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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Major George Filer USAF (Ret) discloses his own ET Contact

Good Morning Clockers. Thanks for hanging in there during my vacation and break. Today's offering is perhaps significant in that it brings a well known UFO man into what can be called the Exopolitics camp of the UFO phenomena. The video is a full ten minutes, but really goes quickly and I hope you watch it fully. The UFO man, George Filer, has one of the major UFO sites too. I do believe that this video, with under 7K views, and released this month is one of if not the first time Filer has been so direct about his DIRECT contact with aliens as a boy.
Description with video:
Neil Gould, Founder of Exopolitics Hong Kong, Director of the Exopolitics Institute (Dr Salla) interviews Major George Filer USAF (Ret) Feb 2011. In a relaxing moment Major filer DISCLOSES for the first time that he and a childhood friend had CONSENTING ENCOUNTERS with Human looking ETs and had actually boarded their spacecraft where they were mentored by highly evolved beings with respect to human behavior, nuclear issues and man's inhumanity towards man. Major Filer admits that these encounters were the impetus behind his tireless work, keeping around 8000 people informed on UFO sightings worldwide through his FILERS FILES. The interview was filmed and Directed by Jake Gould and assisted by Liat Gould

Finally, here's Mr Filer's UFO website - a TREASURE of ufo photos -
Ufos: Politics, God and Science Philosophy on a Taboo Topic
Ufos: Politics, God and Science Philosophy on a Taboo TopicFiler's Files: Worldwide Reports of Ufo Sightings
Over at BS today, I re-start up that blog with a mysterious Flying Bird video sure to entertain Clockers. -
Finally, and a little off the beaten path of UDCC is this deep discussion of religion (the Flier stuff had some overtones as you saw too) - - UDCC digs into the mysteries and opinions of such.
Thanks for your visit today.
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Finally, a big thanks to the folks who purchased a version of the biofeedback device found on this page. Appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. I often wonder what compels a person to pursue this field for an extended period of time. I guess direct contact will do it.


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