The Most Popular Reads Of The Past Year

Showing posts with label triangle craft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label triangle craft. Show all posts

Friday, January 24, 2014

The 2014 UFO Experience

I've been blogging about the new UFO motif now for about a year or so - and the next MUFON report has the main features of the NEW UFO MOTIF that I read on a REGULAR basis in the latest MUFON reports. This report, from 3-21-13 (but just reported) happened in Ballwin Missouri.

Typically, the NEW UFO Motif consists of becoming aware that there literally IS A UFO IN YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD - that is hovering, usually silently, usually Triangular with lights, and that moves away from the neighborhood - IF a picture is taken it NEVER matches the seen perception. The variations on the motif are that occasionally the 'UFO' starts further away as a light and then BECOMES the UFO craft - these are often associated with possible lost time events. Only rarely as in the case below - is a person able to 'follow' the UFO out of the neighborhood - but, regardless - it simply 'disappears' - as, of course, they must, as a temporal event.

As I was pulling into the driveway this particular evening, I noticed a very slow and low flying aircraft just above the trees and roofs two houses down from mine. It seemed unusual so I stayed in the truck and watched as it slowly turned and flew over the neighbors houses and also noticed the irregular light blinking pattern which seemed atypical to that of other planes and helicopters. During this time I searched for my cell phone to take a picture and then it was over my house and I stepped out of the vehicle and realized that there was absolutely no noise or emissions coming from this craft either. I was able to obtain some kind of video, but by the time I was able to gather myself, the video I captured did not show all of the lights and their distinct pattern. As the craft flew over, I noticed it was the clear shape of a triangle and was a combination of black as well as a grey, with somewhat of a pattern or what seemed like lines which met in the center of craft out to the corners, and within each of those triangles had lines connecting the edge of the craft to the lines coming from corners to meet in the center. As mentioned earlier, I did obtain some video, but it unclear of the shape and all three of the lights blinking pattern, but as soon as I got back into the vehicle, it was higher in the sky and it seemed to by flying at a faster rate that before when going over the houses. I then got back into the vehicle to try and follow the craft. I was able to for about two or three miles, turned onto an upcoming street, and then it just disappeared and could not find it anywhere, in any direction nearby or off in the distance. I then went back to the house and kept watching out the window every so often to check if it would happen to be out and nearby again, but that was the last I saw of the craft.
Are impossible Neighborhood UFOs any different than impossible 'aliens' in spacesuits in the 1950's? BTW, have you read perhaps my most esoteric post of last year that talked about those famous 1950's Aliens?
So, I updated Strange UFO Stories about a person who says they were STALKED in a neighborhood by a UFO that came to within 5 feet of them. Good Read.
On Squidoo.Com I'm known as the AnomalyMan - I have tons of great content there - please check those pages out Too before you leave today.
Way Out There?
Tomorrow I may feature some books of a similar nature!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

UFO's 800 Blog Posts Later

Get ready to tip your hat, yes, this is the 800th published blogpost on UDCC - thanks for being along for the ride. And, what a ride it has been, correct?..... It was very late 2007 when I decided that I'd done enough UFO posts on my `esoteric' blog called The Heavy Stuff - and that a real UFO blog was in order.

I was nearly immediately rewarded in my decision to blog about UFO's with the events that happened in Stephenville, TX in very early 2008 - I did so many posts about the ramifications of the `blow off' of the MSM by the government - that you can find that `book' in the sidebar........... But, this post today about being 800 posts deep in this do do has more to do with certain newer `understandings' that ... evidently... it takes 800 posts to fully sink in. And, I've shared some of those lately in these pages.

Perhaps the latest that I'm perplexed about is what I call the 100% ignoring of the MSM, and even the local media, in what I am calling the `Neighborhood' UFO Experience - often recurring and occasionally seen by more than one person. The IMPOSSIBLE large craft that is being seen over and over just hovering within neighborhoods - usually a `Triangle' craft. And, as Clockers know (the regulars around here are called Clockers), a good percentage of ALL MUFON reports that I carry here are of this nature. Is it simply too hot for the MSM? Too Scary? Too Insane?

Indeed, I've went so far in the last 100 or so posts to postulate about what is becoming almost a MOTIF about the UFO experience of 2013 (within certain parameters involving distance from object/light). I called it the Emerging Orb Projection Experience. And, if one thinks about this carefully and the phenomena that is observed, it may be giving some clues as to what is occurring to some individuals.

And, we have the experiences of the citizens themselves - the EXCEPTIONAL experiences - to draw upon too. Indeed, just yesterday I ran one at my `other' UFO blog (AUS-SUV) that involved a very recent MUFON report about an experience of a woman involving a `known' 15 minute time-frame. Once again, she had her consciousness shifted in such a manner that she could see other `beings' and gives a full description of three types of beings.... who take her to the inside of their craft.... and she eventually has beyond ordinary experiences while `on' the `craft' (in this case going below the water surface)... and then `returning' to her prior location. "We Do Exist Where We Can't Be Seen". (I'm currently mulling over the idea of `qualitative aliens' needing `crafts' in the first place.)

