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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Laser's And UFO's - Part One

Welcome Newbies and Hello Clockers - welcome back to real UFO blogging. Today's installment was inspired by `Googling' about the subject matter that we've covered before here on UDCC - lasers and UFO's. Nearly all uses of lasers in these findings you will be shown in Part One and beyond are involved in the LITERAL CALLING of anomalous sky phenomena into a location OR the `communicating' with such object.

Yeah, heady stuff. The type of subject matter that doesn't pass the censor stuff with the MSM IMO. And, IF true, certainly opens up the potential for the ultimate can of worms - the setting off of some sort of actualization process not normally associated with a location of space/time. The type of action, that, evidently, when taken in association with a `desire' or intentionality or ritual of an individual or group of individuals - can actualize an `able-to-not-be' space' IMO.

This is how I look at the phenomenology of UFOlogy. Dangerous stuff. Not for the lighthearted IF it is shown that our reality structure has such placidity. And, certainly NOT in the interest of TPTB............... The posts the next day or two also bring to pure focus the ORB issue, ..... perhaps the most obvious MSM issue being totally avoided..... or, perhaps they are bored of waiting `for the saucer'.......... or worse.

So, with that as a backdrop - lets see what I found in other places on the internet that have dared to expose this possible slippery slope of reality that is right in our midst - perhaps.
About the earliest read on the subject was this post in 2006 that spoke of an e-mail received that told of using a laser and `finding' an UFO in the sky (years earlier). The article was called Laser Pen Attracts UFO... the article has a couple priceless quotes:
 Brian suggests that those looking for UFOs might wish to acquire one of those high powered laser pointers.
He thinks that these lasers may attract UFOs even when the sky seems clear of aerial phenomenon. This may indicate that UFOs are invisible but always present in our night skies.
What if instead of being invisible are actually UNactualized spaces until the laser?

The 2006 article in UFO Digest had the typical warnings about pointing lasers at eyes or it being potentially illegal to use into the sky. It's of a curious nature how the MSM has walked the line on all of this..... falling into line with TPTB that lasers into the sky is dangerous. Indeed, but for a different reason perhaps. Now remember, the above article said the E-Mail said (is that safely enough removed) that when the laser was pointed at the sky it `looked like a sparkler' in the sky was excited.
But, the above article/blogpost in 2006 is just the most straight forward of the posts in what could have you dropping your jaw... and wondering how the MSM avoids this stuff unless they are under pressure in some manner to keep the sheeple dumbed down.

Well, why not dig into the `Laser Pointer Forums' -- and into their UFO discussion with everything from how to HOAX a UFO with a laser (shine it on a balloon in the sky at night) to how to call Unidentified Craft... and maybe something that is one of us perhaps... as I provide this one quote from the forum that is a must read if you are to be following where this is all going.....
Here's a post from 7-16-2010:
One of my first green lasers attracted what I belieive was the Aurora TR3B antigravity spacecraft (black ops vessle) In the UK Wiltshire 
This thing came right over our heads & hovered there
It had a high pitch sound simular to a jet with orb shaped white lights on each point of the triange.. This thing looked menacing, but gave me a huge buzz & is the main reason I got into high powered lasers.
I have since seen other strange sightings in space but then again im now requently looking out for them.
I really dont care if people believe this sort of thing or not & dont expect anyone to until they see it for themselves but I know what I saw & thats my take on it!

So, once again, the confirmation of actualization, this time close and indeed as Clockers know, once you get ORBS this close the projection aspect of the experience seemingly takes over..... hence the Triangle craft.
Again, remember ORBS are dangerous to the MSM and TPTB..... destabilizing at a minimum and one of the topic areas with no upside for public discussion. Orbs could even be viewed as dangerous or destabilizing  to `religious' folks. IMO.
So, `exciting' the Orb Experience -- via this instrument (laser) -- (crutch some would argue - meaning Orb callers who use intentions and ritual) ---- you have to wonder since the MSM never covers the subject.... are there verifiable results?............... So, of course, I continued to dig to uncover who else, what other websites would be so brazen to pullout the `calling interstellar travelers' card other than UDCC.

Would Klaatu be next?
No, but what will be next indeed takes us to perhaps - Interstellar Travelers. Clockers know that UDCC covers those out on the edge of things... in uncharted by MSM waters.... yet often available to the public. And, one of those codgers caught this on a feed in May 2012... seems those UFO's might like lasers too UFO Shoots Laser. You can see the video below:

11-1 Positive to Negative ratio of opinion, about 3K views.
So, to end part 1....  we have ground confirmation of human usage of lasers producing something and video confirmation of something alien using something similar in `outer space'. (Of course `Beams' from Space Ships is nothing new to UFOlogy.) And, you know what..... we've only scratched the surface....

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Don't miss part two...... Love those `shares' on Facebook and Twitter.... Thanks.

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