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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

On Kickstarter - The True Story Of Bob Lazar

I won't insult folks by going into the various info and disinfo that has been propelled around about BL... let it be said that his website is now promoting his version of events from the 1900's about what is known as Area 51. When I looked at the KickStarter page it was attempting to raise 1.1 million and had raised a hundred bucks. Nonetheless... this portrayal of what he says occurred with aliens on Earth,  and how a UFO (flying saucer) operates (somewhat similar to what others have come forward with as far as the raw physics) is very interesting and forms the basis of what many propagate as the truth about the alien presence on Earth..... to which I say not so fast.
(had a paisley shirt like this once)

Okay Okay.. I'll say a few words... you're aware that at some point the government pinned child porn charges on him or something like that.... which in itself... IMO.. seems suspicious... like they needed to discredit him..... that said, I do believe that at least part of what he says is total concoction... and it has been suggested at one point that his story elaborated from the initial alien disk story when he wanted to get funding from Bigelow for some endeavor that I've tried successfully to put out of my mind..... yeah, IMO you have reason to doubt this fullness of this story... but not dismiss some things of course... he worked there... he's smart and had inside info... the government IMO probably has `disks' IMO and probably only a few at most IMO... so that fits too.... now the aliens alive and rebelling and going to return type crappola..... welllllll.

We'll keep you informed - OH - one more person has chucked some money into the Kickstarter total... it's now 166 dollars of the 1.1 million - 58 days to go --- (hey take that 10 bucks and get into the bitcoin thing via Coinbase is my advice).
UFO Disclosure = Ludicrous Foes
check it out and share, thanks.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Drone Flyer Spots Daytime Dancing Orbs In Jacksonville Florida Yesterday (Sunday)

Well well well, those hated RC's - from looking up - may be an increasing sourse of the daytime UFO phenomena - and, in the latest MUFON reports with pics and video... his report of the orbs jumping around is interesting and would seemingly rule out other possible `normal' explanations.... (balloons and other RC's) --- Cluster Orbs are rare... if this is real and not balloons... 2015 could bode well for UFO reports.

Here's one of three pics submitted with the MUFON report

Here's the MUFON Report
I was outside flying my quadcopter so I was looking up and saw a large group of objects that appeared very strange. I watched for a minute or so and when I could clearly see them changing directions I ran to grab my cell phone. I zoomed in with my cell phone as much as possible and recorded them until they were gone. They were very shiny objects all moving in a similar direction but constantly changing direction around each other even backwards, almost like they were dancing or playing. When the sun would reflect off of them they shined almost like stars in the sky which aided in their directional changes to be seen. There was no sound whatsoever. I know for a fact that aircraft can not move like these objects and they definitely were not balloons, balloons can't go backwards large distances or backwards at all. I assume they were around cloud height in the sky and were moving at a fast speed. I took some stills from the video as well.
The other two pictures in this case I've posted into my Subreddit at Strange State UFO... link is at the top of this page.
There is also the video in this case but it exceeds Google's limits in size by a small amount. (I may put it on the UDCC Facebook page if that works in size.)  It also is at my Reddit subreddit... but here's the link directly too. It's 1 minute and 11 seconds long and really doesn't focus in until about the 35 second mark and beyond. It's an interesting experience and video... anyone else in Jacksonville see this?
The Uncanny Connection Between Two Facts Tied To The Number
4.5 Billion 
Leads To A Revelation
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Sunday, January 25, 2015

`My Name Is Zon'

So, like I did with the last State UFO blog update.. in Michigan.. today I dug in Pennsylvania.. looking at accounts submitted to MUFON only in 2014 about UFO events between 1930-1999...Pennsylvania UFO Strangeness to find the reports that folks simply had to get off their chests so to speak... and once again... you will NOT be disappointed in the least... This time we begin in the 1940's, 1949 to be exact..... but, the reason for today's post in one that you will NOT find in the PA review... as this one was too special to let simply sit in the State UFO blogging series... this one needed to be read by a larger audience and specifically shows how the same characteristics being reported today of communicating with Orb via flashing lights at them.... this one too provides the ultimate confirmation `answer' when communicating with humans..... providing it's name ` ZON '. You gotta love it. The tale includes the near MIB experience too.

