I'll first bring you the double report from Ault Colorado one dated 4-10-55 and the other 8-10-55 (not sure why as it is simply a continuation I believe that is being told... regardless a minor point) which happened to a boy with of five with some big responsibilities.
Report 1-2
this report also lists Eaton Colorado
Report submitted 9-21-2006
Short Description
bright yellowish and redish orange to sold white when on ground
full report shown below
near our farm very large object oval shaped white in color when not in air tripod landing gear it landed on the road in front of me at about 4:30 P.M. in was five years old at the time and it was my job each day to go out to the field to bring in the cows for my dad to milk, as my brothers and grand father started to feed the rest of the live stock, as i walked up the road i saw something coming down from the sky i was facing the east towards the hills it changed colors many times from bright redish orange to sold white when it landed just up the road from me it made no sounds at all other then i could feel the warmth of it but when it turned white it was cool to the touch, i was,nt scared at all i don't know why but i was,nt the next thing i remembered two people csme towards me and stood in front of me the one in the blue shirt and white pants put his hand out to me and we walk to his door way on the right side of this thing and we were inside next thing i remember i was standing in the road with my cowboy boots in my hand, and my grandfather running up to me asking were i had been i told him right here and this plane landed he told me that the whole town was looking for me it was now 1:30 in the morning 9 and half hours later, when i tryed to tell my grandfather what happenend he told me to be quite and say nothing, and one day he would talk to me about it, but if i said anything the shariff would take me away and i would not see my family agin, years later now and ive had the dreams and remember things what happened inside ect,just befor my grandfather passed away we talked about that night and he said how he found me was he was walking to the shad and saw this very brite lite on the road and went to see if one of the searchers cars had found me when he to saw this thing lift into the air and in the light on the road saw me standing there with my cowboy boots in my hand he asked why i had taken my boots off and i told him they said i had to go i did,nt have time to put them on as my feet needed to dry first that was from the other man on the craft the last i saw of it was when it lifted into the air changed colors and was gone in a flash over the years five times ive seen the same craft not up close but always from a distance its been52 years now and befor i pass away i felt i should tell some one it doesnt matter weather you beleave me or not it did happen but the last few years i tryed to find answers thank you marty minetto |
Long Description of Sighting Report |
I,am sorry i have to start over as just as i finished this my computer crashed and i lost everything, as we walk down dirt road a strong gust of wind came and as fast stopped when i looked up there was this thing in the middle of the road, my grandfather picked me up and told me not to be afraid, no one was going to hurt us, at the time i did,nt know the meaning of what he just, until later in my life, as we stood there 3 people came toeards us one went stright to my grandfather and sain something i did not understand and i asked papa what he said and papa said it was the old talk from were he and grandma came from, then he said i was to go with this man and he and i papa were going in side to look around i was not afraid i don,nt know why but i really felt no fear. as we went in side the man walked over to a small shelf a took this ring with red and blue lites on it and put it on my head and then he talked to me and i understood everything he said, i could feel the craft was moveing but it was so soft a move i had to ask him if we were moving and he said for quite some time would i like to look around with him thats when i noticed papa was not with us and i asked him where he was and he said with friends and would be with us soon, i told him i wanted to grow up and be a pilot some day and he took me to this big room where it made a load humming noise he said this was what made his plane fly called forced magneect pluse energy i asked him where he came from and he said between his time and ours that they are a good people and one day i would understand but not now the we went up this hall way into anther room and i told him could i have something to drink and he gave me this water that was diffrent but very good and he showed me if i pinched the glass in this spot watch what would happen i did and the glass turened cold i asked if i could keep it and he said no it had to stay here and then he said lets go to your grandfather, as we walked there where so many people walking around you had to stay next to wall so you didn't get stepped on, as i look back oner the years this was a huge craft as long as a football field, all the people there looked like us then i say papa and he took me into his arms and took this thing i had on my head off and gave it to the man i had been with, the net thig was i felt a bumb and papa and i walked on to the dirt road but it was very dark out papa turned to me and said never tell anyone about this or he would go to jail and my mom and dad to i could only talk to him and if i need to i was to say papa will you read me a book just the i noticed this thing was gone and we stared to walk when a car came up yhe road and the man asked if he was samule johnson he said yes and he started talking i found them i found next there were cars coming from every were, as the years went by my papa and i talked a lot but some things he would not answer just befor his passing he told me not to worry that i was going to see somthing so wonderful it would change my life, until now i have honorned his wish but iam getting older and i felt i needed to tell some one i have so much more to tell but i just don't know if anyone would belive me i wish i could talk to some one like stan freid man thank you for aleast readind this |
As Clockers know... seeing the UFO phenomena (orbs) multiple times in a lifetime is not unheard of.... but the report above.. to me.. IMO.. ONLY mentions `people' as the entity' associated with the UFO craft... much of this reads like implanted dreams from a strong imagination over a lifetime of what apparently was a possible runaway boy (perhaps late on his chores?).
