave today. Thanks.
One of the quickest ways to raise cash - sell your used books and textbooks - this is a great company to deal with and many Clockers have done just that in the past year that I've had this link and the sidebar link - Sell Books Online at - it's all free too, takes 45 seconds to be nearly fully informed.
Latest Funky Book Bought by UDCC readership yesterday:
The Disappearance of the Universe: Straight Talk About Illusions, Past Lives, Religion, Sex, Politics, and the Miracles of Forgiveness
The Disappearance of the Universe: Straight Talk About Illusions, Past Lives, Religion, Sex, Politics, and the Miracles of Forgiveness

Friday, March 25, 2011

Contactee Arvin Hill - His Description Of The Phenomena

A few months back I became aware of Arvin Hill thru his being a quote `follower' (I can them leaders) of two of my blogs - this being one of them, and the other, my group blog called The C Influence Blog - . And, when I briefly interacted with him via the comment section - I asked why he didn't have more on his blog about his thoughts about the abduction phenomena.

Well, Arvin has taken care of that big time and has posted with his blogger profile (he is one of the newest `leaders' on my followers tab) a very full presentation of his feelings about `alien abduction' - an issue certainly in the news (internet paranormal news) recently.

In the near future I will be featuring more `work' by the `Followers' of this UDCC blog - my Clockers - those alerted to each and every post at UDCC. Few of those focuses will be to someone as directly involved in the whole `High Strangeness' as Arvin -- here are his words:
 - Arvin's Avatar
I started peeling the UFO onion two years ago after keeping the subject at arm's length for thirty years - in part because it was too enigmatic, and the signal to noise ratio was indecipherable; but also to keep the cultural contamination to a minimum just in case I should ever pursue my own research. I was afraid of a lot of things as a kid, but I found UFOs and their ostensible occupants intriguing, not frightening.The contextual nature of what transpired makes it impossible to effectively convey how it all unfolded. Some events included: profoundly mystical dreams; close proximity fly-by's, day and night; numerous structured, choreographed demonstrations illustrating the relationship between UFO stealth and human cognition; telepathy; photography. The majority of my experiences occur while I am fully conscious.I was led to this path, one I have pursued on my own volition, through a deeply spiritual dream which did not involve UFOs. When I was attempting contact in 2008, I knew absolutely nothing about Contact phenomena. I did not visit UFO websites. I did not look at YouTube videos of UFOs. 2012 was a four-digit number. Even after I was a Contactee,I assumed "missing time" was probably nothing more than a psychological or neurological phenomenon - which I later learned was an erroneous assumption.When I was 11, I read "Chariots of the Gods." I had one sighting - what appeared to be a metallic sphere - the following year. I don't remember ever making any associations between my sighting and the "ancient astronauts" which were the subject of the book. It would be over thirty years before I had another sighting. This time, I had a witness, my sister-in-law. We watched a UFO hatch a small fleet at what appeared to be an extremely high altitude, if not above earth's atmosphere.I had a secular upbringing, but my parents exposed me to church so I could make up my own mind. Hypocrisy, fear, harsh judgment and rank tribalism. That's the behavior I saw exhibited by a great many people for whom church played a prominent role in their lives. I wanted nothing to do with it.My obsessions, even as a child, always involved consciousness, politics and current events. I was and am very intuitive. It took the better part of the last decade for me to cleave away from politics-as-identity. It was painful, as this was a central part of how I thought of myself. When the separation was complete, and my faith in institutions destroyed, I set out to see what I could find.Try not to put me in your little bias box. It's difficult, I know. Very difficult. But I won't fit in there.My experiences are mine.My interpretations of those experiences are mine.I am not a channeler.I am not a prophet.I am not an alien.I am not a sage.I am not a leader.I am not a follower.I am a human being who - to my great surprise - successfully sought reciprocal contact from what I believed at the time to be some form of extraterrestrial intelligence. Whether one subscribes to, or rejects, the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH), is of no consequence to me. Fundamentalism takes many forms, and ETH critics are often as shrill and obtuse as those they criticize. My beliefs are not etched in stoned. At the time of this writing, I believe there is very likely an overlay between the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis and Jay Alfred's "Dark Plasma Theory" (see DAPLA.ORG).I am obligated to disclose my contact experiences and do so in a variety of ways. I am not affiliated with any groups; neither am I a lab rat for "researchers" nor a pawn under alien control. My life is significantly richer for my experiences with cosmological intelligences, but people are a pain in the ass.I do not enjoy social sanction. Criticism. Ridicule. Marginalization. Pity. Suspicion. Accusations. The Manchurian Candidate treatment. To those tempted to project their fear and insecurities on me, I suggest you take a long, hard look in the mirror and work out your own issues before asking me to dance. When bitten, I bite back, but, if it comes to that, I promise to try to do so with good humor.I'm not a very social creature and find public attention uncomfortable. So why disclose my experiences?1. I began this quest with a commitment to reveal whatever knowledge I could glean. It's an easy commitment to make when you don't know what you don't know. But it's still a commitment.2. I believe increasing numbers of people are experiencing the same