When this sighting took place is not very specific in my memory, I feel
it was mid October or early November of 1981 or
1982. At that time in my life, I
owned and operated a taxi cab in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. At
around 3:00
AM a gentleman engaged me to transport him to the Sheraton Hotel
in Valley Forge,about a 25 mile trip, we agreed on the
price, then drove him
there. After dropping him off I looked at my watch to note thefare and time
in my trip log, it was
around 3:25 AM. My day driver started at 5:00 AM, he
lived on the other side of the city, which gave me some time before I
had to
pick him up. I decided to stop and buy a take out coffee, then drive to his
house. The quickest way to the city is
on route 76 East, (Schuylkill
Expressway). somewhere between Conshohocken and the Belmont exits I noticed a
very bright
light in the northeastern sky that seemed to be floating in one spot. I thought whyis a traffic helicopter out this early
in the morning,
maybe a bad accident in front of me? I called on the CB radio and asked if a traffic
jam was down the road,
a truck driver answered me and said he didn't hear of
any, I then found out he was behind me about 1/4 mile. As I got
closer to the
light I slowed down to get a better look at it, (about 45 MPH) now I could
see smaller lights around the
bottom of this craft, flashing green, blue,
red. I asked the truck driver if he saw the bright light out his left hand

Then he told me he was looking at a very bright disk with little lights
flashing on the bottom. As I neared the
area of the light I pulled over on
the shoulder of the highway, just below and south of it.I was just above the Speing
Garden Street exit, my position was south and across from the Philadelphia Art Musuam almost under a stone railroad btidge.
Just then a truck
passed me, and asked me on the CB if I was ok. I told him yes and asked if he
would report what we were
seeing. "NO WAY!" was his answer.

When I rolled down my window to hear the whir of the rotor blades, it
then hit me that
there wasn't any noise coming from this object. For some
reason I picked up the spot light I use to locate house numbers,
flashing it
at the UFO, the craft flashed back from a smaller light in the very bottom
center. It was mimicking me, ok
lets try something here, flashing in Morse
Code the word "HI" it flashed back "HI". It must be a program to repeat back
the sender. So then I flashed "My name is Chalie". What I expected to receive
and didn't is why I'll remember this for the
rest of my life. They
transmitted back to me "My name is Zon".

Now I can find out where they are from, looking back at the
object it wasI
GONE! I scanned the sky and never saw it again. Stunned and shaking I used
the mobile phone to report what
just happened. Three days later two men from
the government, (their words) interviewed me and told me someone would be

calling me to check on my sighting. To this day no one has ever called or
asked about it. 

My Kindle Author Page
I know folks like to come to UDCC and see some UFO videos... right? So, I recently found this guys video for his MUFON case on YouTube... one way to make sure it doesn't vanish. Anyway it's in New Hampshire... 

Published on Dec 5, 2014

As a private pilot this caught my eye. It is not a plane on approach as it was stationary for 10 mins. Clearly in front of and below the low cloud deck. No sound. Non-legal strobe pattern as well. At the end, using the red blinking towers for reference, you can see the object make a few sudden back and forth and some slight up and down movements. These are not intentional camera movements. Location would be approximately over the Waste Management landfill in Rochester, NH.
Amazon Unlimited Friendly

Friday, January 23, 2015

Low Fly Orbs - New Hampshire Orb Spotter-Caller-Videographer

On YouTube there is a channel called Low Fly Orbs of an individual evidently being `harrassed' (to use the recent posting suggesting that was a goal of UFO's identified in the 1950s) by seeing Orbs frequently. Now, I had this marked for almost two years and haven't covered this person yet, but in re-checking it certainly seems worthy of the readership here. The phenomena does seem to have slowed down for them. A bit.

Hollis NH
all of 20 views
Published on Jan 1, 2015
Early morning several bright colored orbs were seen over a residential neighborhood near the border of Hollis and Nashua, NH. After seeing them for about an hour the one that I believe is the "finder" came very low and hovered for a while over a general store. I pointed it out to several people who were amazed as they watched it hover over the store. It began to ascend and move north and I began filming I let the camera roll for about 25 minutes.

