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Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 UFO Review - Hottest Posts, Most Important Posts

Thought I'd provide a backward glimpse at the UFOlogy on UDCC in 2014 as we all prepare for the last half of the 10's. The list below isn't me digging into each and every post but is simply the ONE post with the most direct views (based on Google data) and perhaps a post or two of note to also check out. Ready?

Jan. 2014
tremendous post about the emerging Neighborhood UFO Motif

Feb. 2014
excellent look at a `tech' UFOlogist using the best equipment for sky viewing

March 2014
never happened but more and more UFO reports seem to suggest LEDs and RCs

my blowout expose on the disinfo agents at Before It's News and other websites working in conjunction - all for pageviews

April 2014
so far, the only book I've released in 2014 - based on a post in 2013 and an amazing number co-incidence

years old now, but really an embarrassment as to how far DA bought into the disinfo agents

May 2014
my look into how FEW books exist on the most obvious sign of something anomalous or nefarious going on

June 2014
Black Blinking Blob Returns To Las Vegas Skies - 501 Views
the black blinking object has been seen for the last couple of years

July 2014
New Doomsday Prediction - Tomorrow? - 387 Views
one of the many many false predictions of doom carried by UDCC since 2007

August 2014
Is This A Stunning 2014 Daytime Orb Video? Or Something Else? - 223 Views
to me, it seems daytime Orbs may be increasing (or drones)

September 2014
The Amazing `What's Going On' 2014 `Show Me' UFO Pictures Out Of Missiouri - 318 Views
MUFON censored the Missouri pictures bigtime in 2014 IMO

October 2014
Chemtrails - The Obvious - The Nefarious - The Hidden - And Something New? - 333 Views
get your binoculars out, something may be RUNNING DOWN the chemtrails as they exit the Chemtrail `planes'

November 2014
2015 UFO Disclosure - 1501 Views
the flock of believers started searching the term in November and ended up here - not even knowing the their beloved Obama administration had already Disclosed in 2011

December 2014
(Exclusive) - Repeat Orb Experiencer Chronicles UFO Phenomena In Missouri And MUFONs Lack Of Interest - 263 Views
when your `board' is stuffed with `alien abduction' PHDs - who cares about the real UFO phenomena?

In general the posts above with the most views are those picked up by other paranormal websites.

(if you didn't go to my Author Page yesterday 1/1 - you missed up to FIVE Free Kindle Books)
I almost NEVER pre-announce anymore.

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