paradigm shift as I have experienced, one which is as disorienting as it

is sublime. The disorientation fades. The Sublime does not. Regardless of how exhilarating or positive one's experiences may be, the nature of Contact events can render people vulnerable for a time. Sometimes, a long time. Be mindful of this. Learn to question other people's assumptions as well as you question your own - and vice versa.3. Regardless of what one gains from contact, the social stigma is often extreme. Friends and family are highly unlikely to appreciate the paradigm-shifting nature of contact experience; and, to the extent they do, what they seek is to have their own biases validated. l have no love for ufology, in large part because so many people use it as a repository for their fears. I have interacted with cosmological intelligences on multiple occasions and I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything. If you're a self-aware person, summon the courage to do your own research. It's worth it. If you're not a self-aware person, become one.A note of CAUTION for those who may not have had time to recognize and integrate the paradigm shift which follows contact experience: Individual contact is a delicate and profound event. It is important to understand there are thousands, if not millions, of people who, given the opportunity, will attempt to superimpose *their* interpretations on *your* experience. Your Contact experience is yours. Regardless of its nature, the value and utility your experience or experiences correspond with your ability to interpret and integrate into your daily life. Those interpretations are not etched in stone, and are subject to change as you accumulate other experiences.Experiential knowledge can never be fully conveyed or comprehended beyond its own context. Consensus, as a means of assessing what is or is not valid, is itself invalid. Be the sole soul owner of your experience. Share what you can. Watch your step. Mind your head. And keep looking up.
Arvin's Blog - - Some GREAT esoteric writing on this - this guy is worth your read. And, Arvin, t
IF you are a `follower' of this blog and would like to see your thoughts featured about the UFO phenomena - and all the sideshows - please use the comment section (I read and approve all comments) or contact me at
Finally for today - let me introduce you to someone I found out about thru another Clockers Blog - Muzuzuzus's blog - - it's an interview with John Zerzan (who right?) --- UDCC explores the edges of what society talks about - find out more.
John Zerzan books:
Running on Emptiness: The Pathology of Civilization
Against Civilization: Readings and Reflections
Twilight of the Machines
Jay Alfred
Brains and Realities
Brains and Realities
Our Invisible Bodies: Scientific Evidence for Subtle Bodies

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Holy Cow - TV Report Captures Russia UFO on March 23rd

Hot off the presses type stuff perhaps - 217 views - supposedly part of a TV report - a `Multiple Orb' event in the skies of St. Petersburg - supposedly appearing near or over what was the first built structure and the place of the burial of czars. (Paul Fortress)

The Saint Petersburg Peter-Paul Fortress's bellsThe Saint Petersburg Peter-Paul Fortress's bells

Another Orb caller/watcher/videoer -
Someone bought this book from this blog yesterday: Thanks:
The Disappearance of the Universe: Straight Talk About Illusions, Past Lives, Religion, Sex, Politics, and the Miracles of Forgiveness
The Disappearance of the Universe: Straight Talk About Illusions, Past Lives, Religion, Sex, Politics, and the Miracles of Forgiveness

Oh, BS has something most clockers would be interested in hearing about - literally. Seems that on 3-9 the sky in Florida started to hum and hum and hum --- you will not believe the video OR the lame explanation offered up by the authorities -
Today's Reddit Headlines - make sure to read the comments too -
UFO Baby On Board - 6x6 Desk Clock
UFO Baby On Board - 6x6 Desk Clock

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March Madness - UFO Links And More (Part Three)

Hello Clockers and Newcomers - thanks for visiting UDCC today. And, today I continue in catch-up  mode still, hope you are enjoying the variety.

