Now, interestingly, .... my friend has had a VERY strong interest in making a movie (really selling a movie idea) for some period of time... so he was immediately interested in this person... a male.... who had a background story with very little internet history..... and who had NO ONE show up for his meeting in the room (oh, no, he didn't advertise or speak with anyone about it - he simply was `told' to hold a meeting in that room at that time) .... except for my friend.
Over the next few weeks, ... at the same time and in the same room, my buddy got together with and began to hear the strange outlandish tale of the mysterious stranger ....who began talking about ideas/visions/communications with alien entities.... all dialog from the standard `alternative universe' higher vibrations crowd of folks... his communication was coming from places like the Pleiades and such... the same stuff we've all heard endless times in the lead up to the Ascension of mankind in 2012.... you do remember that right?
But, this was a message with a bit of a twist.... this guy... was supposed to MAKE A MOVIE about how he was to lead the world in a new religion (before the return of the aliens I assume)... a uniting of all five of the branches of religion. And, lo and behold.... my buddy evidently was the person to bring the ideas of this man to video.... on last Thursday... 50 minutes worth I'm told (but having problems with formatting to get it to YouTube).... IF the video becomes available.... you will see it here first.... all is on schedule...... right.
As Rocky Said To Bullwinkle
now to something you'll really enjoy
I'd be happy to hear of any of the above worth watching via the comments.

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