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Friday, January 23, 2015

Low Fly Orbs - New Hampshire Orb Spotter-Caller-Videographer

On YouTube there is a channel called Low Fly Orbs of an individual evidently being `harrassed' (to use the recent posting suggesting that was a goal of UFO's identified in the 1950s) by seeing Orbs frequently. Now, I had this marked for almost two years and haven't covered this person yet, but in re-checking it certainly seems worthy of the readership here. The phenomena does seem to have slowed down for them. A bit.

Hollis NH
all of 20 views
Published on Jan 1, 2015
Early morning several bright colored orbs were seen over a residential neighborhood near the border of Hollis and Nashua, NH. After seeing them for about an hour the one that I believe is the "finder" came very low and hovered for a while over a general store. I pointed it out to several people who were amazed as they watched it hover over the store. It began to ascend and move north and I began filming I let the camera roll for about 25 minutes.

Several times in the first two minutes you see the Orb split BTW.... which it rarely to never does the next 10 minutes.. this video is one of the few that is tracking an Orb as dawn is breaking as you can see by the 12:36 minute mark (watch it at this point of time and you will see the CLASSIC orb over the next 10 seconds or so)

What's going on near Hollis New Hampshire, right?

but, as I've indicated he has many videos, especially from over a year ago including ones quite weird.
This is one of the comments at the `discussion page' for Low Fly Orbs.. WHO NEVER COMMENTS...

those orbs are 100% real and for the last 3 months ive been watching them daily with over 100 people seeing them as well.,i know a great deal of them now and know there capabilities.,they can be very high and recently have come to ground level.i know they can go transparent.i know they can take on different colors and figures...they know we watch them.daily....theres a lot more we know but this should give you a good idea that we know they are there also...sept 15/2013.
Published on Jun 8, 2013
This is the aircraft Beck talked about in the past spying on his family. This drone appeared over the town of Loudon, NH and was observed hovering very high over the village for hours. Apparently the drone was documenting the activities of the people of Loudon. Eventually the drone came down to tree top level and was then observed flying below the trees, in and out of back yards. It would fly high over the trees and then come down just off the ground where it appeared to have capabilities to hover like a helicopter and also fly like a plane. It was observed invading the privacy of several neighbors and family run business. Fortunately video was obtained. liberal WMUR9 would not post the video on ulocal. Wake up NH. If there spying on your neighbors then there spying on you.

While the above is interesting... the skeptic in me says IF such other drone behavior was observed... in backyards and hovering.. WHY isn't that video also somewhere? That lends me to think this is an exaggerated story and the drone may be a normal RC. Perhaps.
But, as I said, the person has lots of local videos of Orbs he has taken... (15-20)... videos that include the Orb releasing orbs phenomena... and other oddities..

So, Low Fly Orbs... a NON publicity seeking Videographer of the on-going Orb Phenomena in NH.
download then buy one of the others


  1. The spy plane - drone, manned or unmanned...what ever it is has FAA marking R9 on the bottom and FAA list it as a crop duster or race plane. It is neither, most likely government owned and operated. It lasted about an hour or so posted on wmur before they pulled it down. It was then posted again on wmur some time later and lasted less time and was pulled down. None of any of my other videos have ever been pulled down and yes this was observed flying into back yards of residents and businesses. Anyway a new video was just posted on you tube/lowflyorbs if interested.

    Best regards,


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