I guess this is BIG news - it may be surmised who holds the best UFO records in the US government - read all about it, read all about it ........ SECRET US INTELLIGENCE AGENCY HOLDS UFO ANSWERS By Anthony Bragalia - - Please work thru the comments below too. Best UFO read in a bit of time.
Now, prior to this video - I have never featured `video' from the SS (Space Shuttle or Space Station) -- but this one is exceptional:

Now, I found the above video at this link below (a great site) that also includes a video shot on MARCH 9th --- that looks like the above UFO Formation - heavy stuff indeed; - this is well worth your time.
Excellent MULTI-Orb video - Oregon, 2010 - (33K views) - - strong language.
Here Nick Pope discusses in less than 100 seconds - the UK's `soft ufo disclosure' early this month -
Want to add to the Jerusalem UFO overview? I found  this link recently -
Well, some progress is being made at getting these links taken care of - but, expect part four tomorrow. BTW - be looking for those Jerusalem Orb T-Shirts out in public --- many clickers. (check the sidebar)
Do you Reddit yet? --- Find out the hottest conversation on the internet, driven by over the top headlines about the issues many care about - right here -
See you tomorrow clockers!
UFO Clocks
Red UFO - 10x10 Wall Clock
Red UFO - 10x10 Wall Clock
The history of UFO sightings Wall or desk clock
The history of UFO sightings Wall or desk clock 31.99
UFO Sunrise - 6x6 Desk Clock
UFO Sunrise - 6x6 Desk Clock 27.99
UFO Elvis Sighting - 6x6 Desk Clock Elvis and UFOs, can you go wrong?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March Madness - UFO Links And More (Part Two)

Hello Clockers, thanks for checking back in today. AND, if you are new to UDCC, this is a near daily blog about the UFO phenomena - welcome aboard.

Without further ado - As Clockers know, 3-8 was an anticipated date around here - was this what some of us were waiting for? UFO Over Chile March 8 2011 (1,020 views)

I put up a couple `UFO' videos on my side blogs too today - - here, on Strange UFO Video - used a longer video that ultimately insists that the `aliens' are Israelites; also you can find out about what an abductee has to say about life on Mars. And, on North Carolina UFOs - a `Red' dot in the sky for a couple days recently -
HERE's an OVER the top NEW explanation for the UNIVERSE --- I love this -- -- AND it involves DIMENSIONS -- Totally intense short read for my UDCC Clockers.
Another, convincing, multi-orb event:

Some folks are starting to believe that the `Chemtrail Planes' are not Planes at all - MULTI ORB CHEMPLANE=SIlent UFO Mankato MN 2010-2011 march 12 -
Chemtrails Confirmed
Chemtrails: The DVD
And, please check out my Chemtrail link in the sidebar too.
Finally, do you Reddit? --- I now have a super simple page of Reddit Headlines Daily - You MUST read the comments on Reddit too -
Thanks Clockers.

Monday, March 21, 2011

March Madness - UFO Links and More

Yeah, I couldn't resist the MM connection Clockers, as it certainly describes the `UFO world' - especially this year IMO. But, remember, the anagram for `Two Thousand Eleven' IS - `A Hoedown Slut Event' - quite appropriate. Oh, and welcome newcomers to UDCC today too - thanks for letting the search engines bring you here.

And, now that the 50 day horizon on the Jerusalem Orb is over - perhaps attention will shift to the continuing `madness' that seems to occasionally rule our skies, and, that always rules our political environment; especially in regards to UFO phenomena. So, with that as the backdrop - I'd like to get to a number of `UFO' links that have simply built up recently as UDCC's focus was elsewhere (like producing the Jerusalem Orb overview report - see the most previous post below).
First up - Regular UDCC comment person and Clocker - C.J.Sully (a writer too) - has posted in her blog that Stanley Fulham may have talked about the Japan Earthquake in his `prediction' book - worth a read -
Challenges of Change, Book 1
Lujan Matus continues to respond in his own blog about the 3-8 prediction - and the Japan Earthquake within that same predicted week.
Awakening the Third Eye: Discovering the True Essence of Recapitulation (Lujan's latest book)

