Seriously, this person maintains that they observed a shape-shifting, image projecting, 7 foot Reptilian, peaking in their curtain-less window, two nights in a row. (They have just moved to a rural area and are renting.) This latest MUFON report seems very similar to the Romarek saga.
Here's the full report from Olympia Washington - happened Thursday evening: Direct MUFON Link To Story
The night before last (3/13/13 I woke from a sound sleep with my back door knob rattling,it was approx 2am.
I had just rented a little house in the country an it was my 3rd night there.
There was a Alien staring at me through the window at the top of the old door on the back porch. As soon as the Alien saw that I was looking at him, it ran off.
I was scared an shaking so I told my landlord the next morning an he giggled in dis-belief, he said if it comes back tonight then I should knock on his door an tell him. (He lives next door)
It came back around 9:30pm 3/14/13, I was texting a friend when I saw it in the same window so I quickly started taking pictures, with my cell phone.
I took approx 50 pics from all different angles an with it turning its head. I even got pictures of what appeared to be cloaking itself. very scary!!! I am still freaked out an I didnt get much sleep last night.
I had a feeling it was trying to lure me to the door, It was reptilian, it
had eyes similar to the Grey alien everyone talks of but it had scales on its head and its shoulders. It also had bony spike shapes over his skull an all I saw were 3 fingers. It was approx 7 feet tall and looked strong. It just stared directly in my eyes, when I moved, His head moved. when his head turned I saw wrinkles on his neck, his nose was flat an he had no lips, "more like a lizard"
It appeared to have projected images onto the glass, an was shape shifting! I know how this sounds, but Im serious. He made a black spot appear in the center of his face an the spot looked like a beak(maybe owl) Then he shifted into what looked like a clown with a gift in its hands an the other that mostly freaked me out appeared to be of an old man (possible priest) an when it smiled the priest smiled too. I could tell it was just a projection on to the glass, because I could still clearly see him.
I know how this sounds, as I hesitated telling anyone...But I have great pictures and a video that I took with my cell phone.
I called my landlord over to share the story an pictures, He is a well known local Animal Veterinarian. He studied the pictures an they also freaked him out. He said he wont walk his dog at night any longer. He explained what he saw in the photos that I took, an is very interested in learning about what I have witnessed.
I do not know who to call or if I should call anyone, I have many pictures of its face changing shapes an very good pictures of the structures of its eyes, scales, an head.
I dont know how to take the images from my cell or I would email you a few, I can text the images.
I am a bit scared from what I have seen, If you have any idea of what It was please contact me an tell me what I can do to keep it away. I am going to the local humane society to get a dog or two, I hope that will help.
If your interested in talking, you may reach me on my cell: (redacted) but please dont tell anyone my name. I volunteer for the State of Washington an dont want this to interfere with my job or my friends and family.
I attached a few pictures of it shape shifting, a couple of the pictures are of it turning into what looked like a clown face, an the last image, You can clearly see its head (left) an it projecting a image of the old mans head (right) I have many more images.
I hung curtains up today, so if it comes back tonight I will not be able to see it.
The Powers That Be
Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?
Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human
What I want to know is why this observer chose THESE pictures while claiming to have such good material? Anyway, I'll start with the projected `Clown Face'....
You have got to be kidding... right?
Here's a few more of the gems.........................
This is totally typical that the person describing the unknown is unable to show a picture with the description --- is this total imagination? Do they see their description in these pictures and that is why they load them up?........ Those first nights in rural areas are indeed mighty scary to a few......
My `science' blog called The AnomalyMan Listing covered how certain analysts are saying the coming Robot Revolution will increase 400% in the next ten years - including, finally, A Robot To Clean The House, I also blog about Glacier Growing and have a video that purports to have `aliens' in it (set to music). Dig around when you get there.
Oh, if you are really brave you can see my inner most thoughts here at a blog that I updated this week for the first time in Years. The slippery slope.
And, at Amazing UFO Stories - I cover an incident from 1968 ... where an alien being Touches The Observer... more too so dig in.
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