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Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Nightshirt - Eric Wargo Returns

I mentioned yesterday that I'd run across some posts that I'd like to comment upon... and actually all but yesterday's post by Joe Capp .... that I wanted to comment upon was written by a returning blogger of some strong thought level who's thinking has been missed - Eric Wargo. Indeed, I will probably feature a few of his thoughts about the whole of UFOlogy over the next few posts. The first I will comment upon he just put up today - and it's about the reasons why in the full universe that `aliens' may very well look - `humanoid'.

Dig His Logic And Extremely Thought Out Positions by clicking and reading his articulate link as sample of which is below:
There is the important, often-heard argument that in our attempts to think about extraterrestrials and extraterrestrial intelligence we should not be anthropocentric—that aliens will be alien, maybe so alien that we have already encountered them and cannot even recognize that fact. This is one of the arguments against the extraterrestrial hypothesis for UFO encounters—that our visitors are universally humanoid in appearance, and thus surely originate somewhere (or somewhen) more local—like another dimension, or our own future, or the collective unconscious.
Indeed, my comment today is that it's hard to argue with Eric or Star Trek perhaps - I'd add that it probably takes also a specific population level (to have enough `people' in roles to fulfill an outcome of sophistication) to produce the abilities of being space faring beings - whatever that throws into the logic mix.
Thanks for your readership.

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