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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The State Of UFLogy - Or, Why I Started My First SubReddit!

Hi Clockers. As you are aware I have multiple platforms where I spread the best in UFO information, and one of them is Reddit. As Clockers are aware I started the SubReddit a few days ago and have put up a number of easy to use links there. And, as you can imagine, if you are a Redditor (what people who use Reddit call themselves) - it's a big unknown to start your own SubReddit. Indeed, one really is compelled IMO to lay it out as to what the reasoning is - as there are other UFO SubReddits of course.

So, below is what I wrote - my bottom line in many ways as to what and how the UFO information/disinformation is being dispensed in today's post `UFO Answer' world (remember, disclosure happened in late 2011 and you weren't even aware of it).
If you are like many who closely follow UFO Reports' - you have noticed the significant change in what material you are being given about UFOs by the MSM and the internet in the last couple of years. The internet coverage of UFOs has suddenly been taken over by UFO Gathering Sites' - websites that claim exclusive usage of videos - that are truly over the top' in their visual presentation to attract pageviews - Videos THAT ARE RARELY to NEVER given original attribution - have taken over the reporting' that is done and even commented upon. Many to most of these videos are IMO, fake videos. Yes, fake videos.
Additionally, with the late 2011 UFO Disclosure' by the USA - the media now finds itself in the position of being `not in line' if they don't follow the there never has been an alien interaction' theme that the government gave to them to follow by the announcement. It's been called `Suppression through Disclosure' - with good reason. And, when you combine a largely fake internet presence projection (disinfo) about UFOs with a slimy timid media who at best were gigglers' about the complex phenomena before the disclosure/suppression' - you are left with nearly no one who is telling the story about the UFO perception phenomena in the first person'. Let alone telling what seems to be an `emerging UFO Motif' with the actual people seeing these phenomena.
Indeed, with the internet UFO story being those largely fake UFO YouTube videos, they have generated a built in a huge hate the UFO believers' audience - that further diminishes any possible analysis and dialog about an individual UFO perception/experience. NOT TO MENTION THOSE WITH NOTHING BUT INTENTIONS FOR DISINFORMATION. And, one is left with next to nothing of real value anymore - indeed, the words of astronauts about the UFO and alien phenomena is given no credence anymore in our so-called Free Press..... Just look at the traveling roadshow of the `UFO Disclosure' crowd of ex-military being ignored (perhaps with good reason).
All of the above, leaves the average Joe with a well deserved skeptical attitude about any `UFO proof' or material that is an example of the actual experience. All of that is what this subreddit will address - with links to blogs that have the original UFO story' --- therefore this will be many of the dozens of UFO reports uploaded to MUFON and other resources daily with Pictures and Videos (sorted by the State the UFO actualized within) and also importantly the UFO STORIES - the ones without so-called Proof - that seem to suggest a state of high strangeness associated with the UFO experience. But, these stories, like the pictures and videos, will come from again a source like MUFON- and won't be just randomly repeated stuff that isn't told in the first person.

As a subreddit dedicated to sources of original UFO experiences and analysis, - you are welcome to share your personal first person experience too if you wish. This will be a subreddit that understands that the UFO phenomena is multifaceted and most likely is not connected to the disinformation that would wish to control your opinion about it.


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