Several times in the first two minutes you see the Orb split BTW.... which it rarely to never does the next 10 minutes.. this video is one of the few that is tracking an Orb as dawn is breaking as you can see by the 12:36 minute mark (watch it at this point of time and you will see the CLASSIC orb over the next 10 seconds or so)

What's going on near Hollis New Hampshire, right?

but, as I've indicated he has many videos, especially from over a year ago including ones quite weird.
This is one of the comments at the `discussion page' for Low Fly Orbs.. WHO NEVER COMMENTS...

those orbs are 100% real and for the last 3 months ive been watching them daily with over 100 people seeing them as well.,i know a great deal of them now and know there capabilities.,they can be very high and recently have come to ground level.i know they can go transparent.i know they can take on different colors and figures...they know we watch them.daily....theres a lot more we know but this should give you a good idea that we know they are there also...sept 15/2013.
Published on Jun 8, 2013
This is the aircraft Beck talked about in the past spying on his family. This drone appeared over the town of Loudon, NH and was observed hovering very high over the village for hours. Apparently the drone was documenting the activities of the people of Loudon. Eventually the drone came down to tree top level and was then observed flying below the trees, in and out of back yards. It would fly high over the trees and then come down just off the ground where it appeared to have capabilities to hover like a helicopter and also fly like a plane. It was observed invading the privacy of several neighbors and family run business. Fortunately video was obtained. liberal WMUR9 would not post the video on ulocal. Wake up NH. If there spying on your neighbors then there spying on you.

While the above is interesting... the skeptic in me says IF such other drone behavior was observed... in backyards and hovering.. WHY isn't that video also somewhere? That lends me to think this is an exaggerated story and the drone may be a normal RC. Perhaps.
But, as I said, the person has lots of local videos of Orbs he has taken... (15-20)... videos that include the Orb releasing orbs phenomena... and other oddities..

So, Low Fly Orbs... a NON publicity seeking Videographer of the on-going Orb Phenomena in NH.
download then buy one of the others

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Gigapixels Of Andromeda

One of the things that is amazing about our nighttime sky is that EVERY pixel of light - except one - that we see with our naked eyes.... is a STAR in OUR Milky Way collection of stars. Except one - Andromeda.... the next galaxy over so to speak... the one that most likely would be the most likely to ever visit our homeland... the Milky Way.

Anyway... a bit of a departure from normal but along the same lines of the AWEness of the various UFO reports too. The video below has been seen by millions in just a couple weeks with a 100/1 margin of positive/negative votes - you might want to get into the right `mindset' if you know what I mean..... the link was sent to me by a buddy who likes to reach out with jaw dropping videos from time to time... he didn't disappoint.

IF UDCC is new to you and this is the first time here today - please look around for real UFOlogy. Hello Facebook folks - lots to interact with on this page, thanks for visiting. Share.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The 1949 Searchlight UFO In Norwood Ohio

Back to the many many pieces of content in the bin that have yet to make the pages of UDCC - this may be the oldest UFO video in the bin in more ways than one.... it's made into a little mockumentary.... it's a fun 4:30 seconds and once again points out the recurring Orb phenomena in one location. Less than 4K views....

this could be the first of a slew of videos that I will bring from the bin
make sure to be here the next week for much more

Monday, January 19, 2015

Unpublished UFO Comments - Part Three - The 2012 Denver Orb And The 2012 Reptilian Crowd

Did you know that the comments gadget on UDCC was immobilized by some outside force (G) and has never been restored? That's why the only way to see the over 1000 comments on UDCC is to go to the individual posts. (Sighs.) And, as you've seen SOL and MUZ were already featured, near commentators of UDCC in the early days.... and today we feature two more SOL classics (now published).... the first about the Shameless Thoughtlesss Sheeple of the Alternative 2012 The Aliens Are Here crowd.
10-29-2012 -SOL 
Well Rick it looks like some people are caught up in real life dungeons and dragons (reptilians). I find the whole scenario a tiny bit unbelievable, as would many. There's a whole lot waffle but where are the verifiable facts, names places etc. US and for that matter any countries war ships don't disappear with out it being national headlines.
It's all just too much.....
On a different note. I stumbled across some comments while surfing yesterday that stated that HAARP was being used to create Hurricane Sandy. WTF and why? The fringe are getting worse IMO. 

