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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

On Kickstarter - The True Story Of Bob Lazar

I won't insult folks by going into the various info and disinfo that has been propelled around about BL... let it be said that his website is now promoting his version of events from the 1900's about what is known as Area 51. When I looked at the KickStarter page it was attempting to raise 1.1 million and had raised a hundred bucks. Nonetheless... this portrayal of what he says occurred with aliens on Earth,  and how a UFO (flying saucer) operates (somewhat similar to what others have come forward with as far as the raw physics) is very interesting and forms the basis of what many propagate as the truth about the alien presence on Earth..... to which I say not so fast.
(had a paisley shirt like this once)

Okay Okay.. I'll say a few words... you're aware that at some point the government pinned child porn charges on him or something like that.... which in itself... IMO.. seems suspicious... like they needed to discredit him..... that said, I do believe that at least part of what he says is total concoction... and it has been suggested at one point that his story elaborated from the initial alien disk story when he wanted to get funding from Bigelow for some endeavor that I've tried successfully to put out of my mind..... yeah, IMO you have reason to doubt this fullness of this story... but not dismiss some things of course... he worked there... he's smart and had inside info... the government IMO probably has `disks' IMO and probably only a few at most IMO... so that fits too.... now the aliens alive and rebelling and going to return type crappola..... welllllll.

We'll keep you informed - OH - one more person has chucked some money into the Kickstarter total... it's now 166 dollars of the 1.1 million - 58 days to go --- (hey take that 10 bucks and get into the bitcoin thing via Coinbase is my advice).
UFO Disclosure = Ludicrous Foes
check it out and share, thanks.

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