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Saturday, October 18, 2014

DarkSkyWatcher 74 Interview

I have a feeling that DSW74 is only tied in with some folks because no one else will take it seriously.... I'll explain in a moment.... that said, this is a good example of Intentionality UFOs IMO on this video. Listen to the interview until at least the 5 minute mark to see some exceptional footage over the Alien Inn.

The reason I say my comment above  that is I found the material above Here At DarkSkyWatcher and up in the sidebar corner - who DSW probably has to use as a way for exposure (IMO) is SUSAN DUCLOS who I outed as almost certainly promoting fake material Right Here (totally constructed fabrications) in the Ukraine UFO saga earlier this year. Which all ties into the loonies in the exopolitics movement.
UFO Disclosure=Ludicrous Foes
How about a little bit more - a bit more spooky - hey it's October!
BTW, `stories' in the Reddit category of `No Sleep' (where this link came from) can be fiction. Just sayin.
I've made the comment before - similar to this - that shouldn't we as the human species - hope or pray that the Universe has a mechanism to respond when that many souls parish via the hands of others INSTANTLY?
Much Thanks To Those Purchasing From My Author Page Recently

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