Report Two
yet another 5 year old boy
Report Submitted 6-20-2015
Short Description
was numb-had needle thrust into upper forehead
Long Description
I was 5 years old and was staying overnight at my sisters house. I had gone to bed in the living room floor lying on the floor when I was awaken or just woke up and I saw this thing coming at me from behind my head.the thing was it look like it was crawling but it had a big needle in front of it. I couldn't tell if it was crawling or walking but it was very short.I was petrified but the one thing that I noticed was that I could not move, I was literally paralyzed. I kept thinking it was a dream even though I could not move I could not move a muscle and I watch the needle coming toward my head. I still thought it was a dream but the only movement I could make was the tilt my head backwards watching it come toward me and I saw the needle pointing toward the top of my forehead and then I felt it penetrate the top of my forehead.still thinking this was a dream the pain was excruciating and scared me to death.I felt the needle penetrating my foreheadat which point I believed this had to be realbut I was powerless to move.at this point I jumped up nobody was there I was screaming and ran into my sister's bedroom telling her what I saw of which she told me to go back to bed that it was just a dream and I will describe what I saw.remember I was only five and I knew nothing of UFOsand the only way I could describe what I saw was a game that I used to play which was a game called cooties. it had huge pure black eyes elongatedand I remember it was short. it wasn't until I was a teenager and I saw an article about the Hill encounter then I realized what I saw was exactly what they saw. I felt the needle penetrate my headbut again I had nothing to related to except for the game kudi until I saw the encounter by the Hills.I am now 65 years old and what still astounds me is the fact that I felt that needle go into my forehead the top of my forehead which is what scared me the most and I was paralyzed I could not move. I never told anybody about it because I didn't know what I saw I dunno what I felt but as my sister said it was only a dream to this day I do not believe it was a dream.there was intense pain and I could not moveI felt the needle penetrate I felt it penetrate into the top of my forehead.I have had one other encounter many many many years later but nothing related to thisbut I can talk to you about that at another time |
Sleep paralysis is a common explanation for most of these perceptions by most rational folks as I'm sure Clockers know.... especially for the mind level of 5 year olds.... indeed, I was 3 myself in 1955 and I know that by 1957 I had a `walking robot' about 18 inches high as a toy. I vaguely remember it starting up one night and being frightened by it. Anyway... except for the `thing' with `black elongated eyes' ... this report leaves nothing but holes and certainly lacks even any confirmation from the much older sister.
Report Three
Report Submitted 7-10-2006
Short Description
3 ufos were above my house approx.1000ft.
Long Description
i saw one alien in1955 outside of my house for 2 miutes aprox.he was 4 to 5ft. dark gray thin legs and arms and very big head big eyes and no hair ,i was so terrorized speechless,at that time iwas living with my granparents outside of del rio tx. city limits ,one night before a lot of people witnessed severeal ufos over laughling air force 6miles east of del rio tx.my family included...i have seen too many ufos all my life in del rio area,i said nothing because nobody is going to beliveme
As you can see below... Del Rio was also associated with a UFO crash at a later date...perhaps. Oh...two minutes..did they vanish? Another youngster who at the time was NOT with his parents - always a potential scary experience at age 5 perhaps. And, why not ONE word about the short description? I mean THREE UFO's (or could this be three orbs in sky?) and not a word about that? Dear lord...was a slippery slope. That said, we once again have a gray thin legs, very big head and eyes - 4 to 5 foot alien (or something bigger than a five year old kid) - this alien not dressed in white pants btw.
Jerry Lee Lewis 1950's White Pants Too

Jerry Lee Lewis...looking scary to some
As you can see below... Del Rio was also associated with a UFO crash at a later date...perhaps. Oh...two minutes..did they vanish? Another youngster who at the time was NOT with his parents - always a potential scary experience at age 5 perhaps. And, why not ONE word about the short description? I mean THREE UFO's (or could this be three orbs in sky?) and not a word about that? Dear lord...was a slippery slope. That said, we once again have a gray thin legs, very big head and eyes - 4 to 5 foot alien (or something bigger than a five year old kid) - this alien not dressed in white pants btw.
Jerry Lee Lewis 1950's White Pants Too
Jerry Lee Lewis...looking scary to some
More Reading
1957 UFO Incident-Crash (with Aliens) Near Del Rio
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