Another of my favorites very recently is the MUFON report of a woman who `touched' an ORB on the top of her car, and how she described the experience and the actual effect (left a soot like substance on her hands and felt `soft rubbery hot' to the touch). As it is apparent that getting too close to `these things' can result in a Time Distortion Experience; - indeed are the ORBS the `time distortion"?

Finally, only a pure focus on sky anomalies has brought forth the Sky Noise Phenomena to our awareness levels - and as yet one more example beyond Chemtrails of sky strangeness on planet Earth today. And, the evolution of the Fortean makes for one wild ride, to those walking and experiencing the Earth's perception structures.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Face Value Of `Lights In The Sky'

Today's post will be more in the speculative range I assume. I'm starting with the premise that some of the anomalous lights in our skies are indeed - anomalous. Anomalous in the sense that they are `generated' not by humans - but by something of the great unknown. Let's further assume, perhaps stupidly, that the `lights' want to `show us something' ------ namely `themselves'.

So, now are left with a stunning array of DIFFERENT looking lights - from white balls of light high in the sky, that move or don't move - to other colors that seemingly due the same thing but with the colored balls sometimes a bit closer to Earth level. Sometimes these `balls' of light seemingly `form strings' of material, sometimes these `segments' even have rainbow like colors within each `showing'. These extensive balls/cubes/strings of lights can be even illicit the description as Space Worms or Sky Symbols. Humans like to look at fancy things.

And, perhaps, some of these balls of light have additional `programming' to move or drop or even to drop other balls of light. And, the big kahuna - the `lights' can form into some sort of continuum that allows the `interior' of that `triangle space' to  SHOW a perception of a Triangle Craft. An impossibly low, impossibly slow moving, impossible to NOT have been seen by others both before your human sightings and after - Craft of some sort. (As we describe things that appear to be solid and moving as crafts when they appear in the sky.)
BUT, what IF, it is all about NOTHING more than `generating perceptions' within humans or even OTHER conscious beings on or near Earth. That SOMETHING `on the other side' has the ability to make projections INTO our perception structure. Something, that in my opinion (IMO) might seemingly be `becoming smarter, or `better' at making these projections into our reality spaces. (Yes, perhaps even human dreaming.)
Now, `the other side' could be ANY number of things from dead human consciousness evolving - to contact with `non now spaces' of any nature. And, yes, the `other side' may represent nothing more than blips or even intentional blips in the `programming' designed to tweek the human sense of wonder - the Fortean explanation.
So, to wrap up this little exercise - the images that could be projected as perceptions to humans - may be evolving in complexity and perhaps even with the ability to suggest a `proto-real' substance. IF these type of perceptions can be `climbed into' from the other side - what is `released here' - may account for all kinds of `alien contact'.
Your thoughts?
Speaking of thinking - our own MUZ - at his blog - 'Into The Faery Woods' - has unleashed a masterpiece a couple weeks ago called Apocalypse UFOs Psychedelics Aliens And Anthropocentrism and like a lot on UDCC is NOT for lightweights.
349792_Orion is offering Installment Billing

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The October Surprise - Amazing MUFON Reports