The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception: The Living Tapestry of Lujan Matus (most purchased book on any blog I run)
Speaking of blogs and people that appear on the pages of UDCC - here is Muzuzuzus's Blog - WOW - - all types of stuff tangential to the `strangeness' scene. (MUZ please contact me with your personal e-mail address. Not blogger. At thanks. You too Sully and Alexandre - I need your direct e-mails. thanks. Ground Troop Stuff.)
New theories and old ones discarded regarding `dark energy' - the phenomena pushing the universe apart - Bizarre Dark Energy Theory Gets Boost From New Measurements -
Einstein's Telescope: The Hunt for Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe
With the caveat that anyone can create any video image - this video would tend to DISMISS a YouTube I ran on my Barf Stew blog about an `Orb' running ahead of the Tsunami in Japan - as this image - in HD seems to clearly show a helicopter.

Here's another link to a `UFO' associated with the Tsunami - (looks much like the Helicopter IMO) - --- and yet another `object' that I linked to and ran in my anomalyman blog - - this one looking like the `nazi bell' of the 1940's. Strange. A Hoedown Event.
Orb on NYC TV report (3-12): 2,800 views.

AND, speaking of ORBs -- here's supposedly a MULTITUDE right over my hometown - -- Atlanta -- and indeed, mighty strange - recorded on 3-11 (week of 3-8) - Interesting video of multiple unknown lights flying across the sky over Atlanta in Georgia. This UFO footage was recorded on Friday, 11th March 2011.

Description with video:
Witness report: It is official. It is an invasion. This was a city wide event that sent even my head spinning. I have deterred from using words like INVASION in the past, however, what would you call this? I know that all Leslie and I could hope for was a glance at a couple of odd aircraft in our short one hour sky viewing up on the parking deck. The tsunami's and earthquakes of Japan set an odd somber tone for the day. That was all about to change. They were everywhere, these odd aircraft. Everywhere. As we left the parking deck I counted about fifty or so hovering, glowing, silent aircraft that trailed into the horizon. So, if you could, please don't misquote me guys. As usual, I am not naming this stuff outside of using the term ufo. I don't know who, why, what.....just speculating. How odd. Thank you.
More from the week of 3-8 includes this Australian UFO - that I swear - forms into a `symbol' VERY similar to the Jerusalem UFO/ORB when it returned to the sky in the Red Dot phase. (2,821 views - recorded 3-9)

That will keep Clockers busy for a bit of time - I have more - come back tomorrow while UDCC plays catch up.
Pocketwatch - A Clockers Favorite Timepiece
Charles-Hubert, Paris Satin Finish Mechanical Pocket Watch - 19.00 to 84.00 -- see them all.
OMG - A UFO Clock
Red UFO - 6x6 Desk Clock
Red UFO - 6x6 Desk Clock

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ultimate Overview - The Jerusalem Orb - @50 Days Later - 54 Resource LINKS - INCLUDES NEW VIDEO

Hello Clockers, thanks for your return visit today - and welcome to all of you finding UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock today for the first time (UDCC). Today I'd like to present a resource to all - along with my comments and some analysis - of the event that seemingly happened in the very early morning hours of Jan. 29th, 2011 over the center of Jerusalem. And, what seemingly happened, was that what is commonly referred to as a sky `Orb' - dropped out of the sky, hovered and moved near the ground for roughly 20 seconds, flashed, quickly rose into the sky, vanished into a series of red dot flashes with a white pop-out flash finish.

And then the controversy began.

The `Evidence'
(7:21 edit - breaking news, 295 views - New Video)

The morning of the 30th - I found the video in YouTube search and it had about 22,000 views already - and posted it - the video has 1.68 million views today. It was known as Video One: -- I used these words to describe it: Here's one from this week that stands out and stands out bold. One problem, the guy responds to the SECOND move of the UFO BEFORE it occurs (could this be a delay in the recording somehow?). Other than that - and the obvious lack of reports on the ground when it was hovering there - this is a winner video:

The video was posted by Eligael Gedalyovich, who has seemingly been the focus of the MSM - I will also review other video posters separately.