It was the countdown to 12-21-12... and the sheeple were CHARGED up... indeed to what SOL says and as regular readers know... I made a post on DEC 22,  2012 that lost me some readers when I finally slammed the whole crappola 2012 crowd for what they were... WACKOS AND you gotta read the comments there.
11-10-2012 - SOL
Truly interesting. I'm not surprised that the object wasn't track able on radar, too small and too fast. It looks like the whole event happens in less time than a radar does one sweep. If the media is serious about resolving this then it would be easy for them to do so. A calibrated high speed camera and a known focal point (distance)could give actual speed calculations along with much clearer shots. Also the leaving and reentry points could have people stationed there for monitoring. It's all just too curious to ignore... 

What SOL was talking about in his comments was the AMAZING TV coverage the Denver TV market gave to a dude who claimed that about the same time every day that Orbs would come from the ground into the sky from about the same location..... and had the video proof seemingly.... ultimately the MSM dismissed it all as FLIES being caught in the camera out of focus I think. I covered it all Here.
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Saturday, January 17, 2015


As I've indicated I've went into my unpublished comments to dig into things a bit more.... and found a comment by SOL about the FBI Files LINK that I have in the sidebar... he made the comment on August 31st, 2012. 
Hi Rick, Your reference to the FBI files has proved quite interesting if not a long read. There are a number items in section 16 of 16 referring to "Oak Ridge" that I think that you may find interesting. You can jump to page 47 but you will find that there are previous references earlier sitting amongst all the chaff.
To keep it brief there are references to strange noises (SNP) and objects that could now be described as Orbs, and in 1950..
I'm curious to know how the FBI ended up with what is essentially a military report?

But, more importantly, it brought to light once again the EARLY perceptions of TPTB (the powers that be) about the UFO phenomena.... yes, I've covered this all before in a post called 

THE FBI `UFO' Files - Part 1 - (of 16) - The NINE Points About Aliens - Page 22 (red is always my emphasis)

In the post above I dug into the NINE points with comments and analysis - the type of UFO blogging you simply don't find. But, as you know... could it all have been disinfo?.... Regardless, it is some compelling stuff and I suggest strongly you check out the old post... alright... a tease from the above link and previous posting.
Point one - some discs carry crews others don't: Certainly makes sense to me..... (but, how would they have a sample large enough to talk about this?)  indeed, as regular readers know... I'm very reluctant to put phenomenological biological aliens into many `crafts' at all.... and strongly believe the sightings of `crafts' to be a complicated perceptual experience tied in 99% of the time with consciousness locations - intentions and beliefs - and very likely a different kind of space (which can affect the consensus time experienced).
Point two - their mission is peaceful and they are looking at possibly settling on this planet: To me this is like a holy crap statement... especially for KNOWING this already at this early date...... let alone the IDEA that ASSIMILATION may indeed be a goal of interplanetary beings when they find intelligence.... (if humans are that) - it does make sense to `strengthen the DNA' of the UNIVERSE right?.... And, it's funny and strange, again to me, that the `directive' might be so `dis-similar' to the `leave alone' mantra that we are preached by science fiction movies.
Point three - the visitors are human-like except LARGER in size:
.... Well well well.... isn't this a twist AGAIN from the conventional knowledge (except for the tall whites?) about the aliens of today's perceptions. (Does this make is FBI assessment even more 
But, UDCC isn't about rehashing except when needed... and the link that Sol pointed out in the FBI report was to a different part and page of the report - part 16, page 47 - Shown Here - but, what Sol went on to talk about in his comment - (now published) is that he was struck by the similarities to today's Orb reports featured in UDCC in 2013 but showing up in the FBI files in 1950. It's about UFO reports in Tennessee - near Oak Ridge. And it talks about `three lines of thought' about the UFO phenomena quite plainly.

One was that the phenomena was `physical' with a scientific explanation.
Two was that the phenomena was experimental objects from an undetermined source guided by electronics. Or.
Three was that the phenomena is similar to number two BUT THAT INTENDED DEMORALIZATION OR HARASSMENT IS INVOLVED.

