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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Disinfo? And Ridiculous Predictions? A Connection?..... Latest MUFON Reports

So, as your dutiful webmaster I went to MUFON today to look at the latest MUFON reports and find this somewhat unusual one below - especially unusual in that it's `signed' with personal info - something MUFON rarely lets remain in the posted reports --- see the report Here  and below:
It was 11pm, my wife and I were star gazing,directly above us, approximately 15,000 feet heading due west was an immense spear like Black Triangular UFO, it had to pass over Mt Shasta CA enroute to us. it was at least three football fields in length. no lights no sound, flat black. it was so large that it appeared to be floating over us in slow motion, yet from about us to the horizon what about 7 seconds, amazing sight. I felt an overwhelming feeling of , wow, youre finally here, it was a good feeling, two nights later, my during my sleep I had a,,,, being come through me and was told, that it was a Pleadian Scientific Ship, here to counter the aftershocks of large Quakes, january 2010, one was filmed over Santiago Chile, the USGS recorded a quake of 8.2, there it was, as we were told. we have a lot of activity here, its the norm almost nightly, but this one was immense. the youtube video has been removed. I had posted it on my fb account numberous times. Geoff Faulkner
Yeah, it's a dozy of a report and supposedly he's reporting this spellbound experience nearly 5 years after the fact BTW. You see, a search of the name above lead me to this link:
Yes, to an interview with the KINGS of crappola from the disinfo and fear mongers of 2012 (the interview is from 2011 and includes TONS of predictions for 2012-2018 that already make it beyond LUDICROUS that this is the information from interstellar beings - seriously, for some good comedy reading.... well, let me quote a some of the predictions:
The Total Economic Collapse In February 2012
And, you remember China's 2012 Nuclear Attack, right?
Yet, he warns us in the same interview in 2011 to not by into the alternative hype.
(crap about waiting for ascension)
Christ Allmighty - can you believe this crappola? That he is still recycling in a cleaned up version? This is a perfect example of the disinfo agents at work IMO.
Now, why was his name not edited out?
Did you also notice that I updated Strange UFO Stories Today?
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