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Monday, October 28, 2013

Albuquerque UFO/Light (Pictures) - Last Night - MUFON Reports

Good morning Clockers. From what the articulate Report indicates it was around 8 PM last night.... the person got a number of `light' shots... but the one below was the most distinctive:

Heck Of An Enlargement Too
Again... the light according to the report was so bright.. it would be surprising if this is the only report IMO.
July 4th 2013 - Lake Stevens Red Flashing `UFO' Video

It doesn't look like much to me... short video.. recorder is pretty surprised but could be anything from a Robocopter (somewhat unlikely) to simply a LED light attached to a balloon. I don't think this is one of the `real anomalous' of firecracker fame.

Recurring 3 Month UFO/Orb In Fredricksburg Texas Caught on Camera 10/25

This Picture, again from Fredricksburg, indicates an Orb/UFO VERY similar to the famous Dean Clark orb calling events:

I'd love to know if all the Ann Arbor reports are from one person or multiple folks.
Again, could be anything including hoax or nefarious.
ditto above
crashing UFO?
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