How are these `facts' supposed to be put into perspective in a nation which espouses the position that humans and aliens have never interacted (see sidebar for 2011 official position of the US Government)? -------------- Carefully is the `answer' IMO.
First, the object seen/photographed by the fighter jet over Italy does indicate that Earth and `our space objects' (such as Fighter Jets) may indeed be under surveillance by probes of probable artificial construction. To me, in a universe filled with space and intelligence - and as something living on the MOST interesting `planet' (space) within 100 Trillion Miles at the minimum - I do not find it very improbable at all that intelligent probes have been sent out to collect data on planets with characteristics such as Earth.
Likewise, the `evidence' of the ocean floor markings over hundreds of miles, by what truly LOOKS LIKE a MINING MACHINE pattern - is almost beyond question IMO. Truly mindblowing and something we only recently as humans would have the technology to ferret out such data and pictures. This is NEW information that we need to assimilate in some fashion as to our understandings of what may have happened on the planets surface in the so called `distant past'. Indeed, is it really that improbable that our planet would be `used' in such a fashion when we really are a pretty unique spot within such a HUGE swath of space?
Indeed, speaking of `machines' isn't it likely that some distant `human based intelligence' would unleash a `self-correcting machine' into the universe to explore and thrive? A `machine' that knew it had to `mine' to rebuild itself on some scale? A machine that could grow beyond our wildest fantasies?
But, most folks aren't thinking `machines' when they are thinking about `aliens' - even if `machines' may well represent the vast majority of the `physical' side of `alien craft' that we perceive. No, `Earthlings' when they think of aliens are thinking of ontological physical beings - and the `evidence' for `them aliens' is quite limited - as is the `evidence' sited above for the `machine aliens'. (That said, evidence of both does exist and it is worth repeating that - evidence does exist.) Indeed, about the only `evidence' I've seen of `physical aliens' are the Area 51 alien video and the other very similar looking alien video released about a year ago. (Just before I was interviewed by L.A. Marzulli - who asked it as his first question.)
Indeed, let's take it as serious that those two videos are indeed some real physical non-Earthly creatures - that somehow have finally had videos come to the surface for probable unintended distribution to the world. What are we to make of what looks to be decades old film? Might it mean that such creatures are VERY LIMITED? (Then again, what % is it that we are LIKELY to `catch' in any fashion?) Does even two mean that they are numbered in the thousands?
Might a couple thousand `aliens' be what all the fuss is about; aliens that may live under our oceans or in other alien constructed areas in our local solar system or on our planet? Might these couple thousand aliens be indeed responsible for the `animal mutilations' (for whatever reason)? Or, for the EXTREMELY limited (IMO) real `alien abductions'? Or, for the also extremely limited physical `alien sightings'.
That is, EXCEPT for the `subjective aliens'. The individual `aliens' that `speak' into the minds of individual humans. The `aliens' that speak as a collective consciousness `from' one place or another on our Galactic Map - perhaps even appearing in some temporal fashion momentarily. (But have some non-material characteristics, including non-persistance.) Aliens NOT of our space imposing themselves into our time. Aliens that also may be able to abduct the space of a human - even if it is mental space. The aliens that are impossible to `prove'.
And, might the `subjective' aliens - be nearly universal? Possibly limitless? Perhaps everywhere and everywhen - and beckoned by the attention and forces of consciousness - such as that possessed by humans? Humans that are the MOST INTERESTING space on the MOST INTERESTING planet within hundreds of Trillions of miles? Might these most subjective of aliens involved with humans perhaps be what Orbs are? The `form' of `subjective aliens'? The `potential space' of nearly unlimited subjective power?
Just a thought exercise - thanks for reading. Comments are welcome as always.
My thanks to the purchasers of both of my `Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000's' Kindle Books - yesterday. Appreciated. Both are below:
Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2008 Stephenville UFO Events (The Heavy Stuff)
Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2006 O'Hare UFO Airport Incident (The Heavy Stuff)
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