Hello Clockers - to the bin and the postings of Ken Pfeifer.
Excerpts Mainly - Red Is My Emphasis
The Following Websites Are The Basis Of Today's Content
SEPTEMBER 20, 1973 ........ EARTH ORBIT
This presentation begins with a brief history of NASA's "Skylab" program before focusing on a bizarre UFO encounter that occurred on September 20th, 1973, during Flight Day 55 of the Skylab III (SLM-2) mission. This UFO encounter can be classified as a highly credible case as it was witnessed by all three Skylab crew members, with the astronauts observing and photographing the unidentified object for at least a 10-minute period before both Skylab and the UFO crossed the sunset terminator into darkness and visual contact was finally lost.....
The Photos
To me, and IMO, these `things' are very orbish and probably represent the `life in the space vacuum' similar to the `lifeforms' that seem to have photographed near one of Saturn's moons. I do NOT think these are `alien space-craft' of any sort. Entities, yes - space craft - improbable to me. That is unless you want to vastly increase the term `space craft'.
Here's Another
In July, 1976 a friend and I, who is now a dentist and a no nonsense kind of guy, were cruising between Lincoln and Auburn, CA on a quiet country road. We drove over the top of a hilly road and we were descending I noticed a bright bluish-white light shining down on the road about 200 yards in front of us. It was coming from a point over a large group of scrub oak trees. The trees came to a point over the road creating a canapé effect over the road. What was strange is there were no street lights and none of the light shining down on the road was being blocked out by the trees. As we approached the light my car began to sputter and lost power, then the headlights went out. As we were approaching the light I was flashing my bright lights on and off before the car shut down. As soon as the car rolled to a stop, I opened the door to step out... the light disappeared while leaves were floating down below where the light had been falling onto the road in front of us. During July in the Sacramento valley it is still about 80 degrees with no wind. It gets very hot here in the summer. The thing that really shocked me was 4 days later we took 2 of our cats to the vets, which was about 3 miles out of town. When the vet drove up he was acting confused and was stuttering, which he did when he got excited. He had been called out to a ranch to look at a dead cow. He explained to me and my mom that the cow had been cut up in a very strange way with a missing eye ball, utter and entrails. It's hind quarters had been drilled or board out. He also said there were no flies, no bugs and no predator bite marks anywhere on the cow. The cow was located 50 yards from the very spot we saw the lights over the trees. My doctor friend said his mother was upset with him for getting home so late the night we saw the lights. However we were only out there in the country for an hour and a half. He claims it was 4am when we got home. After dropping him off that night, I was really tired and just went home to bed and didn't pay any attention to the time. He claims we lost 3 hours. To this day I have no idea what we saw or what happened. He refuses to talk about it with me or to anyone else.
Great Story including the often typical phenomena when in too close proximity to the UFO phenomena. As we see again the refusal to talk about what is beyond comprehension is not unusual.... or the losing power..... (which is very rare these days but not in1970's UFO lore and expectations) .... or the potential of actions at these strange scenes of contact.
How about another? Thank you sir.
8/24/2014 - During a later-than-normal exercise walk I was prompted to notice a small, glowing, weird rod-shaped object hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground in the flimsy, leafy, outer branches of a large tree behind a house in my tranquil, heavily-wooded suburban neighborhood of Stratford Hills in Richmond, Virginia. I'm 54 years old and I've been walking this route nearly every day for ten years and what I beheld at 11:33 p.m. on a very quiet Sunday night was abnormal and totally out-of-place! Most of my neighbors probably were in bed. I was fortunate to view the mysterious glowing object that seemed to be hiding up in the tree and I partially attribute my good fortune to the fact that it was a new moon - the darknest night of the month! The silent UFO first was rod-shaped with a glowing blue light on the left end and a pinkish-violet light on the right end. It was hovering horizontally in a place where a human could not be. It was not a new-fangled bug zapper and there are no cable-TV or electric lines running near the tree and definitely not at that height. No logic for the uncanny faintly-glowing lights in the tree. So I stopped and shot video with my iPhone 4S but with no zoom in vid mode I switched to still-shot so I could peer closer. I took 30 pics spanning about ten minutes and during this time the small anomalous cylindrical UFO/entity morphed into an orb which sometimes appeared cobalt-blue and other times violet with a freaky purplish core. Then it morphed back into a rod that was more white colored and appeared to be segmented, reminiscent of a bacterial rod under a microscope. This flying object ain't one of ours - NOT a drone, stealth bomber, planet Venus, or swamp gas. I did not hear any sounds coming from the object that night but later when I downloaded the video I was surprised to discover that my iPhone had picked up some intriguing clicking noises and when I showed the video to my neighbor S-- she said "It sounds like Morse code." So far, I have not shared this with the people who live in the house where the sighting took place because I did not want to run the risk of freaking them out, but coincidentally enough, they started leaving their back-porch floodlights on immediately in the wake of me seeing the UFO in their backyard. I did, however, tell one of their male neighbors and B----- agreed with me that maybe his neighbors who live in the house in question saw the object too and it spooked them? I've been watching for the UFO/entity ever since during my exercise walks but no encore yet, and I wasn't even going to submit a report because I didn't know whether this clicking, glowing, morphing rod/orb was an "alien/UFO" or spiritual entity, but then some other odd "occurrences" came to my attention that made me change my college-educated mind: .......
