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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Unpublished UFO Comments - Nonsense UFO Stories

For one reason or another... varied reasons... I've had a few `comments' in my box of UDCC that I've never published... I've chosen to bring at least one  to you today as I start this post. It's from MUZ (an early frequent comment-er on UDCC) and on April 6th 2011 MUZ submitted a comment that walked the edge of Fortean/UFO and would probably require some legwork to prove one way or another so I shelved it.... you will enjoy his words: red and emphasis is mine, typos left intact in the copy and paste

This UFo resarch always brings surprises doesn't it? ;)
In my latest travels I came to hear about this which, even though I have read losts of reports over the years, if memory serves me right I cannot remember ever hearing about it. if true it surpasses even the bentwaters case!
What I am talking about is The Fort Benning Incident In September 1977, during the Joint Attack Weapons Systems Test (JAWS) at Fort Benning Georgia, the entire base witnessed a UFO invasion. As many as 1300 troops were involved in the event. Most were left with severe psychological trauma and "missing time" gaps. John Vasquez was courageous enough to undergo counseling, regression therapy, and hypnosis.

I did a little search with title of the place with Robert Hasting's name to see if he has spoken about it, considering that implied is the concern of these UFOs and beings with the weapons systems (JAWS) the military were testing!
Had YOU heard of it Rick?
The quick answer is NO (and that the story has about as much credibility IMO as Hastings) ... I hadn't... and I find it of interest that MUZ did NOT relate that HE had found any connection with Hastings mentioning such an outrageous event IF it happened. Indeed the `disclosure' dog and pony show was in full glory until the `ufo disclosure answer' by the Obama administration in late 2011. Obviously Hastings would have been all over this like a fly to a horse manure pile.

So, yes, I then took the minute to Google it.... And found that there was TONS of `re-told' stories being flung around in 2011 about this incident -  like the end of the world was coming in 12 along with the aliens.

What I found.

The story seems to have BEGUN, again, on a Above Top Secret FORUM post... in December 2009... More Background At The Link the story by the original teller of the story  - and the hard copy book the story is based upon eventually became a 3.5 star Kindle book by 2013 - the hard book copy was in May 2000. So, the WHOLE story is simply an outtake of one mans UFO book at the turn of the millennium. red is my emphasis 

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful
By Paul Cook, Orion and MUFON Investigator on July 1, 2000
Format: Paperback
John Vasquez is a San Diego county resident and has spoken to both Orion and the San Diego UFO Society. I have not personally investigated this case but I have met John and believe he has had an experience. Although it is possible that he was part of an hallucinogenic experiment of some kind. It is also possible that there were real UFOs involved. As more evidence of water and/or life on Mars is discovered it is less controversial to suggest that there have been interactions with extraterrestrial intelligences. John remembers large groups of soldiers being transported instantly from one location to another. He remembers everyone falling asleep in formation when a bright light passes them. He remembers injuries from beams of light. The book contains a large amount of documentation suggesting something happened. There is no reason why this couldn't be explained as the confused memories of a victim of hallucinogens though and He is open to the possibility that there is a terrestrial explanation for all this, but will continue searching for the truth. His book is entertaining and though many of the actions taken by himself and the other soldiers are questionable, the circumstances are extraordinary. He also hopes that the book and any menti

It would seem from the above review in 2000 - that John didn't have even ONE of other of over 1000 soldiers who remembered this... dream. 

New Rule. Once you see the word Orion... RUN.

Now, are you ready for REAL Hilarity? 
The kind you only find in UFOlogy? 

Well, the beginning of the HARD copy of this book reads (from the Amazon Page for it)

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

From Chapter 1 (The Beginning): April 19, 1989 I woke up from a horrific nightmare about 'blurry' faces... so real that I was convinced that it was not a became crystal clear that the faces were of my army buddies standing in formation with me...they appeared to be asleep while standing in formation.
So as is often, no, usually the case with `Ufology' - the 1977 year in the  re-telling of the story had the wrong YEAR (perhaps) .... oh well. And, as you see... this was BASED ON A NIGHTMARE.
Want my real opinion? 
The 2000 timing, and the 2011 REHASH of the 2009 REHASH was all part of the big FAKE push for `UFO Disclosure'... clinging to any story that might be able to push it over the top... I guess they will need to get their year straight first?
Or at least not base their faith on DREAMS.

Oh wait, there's more...

Format: Paperback
I have not read this book but know the story well. In 1997, while state director of MUFON of Georgia, I was contacted by John A. Vasquez to help investigate his claims of alien contact at Ft. Benning, Georgia. I found John A. Vasquez's account intriguing and his sincerity during several phone conversations over the next year sincere. In the course of MUFON's investigation a former drill instructor and Company Commander of his training unit were talked to by myself. The former Commanding General of Ft. Benning in 1977 was talked to by Tom Sheets, then a MUFON investigator in Fayetteville (now state director of MUFON of Georgia). All gentlemen, two still active Army, were cordial and interested in Vasquez's account. Unfortunately, none of them supported his claim of alien contact. His former drill instructor, however, on hearing of Vasquez's assertion that the Army said his training unit never existed at Ft. Benning in 1977, said flatly the Army was wrong as he was there and at the time Vasquez was there. Since Vasquez's claim, another Ft. Benning recruit says he was involved in a secret UFO incident in April of 1977. He also claims possible alien contact/abduction. What impressed me most about Vasquez was not his claims but his effort over many years to find out what happened at Ft. Benning. This at least suggests he believes what he thinks happened. I and others then in MUFON of Georgia wonder if, perhaps, some kind of secret Army psy ops took place with recruits that produced tramatic results. Please disregard my rating as my purpose was only tell of what I learned of the Ft. Benning incident and my thoughts on Vasquez's honesty.

In classic `morphing UFO' style for UFOlogy... you can see now that the incident that is originally attributed to Vasquez's for 1977... actually was a DIFFERENT person.. if everyone is to be believed.... 
Why is it that I find this nearly every time I look into the classic UFO stories?

May I Suggest


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