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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Some Stunning U.F.O. Photos January 2nd - From Payne, Ohio (Latest MUFON Reports)

I have a buddy who was once a prominent person in the sleepy town of Payne Ohio.... these photos are quite excellent at showing the morphing structured Orbs of 2015.... it's an articulate report of something quite anomalous IMO.
red is my emphasis

On Friday evening, my family was driving home to Payne Ohio. About 8 miles outside of town we observed a bright white light in the sky, appearing to be close to Payne.

As we got closer, I asked my wife what it was. To wit, she responded an airplane. I told her that airplanes do not have bright white lights unless landing or taking off and since there was no airport nearby, it couldn't be.

She again suggested airplane because it had some blinking red lights with it as well.

As we drew closer we could tell it was not moving at all.

We got to the point where it was about 2 football fields away from us and about 1000 ft. in the air. At this point we could tell it was not an airplane or helicopter.

I rolled the window down to take a couple pics, it was completely silent. At that point it started moving, slowly at first and then accelerated to a speed well over 300 miles an hour as it disappeared from our view within 30 seconds or so. 
Two Of The Photos Submitted

What in the world folks? Right? Especially in conjunction with the observations... what kind of `alien' bot is observing? What is the awareness of these silent luminous spaces which morph and perform for the human consciousness? Are these the `elsewhere/elsewhen' invading our here-now in a temporal fashion? Some sort of `awareness rip' in the fabric?
I will be blogging that incredible video of the possible apparent   `Orb' exiting -the recent California recorded daytime meteorite. Perhaps tomorrow.
Amazon 2012 Doomsday Choice
written in 2011

I've had the idea that these Armageddon stories the `aliens' tell humans is ACTUALLY the mindsets of other beings in our Universe who HAVE had the situation arise. Those mental images should permeate some level of reality spaces IMO, And FEAR is a great trigger.

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