Here's background info on the cases most prominent poster EG: Facebook account:!/home.php?sk=group_196061063754905&ap=1 His YouTube channel: his self-description at YT - On 28.01.2011 I was a witness to an UFO sighting over the Dome of the rock in Jerusalem. Since that day my life changed until I've got a suden urge to investigate the meaning of this message.... he has also returned to the spot and provided this second video of the location - -- Oh, one more insight by Eligael, in this link he discusses his feelings on all this -
You'll note that in my comment I remarked about the need for confirmation from the ground level. Stay tuned.
The VERY next day - in my YouTube search - I found JUST THAT - the close-up video that became known as the `tourist video' due to the audio with the video - UDCC responded this way: IF this isn't some movie promo OR sophisticated hoax - we HAVE moved to a new level. IMO. and on Feb. 1st on UDCC I provided a link to a `similar' Orb Dropping in Utah on the same evening of Jan. 28th - - later to be claimed to be a hoax by a person who stepped forward in Utah;
the video also triggered huge screams of FAKE from a few longtime naysayers, and some NOT so longtime (where is the flash?). ----- I will cover the `MSM Analysis' of `Fake' a bit later in this presentation. ------ Anyway, back to Video Two (others call this video three), which had only 1,500 views when I posted it - now it has 2.2 million views: It was uploaded by a guy with a YouTube name of 50nFit - his self description: Proof Jerusalem UFO video is real. A new video of the UFO over Jerusalem surfaced tonight from a tourist that was filming while on a late night tour of Jerusalem on January 28th 2011. The video is not the clearest because it was dark out, but it catches the same glowing orb that was caught on tape from across town. and HE found (links) the clip here (however, the clip at the Vietnam site is HIS video) - (A site from Vietnam I think.) I then ran a `translation' at the Vietnam site and it simply says: The clip shows a globe glowing slowly lowered slowly down until it stops just above the roof of the temple on Temple Mount mosques (Temple Mount) in Jerusalem. Then no flying objects (UFO) defines aircraft hovering over the temple and climbed in mid-air.

Globe suspended suddenly stops soaring in the sky.
The event took place on 1 h on 29/1. However, the video has sparked a debate on about whether it is thậy or staged.

On Feb. 1st, I also noted the concurrence of the Jerusalem UFO with the political events in Egypt - just like the NYC Orbs occurring during the Chilean miner rescue. I even used words like this on 2-1-11:
In the quest of the human mind to look for patterns and meanings - could the desire by many for such higher contact play out in a manner of believability? One with a structure that sets up a belief in the actualization's? Making the actualization's even more believable?

Now - Video Three - is supposedly the `front person' in Eligael's video here's a link to the co-ordination of the first two eligal views - and this is the overlay of all the videos up to this point - (many call this video two and the `tourist video' number three)
It was at this point - that Video Four - shot by teenagers, surfaced - (I found when it had 400 views, it had 4,800 when I posted a hour later, 385K now) (this link shows view four with the videos one and three on the sides -
from yet another vantage point of the city - the view that showed the Orb was moving when near the ground. (Evidently, Eligael was almost head-on to the movement with those videos.)
The `Full Version' of the above video then surfaced, showing the kids fooling around prior to the Orb event - - so call this link - Video Four Full view. Eligael also returned to this site and filmed -
Then, this video from a security cam claimed it might have captured the UFO in one frame - and, if you speak spanish or whatever the language is in this video - this might be further `proof' -
The four videos overlayed -
Yet another webcam view claiming a hit -
Eventually - UDCC broke the news of the `underneath' Jerusalem Orb video - and STILL with only 3,200 views. Call this the FIFTH Video
Then, just in the last 10 days - two more pieces of the pie - a YouTube which shows two STILL photos from the ground -
And, finally, yet another angle of the event possibly from a hotel roof - call this Video SIX -
While the event has already been largely placed into the waste bin by the MSM or the LSM (lamestream media) - `stuff' continues to bubble it's way to the surface of public awareness - no one should be surprised if there is indeed more `evidence' to come.