- Much like yesterday's post - the latest MUFON reports are replete with compelling testimony of citizens today. The on-going `tree top' `low flying/hovering' `unknown craft/triangle craft' being a BIG focus. Here's today's highlights.
First - Grand Rapids, Michigan - happened yesterday (10/17):
At roughly 10 pm at night I was outside to put a couple tools away and lock up my shed. As I stepped out of the shed, a loud rocket-like noise caught my attention and I noticed quickly a very bright light in the west. I turned to lock my shed thinking the noise was a plane, and the light was the moon. I locked the shed and as I turned around to walk back to the house I noticed the noise was getting much louder very quickly. I looked up and saw the lights that I saw a moment earlier, moving at an extremely fast speed. I stopped as I continued to watch it. It was moving very fast in a direction that was bringing it right over my house, getting larger and much louder as it approached. I then heard a very loud and unidentifiable noise. As the rocket-like noise grew louder, it then made a very loud digital/electronic/sound effects type noise that sounded almost as if was powering up and gradually went silent. Approximately the same time as the noise change, the lights were passing directly over my house. At this time I could see very clearly that it was an object. It had three to four very bright lights in the center and three outer lights in a triangular shape toward the rear of the object. Light illuminated the under surface of the object showing the sides of the triangular pattern against the darker night sky. I believe it was less than 500ft high and between 60-100ft across. I saw it very clearly. As it was just passing beyond my neighbors home, it just disappeared and the sound went quiet at the same time. The lights did not go out, as I never lost sight of it, they just disappeared. I ran inside to tell my fiance and my mother. My mother was smoking a cigarette at the back door with the door open. I told her what I just saw and her jaw dropped, and she said that she had heard the strange noise, and just didnt know what it was. My fiance was watching tv in the bedroom, and said the tv channels bounced around and the picture went static for a moment. There were no stars, no planes, kites, or lights in the sky that night. The weather was foul and the night sky was very dark. We often will sit and watch the night sky, and have seen many odd things many different times. The weather was cold and rainy at the time of this event and I was not outside stargazing, I stumbled upon the moment unassumingly and it lasted approximately 1-2 minutes. I share a couple other sightings with my mother and fiance over the summer and have a very strange video I shot with a friends camera a couple months ago, but I have never seen any thing like this. The moment left me feeling very shaken up and left me with a very unnerving feeling. There is no doubt in my mind what I saw and sketched a picture within 10 minutes of the sighting. I cannot scan the sketch at this time, but I have it on hand.
Next report of interest - Ronkonkoma New York - yesterday 10/17 - black helicopters chasing a Triangle craft:
I stepped outside to take the trash out. I heard the first helicopter which is not unusual for where I live; I look up and it had a search light on facing forward. I then hear a second helicopter coming in from another direction so I paused and took a moment to look around. A black triangle caught my eye and the helicopters were in pursuit. I live close to an airport and know the difference as the aircraft make a lot of noise and the lights are different. The only noise I heard were the crickets and helicopters, no noise from the object which was traveling faster than the black helicopters. I lost site of the object due to trees blocking my view as it. The last time I saw a triangle UFO (or any UFO for that matter) was in Bedford, TX in 1998.
And next - again New York State - Dunkirk - yesterday again 10-17:
Going to work this morning, I turned off Central Avenue in Fredonia, NY onto Vineyard Drive heading east. Twenty-five feet after the turn, just beyond the Rite Aid building that is to my right, I saw a brilliant white light in the far distance in the south--toward Cassadaga and approximately, to my best judgement at the time, coming in above route 60 traveling south to north. Understand that the parking lot surrounding Rite Aid and the Plaza has several street lights, and so the object had to be POWERFULLY bright to draw my eye. It was larger than anything I normally see in the sky, and at first I thought it was some sort of marketing balloon for one of the businesses. Immediately, though, I realized it was moving and at a high speed--By the time I was parallel with the middle of the plaza--Book Nook area--it appeared to be over the WalMart on 60. I pulled to the side at that point and unrolled my windows. I thought it had to be a helicopter much closer than Id thought or it was a plane in real trouble. There was no sound of any kind. I could now distinguish a series of white lights along the bottom of a pretty long...fusillage?...six or eight lights, stationary, the ones at the back somewhat brighter than those toward the front. At the rear and above the white lights was a single blinking red light. At this point I thought it had to be a plane, though I have not ever seen a plane with several white lights and no wing lights, and I was thinking it would make a turn eat to approach the Dunkirk airport--and at the same time I knew it was traveling way too fast to make the kind of turn necessary to come into the airport. I was getting more and more concerned that this was a plane in trouble, that perhaps it was coming in with no engines and out of control. I started moving again and the object crossed Vineyard in front of me, still moving rapidly, and I still felt that the object was some distance away, still thinking it was close to or over Rt. 60. But when I crossed Main and the railroad tracks, I realized it was to my almost immediate left, north and still heading straight out likely by now over the lake. I was driving very slowly at that point, and it appeared that the object was no longer moving so quickly, as it was not diminishing any longer in size. I realized at that point it must be hovering. I lost sight of it as I came alongside Tractor Farm and Fleet/Peebles/TJ Maxx, obscured by those buildings. I pulled into Tim Hortons and pulled around the drive-thru to try to see it again without buildings in the way, but I could no longer find it in the sky. This event blew. my. mind. When I got to work, I learned that a former coworker had posted seeing a brilliant meteorite while jogging earlier this morning, so my colleagues assumed i saw something similar. This was not a meteor nor was it any kind of plane I am familiar with.
BTW, there were a number of reports with `pictures' - and although there was an Orange Orb (or lantern) or two - none were worthwhile and some were totally useless.
Are `aliens' disclosing?
A big thanks to the person that bought TWO books yesterday off this blog about Shaman Lujan Matus - one the one I wrote - which you can find below - and his other more famous book. BTW, his Stalking Parallet Perception book is perhaps my favorite book of the last 10 years. Seriously.


Customer Reviews

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What The H Is This Sky Object In Virgie Kentucky?

Clockers, this has to be the STRANGEST clear UFO photo of the year IMO. The report indicates that the event and object was in the skies for HOURS. First, the amazing pictures: (these originals are even better when you enlarge them)
Other photos of object

And here is the description of the multi hour multi witness event in Virgie Kentucky on Oct. 12th. including the type of camera used, etc. And, is this the SAME object observed by Another Set Of Folks? - They describe it as a `horizonal pen'.
And, while the above is amazing - how about these reports also within the latest 20 UFO reports to MUFON:
Such as this report of a `silent, low, and slow moving Triangle craft' over Fresno California UFO - Oct. 16th or this very similar report of a `very low, hovering, silent, Triangle of lights' over Evansville Indiana UFO - Oct. 16th (includes the bonus of other planes searching the area from very high up?) - Buckeye Arizona provides this picture of an Orange Orb on Oct. 12th in a MUFON Report today.
Yowsers, right?
According to Amazon - this is my most `popular' Kindle Book.

15 incredible mindblowing essays

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Man Waits One Week To Bring Incredible Report To MUFON

The following report is from the MUFON latest UFO reports listing. This event happened supposedly a week ago in Texas and includes an incredible image/rendering of what the `aliens' seen looked like. Get ready for a read that includes the kitchen sink of UFO reports, alien interactions and multiple crafts right in the backyard.
1- I was at home so I went to bed around 10:30 P.M and I usually fall alseep listening to the television so I feel asleep for about thirty minutes then the television went off by itself. I thought it was weird at first so then I started hearing noises like a huming sound so I looked out my window but didnt see anything so I thought I was just hearing stuff so I went back to sleep.