Objects were sighted the same time on six consecutive days (page 48).
To say the least the FBI files in the sidebar could have you going all night tonight.... but, I'd like to at least comment upon the red outlined comment in the FBI report.... `intended demoralization'? `harrassment'? I mean WTH?.... UFOs with this agenda? As a conclusion of an FBI file?
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the heaviest book ever?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Unpublished UFO Comments - Nonsense UFO Stories

For one reason or another... varied reasons... I've had a few `comments' in my box of UDCC that I've never published... I've chosen to bring at least one  to you today as I start this post. It's from MUZ (an early frequent comment-er on UDCC) and on April 6th 2011 MUZ submitted a comment that walked the edge of Fortean/UFO and would probably require some legwork to prove one way or another so I shelved it.... you will enjoy his words: red and emphasis is mine, typos left intact in the copy and paste

This UFo resarch always brings surprises doesn't it? ;)
In my latest travels I came to hear about this which, even though I have read losts of reports over the years, if memory serves me right I cannot remember ever hearing about it. if true it surpasses even the bentwaters case!
What I am talking about is The Fort Benning Incident In September 1977, during the Joint Attack Weapons Systems Test (JAWS) at Fort Benning Georgia, the entire base witnessed a UFO invasion. As many as 1300 troops were involved in the event. Most were left with severe psychological trauma and "missing time" gaps. John Vasquez was courageous enough to undergo counseling, regression therapy, and hypnosis.

I did a little search with title of the place with Robert Hasting's name to see if he has spoken about it, considering that implied is the concern of these UFOs and beings with the weapons systems (JAWS) the military were testing!
Had YOU heard of it Rick?
The quick answer is NO (and that the story has about as much credibility IMO as Hastings) ... I hadn't... and I find it of interest that MUZ did NOT relate that HE had found any connection with Hastings mentioning such an outrageous event IF it happened. Indeed the `disclosure' dog and pony show was in full glory until the `ufo disclosure answer' by the Obama administration in late 2011. Obviously Hastings would have been all over this like a fly to a horse manure pile.

So, yes, I then took the minute to Google it.... And found that there was TONS of `re-told' stories being flung around in 2011 about this incident -  like the end of the world was coming in 12 along with the aliens.

What I found.

The story seems to have BEGUN, again, on a Above Top Secret FORUM post... in December 2009... More Background At The Link the story by the original teller of the story  - and the hard copy book the story is based upon eventually became a 3.5 star Kindle book by 2013 - the hard book copy was in May 2000. So, the WHOLE story is simply an outtake of one mans UFO book at the turn of the millennium. red is my emphasis 

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful
By Paul Cook, Orion and MUFON Investigator on July 1, 2000
Format: Paperback
John Vasquez is a San Diego county resident and has spoken to both Orion and the San Diego UFO Society. I have not personally investigated this case but I have met John and believe he has had an experience. Although it is possible that he was part of an hallucinogenic experiment of some kind. It is also possible that there were real UFOs involved. As more evidence of water and/or life on Mars is discovered it is less controversial to suggest that there have been interactions with extraterrestrial intelligences. John remembers large groups of soldiers being transported instantly from one location to another. He remembers everyone falling asleep in formation when a bright light passes them. He remembers injuries from beams of light. The book contains a large amount of documentation suggesting something happened. There is no reason why this couldn't be explained as the confused memories of a victim of hallucinogens though and He is open to the possibility that there is a terrestrial explanation for all this, but will continue searching for the truth. His book is entertaining and though many of the actions taken by himself and the other soldiers are questionable, the circumstances are extraordinary. He also hopes that the book and any menti

It would seem from the above review in 2000 - that John didn't have even ONE of other of over 1000 soldiers who remembered this... dream. 

New Rule. Once you see the word Orion... RUN.

Now, are you ready for REAL Hilarity? 
The kind you only find in UFOlogy? 

Well, the beginning of the HARD copy of this book reads (from the Amazon Page for it)

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

From Chapter 1 (The Beginning): April 19, 1989 I woke up from a horrific nightmare about 'blurry' faces... so real that I was convinced that it was not a became crystal clear that the faces were of my army buddies standing in formation with me...they appeared to be asleep while standing in formation.
So as is often, no, usually the case with `Ufology' - the 1977 year in the  re-telling of the story had the wrong YEAR (perhaps) .... oh well. And, as you see... this was BASED ON A NIGHTMARE.
Want my real opinion? 
The 2000 timing, and the 2011 REHASH of the 2009 REHASH was all part of the big FAKE push for `UFO Disclosure'... clinging to any story that might be able to push it over the top... I guess they will need to get their year straight first?
Or at least not base their faith on DREAMS.

