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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Gigapixels Of Andromeda

One of the things that is amazing about our nighttime sky is that EVERY pixel of light - except one - that we see with our naked eyes.... is a STAR in OUR Milky Way collection of stars. Except one - Andromeda.... the next galaxy over so to speak... the one that most likely would be the most likely to ever visit our homeland... the Milky Way.

Anyway... a bit of a departure from normal but along the same lines of the AWEness of the various UFO reports too. The video below has been seen by millions in just a couple weeks with a 100/1 margin of positive/negative votes - you might want to get into the right `mindset' if you know what I mean..... the link was sent to me by a buddy who likes to reach out with jaw dropping videos from time to time... he didn't disappoint.

IF UDCC is new to you and this is the first time here today - please look around for real UFOlogy. Hello Facebook folks - lots to interact with on this page, thanks for visiting. Share.

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