2- The first time I noticed anything was around 11:12 P.M. when my bedroom door opened and I could hear something walking beside me and standing beside me and of course I had my eyes closed so I didnt open them until I started hearing something in my mind saying, "Dont be affraid. We no harm.". So thats when I started to really freak out so I opened my eyes and I could barely see two dark figures, one standing beside me on my right and the second in front of me. So I closed my eyes hoping it was a dream but then things got very real. I could feel being lifted up and being brought out back where I could see a small oval shaped craft in my backyard and another triangle craft hovering right above it just few feet higher.

3- I thought the object was an actual UFO the first time I saw it of course. It was oval in shape, had about ten windows on the front of it, the color of it was dark grey and the second craft [triangle craft] was black with small diamond shaped windows around it.

4- Like I stated in the 3rd paragraph, the first object was oval in shape, ten windows on the front side and grey. The triangle UFO was complete black with tiny diamond windows around it. I thought it was weird that the oval craft landed and the triangle craft hovered right above it.

5- My god, I could feel something for sure. I was like, terrified. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being not so scared and 10 being terrified, Id have to go with 15. Once I was aboard the oval craft the only thing on my mind was, "How was I going to get out. . or am I ever going to be released...". So once I was aboard the craft it seemed just calm, I was placed on a silver table while about three beings came by me looking at me then talking. As for me, I dont know alien language so I have no idea what they were saying. Then one of the aliens came next to me and showed me this blue light then I blacked out. So I guess I was out for about twenty minutes because I awoke on the table while one of the aliens took my hand and had me step off the table and walk around. I looked all around the craft and it was just walls and rooms and windows. Nothing very interesting but I did get released about ten minutes later.

6- After being aboard the craft the suppose "leader" of the aliens, came beside me and showed me off the craft. I could hear him talking saying like, "Were sorry we terrified you. These are my students for a complete experiment. We will be back soon so do not panic.". So of course I didnt know what he meant when he said, we will be back soon so dont panic. So he showed me to the back door of my house and opened it while I stepped inside and looked back outside while the leader walked back inside the craft and took off in less then 15 seconds. Thats about it.

-Note- The first picture of my drawing is the picture of the two UFOs and the alien who took me aboard the craft. The second picture I found to be looking like the exact leader of the aliens who I saw.-
The guy says the aliens looked like This Alien Being Rendering.
BTW, in reading the reports lately it really seems that either the Orange Orbs are increasing OR that the lantern products for sky use are increasing. I'm less and less impressed by reports of `floating' objects that originated in the same location of the sky or horizon. How about you?
Lots of you checked out lots of things yesterday on this blog - appreciated (such as my sponsors and books and ads). Marketers ARE trying to reach YOU - take a look around when you find independent blogs such as this one.
I'm occasionally fascinated by the positioning taken by some bloggers about NOT having ads - somehow - making them less biased. REALLY? Oh, and you will notice I took my donation button off about a year ago - as the ONLY folks that CAN be donated to have to have a 501C set up or something like that. That said, anyone can send anyone money via PayPal (my account is - lol). So, if you wish to send money in support of this blog - be my guest - but, it is NOT a donation.
ALL year I've been transferring the BEST of the BEST from this blog to my 2012 UFO Page at Squidoo. So, if you are just catching up with the UFOlogy of 2012 or would simply like a place for direct GOOD UFO Videos of 2012 - go here - 2012 UFO Videos And 2012 UFO Pictures.
I sold about 4 books off my Kindle Author Page yesterday. Thanks for checking them out.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Drone UFOs Materialize In Witness' Bedroom

Good Morning Clockers - and welcome to all newbies - thanks for having an interest in the unknown phenomena of our collective reality. As you can see from today's headline, we are walking on the edge of described reality perceptions today. Not only that, the description of the event is even BETTER than the headline. This is one you will not want to miss as it includes even TWO Triangle Crafts Hovering Over The Persons House. And, my honest opinion is that this is just a bit too much without MUCH more in the way of `proof' or other witness collaboration. The report was on MUFON and carried by Phantom and Monsters website. You have to read this report as it might just be the beginning of who knows what.
BTW, I will be appearing with the webmaster of the above site Lon Strickler and his co-host on Sunday evening on their Internet Radio Show called Beyond the edge radio - find out more At This Facebook Page.
Oh, btw, I've had my own paranormal event yesterday - it had to do with the absolute finishing of my book about Lujan Matus, the Shaman; which immediately seemed to generate an impossible event and even seemed to affect our two cats. Head Shaking stuff indeed - perhaps I will speak about it on Sunday night about 8:30 PM. That said, you can be the FIRST to own my newest book with a click below:

Book Description

 July 23, 2012
I was an avid reader of the Carlos Castaneda series of books which featured the esoteric knowledge of an Indian Sorcerer called Don Juan Matus. Don Juan was a bigger than life character who had abilities not associated with mere humans in their normal consensus. Indeed, so big as to have had books `proving’ that Don Juan was no more than an interesting book character - upon which legends of his realness would be born.

