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Saturday, March 9, 2013

`Ancient' `Aliens' An Other Stuff

Today's post is inspired by SOL and his comments about yesterday's post here at UDCC. In that post I surrounded the ideas of a woman who had become convinced that the `aliens' are literally the `demons' of the Bible. Now, I won't rehash it here but the post brought out SOL and he commented about the whole Ancient Alien ideas often promoted. And, I commented back --- but, thought the kernel of thought was worth a front page visit too.

You see, I made the point that Earth has been around in an `habitable' state for hundreds of millions of years before the dinosaurs and some 65 million years since. Now, assuming that visiting intelligence's .... biological, phenomenological beings ..... are REALLY visiting around the universe at any rate of speed...... one would assume that our beautiful planet -- the most beautiful and life supporting planet for probably a Quadrillion miles - literally - (and perhaps much more) ---- don't you think that at sometime over 500 million years SOMETHING, SOME ALIEN BEINGS, WOULD have visited and perhaps stayed and perhaps even colonized our Earth? Is that so unreasonable?

Or, that a mammal, ape system, could have developed in some 30-40 million year period before on Earth? One that developed into `Earthing's' in some format? OR, better yet, couldn't have some `aliens' ... advanced aliens.... have come visiting this area of the universe and decided to stay awhile?

Because IF you DON'T believe that `biological aliens' have been by and given a visit to the planet Earth over the last 500 million years of a solid surface with fauna and such... in an area of the universe stretching Trillions of miles before an other more likely candidate to check out other than Earth (folks its 100 trillion miles simply to the nearest star) ..... THEN YOU MUST BELIEVE THAT ALIENS CRUISING THE UNIVERSE IS TRULY A RARE AND UNIQUE COMMODITY. 

Sometimes one has to look at the real time spans involved to achieve a fuller understanding of one's views. How many times do YOU think that `aliens' come strolling by livable planets within a Quadrillion miles of each other? Or, `aliens' that have a monitoring system in place that could respond to a scenario of a livable planet every Quadrillion miles or so? Or, that could send probes at below the speed of light once a `radio' civilization level is achieved on a livable planet? Physical probes.
But, I limit this discussion by only referring to the last 1/2 billion years..... as of course ..... our Sun is the product of the massive explosion of a previous Star in `our location' (remember, it is these remains that form our Sun/Planet duel) .. and we are told that THAT star exploded about 7 billion years ago or so..... even 7 billion years ago it was about 7 billion years into the (this) universe timeline and already many second generation and more stars had formed and exploded to provide the heavier elements needed for higher life forms. 

BILLIONS of years had already passed.... there is every reason to believe that `intelligent life' may have been around 7 billion years ago to explore this region of `location' (remember, we `sit' in a location of space that is also moving) and that BEFORE the last star exploded to produce the material for the SUN.... that intelligent life may have formed in the temperate zone around that star system.

Which brings up the outlandish thought wondering if any relic could survive a `Suns' explosion? (Or, of course, a Universe collapse or bounce.) Could any object survive to be `found' in the next go round of `star' in an area location? A completely unmentioned new way of the `OOPO' Out Of Place Object - to occur? (Just letting it flow here.... not really serious.... indeed, another idea to the OOPO is simply Quantum Mechanics I think as ALL OBJECTS have the `chance' however infinitely small of `appearing' in a different location across the universe -- it simply doesn't happen in common consensus. (But could account for intended materialization's IMO.) 
Also, doesn't QM allow for an on-again, off-again, nature to our very reality? Each moment, literally being Trillions of `switch on switch off' actualization's.  And, who are humans to judge the potential perceptions available within the range of the off switch when we are normally to nearly exclusively looking at the on-switch to save our very life. (Fantasize too long and you have driven into the back of a truck.)

Could beings and entities be `lurking' un-actualized normally in the switch-off `nether region'? With potentially those perceptions being available to humans in an altered state of awareness or intentionality? Might THOSE `aliens' be what it is we as humans might be lucky enough to see? To perceive?

Because the identification of which `kinds' of alien perceptions humans have, may very well depend on if you really believe that `aliens' do or do not visit robust vegetative planets at least once every half a billion years; - or - is even THAT frequency too often for the limited amount of actual biological `aliens roaming the universe'. (Or even robotic counterparts.) 
Oh, here's a quickie link or two from the latest MUFON reports today:
Here's a report from Kentucky about a Scary, Life Changing UFO Experience - this one with buzzing sound Orb instead of the `total silence Craft'.
Here's an interesting report of a multiple time observer of strange lights in Indiana - which conveniently brings up the Drone aspect of what is in our collective skies Could the Anomalous Be Drones?
A big thanks to the over 100 of you that downloaded a free book off my Kindle Author Page this week ... and those who purchased -- yippee I aye..... Gotta check it as I no longer announce free book days. Oh, thanks also to my UK Kindle Book buyers, have gotten 3 UK royalty checks already from Amazon UK. Finally, for a great selection of books from Amazon all having to do with the strangeness in our world - click this final Link.

MY Latest Kindle UFO Book - Or - Why Things Are Different Now That Phil Larson Has Answered The USA UFO Question

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