Oh wait, there's more...

Format: Paperback
I have not read this book but know the story well. In 1997, while state director of MUFON of Georgia, I was contacted by John A. Vasquez to help investigate his claims of alien contact at Ft. Benning, Georgia. I found John A. Vasquez's account intriguing and his sincerity during several phone conversations over the next year sincere. In the course of MUFON's investigation a former drill instructor and Company Commander of his training unit were talked to by myself. The former Commanding General of Ft. Benning in 1977 was talked to by Tom Sheets, then a MUFON investigator in Fayetteville (now state director of MUFON of Georgia). All gentlemen, two still active Army, were cordial and interested in Vasquez's account. Unfortunately, none of them supported his claim of alien contact. His former drill instructor, however, on hearing of Vasquez's assertion that the Army said his training unit never existed at Ft. Benning in 1977, said flatly the Army was wrong as he was there and at the time Vasquez was there. Since Vasquez's claim, another Ft. Benning recruit says he was involved in a secret UFO incident in April of 1977. He also claims possible alien contact/abduction. What impressed me most about Vasquez was not his claims but his effort over many years to find out what happened at Ft. Benning. This at least suggests he believes what he thinks happened. I and others then in MUFON of Georgia wonder if, perhaps, some kind of secret Army psy ops took place with recruits that produced tramatic results. Please disregard my rating as my purpose was only tell of what I learned of the Ft. Benning incident and my thoughts on Vasquez's honesty.

In classic `morphing UFO' style for UFOlogy... you can see now that the incident that is originally attributed to Vasquez's for 1977... actually was a DIFFERENT person.. if everyone is to be believed.... 
Why is it that I find this nearly every time I look into the classic UFO stories?

May I Suggest


Monday, January 12, 2015

That Meteor Orb Ejection Video

Unfortunately it's from a gathering site.. with of course... no credibility in any manner. you be the judge.. but, it does bring up the possibility that IF some Orbs have a life basis that begins in the vacuum of space that this event we see might be possible.... however... UNTIL we see this again on multiple videos... it's a bit much. IMO.
Clockers know that I have a bevy of blogs of good to great content --- sometimes I change the theme or positioning of blogs that I run and I've changed the `description' of one of my blogs with TONS of great content --- The AnomalyMan Listing - and the new tagline is A Mish Mash Of Interesting - I bet you'd be entertained.
I will probably be changing up the look of UDCC and what I'm considering will move a lot of the `reference material' to a new page on UDCC. We'll see... anyway it is the later part of the 10's.
IF your visit today originated with UDCC's new, yes new, Facebook Page thanks, if not, go there and `like' UDCC's page - look for the Orb banner.
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And Open Mind

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Amazing Daytime Blue Orb? Or Camera Glare, Defect-Malfunction? Greenville, South Carolina

Obviously it's important to occasionally say the OBVIOUS - that the reports submitted to MUFON are often amazing... and complete BS. But, to think or to claim that EVERY report is simply an exercise in writing poor level fiction and completely FALSE is also beyond what is reasonable. So, yes, some claims by folks are not true... but IMO... many to most (yes most) of the claims submitted are real experiences to the person submitting them.

And, that brings to mind today's GREAT UFO photo.... assuming folks don't get their jollies `hoaxing' the `gullible' (to them)...taken in Greenville South Carolina just a few days ago and submitted to MUFON. In the report the person claims to have seen the Blue Orb - at the time - not some sort of `look what I found in my pictures'.... As always you decide.