Below, I will also point to some hear-say info too from other sources on the ground - and references to Israeli media mentions.
Side data of interest - this graph answers the question, raised by the skeptics early that no one in Israel was interested (they were) or mentioning the event --- it also answers `strangely' the near  Washington D.C. city MOST interested in the event in the WORLD -

The `Hoax' Scuttlebutt

Unlike 99%+ of all UFO videos that get uploaded to YouTube - this one did make the MSM after several days. Indeed, by 1/31 - this was on the internet - - which began to point at work already uploaded on 1/30 by hoaxkiller1 (YouTube screen name) - citing all sorts of problems with the videos available. Even saying one was simply a Wikipedia page video for the background with the UFO overlayed onto the page scene.

Clockers know, IMO, those words were complete and utter bullcrap - as I could clearly see differences in the Wiki picture and the video. But, boy, to SAY that the first `close up' and in reality - the `confirmation' view was bogus - was certainly a possible coop, and certainly was ready to put a certain fire out before it got started too strongly.

And, who ultimately knows about the `tourist video' or any of them - but - they are adding up; - indeed, this video below, is only part of the debunking the debunkers stuff available:

as - you see - hoaxkiller1 was hardly the perfect `refute man':
Apocacist says:

March 14, 2011 at 11:57 AM
Actually, the non-parallax is issue is entirely bogus. I just posted some comments on Hoaxkiller1′s video to this effect. Camera shake is caused by the camera ROTATING and not by the camera TRANSLATING (moving side to side, up and down without rotating).
Parallax NEVER EVER occurs due to rotation. Hoaxkiller1 is completely wrong. His argument will work on ANY video EVER taken. It is impossible to find parallax caused by camera shake in ANY video.
The above is part of the `discussion' when the FIFTH (really the sixth) video surfaced just a few days ago -- the discussion is still raging -

Indeed, here is TWO more videos that totally blow away all of hoaxkiller1's ideas - and - But, in all honesty, I have no F-ing idea -- what I DO know is that ANY video will need additional confirmation videos and circumstances that do not seem dubious - and UDCC will continue to dig and provide analysis based on the above.

First, common sense suggests, and my suggestion is to go to hoaxkiller1's YT channel -  and judge for yourself; - but, before the Jerusalem Orb, he had 18 posted videos and none of which are debunking anything of significance and his first couple videos are almost comical in their simplicity. BTW, his YT self-description reads this way: For the record.... I believe aliens could exist. I just hate hoaxes. I am that guy who can see a magic trick and tell you how it was done. If I think something is a hoax, 99.9% of the time it is one. -----------------------------------------
End of story, evidently.
By 2-3-11 - this blog below was regurgitating the same spew - - and adding the video(s) and setup was too perfect to be real.
That was all the MSM needed - as 2/4 saw NPR's first coverage to be negative/hoaxy - signaling the MSM's change (up until now most coverage had been `what's that? - a quote:
Is it a hoax? Probably. Or, maybe, it's just an illusion, a trick of the eye and there's some more down-to-earth explanation. But, for the moment, it's fun to take it at face value and just wonder: What was that?

I ask Clockers, is an illusion or trick of the eye - a real suggestion? Or a disingenuous one?

That was following this
and Discovery.Com statement the same day - - not everyone reading the Discovery explanation is impressed with this article either:
From one of the recent comments:
Wow, that was the most lame explanation for these videos being a hoax, several videos, shot from several angles, from different areas of the city, showing the exact same thing. And your argument is: The UFO is too small, and 2, no light reflecting off top of dome. Wow! I'm not saying these videos are real, you just need to come up with better evidence then that.
Meanwhile, the spindoctors on the opposite end at ATS - were just as frightened at the prospect of a real anomaly - with the first `discussion' like this - and eventually linking to UDCC in this link with an ominous thread number - (665666?) - and eventually GLP (Godlike Productions) too. (can't find link this second)
Even this UFO site crumbled with no more proof than that a fake video could be made - and then this:

All of the lamestream media eventually said the Jerusalem Event was a probable hoax. And, that was that for the MSM.
But, then the counter punches started too: Here's a Great Rebuttal to the early naysayers of the MSM and internet - even if it's by M.Cohen (despised in some quarters for his WRONG info) - here's a highlight:"Meanwhile none of the witnesses are talking at all, to anyone. This seems more indicative of a cover-up than a hoax. The fourth video was filmed by a group of Israeli teens Yuli Cohen, Michael Naumkoff and Dor Tibi. Even the vaguest mention of the UFO event is eerily absent from all their facebook pages. When I last spoke to Eligael Gedalyovich he seemed concerned, he talked about the shooting down of a UFO six weeks earlier over an Israeli military installation. He wondered if those covering up alien events would object to him releasing the footage. It seems they might have"--------------------------------------

Why? Do teen hoaxers really behave this way?
The videotographer of first piece of footage (Eligael Gedalyovich) has not even bothered to remove rather graphic messages accusing him of being a hoaxer from his Youtube Channel: Very odd for a "Hoaxer".
Debunkers are also clinging to the untruth that there have been no additional witnesses beyond the videotographers. At least three other witnesses have come forward and their testimonies appear pretty credible. An orthodox Jew has posted on an Israeli forum that he and four other friends saw the red lights in the sky but not the desending UFO: That sounds about right for the vast majority of possible locations in Jerusalem where the Dome or the glowing UFO would certainly not have been visible. Interestingly, a Palestinian woman paying respects at the Al-Aqsa Mosque (at the Dome of the Rock) has claimed she saw a glowing orb floating above the Mosque months before the event and even asked the Mosque's Grand Imam about it.

Let us not forget what all the fuss is about - from - 4+ angles - with multiple uploaders - the `hoax' the MSM refused to face:

Other Uploaders Sourced:

Video Three --- This link was uploaded on 1/30 by Allnewsweb - almost notorious for `bad' UFO videos (my take on allnewsweb is slightly different, but not much) - ANW sites another `seen on' link, which may be it's source or simply a backlink as I can't get it to load - (but now I believe this is Eligael's friend and uploader - - as you know, the story is that this video is the guy in front of Eligael -- here's what Allnewsweb posted as the description:
On Saturday All News Web reported on a UFO video taken from the Armon Hanatziv panoramic lookout in Jerusalem, Israel.

The UFO is seen descending almost to the level of the Dome of the Rock/Temple Mount, the spot where the Al Aksa Mosque stands and the Jewish Holy of Holies is believed to have been located once.
Since then this UFO video has spread like wildfire across the net; Hailed as proof of alien visitation.
In the video a second witness was seen filming the UFO event and now it seems that witness has uploaded his video online (see below).
We are now waiting for more witnesses to come forward claiming to have also seen the UFO.
We have had one email from one Jerusalemite, Mr Menachem Ben David, a resident of the Talpiot. Mr Ben David on seeing the video himself, claims that he was walking back from late night prayers at the Western Wall when he did notice an unusual flash of light: however he did not see any UFOs.
Interestingly, ancient Jewish texts talk of a ball of light that would descend to the Temple to ignite the sacrificial altar in days gone by. Was this ball of light being sent down by aliens?
Video Four - - - The YT account of the teen uploader. Well worth seeing for the comments alone. Eligael, BTW, returned to the scene of the video by the teens -
Video Five - (Underneath View) - GrumpSkull, (25 uploads) Almost as curious as the source for the `tourist video'  is the source for the underneath view - Grumpskull - perhaps a junior debunker -  as he has multiple strange `REMAKES' of videos; - for example, on Video Five there is the version UDCC links to above uploaded by GrumpSkull -- BUT - if you visit his Channel there is a different video - that shows more details in a way but ALSO includes the supposedly fake video two (tourist video) vocalizations - (WTF) - this is almost a must see if you want to be totally confused. That said, all that said, GrumpSkull also seemingly brings some very close looks at the Jerusalem Orb that do not seem like funny business (close up featured stuff)
Video Six - New Long View (Hotel?) - Allnewsweb and several others on 3-13 had this posted. (They call it video five) Hard to tell the first poster or origin of the video on YT.
The STILL Photo's Video - Interestingly, to UDCC, perhaps the most credible of all to the whole Jerusalem affair is the account of 35 year old Israel man - Mr. Levine -
and the words he uses for his four video account:I personally photo these pictures. These are real from that night January 28 2011. This pictures proof of real Orb Spirit Ghost over Jerusalem Temple Mount Dome of the Rock. This is not UFO or solid craft. This is Apparition that appear from nowhere and disappear just as fast. There was bright light after I took second photo. There was also red lights high in sky but my camera could not pick up picture because they were not bright enough. Please respect me and my family privacy. I only want to share to the world these magnificant photos. God be with you.
Again -  a simple excellent link to the Jerusalem Orb - and here's another with slow motions -
The Jerusalem Orb - Circus Sideshow

Was the Orb part of the Stanley Fulham predictions by happening in January; even if two weeks late?