You see, some of the `new ideas’ talked about by Carlos Castaneda when he was passing along the knowledge of the Indian Sorcerer, such as controlling ones dreams via certain dream techniques, was indeed being experienced first hand by a portion of Castaneda’s readership. It hardly mattered to readers if Don Juan was real or not – some of the `knowledge’ – his knowledge, worked.

Indeed, after the passing of Don Juan from the books – the mantle of Guru fell upon Carlos Castaneda – who promptly created an on-going legacy of mysteriousness. Seemingly following closely some of his own advice – I mean – Don Juan’s advice, - such as erasing personal history and leaving a small footprint. Indeed, after Castaneda’s death and the end of his books, fans desperately wanted to have more of that unique knowledge seemingly contained within those books.

Perhaps wanting the knowledge so much so as to trigger connections to Don Juan and Carlos Castaneda, that to most of the population would certainly appear to be `near ridiculous’. One man wrote a book claiming to have BEEN Carlos Castaneda (getting his thoughts in his mind and writing them down into book form) – and, another man, well, a Shaman by the current name of Lujan Matus – who has written several books based on the knowledge he personally receives from Don Juan within his own dreams.

What’s most surprising is that in the case of Lujan Matus – he is seemingly writing with clarity about non-ordinary realities in only the manner that Don Juan seemed to previously describe them. Specifically, with his focus on building a parallel perception from gathering power via certain methods of behavior in the body, the mind and the spirit.
Does the knowledge of Don Juan exist in a reality state in which he can still actively dispense his forms of thought? Could such a `state’ exist, – a `state’ of space with knowledge, that has been attributed to this `character called Don Juan’, – that it indeed is actually `active’? Is it really impossible? Might it depend on the character of who is seeking such information? Someone such as a Shaman perhaps?

So, I picked up the first book by Lujan Matus and read it – later writing this short review:
LOVED it – one of the best books I’ve read in the last 10 years. A powerful book with powerful words that probe with insights into the human condition of awareness and actions. Lujan maintains that much of his wisdom for the book comes from visits with the Indian Sorcerer of the books of Carlos Castaneda named Don Juan Matus. Lujan takes these DREAM encounters and brings back the kernels of wisdom that do indeed seem to have ties with ancient knowledge. Much of this book is involved with perfecting actions to gain potential power of awareness – and to break ties with standard awareness.

Then, in 2010 I decided to write a `sum up’ of what remained of the whole legacy of Carlos Castaneda, and in turn Don Juan. When I wrote the legacy I included the Shaman Lujan Matus, which later prompted him to reach out to me, and a relationship was born of sorts. Lujan allowed me to interview him for my blog The Heavy Stuff and for my blog UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock. Indeed, in my first interview with Lujan, he made news by telling my readership of an exact date for an alien escalation of contact. This then resulted in additional questions to Lujan, and more importantly, his `answers’. Answers, to the special consensus of perception he seems to have access to – describing to others and raising their own consciousness too.
I also want to that the person who bought the book below from this blog Two days ago:

 I appreciate you doing your Amazon Shopping At UDCC.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pfeifer's Phenomenal Phenomena

Hello, thanks for having an interest in UFOs - if this is your first time to UDCC, you are visiting on a good day. You see, Ken Pfeifer, New Jersey's chief MUFON investigator often shares a selection of current and all-time MUFON reports with UDCC for its readers. Then, I screen the reports for the very best of the best and bring them here. Enjoy.


I was driving south towards the Delaware beaches heading into Milford Delaware and I had drove past a diner called the Loft. I was on the cellphone with my friend when I noticed 2 bright lights, like airplane lights. As I got closer, 4 more lights became visible and 2 lights diminished giving the object a square like appereance. It looked like 4 lights on each corner shining really bright straight out. Then the lights moved downward towards the ground and 2 huge red lights like floresent light bulbs glew underneath. The object was very big, was motionless just standing still as I was passing it and it didn't seem to far off of the ground probably 30 feet in the air. I had started passing it, looking at it on my passanger side window when 3 cars pulled over on the side of the road to look at it. At this time I got very scared. I went a little ways up to a gas station and got out to look at it. It then started to move towards the north heading in the direction of the Dover Air Force Base. 2 of the lights had diminished and the red florescent lights got shorter to 2 squares than started blinking. The object was very huge and seem to move very slow but was gone in seconds if that makes any sense. I wasn't sure if it was still there to be seen so I left the gas staion and made a u-turn to see if I could see it again but it was gone. If what I saw was exlainable and maybe something I'm not sure of please email me and let me know.  

Thanks to MUFON CMS system.



On February 19th, 2005, at approximately 9:45 p.m. I had just finished work, and was driving in a westerly direction going home. I was approximately 3 miles from my home when I noticed a "greenish colored star", way up in the sky in the south west. I honestly do not know WHAT made me notice it more than any other star in the sky that night, but it just looked different. I kept looking up as I was driving. There were a few cars on the road that night but they all turned off shortly after I turned onto the road to my house. I was alone on the road. I kept looking at that "star" and suddenly when I was probably one and a half miles from home, the "star" went from the southwest sky, from the size and appearance of a star, to directly ahead of me, going across the highway, in about 3 seconds!  This triangular object had a brilliant greenish white laserlight on the tail. Brighter than anything you have ever seen. It made NO sound at all at any time.  It went across the road about perhaps 15 feet above the road and landed in a field next to a grove of trees, with the laserlight glowing the whole time. The object was about mabey 60 or so feet across, and 100 feet long. A triangular shape, with a sort of rounded nose. the shape was triangular, but with the wings rounded sort of. There were no markings except for lines, deep grooves running diagnally under the craft. round green glowing lights were spaced evenly under the craft next to the lines. No other markings were on  the craft. When it came down and went across the road, I was petrified. I floored the gas and put my car into reverse and went backwards, I don't know how far. Then I stopped. I saw the craft SLOWLY rise up and turn slowly and stop and just hover atop the trees. The greenish white laser was on the entire time it performed this maneuver. The trees were perhaps 60-70 high. I did not know what to do. I couldnt think. I did not have my radio on at the time, but just a CD playing. I shut it off after I slowly pulled into a driveway, and turned my light off. My car didn't malfunction. I sat without breathing or moving and watched out my window/sunroof in my car. I did not have a cell phone at the time. The object shut off the laser light after it turned and lifted to the tree line. It hovered there for awhile, and then began to slowly move to where I was parked. I was parked maybe 30 feet away from the tree line. It moved so it was directly above me and stopped. I was losing my mind, I couldn't believe this was happening. I didn't know if I would see my family again. I was afraid they would see me. I did not move. I thought that anything that could move that fast, and never make a sound could do ANYTHING they wanted to. They were directly above me and stone still. The green lights beneath it were on. Then it started to move slowly after about 15 minutes, and headed out across the field toward the northeast. It was about 40 feet off the ground. The color of the object was a solid dark brown/black color. It was smooth. No dents or markings, rounded wings. I waited about, I don't know, 15 minutes before I could move, and drove like a bat out of hell home. One month to the day of that incident, I had a heart attack. I was 48 years old, with NO history of any cardiac problems, no cholestorol or BP issues. I couldn't sleep for a whole month. "


8:45 - 11:30 PM.  Length of event - almost 3 hours. There were no electromagnetic effects. Me and 4 friends were outside of the house located in Bernardsville when we heard strange sounds. The sounds sounded like a whistle/trumpet and varied in pitch and volume. The length of the sound and time between sounds were consistent. There are no highways nearby, and there were limited planes in the sky, but we are 100% positive it was not a plane. There are also no nearby bridges. The weather was good; it was partially cloudy and the temperature was around 65-75 degrees F. There was also a full moon. I also observed a very bright light flash in the sky, which lasted about half a second while no planes were in sight. My friend's dog, which was outside, continuously barked into the sky as the sound was heard. After standing outside for about half an hour we went inside where the sound was still heard. It sounded as if the sounds were constantly switching positions. After I left my friend's house in Bernardsville, I went back to my own house which is located in Basking Ridge. Although this was approximately 4 miles from where the sound was originally heard, I could still hear the sounds from inside my bedroom. Also on the drive from my friend house back to mine I observed many cats and other small animals constantly running across the road, which is abnormal.  

Special thanks to UFO

12-24-11 BOISE IDAHO

A few of the photos were taken without using a tripod, the majority were taken on a tripod, shot with an older NIKON coolpix 995 without any lens attachments. I noticed the UFO on the night of Dec after parking in the street in front of my house.  The UFO was to the east of my 29th street residence....about 50-60 degrees up in the sky.  A few months earlier in Oct. I viewed a red light that appeared to be exact to what I saw in Dec in generally the same area but to the south a few blocks.

In 1987-88 I saw pretty much a very similiar red light as a kid in McCall that event the light shot across a small valley and stopped around 30 feet in the air above a tree in our front yard and appeared to be a ball of energy spinning and changing colors at a high rate that then shot into the air and split into two changing bright white. When I blow up the photos I took of the Dec 2011 UFO, a few of the blow ups appear to be very similiar to what I looked at up close with the naked eye years earlier a hundred miles north of Boise. The UFO in the photos was stationary most of the time, with no
detectable noise, and was pulsing in intensity, sometimes seeming regularly, and other times seeming irregular. My wife got the impression that it was "scanning" the ground below and that appeared to us to be changing in intensity.  While I was scrambling for the camera, a friend a few blocks over I
called witnessed a flourescent white tube looking extension form for a few seconds off of this red pulsating light.  That same person a few blocks over called his father 3-4 miles to the west of us, and who also lives up a few hundred feet higher than our location, on a bench. His father reported the light was strong, and up above the horizon which leads me to believe that the light was higher than 200-400 feet at least. My guess, a thousand or so. At one point, the light did move dramatically as far as movement in that it was so smooth and consistent, it did not move incredible fast. It seemed to stop pulsating in my recollection while moving.  It stopped nearly above our area, but a little to the hovered for a few minutes maybe, if that, and then took the similiar path back to around where I originally first saw it.  I watched for around 35 minutes, and then the light appeared to shrink in size, or move directly back away from my viewpoint, or both, and then started strobing faster and faster and completely dark to light and then after a session of quick frequency increasing strobing just turned off or vanished. I did not see any smoke against the night sky where it had been and that was it. end of show.

