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Saturday, December 14, 2013

The `Curious' Videos Of The 2006 Chicago O'Hare UFO Incident

Of course, one of the awaited (forever) moments in UFOlogy will be when multiple folks bring forth the SAME UFO video of the same event. Or, perhaps the multiple photographs from multiple people that would be available nowadays via the near ubiquitous movement of cameras into society via the cellphone - if such a UFO event were to happen during the daylight hours in a crowded location.

So, 7 years later and endless rumors later, are there ANY `UFO' videos of the event itself? Did the supposedly held video by Dan Aykroyd ever surface? Is there really any such proof? Well, as fans of my UFO material coverage know, just the other day at Amazing UFO Stories I brought a whole slew of videos concerning the incident - but, when I looked back at my own post - perhaps I too was overlooking something.... so, let me bring to you below - the `curious' videos of the 2006 Chicago O'Hare UFO Incident:
First - NONE were released in anything resembling a `current' fashion - remember, in YouTube was already around by late 2006 - let alone in 2007 when the FAA denied the event and the crappola hit the fan so to speak. So, we are to assume somehow that `security' was tight enough to stop anyone from the Airport grounds or passengers approaching the airport from videotaping the incident?..... Of course not. And never could they know WHO or HOW MANY folks might have such footage - the FACT that NONE surfaced at the time.... suggests.... that except for something stashed away for profit later -- that the footage simply doesn't exist -- regardless of how much it would be hoped for..... OR does it?

For those of you that read my post the other day - .... how about this idea. Since the whole incident ONLY has `perhaps' two photos associated with the event (one from a planeseat) - doesn't it seem strange to outright reject one particular video that CLAIMS to be real based on it `not fitting the description'? 

So, with that in mind (and with myself in the rejection camp) I thought it was worth a real viewing of one persons `video evidence' and their personal claim in the upload of the video:
YouTube Link To Video And Comments And Explanation - 67K views, unlikely original uploader, in French, 2-1 Negative to Positive ratio of opinion - first the video: Uploaded 4-3-2009
In a nutshell, the evidence rejects this video because it is TOO LOW compared to the other witness accounts (this video the person claims the UFO is 750 ft off the ground and the witnesses said more like 1800 feet of a 2000 ceiling...... Reading between the lines one gets the impression that whoever shot the film was a `known' person and didn't want any attention.... Isn't it curious that those `official accounts' that are used to reject this video don't have a `beginning' --- (they do have the straight up with a hole in the clouds ending) -- why couldn't this video be of BEFORE the `reported sighting'? Any reason at all? Do UFO's suddenly ONLY operate from one altitude the whole UFO experience? ..... See my point?

So, the first curious thing is the flat out rejection when `proof is presented' .... but, of course, one must be cautious as `this proof' also exists.... is it any more likely? 
Uploaded on Apr 25, 2007
O'HARE UFO 07NOV'06 Opcenter Screen Capture
A strange video I found while Googling around the net. It appears to be some sort of OPCENTER screen of the Ohare Airport UFO incident on Nov 7, 2006 at around 4:30 PM. Complete with tower chatter... I don't know who Dr. Mous is but he is a strange one... probably a hoax or a fake... Comments?

what was the camera in a balloon as its not moving ? or they have really high control towers over there in the USA. F#@&*%# fail idiot
@ModernGolfer - You don't read well. This is NOT a proof of UFO video. This is an experiment in human gullibility. Your invectives are wasted on me. Try a little intellectual debate versus immature pejorative attacks. I think I'd prefer talking to your 4 year old. I'd probably get more logic from him/her.
Uploaded 4-25-2007 (about the time you'd expect someone who was P.O.'ed by the refusal of the government to fess up to release it) - it has 511K views and a 3/1 positive to negative ratio of public opinion.
Yeah, a huckster - faker, had the first video.
And, of course, the most famous of the FAKE 2006 Chicago O'Hare UFO Video - The Famous Video of a Magazine Article with pictures of the UFO. Indeed, the uploaded this explanation for their TWO WEEK hoax on April 3rd, 2009 
Uploaded on Apr 3, 2009
2 Weeks ago on Saturday 21st March 2009, a video clip appeared anonymously on YouTube claiming to be real footage from the Chicago O'Hare UFO incident which allegedly happened back in Nov 2006? I can now reveal that this clip and 2 others I posted are infact fakes. The reason I did it was to simply prove that photographic evidence is not acceptable proof of the existence of UFO'S, and that some people will and want to believe in anything. By using nothing more than the power of suggestion, psychology and a cheap special effect, this experiment proves the point well. Over the last 2 weeks the clips caused quiet a UFO media frenzy, one clip received a quarter of a million views and even made Fox News in America(shocking!!) Many people including "UFO Experts" believed that what they were seeing was a real Extraterrestrial Spaceship, Just goes to show that people see what they want to see!! So the moral of the story is, next time you are confronted with any UFO photographic evidence, no matter how good or bad it is, LOOK, LOOK, and LOOK again. When it comes to the paranormal and the unexplained, the best piece of advice I can give you comes from Special Agent Fox Mulder....TRUST NO ONE.

Thanks to everyone who took part in this Global Social Experiment.

See my stills........

See my friends analysis also, Mr Victor Gibbs......... btw, curiously, this link is not only not active - it links to a site that has on it `best UFO videos for November 2012 .... does this confirm what I've believed that these `best of' films monthly are `produced, fake, and used as a social experiment?

Anthony Wharton, Merseyside, UK, 2009.
And, remember - all of the above was easily out of hand rejected due to the UFO object being `too low' in comparison to the best photo evidence - that I once again bring to you below:
I Mean Really?
Does that craft look 1800 feet in the sky?
When I detail my upcoming book about the Jerusalem Orb of 2011 I will talk about once again such disinformation.
Always remember - UFO Disclosure (anagram) Ludicrous Foes!
I've rolled my 2006 book on the incident into another book - now both are available together!
on sale until next Tuesday for 1.99

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