Was Stanley Fulham's prediction correct - and the 20 minute downtown TORONTO Orb was the fulfillment? And, was the Jerusalem Orb simply an attempt by aliens to get the MSM's attention?
Were HUGE Electrical Generators moved into the Jerusalem square only days prior to the Orb? Could they have had anything to do with it?

Summary Analysis As Of 3-19-11
In my opinion, The Jerusalem Orb of January 29th, 2011, was a REAL event and was NOT a hoax. That said, it IS possible, IMO, that BOTH of the `close-up' videos - the `tourist video' and the `underneath video' have been manufactured. Note, that I said, POSSIBLE - not certain. My reasons go more to the profile of the YT posters on those vids; that said, IMO, it is also possible, that all six views are legit.

So, ultimately, there may be only 4 video views of the event - with 3 different angles. Not including the still photos of Mr. Levine and other on-the-ground comments. If we are to believe what we read, witnesses are reluctant, to afraid, to come forward - so ultimately, this may all we will have to judge the event phenomena.

As I said above, I have no proof that either hoaxkiller1 or his detractors are correct. But, I do know that the media was depending on his early scuttlebutt and articulation. And, IF hoaxkiller1 had been some longtime wizard from a movie studio with a long record of debunking videos on the internet - I could have bought why the MSM `bought' his ideas. BUT, he had NONE of those characteristics on the face of things, and was hardly an `expert' for the MSM to go to on such a potentially important UFO case. Really, nothing more than the LAMESTREAM media we have all come to expect.

But, it's just as curious that the ATS's of the world took the same bait (if we are to believe they are NOT the MSM in disguise) - and `they' seemingly grew very weary of `new evidence' as IMO their house of cards had no structure - at least in this case. And, as I have said of the MSM before and now I will include the ATS's of the internet world --- ORBs are almost a FORBIDDEN subject - IF we assign some sort of `life' to them.

But, the bigger story - is - what WAS THAT LIGHT, why did it `act' that way, and, was the Jerusalem Orb part of a BIGGER picture outlined in the side issues above in this presentation. As you know, I can only guess and offer my opinion.

And, IF I were forced to choose - I'd say the `Light' was a `Spirit Orb' - for lack of better words - that was possibly `triggered' by a build-up of human emotions, actions and intentionality's.

BUT, I also find the Toronto Orb event two weeks earlier  nearly impossible to ignore - and when I do that - the possibility of `using the Jerusalem Orb' to fulfill the Fulham prediction, and mankind's supposed near term involvement with `aliens' (who are here to clean the Earth's atmosphere) simply makes PERFECT sense too.

Once again, time may tell. Fulham said this was to be an accelerating pace (like EXPECT something again SOON type stuff) to gets us humans ready for the idea. So, if we DON'T see that - certainly the Spirit Orb idea is more positioned. BUT, IF soon, we seen more and more extraordinary events beyond the scope of what seems humanly possible - then, perhaps, an `Orb' is nothing but a disguise for Aliens.

In either case - IMO, we have been handed a calling card, but, it simply doesn't work - yet.

Finally, the Generators do muddy up the waters just a bit - as far as creating some sort of plasma hologram or something of that ilk. And, the Dec. 16th Orb filming in the same location being the same date as the reported UFO shot down - combined with the mention of the anomaly in the Jerusalem Orb tape that seemingly shows flashing to the side of the orb - (the generators shooting?) - yes, mucks it all up even a bit more.

But, ultimately, UDCC feels the media `caved in' way too early to the hoax idea and are totally threatened if they have to explain `Orbs'. Therefore, they took the easy way out on an event that IMO - Did Happen.

As it slips beyond the event horizon of 50 days ago.

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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition