So, what is to follow is a whole slew of `Chemtrail Books' (indeed, every single one ever written?) - Info - and a bit of analysis too: to me, it's STUNNING how few `books' have been written on the subject matter considering the undeniable vast difference it has brought to our collective skies and consciousness...... oh, btw, I like most have friends who are DENIERS about the Chemtrail phenomena.... one of these folks I asked YEARS ago to show me ONE movie or ONE commercial that had a Chemtrail before 1990 (I figured I'd make it impossible) a challenge he readily accepted...... he has NEVER sent me such an example. Of course. Red as always is my emphasis.
Amazon Searching Chemtrails
171 results initially
171 results initially
(From those 171, I'm going to restrict the search to having Chemtrails in the title at some level, and to be in English, and of course, no duplicates - which are beyond numerous of these 171 results. Indeed, EVERY result with Chemtrails is below.)
Shown in the rank order of Amazon Showing the search result is below as of 5/2014
Shown in the rank order of Amazon Showing the search result is below as of 5/2014
Chemtrails Confirmed
(William Thomas)
(one link to a paperback version that claims a date of 8/2000)
Is This A Typo?
Book Description
Chemtrails are reported all around the planet and this is the first research record to verify what Airline Pilots, Police Officers, U.S. Marines, Air Traffic Controllers and Tanker Crews are reporting. This book will reveal the scientist who are working n the project, Congressman who oversaw "America's exotic weapons" project and the details so you can understand the Chemtrail project
(one link to a paperback version that claims a date of 8/2000)
Is This A Typo?
pub date 8/2004, ranked - 116K
I believe this is a re-issue of the book in 2000
This Is His First Chemtrail Book In 2000?
pub date 2000, UNranked
The research of UDCC clearly identifies William Thomas's book as the first `official' book about the Chemtrail Phenomena.. with a caveat .... he probably wrote the first TWO books, both in 2000 and combined the books into one by late in the same year.... (the 2004 year is the official book, perhaps with new material of the official explanation offered at that time 04)) Now, who's William Thomas?
I believe this is a re-issue of the book in 2000
This Is His First Chemtrail Book In 2000?
pub date 2000, UNranked
The research of UDCC clearly identifies William Thomas's book as the first `official' book about the Chemtrail Phenomena.. with a caveat .... he probably wrote the first TWO books, both in 2000 and combined the books into one by late in the same year.... (the 2004 year is the official book, perhaps with new material of the official explanation offered at that time 04)) Now, who's William Thomas?
About the Author
William Thomas is an independent journalist. His previous works include Scorched Earth: The Military's War Against the Enviroment and Bringing the War Home, a book which shows the suppression of the inoculations of troops in the first Gulf war and the diseased troops brining home the diseases to their family and friends. (I left the typos in - how could this guy not correct his listing?)
ranked 2.8Million
He wrote the above book in 1994...yeah, the guy has balls. So, in 2000 he becomes the first person to `research it' and put into print the `explanation' offered up in 2000 by the Feds.... the book(s) have some very intriguing comments by the writer and readers/purchasers - a few of which I share:
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
44 of 51 people found the following review helpful
Format:Paperback|Verified Purchase
pub date 6/2014 (not a typo) - ranked 282K
Yes, this is the latest release on the subject matter, and as you can see - the conspiracy side is fully ramped up a decade later.
As you will see below - a number of the books have the `2012 date publishing handle', including mine... but, others have the handle and are positioned for that 2012 Lunacy (like this book above) - that was rampant at the time, ...... as Clockers know.
Yes, this is the latest release on the subject matter, and as you can see - the conspiracy side is fully ramped up a decade later.
As you will see below - a number of the books have the `2012 date publishing handle', including mine... but, others have the handle and are positioned for that 2012 Lunacy (like this book above) - that was rampant at the time, ...... as Clockers know.
pub date 7/2012 - ranked 276k (Kindle)
Book Description
According to all United States federal government organizations, chemtrails do not exist and/or are a conspiracy theory. They say the white lines in the sky stretching from horizon to horizon are normal jet contrails. Somehow, I assume using theoretical physics, these contrails can first appear as small white lines high in the sky then, over the course of hours, expand as they float down to earth first creating small clouds and finally a haze. Because this is exactly what happens. I suggest that you read the following exposé and ask the tough questions about what OUR government says is NOT happening.
stomer Reviews
Share your thoughts with other customers
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
pub date 4/2012 - ranked 997K
European Writer - might be fiction.
European Writer - might be fiction.
amazingly, my book is next ranked in search results
Unspeakable - Chemtrails And Economic Collapse (Best of The Heavy Stuff)
My Kindle book is three essay's, my first essay's, about the Chemtrail phenomena in 2007-2008 --- and all the implications.
My Kindle book is three essay's, my first essay's, about the Chemtrail phenomena in 2007-2008 --- and all the implications.
pub date 6/2012 - ranked 880k (Kindle) (What I know my ranking means - I've sold 27 of these and one in the last month. The book also has been borrowed by Amazon Prime members for free and hundreds have been given away by myself via Amazon Promtions.)
A few words about my understandings of the Amazon Ranking of books system - first, recent results trump history - meaning if you have a book that has sold in the last hour - that book may be higher ranked than books that have sold 100's or 1000's of books if that title hasn't sold as recently.
That said, the total number of books ever and within some adjusted time-frame (say the last 6 months) also figure into a weighting of ranks. Meaning, a book that has sold 100 copies but none in the last 3 months will be higher ranked than a book that has sold 20 copies but none in the last 3 months.
Finally, UNranked, amazingly - means most likely that that particular book HAS NEVER SOLD EVEN ONE COPY. Rankings in the Millions in books may mean that no copy of a book has been sold in at least 6 months and longer if the ranking is 5 million or higher. I've never seen a Kindle ranking below about 1.8 million.
A few words about my understandings of the Amazon Ranking of books system - first, recent results trump history - meaning if you have a book that has sold in the last hour - that book may be higher ranked than books that have sold 100's or 1000's of books if that title hasn't sold as recently.
That said, the total number of books ever and within some adjusted time-frame (say the last 6 months) also figure into a weighting of ranks. Meaning, a book that has sold 100 copies but none in the last 3 months will be higher ranked than a book that has sold 20 copies but none in the last 3 months.
Finally, UNranked, amazingly - means most likely that that particular book HAS NEVER SOLD EVEN ONE COPY. Rankings in the Millions in books may mean that no copy of a book has been sold in at least 6 months and longer if the ranking is 5 million or higher. I've never seen a Kindle ranking below about 1.8 million.
pub date 10/2000 - ranked 740K - this book was updated in 2011 and I think it's possible that Chemtrails word was substituted for contrails in 2000 version chapter title
(mentions 1997 as the beginning of phenomena)
So, right after the first Thomas books on the subject, comes:
So, right after the first Thomas books on the subject, comes:
Tim R. Swartz is an Indiana native and Emmy-Award winning television producer/videographer, and is the author of a number of popular books including The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla, Secret Black Projects, Evil Agenda of the Secret Government, Time Travel: A How-To-Guide, Richard Shaver-Reality of the Inner Earth, Admiral Byrd's Secret Journey Beyond the Poles, and is a contributing writer for the books, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The First Ghostbuster, Brad Steiger's Real Monsters, Gruesome Critters, and Beasts from the Darkside, and Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits and Haunted Places.
As a photojournalist, Tim Swartz has traveled extensively and investigated paranormal phenomena and other unusual mysteries from such diverse locations as the Great Pyramid in Egypt to the Great Wall in China. He has worked with television networks such as PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, ESPN, Thames-TV and the BBC. He has also appeared on the History Channel Latin America series "Contacto Extraterrestre."
His articles have been published in magazines such as Mysteries, FATE, Strange, Atlantis Rising, UFO Universe, Flying Saucer Review, Renaissance, and Unsolved UFO Reports.
As well, Tim Swartz is the writer and editor of the online newsletter Conspiracy Journal; a free, weekly e-mail newsletter, considered essential reading by paranormal researchers worldwide.
IMO a lot of what Swartz is writing or collaborating on now is beyond the realm of normal paranormal and is positioned at the far left alternative vibrations crowd. I'm also not convinced that Swartz had much to say about Chemtrails in 2000. As you can see from his positioning and promoting... his ideas may be less than pure and may be chocked full of disinfo. But is the evidence that at the earliest moments of the Chemtrail phenomena - folks were at the far end of the spectrum on the conspiracy tie-in.
pub date 8/2012 - ranked 810k (Kindle)
Dimitrios Alexopoulos(the peloponnesian friend) born in Athens Greece in 1975 is a journalist and keen researcher in the fields of conspiracy theories specialized in nutrition and enviromental poisoning issues .He's a Marketing and communication graduate from the university of Athens
Dimitrios Alexopoulos(the peloponnesian friend) born in Athens Greece in 1975 is a journalist and keen researcher in the fields of conspiracy theories specialized in nutrition and enviromental poisoning issues .He's a Marketing and communication graduate from the university of Athens
Book Description
A 64 page Kindle book, the authors only book. Little to do with Chemtrails if the comments and ratings are to be believed.
pub date 5/2007 - ranked 1.3Million
The author make a good point: to dismiss the dramatic sky cover provided by jets as "inadvertent" is to unscientifically choose your belief before examining the evidence.
About the Author
Dave Dahl is a U.S. Navy veteran and former university teacher. He is co-founder of Web Associates, the Internet development company, and currently the president of Dragon Pearl Whole Teas in California. Recognizing his own part in air pollution, this report is his attempt to create awareness of the impact of aircraft, especially among our government representatives.
NONFICTION - Earth Science. Full color, printed on recycled paper. (This book was sent to members of the US Senate and House of Representatives.) As shown in the satellite photos in this report, much of the cloud cover around the Earth is created by jet aircraft traveling in the stratosphere. Dubbed "chemtrails" by spectators, millions of people in many countries have voiced concern and questions. -What are jet contrails and artificial clouds made of? -Why can you see them some days and not others? -Do artificial clouds from jets cause global warming? -What s really going on? Should we be worried? -What could we do about it if we were? Whether you re a scientist or a frequent flyer, some of the answers in this report may surprise you.
This book provides a wealth of information and, while it points to possibilities, it is a scientific and fact-based set of observations that allow the reader to draw their own conclusions. (More opinionated and current information is available by googling "artificial clouds.")
I love the activism of this guy - sending it to the members of congress... balls. Has 3 books on topics close to his heart and interests.
pub date 3/2013 - ranked 1.2Million (Kindle)
31 page Kindle book with no description of the book or author or any review or comments. Not positioned as serious IMO. Obviously. He's pretty prolific on Kindle however with his latest below: (you get the idea)
31 page Kindle book with no description of the book or author or any review or comments. Not positioned as serious IMO. Obviously. He's pretty prolific on Kindle however with his latest below: (you get the idea)
Miracle: The Power of Persistent Prayer by Robert Collins (Mar 18, 2014) - Kindle eBook
pub date 3/2011 - ranked 660k (Kindle)
Book Description
On Memorial Day May 29, 2006 our son Jeff called us early in the morning and told us, airplanes were spraying something into the sky, early in the morning, over his home in Wooster, Ohio. He said it looked like a spotter aircraft was directing the other planes where to spray. He said a friend of his called him early that morning about what was going on. We were not totally convinced at the time that could really be happening, but shortly thereafter we saw the same thing over our home in Sugar Land, Texas. Therefore, we started investigating the phenomenon and found our son’s assessment to be correct.
We need to be alert to our surroundings or in the future we may not have the freedoms we now enjoy. There are many events in recent times that should be causes of great concern to Americans and others around the world; two fairly recent ones are discussed in this book:
1) Carbon dioxide (CO2) causes global warming; computer programs were developed and used to predict this but there is no scientific data to support it; the average global temperature in 2008 was the same as it was in 1982. Further, the so-called greenhouse gases are misnomers; they actually decrease the earth temperature rather than increase it. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scientists were even caught fudging the data (Climate Gate) so they could show warming.
2) Fine particulate is being sprayed (geoengineering) into the atmosphere to thwart the earth from warming, but no mention of this by our government. In fact, they deny it. The U.S. EPA website calls these strange cloud formations contrails but clearly they are not. This spraying of particulate is being done not only in the United States but also around the world. The minerals, in fine particulate form, being sprayed are harmful to our health.
After extensive research on the subject, there appears to be several spraying programs that are being carried out by our government. The major one is the effort to block solar energy from hitting the earth. The aerosols sprayed by planes to accomplish this effort we have determined are primarily aluminum oxide and high carbon ferromanganese and the tonnages being sprayed are very significant. Other military programs appear to be spraying barium salts for enhanced 3-D imaging. These programs are secretive because of the harm the spraying of these compounds might bring to people’s health. The global cooling program is the area we concentrate on here. As wrong as it may seem, the United States is allowed to conduct such spraying; a law that was passed in 1997 allows this, see Public Law 105 – 85 - Nov. 18, 1997: Use of Human subjects for testing of Chemical or Biological Agents.
Thomas Jefferson, once said, “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent!” Therefore, for the sake of the people of America and the world we decided it was our duty to write this book. We believe we have provided sufficient evidence to support what we are relaying and are writing this little book to bring to light what is going on so we can protect ourselves and our children in the future. This is not a conspiracy book; it is an evaluation of what we have seen with our own eyes, the data that confirms it, and an analysis of what it is telling us.
We need to be alert to our surroundings or in the future we may not have the freedoms we now enjoy. There are many events in recent times that should be causes of great concern to Americans and others around the world; two fairly recent ones are discussed in this book:
1) Carbon dioxide (CO2) causes global warming; computer programs were developed and used to predict this but there is no scientific data to support it; the average global temperature in 2008 was the same as it was in 1982. Further, the so-called greenhouse gases are misnomers; they actually decrease the earth temperature rather than increase it. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scientists were even caught fudging the data (Climate Gate) so they could show warming.
2) Fine particulate is being sprayed (geoengineering) into the atmosphere to thwart the earth from warming, but no mention of this by our government. In fact, they deny it. The U.S. EPA website calls these strange cloud formations contrails but clearly they are not. This spraying of particulate is being done not only in the United States but also around the world. The minerals, in fine particulate form, being sprayed are harmful to our health.
After extensive research on the subject, there appears to be several spraying programs that are being carried out by our government. The major one is the effort to block solar energy from hitting the earth. The aerosols sprayed by planes to accomplish this effort we have determined are primarily aluminum oxide and high carbon ferromanganese and the tonnages being sprayed are very significant. Other military programs appear to be spraying barium salts for enhanced 3-D imaging. These programs are secretive because of the harm the spraying of these compounds might bring to people’s health. The global cooling program is the area we concentrate on here. As wrong as it may seem, the United States is allowed to conduct such spraying; a law that was passed in 1997 allows this, see Public Law 105 – 85 - Nov. 18, 1997: Use of Human subjects for testing of Chemical or Biological Agents.
Thomas Jefferson, once said, “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent!” Therefore, for the sake of the people of America and the world we decided it was our duty to write this book. We believe we have provided sufficient evidence to support what we are relaying and are writing this little book to bring to light what is going on so we can protect ourselves and our children in the future. This is not a conspiracy book; it is an evaluation of what we have seen with our own eyes, the data that confirms it, and an analysis of what it is telling us.
The only husband and wife written book - that said, the guy is a Chemical Engineer with tons of credentials - shows the level of real concern in some families and the disbelief. I can't believe no one had the balls to comment yet on this book or many of the books. Fear? Paranoia?
pub date 10/2013 - Unranked (Kindle)
55 pages and I assume not one sale. Oh, this is written as a piece of FICTION. This is his only other book - a Kindle - written at the end of 2013 -
55 pages and I assume not one sale. Oh, this is written as a piece of FICTION. This is his only other book - a Kindle - written at the end of 2013 -
Alien Acceptance (Alien Acceptance letters - which IMO appears near worthless.
Book Description
The Missing Shoe 4 is about the spraying of a cocktail of toxic substances on the populations of many countries.
pub date 5/2010 - ranked 4.3Million
(Yep - another FICTION approach)
Doctor Doi Hickey has a problem. While working for a major pharmaceutical company he is approached by the government and devises for them a toxic chemical formula to be sprayed out of airplanes. Again, he is employed by the government and designs a plan to blow up buildings to be blamed on foreign terrorists. When the next scheduled in-house act of sabotage is to detonate a nuclear device on U.S. soil, he has had enough and wants out. However, out is not an option for his employers. Doctor Hickey goes on the run and hitches a ride from a major east coast drug-runner, named Dufas Dumbrowski. Together they head out west on a drug filled road trip, where Doctor Hickey gets to see first hand the result of the Chemtrail Project. His carcinogenic mixture is being sprayed everywhere, covering the skies from one end of the country to the other. He attempts to alert an unsuspecting public by reaching out to the controlled mainstream media, only to find that they are not allowed to report on it. Winding up in the mysterious San Luis Valley, in the small town of
Chemtrails, A subject so powerful that Fiction writers hope to be the breakthrough. He has two other cool books too.
(Yep - another FICTION approach)
Doctor Doi Hickey has a problem. While working for a major pharmaceutical company he is approached by the government and devises for them a toxic chemical formula to be sprayed out of airplanes. Again, he is employed by the government and designs a plan to blow up buildings to be blamed on foreign terrorists. When the next scheduled in-house act of sabotage is to detonate a nuclear device on U.S. soil, he has had enough and wants out. However, out is not an option for his employers. Doctor Hickey goes on the run and hitches a ride from a major east coast drug-runner, named Dufas Dumbrowski. Together they head out west on a drug filled road trip, where Doctor Hickey gets to see first hand the result of the Chemtrail Project. His carcinogenic mixture is being sprayed everywhere, covering the skies from one end of the country to the other. He attempts to alert an unsuspecting public by reaching out to the controlled mainstream media, only to find that they are not allowed to report on it. Winding up in the mysterious San Luis Valley, in the small town of
Chemtrails, A subject so powerful that Fiction writers hope to be the breakthrough. He has two other cool books too.
pub date 12/2013 - ranked 775k - (Kindle)
I think the below will give you an idea about the quality of this disinfo pushback:
I think the below will give you an idea about the quality of this disinfo pushback:
Book Description
INSIDE: Get FREE Akashic Records Summaries and PDF version!
That's right - Order this Book and get ALL the summaries (we call them Profundities) of every session, every week totally FREE (and receive this book in pdf format too!)READER REVIEWS
- "Aingeal Rose & AHONU, you are the best teachers ever. I have learned so much from the Akashic Records sessions and from studying with you."
- "I love reading your Akashic Records summaries because they reassure me I am not mad!"
- "As a practitioner of Chinese Medicine & Teacher of Esoteric Studies, it is wonderful to have this help to continue with my own growth."
- "The benefits I have received with Aingeal Rose and AHONU are really immeasurable!"
- "Great books! Great sessions! All of them!"
From Bestselling "A Time of Change" Author Aingeal Rose and Visionary Artist AHONU
In this book "Answers From The Akashic Records - Never before-heard answers from the Akashic Records Volume 1" Akashic Records Authorities and Best-Selling authors Aingeal Rose & AHONU answers big questions about:- Chemtrails, Drugs, EMFs
- Entities, Healing, Paradise Earth
- Pulsing, Suicide, Time
Much more similar crappola can be found at either authors overview page.
pub date 12/2011 - ranked 4.0Million

"Mom...What's a Chemtrail?" is a funny and offbeat look at conspiracy theories and doomsday theories.
It looks like a children's picture book...but it isn't.
It is meant to be fun and lighthearted, even if the subject matter tends not to be.
Written and illustrated by Greg Willis
"Mom...What's a Chemtrail?" is a funny and offbeat look at conspiracy theories and doomsday theories.
It looks like a children's picture book...but it isn't.
It is meant to be fun and lighthearted, even if the subject matter tends not to be.
Written and illustrated by Greg Willis
By Toni on January 31, 2012
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
I got this book because i read about conspiracy theories, and if you believe in them or not-it's a good read!
The drawings are fantastic and are a big part of the hilarity of this book. It was well written in the view point of a kid, as if it was a children's book, yet deals with the issues of what some people really fear.
I loved it!
Greg has one other book where he features his illustrative skills.
pub date 2/2014 - Unranked (Kindle)
41 pages, no copies sold: (crazy price of 9.99)
Has a number of `alien' Kindle books since 2013. Overall, crappola.
41 pages, no copies sold: (crazy price of 9.99)
Has a number of `alien' Kindle books since 2013. Overall, crappola.
Book Description
Chemtrails are as real as bio chemical warfare.
Let's imagine just for a moment that the zombie apocalypse is caused by chemtrails. That the air we breathe is that poisonous. If you can imagine that then, you are on the right track.
Let's imagine just for a moment that the zombie apocalypse is caused by chemtrails. That the air we breathe is that poisonous. If you can imagine that then, you are on the right track.
pub date 6/2012 - ranked 1.8Million (Kindle)
Book Description
The Story of the Disclosure of Hidden Truths About the Global Crime of Chemistry in the Atmosphere - Part 1
As I surmised, there were three men with ties in the second SUV U.S. officials on the talks, the three who have left in the third, the Italians, the trinity, which has withdrawn from the fifth, they were - Slovenes. All I immediately recognized, because I have seen on television a day, so I was not surprised. I was surprised only that they are strong people to the concepts of Slovenia, found themselves together, because you are not exactly the most loving - or just play for us, the audience.
In addition to drivers was evident in every car with pudding in one security guard, the other three cars and even after three. When I watched this handshake between the leaders who decide whether or not we Slovenians died earlier than they would otherwise, I became increasingly ill and severely in the stomach...
As I surmised, there were three men with ties in the second SUV U.S. officials on the talks, the three who have left in the third, the Italians, the trinity, which has withdrawn from the fifth, they were - Slovenes. All I immediately recognized, because I have seen on television a day, so I was not surprised. I was surprised only that they are strong people to the concepts of Slovenia, found themselves together, because you are not exactly the most loving - or just play for us, the audience.
In addition to drivers was evident in every car with pudding in one security guard, the other three cars and even after three. When I watched this handshake between the leaders who decide whether or not we Slovenians died earlier than they would otherwise, I became increasingly ill and severely in the stomach...
May I assume that not much was lost in the translation above? FICTION.
pub date 8/2005 - ranked 7.4Million
(In German)
(In German)
pub date 4/2002 - ranked 4.4Million
Book Description
The existence of UFOs is a phenomenon that intrigues and captivates, yet it generates more scepticism than acceptance. Witnesses of unconventional craft are often disbelieved and even ridiculed. Belief in the existence of UFOs is obviously not yet mainstream, but that may one day change. Over the past few decades, reports of UFO sightings have dramatically increased in North America. Further, these sightings have been observed to be more blatant and even menacing. Some reports even imply that these craft are monitoring our planet. This book explores the details of numerous sightings from a scientific viewpoint, including descriptions of craft, luminous sheaths and fireballs. Johnstone suggests that military and government agencies have the ability to manipulate weather electromagnetically and with chemtrails to deter unconventional craft. This hypothesis also explains erratic changes in the weather in the last few years. Is the US government creating a weather shield to deter UFOs from entering the earth's atmosphere? Take a look at the evidence.
This is the guys only book - 12 years, no comments.... it's far-fetched to say the least and is obviously caught up and influenced by the HAARP book of 10/2000. His cover in 2002 if it is the original is one of the first with the now famous Chemtrail X's (that they make in the sky).
pub date 1/2003 - ranked 13.2Million
There is NO info about this book, no descripton, no comments, etc..... It's hard to tell if this is his only book but I think so.
Yes, the first use of the word Chemtrails was in this 1991 Air Force class manual - one problem - didn't have to do a damn thing with Chemtrails. All the classes were called trails and this was the Chemistry class - end of conspiracy.
Chemtrails: Chemistry 141 & 142, Fourth Edition CB (Applications & Concepts in Chemistry)
(the above is 156 dollars - two available)
ranked 6.6 million
There is NO info about this book, no descripton, no comments, etc..... It's hard to tell if this is his only book but I think so.
Yes, the first use of the word Chemtrails was in this 1991 Air Force class manual - one problem - didn't have to do a damn thing with Chemtrails. All the classes were called trails and this was the Chemistry class - end of conspiracy.
Chemtrails: Chemistry 141 & 142, Fourth Edition CB (Applications & Concepts in Chemistry)
(the above is 156 dollars - two available)
ranked 6.6 million
Chemtrails, Chemistry 131 manual, fall 1991 : course policies and laboratory manual (SuDoc D 305.19:C 42/2) Unknown Binding – January 1, 1991 (airforce)
UDCC - The Rest Of The Story