"I was taking photos of chemtrails.. When I looked at the photos I saw this object in the photos. I went back outside and could see the object with my naked eye. I took more pics and enhanced them. In one of the photos, it appears to be behind the chemtrail. I had two of the photos enhanced. You can see the lights, they appear to be in a pattern. 
I tried to get video but was too shaky to get a good video. I have never seen anything like this in my life. A little shaken up! After trying to get video, it disappeared."
*i have more pictures of this*
Indeed, here is where this gets more bizarre IMO - as evidently this next photo shows the `lights' associated with the object:

same Greenville case
============================================================= =
This had to be seen by others? Right? We'll see if others in Greenville confirm this strange daytime case.
My gut reaction on such good close ups of this phenomena is almost concern like the observer... I mean WTH? Are TPTB finally ready for the big `virtual landing' conspiracy? Are we looking at some sort of Hologram projection - regardless of origin? I mean why put 7 lights in a blue ball and put it in the sky? 
Could it possibly be Fortean?
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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Some Stunning U.F.O. Photos January 2nd - From Payne, Ohio (Latest MUFON Reports)

I have a buddy who was once a prominent person in the sleepy town of Payne Ohio.... these photos are quite excellent at showing the morphing structured Orbs of 2015.... it's an articulate report of something quite anomalous IMO.
red is my emphasis

On Friday evening, my family was driving home to Payne Ohio. About 8 miles outside of town we observed a bright white light in the sky, appearing to be close to Payne.

As we got closer, I asked my wife what it was. To wit, she responded an airplane. I told her that airplanes do not have bright white lights unless landing or taking off and since there was no airport nearby, it couldn't be.

She again suggested airplane because it had some blinking red lights with it as well.

As we drew closer we could tell it was not moving at all.

We got to the point where it was about 2 football fields away from us and about 1000 ft. in the air. At this point we could tell it was not an airplane or helicopter.

I rolled the window down to take a couple pics, it was completely silent. At that point it started moving, slowly at first and then accelerated to a speed well over 300 miles an hour as it disappeared from our view within 30 seconds or so. 
Two Of The Photos Submitted

What in the world folks? Right? Especially in conjunction with the observations... what kind of `alien' bot is observing? What is the awareness of these silent luminous spaces which morph and perform for the human consciousness? Are these the `elsewhere/elsewhen' invading our here-now in a temporal fashion? Some sort of `awareness rip' in the fabric?
I will be blogging that incredible video of the possible apparent   `Orb' exiting -the recent California recorded daytime meteorite. Perhaps tomorrow.
Amazon 2012 Doomsday Choice
written in 2011

I've had the idea that these Armageddon stories the `aliens' tell humans is ACTUALLY the mindsets of other beings in our Universe who HAVE had the situation arise. Those mental images should permeate some level of reality spaces IMO, And FEAR is a great trigger.

Monday, January 5, 2015

UFO? Who Cares.......

About once a year lately since the Obama administration did the Official UFO Disclosure in 2011.... I've tracked the inevitable outcome when the press is TOLD that there is NO STORY ... so don't say it. And indeed, since 2011 the idea that the unidentified things in our skies are ALIEN is simply not a motif the MSM is willing to trot out anymore. Gone are the rating sweeps `specials' about UFOs...etc.

So, it came as no surprise today when I re-searched US google trends (headlines) to see the level of `UFO' and once again in Dec. 2014 it bottomed out at the 26 number ... as it has before since disclosure. So, while other so-called UFO websites will have you think that interest if not DEMAND for UFO Disclosure is UP... only UDCC tells you it couldn't be less of an issue to the powers that be.
Google Link
June 2014 Awareness Story
January 2013 Coverage by UDCC of Awareness

Oh BTW, each year there is a slight uptick in January as the sheeple unaware that UFO disclosure happened in 2011 wonder if UFO disclosure will occur in the new year... in this case 2015.
IF you remember UFOCoin? The one with some `alien abduction' folks behind it? Who were promising about 85 cents for you to tell your UFO story - November 5th Was The Launch? Well, the `coin' had it's 15 minutes of fame and then crashed bigtime.... It's currently at 2 and about to be delisted from the only exchange it is on.... just image what could have happened to the value of the coin if EVER a confirmed UFO landing or such. I do believe there is an AlienCoin..... seriously.
Hey how about heading over to UDCC's New Facebook Page - already with many many likes. Please check it out.
Other Great Links To Check Out
this guy REALLY puts forth a GREAT effort nearly each and everyday to bring some GREAT time-wasting content to read 
I think I found the site on the `conspiracy list' that I asked you to vote in at the top of this page.
found this in some look back at 2014 post
Missing Planes - UFOs (not forbidden)
Australian Orb Caller Featured Here Previously
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