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Monday, August 26, 2013

First Robo-Copter Reports Hit Latest MUFON Reports

And while one can never be 100% about anything - this sure looks like the Robo-Copters I've seen on the internet. And, the video - soundless - (hmmm, for a reason perhaps?) - certainly doesn't lean the way of `UFO' in any manner IMO. Your comments are welcome of course.
Even the `Locationless' New York Report Reads Unconvincingly supposedly happened Friday. Here's one of the two pictures submitted to MUFON:
And, here's the video - It Loads Quick - and contributes almost nothing. (Labeled Albanystreet - did this happen in Albany NY?).
Folks the rest of the reports are nearly as inane - tons of `pictures of 5 orbs' reports which show the usual Chinese Lanterns. Now we have to deal with Robocopters. Shhssshhhh.
As you can see, upon the advice of Google Adsense I moved the Chatbox below the fold (and other small changes) to speed up the download/opening time of UDCC - hope you noticed. Make sure to checkout the sidebar before you leave if you are new here today............ I also am going to have a new `product' I expect to be advertising in these pages within the next week or so - a new `bumpersticker' for your car perhaps. TPTB will not be fond of it I'm sure.................. Oh, the bad news is that the Flavors.Me spam has returned at a very low level but enough that I will probably go into private mode soon. Remember, you can have access to UDCC when in the private mode by joining the `private' mailing list UDCC's Private Mailing List (Via MailChimp). Thanks to the multi-dozens that have already done so. Oh, I've also invested in 20 bucks of Twitter advertising to see what that was/is like - so, to that end, I'd like to welcome some of my new followers who are probably just discovering UDCC.
leave your doppelganger at the door

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