There are commercial/police drones in Boise being used. but local papers explain the commercial/police drones sound like commercial
blenders, quite powerful and loud.  When looking at photos here blown up, I have the idea that this is some sort of contained/concentrated plasma phenomenon. One photo seems to have a formation of a type of "eye" formation and has a roughly cubic/ geometric looking cellular formation in
some photos, and areas regular dimpling effect, as if a grid of energy is feeding the ball of light.  Some of the photos look irregular and boxy shaped...
don't know if this is just camera artifact, possibly high rate of spin and changing formation, or what.  Its a once in a lifetime achievement for me to finally get photos of these strange red lights seen in Idaho, of which, is the bulk of my UFO experiences.  There were around 8 other witnesses to the event that I know, and as this happened above Boise's north end neighborhoods, I am keeping my eye open for other photos.  Hopefully some day we can collaberate some rough triangulation of the event.  There are reports in Boise around the same time of year, and in neighboring states I noticed like OR or WA, that appear to possibly be related in color or intensity.  One report in Boise a day or so around the 24th of dec saw a red orb breaking in two and then rejoining.  I would love to hear a physics buff comment on the seeming formations that this ball of light seems to take shape and also when the images are manipulated, it appears that some sort of energy feild extends from the ball of light, if that is true or not I do not know, as camera artifact/play of light might comes into question as well.
This story and photos was sent to World UFO Photos by Cliff Green, witness and photographer.
I, and all Clockers, extend a big thanks to Ken Pfeifer for sharing these pictures with UDCC.
AND, THANKS FOR SUPPORTING OUR SPONSORS, SUCH AS ORION PLease make sure to check out my new Kindle E-Book, 31 pages of hot reading about the 2006 Chicago O'Hare Airport UFO Incident. Thanks for checking out the sample.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

MUFON Report Highlights Of January 3rd, 4th

Good morning Clockers and Newbies too - thanks for having an interest in the great unknown you find on UDCC........ cough...... Okay, turning to the latest 20 reports from MUFON, links that are only active for a limited time, (which is why you will see more verbatim too) - UDCC begins with a report similar, in a sense, to the Jerusalme Orb of 2011 - Bright Light Drops Quickly - : (HAPPENED JUST A FEW HOURS AGO in Illinois)
...Driving my wife to work at 7:15 am, we both witness something that i cannot find a logical explanation for. Headed west on rt 72 near elgin Il, out of the front window and slightly to the right which is south, we saw a burst of light similar to that of a camera flash. this light descended straight down as if on a rope rapidly. In my opinion and these are all estimations, the light descend from the elevation of about 3000 ft to about 100 ft in a fraction of a second and was gone. If my wife hadn't immediately reacted to the sighting I would have absolutely thought I had imagined it. i know this is not a triangle vehicle doing loopedy loops in the sky but it is something I cannot explain. what also is intriguing to me is it proximity to our last sighting, in the same general area. it will continue to puzzle me thus the reason i share this story. It is the first time i have ever posted on this sight. Keep your eyes to the skies my friends.
The above is the most recent report and you can probably hit the link for a day or so to read about his other sightings.
Or perhaps you prefer another report from earlier this morning in Georgia of another SILENT, 3 ORB, V-Shaped, Low-Flying, Slow Moving Craft:
At about 2:30 AM while watching the sky in my backyard; waiting for the meteor shower to begin my wife and I witnessed a triangle shaped object fly overhead from north to south. It was flying very low and was silent. It did not have lights. There was 3 white, round shapes at each point of the triangle. It moved extremely fast. When we first saw it coming toward us we thought it may have been a meteor, or maybe a flock of birds until it was directly over our heads. The object flew in a straight line. When we realized it was not birds or a meteor we were stunned. It left us scratching our heads as to what we had just witnessed. We lost sight of the object as it flew south past the tall trees. - -
And, was the above the same craft (except for 5 slightly different colored lights) seen in Maryland early today?
My husband and I were outside trying to watch the quadrantid meteor shower. We saw a couple meteors go by and we were about to go back in. As i was watching the sky i saw a triangular object come into view with five dim orange lights. I yelled for my husband to look and he looked up and saw it also. This craft made absolutely no sound. It was dead quiet outside and we heard nothing as this craft went by. We observed the craft for about 20 seconds as it traveled south east until it was out of site. Both of our reactions were we felt like it was not something of human origin. I was in almost total shock when we came back in the house, shocked that i saw something like this so close. -
I updated TAL today Clockers - heavy reading about `Living In A Simulation' - Science Minded UDCC Readers will enjoy this.
I also updated MRH today - for the latest news - Is Google, Twitter, Amazon and Facebook going Dark To Protest A Law?
More UFO Disclosure and Sightings Soon - Thanks for your visit today.
Advanced Products For Science Oriented People
---- This item is 40 Dollars.
Here's a Review:
This review is from: ZeroWater ZD-023 23-Cup Water Dispenser and Filtration System (Kitchen)