The report goes on to site a couple events of a similar nature around the same time period... but, he ended his report about this UFO phenomena....
Last but not least, a couple of weeks after my "close encounter" in Richmond, Virginia USA I was prompted to discover a seemingly-credible YouTube video of a small blue-pinkish-violet rod-shaped UFO that a man and woman in Ontario Canada videoed while sitting around a campground firepit and the anomalous silent hovering object looks uncannily similar to the UFO that I photographed in Richmond, VA when it was in "rod mode." The Ontario sighting was on August 20, 2014, only four days before my sighting in Virginia, and the Canadian couple was prompted to upload their video to YouTube on August 24 which synchronistically was the same day as my sighting!
Here were the pictures he submitted to MUFON
second photo

Then I did some REAL UFO blogging and found the said video from Ontario Canada - see it below:
2K Views, 10/1 Positive To Negative
I'm less than impressed overall with the above honest video as it could certainly be police lights or such ... it seems far far away... whereas the MUFON report is of a close up Orb IMO.
More about UFOCoin
UFO Coin is an experimental decentralized virtual currency based on the Bitcoin protocol. It offers safe and fast peer to peer transactions at extremely low fees enabling trade without the need of a third party.
The Agenda
Our goal is to help and promote innovative globally conscious research projects* like:
- alternative energy research
- technology research
- UFO disclosure and awareness
- etc..
Soon the community will be able to directly take part in the choosing of what projects to help through voting and crowd funding.
- Click the Record tab to capture your story via your web cam and have it automatically uploaded, or
- Click the Upload tab to send us an existing video or file you previously
- To receive your bounty download a UFO coin wallet and send us your address. Bounties start at 5,000 UFO and can go up dramatically after we peer review them
UFO Team
Today's value 11/8/14, 11AM
yeah, my calculator indicates that payments, 5000 UFOCoin is worth today... EIGHT CENTS at least today ===========
So, a funded source to pay for UFO stories? Progress?
There are a number of UFO stories up already - the payment doesn't seem like much if I read the site right - perhaps at a later point of time. Now, the faces identified with this?
Christina Knowles
Foundation Director
Christina has served as Massachusetts State Director with International Community for Alien Research (ICAR). Lead Investigator with the Xperiencers T.V. series in collaboration with the John E. Mack Institute. On the board of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in Orange County, CA. She is also known for numerous appearances on nationally syndicated radio programs and Indigo Films TV documentary, “Alien Abductions: True Confessions”.
Enrique Delgado
Foundation Organizer
Enrique brings 30 years of IT development with many international engagements. He indulges his passion for ufology, crypto currency technologies and conscious capitalism. He is founder of Miami International Bitcoin, Miami/Ft Laud UFO Awareness Group and co founder of CEF Foundation a 501c(6) non profit incubating altrustic community ventures. He is tasked with soliciting support and building strategic alliances to further the UFO Coin mission.
Clockers are well aware of my views on the `bedroom alien abduction' experience.... who IMO seems to be the positioned head of this collaborative effort. So, we can EXPECT the FANTASTIC to be the norm probably. With little to no proof of the statements and claims. That said, perhaps IF the Orb phenomena is PUSHED as the real UFO experience... as at least one video shows on their page so far... then perhaps that has a chance. Nothing new to Clockers if that is the case. So, it looks almost like a sophisticated crowd funding, KickStarter like, method to fund some shows and find some `weak proof' that will be panned by the MSM. A place for readers of the UFO phenomena to place a few of their UFO dollars. I bet the Exopolitics folks are jealous. (although this is about the same IMO.)
And, you'll remember the day that you could have bought 100k of them for less than 2 bucks.
UFO Disclosure = Ludicrous Foes
red as always is my emphasis
* gobbledygook warning
Dig Into The Archive This Weekend