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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Jason Colavito - Real UFO Blogging!

As regular readers know, UDCC occasionally links to other `UFO' blogs of note - as real UFO blogging is exceptionally rare to find. That said, boy oh boy, did I find you a great READ about UFO's and more - a guy named Jason Colavito - this is his blog - -- Indeed, it's hard for me to grasp just how intensely he brings the UFO game daily (since 2010 evidently, with other topics too) - and at what level he takes each post to. Lots of discussion too. 
For example:
Digs Into the RRR `UFO' Group - Revealing A Possible Washington D.C. Connection - while discussing and dissing the logic of RRR at the same time.

Your time is greatly rewarded by the dude above.
4.5 Stars
Read a sample with one click below

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Do some shopping at Amazon today to end the summer!
click link below to see amazing price

Product Features

  • Authentic original piece of classic cinema art.
  • Original Move transparency/Slide
  • Rare and highly collectable item of movie history.
  • Exclusive product only available from Moviestore!

Key Collectibles Information
Authenticity Provided BySeller
Condition Provided BySeller

Product Description

This is an original studio or photographers color transparency or 35mm film slide from our historic archive. This is a real collectors item and would make superb quality photographs or prints. This would also be a great addition to any collection or image archive. The transparency is in excellent condition. This collectors item is being sold from one collector to another, no rights are given or implied. Silver Screen are gradually releasing from their vast archives thousands of original photographs, transparencies, negatives, slides, lobby cards and other movie or television memorabilia.
Up for one more?
yes, that IS a Mr. Magoo item from the above `silverscreen'


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