I did quite a bit of research before purchasing the ZeroWater ZD-023 Dispenser/ Filtration System. After 6 weeks of use, it performs like a champ, and I'm still on the first filter. I'd guess I've filtered something like 30 gallons, and it still reads 000 ppm on the included TDS meter. My water is from a private domestic well, untreated, and meters on average 220 from the tap.
I compared bottled water from the supermarket. Their "spring water" metered at 065, the store "distilled" at 008. Nearby distributed water system treated water metered at 280. A local business imports their water in large jugs, and they allowed me to check it. "Drinking water" metered at 070; reverse osmosis distilled at 002.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Return Of Spectacular Night `Sky Symbols'/Creature To Georgia

Yes, I do love to feature the good Georgia report when I can - as some of you know, UDCC is produced out of North Georgia. In this MUFON Report - the guy claims to have video too - and, that this `starlike object' stayed visible in the skies for upwards of two hours AND - returned the next night. These pictures, which the guy says are cropped and enlarged, are awesome and similar to other Sky Symbol pictures that UDCC has featured.

Indeed, this phenomena seems to have started with the Stephenville Texas UFO events of several years ago. The Sky Symbol phenomena that is. Anyway, one of three pictures is below - but here is the guys description Georgia MUFON Report and here's the other two picture links to this event on The 30th - Of November.
Please check out the sky symbols `tag' beneath this post for more pictures of this phenomena.
And, an Amazing MUFON report from California about a jawdropping event on this previous Thursday very early morning `in broad sight':
 am a 23 year old student. I was driving at 12 15 am on December 8th 2011 when I saw something that can't be explained. I was approaching a red light preparing to make a left at a four way intersection. As I stopped three large, yellow lights appeared in what was, only a second ago, a dark winter night sky. These lights were the same size, and were side by side in a horizontal line. There were no lights that would give away the location of an aircraft nearby, like blinking lights on a helicopter. These three lights literally appeared out of no where, they were only a few hundred feet in front of me and were no more than 200 feet in the sky. When the lights illuminated, it was clear they were a part of a larger "craft". The craft itself was triangular in shape. I couldn't make out any significant detail on the craft, but its shape and size were unmistakable. the three lights were at least 80-100 feet in length from one end to the other, and about 40 feet from top to bottom. The lights were a brilliant white/yellow color. They did not blink, pulsate, or illuminate the surrounding area, rather just illuminated and stayed solid. The lights were facing me directly, as if I was looking at the rear of the "craft". Once the lights illuminated they paused for one second without moving the slightest bit, and then the "craft" shot off in an eastward trajectory at a 30-45 degree angle into the night sky. I was listening to my car radio at the time with my windows up so i couldn't detect any sound, but something accelerating at that speed so close to the ground must have made some kind of noise, I would assume. This event happened very close to multiple residences and if it was a jet or something of that nature than it would've made an ear piercing sound. The craft accelerated at an impossible speed traveling miles in only a few seconds. It left a yellow trail from each side that dissipated as the "craft" moved, then simply disappeared. The entire event, from when the lights first illuminated until it disappeared lasted about 5 seconds, but it felt as if time stood still. Whatever this was, it was flying low to the ground in a highly populated area at night. The acceleration of this object from a standstill was jaw dropping, it went from a few hundred feet from my car to miles away in seconds and then was just gone. The immense size and speed of it, and it being so close to the ground was frightening to say the least. I can't help but feel like I saw something I wasn't supposed to, and it can't be explained. Upon further investigation on my part there is a hill only about 300 feet away from the stoplight and there are power lines that run along it. The lights appeared in between me and the hill, and disappeared over the hill and out of sight. I contacted the local air traffic control and was transferred to a man who had authority there. He did not dismiss my report or call me crazy, but instead listened to what i had to report. He told me that it didn't fit the description of anything they know of, and also assured me that nothing abnormal was picked up on the radar. He said there was a good chance that what I saw would go unanswered, and assured me that neither I nor the local residents had anything to worry about. While I can't know how many phone calls they receive of this nature, the man certainly didn't dismiss my claims and seemed honest and genuine with his answers. If this was military in nature than I must say I would feel a huge relief. Knowing that our military possess technology like this would make me feel more safe and secure, and if they did keeping it a secret is completely understood. If this is not military in nature than ....
Read the conclusion of his description
Self Promotion Time - On January 15th, 2012 I will be appearing on Beyond The Edge Radio.
More details of the above can be found at Barf Stew Today and other links including some of those oldtime stuff that BS does so well, a 1950's YT video of a couple marrying on the high wire and a 1939 photo of a `smokin hot chic'. LOL.
Great Amazon Books About Consciousness
Still time for those last minute book gifts from Amazon!








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The `UFO Motif' is a vigorous plasma Orb that catches ones attention - morphs, often into a structured shape as it comes very close to the observer location - then it often morphs one more time into a structured `Neighborhood UFO' (aka an Impossible Craft perception) - this is where folks then `see' low flying, slow moving `Triangles' or other UFO shapes - often followed (after departure) by `helicopters' or `military jets' - both of which are simply part of the total perception. The `Neighborhood UFO' then often passes out of perception range to NOT be reported `downstream' or `upstream' usually - proving that it is a localized experience (often tied to intentionalities on the ground and with humans). EXTREME close encounters can easily produce the perceptions of missing time.
Note The Dictionary Words Associated With The Very Concept Of A Motif
a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.

design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, device, emblem, ornament

a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition