This Is - The HOME Page - What Lurks Within? Oh, BTW,`UFO Disclosure'? Bottom Of Page!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Links

I was going to pontificate today but have initially decided against it..... lol .... So, I think what I'll do is dig into the overstuffed bin - and - try to not over verbalize what is offered up by others interested in the anomalous reality we live within.
THE N.I.D.S. Study Of The `Flying Triangle Enigma' In 2004 - you know, in re-looking at this reproduction of the article - I had remembered NIDS said the Triangles were US - meaning human based and USA in origin. I certainly don't find those words today........
Did you know that the MSM outlet TMZ called MUFON the worlds largest UFO Debunking Agency? and no one from MUFON made a peep?
Here's a real interesting science read - that indicates that the Earth is resting closer to the edge of the Sun's `habitable zone' than previously thought --- MUCH closer - And Things Could Really Change By 2100, find out more.
How about a UFO Resource for Easter? Thematic UFO Sightings Mapped. Wonderful. You can bookmark this for next weeks surfing.
Keeping discussion by me to a minimum I present alien-abduction-implant-illness-symptoms - which does have some interesting stuff about `alien' implants.
Speaking of science...... Mealworms Could Replace Cows and Chickens For Protein. The Rosetta UFO Picture .... from my other blogs of interest to UDCC readers. I now have the RSS for each of these blogs in my sidebar too - thanks for your support.
Lamenting for the writings of Dan Mitchell? - the many perceptions of DM.
As Clockers know - SOMETHING is going on in the San Antonio skies: 8K views, 23/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion:
And, the FINE YouTube channel of the above blogger and recorder of what is going on in the SA skies - More Of The Above.
Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

`They Traveled Across The Galaxy'

Today will be a juggernaut of ideas to consider.

Just couldn't resist the headline today as a few thoughts popped into my mind prior to posting and deciding on a headline. Indeed, as the headline popped into my mind, it reminded me of certain meme's associated with the whole idea of `aliens' and just how advanced they have to be to have `gotten' to Earth. Oh, the marvel.....

Or, could it be that a minimum number have been here on Earth for a VERY long time? EONS perhaps. And, consequently, could have traveled at well below the speed of light at any time during the last 1/2 billion years or so into our area of the universe. Nonetheless, of course, an impressive accomplishment......... That said, perhaps it makes sense that the beings are sometimes described as `robotic' or at lacking emotions - how much of either would be helpful on trips of untold length and timing.

Would such a race of beings, hundreds of millions if not several billions of years cruising the `heavens' --- have had PLENTY OF time to `work out' science in all it's permeations? Would they really `need humans' for ANY type of experiments? Or, is it simply a matter of adding human data to the database as part of the scientific purpose of the mission.
Makes some sense. Especially when compared with at least a segment of what is reported to be `alien contact' `in space ships' that are seemingly in perpetual `operation-table mode'. But, why is this motif only arising in the human consciousness within the past 70 years? Or even more recently; -- IF the experience has any degree of objectivity in perception (the I am in a spaceship experience), and IF it isn't ONLY recent, wouldn't OLD TIME descriptions of the anomalous have had extremely similar descriptions? (IE: sparse room, table, strange creatures) 
OR, how about an alternative explanation? One that means that `the aliens' `Didn't Travel Across The Galaxy' to `get here'? One that suggests that `the aliens' CAN BE (but are not usually) right here and right now, - but are usually elsewhere and elsewhen. An alternative suggestion that `the aliens' and the perception of such beings - may be more related to the consciousness of one or a group of individuals.

That `the aliens' are in a slightly different `space perception structure' - one with less consensus than our normal everyday reality of temporal objects. The reality the human mind has been conditioned to `view' since birth - but - perhaps, not the only structure of perception available. That `triggers' in the human mind can find on occasion a different reality to view (even in dreams; such as using `cues' to transform the perceptions and awareness of an `ordinary dream' INTO a `lucid dream' --- even a lucid dream with some control of the phenomenology.)
So, is it even MORE BIZARRE to think that `qualitative aliens' are engaging in these `space-ship examination table' perceptions? Or can these near dream like - hypnotized states - (often with missing REAL time when encountered in `awake' consciousness) - be some bizarre REAL movement by humans to a different perception structure?

Could it be the `qualitative aliens' DON'T need a `spaceship' for THEIR existence UNLESS they are trying to get to our common consensus area of perceptions? That the literal `Space-Ship' is used to peer into another `reality SPACE level of perception'? That `the spaceship' is PROTECTING them from `our type of space consensus'?

Finally, could this `qualitative space' be the `escape hatch' for `living beings' to explore as some sort of `endless nirvana'? One that for most human consciousness level beings is very limited - and perhaps very limited even after a `death'? Could that qualitative space be like any other in that it too has evolved over 13.7 billion years with the `beings' that were able to `access' this escape hatch? Beings who discovered that THAT qualitative space had no limitations such as `here and now'?
But, what are we to make of accounts by humans IF the above is the case? Why would `qualitative beings' need DNA or ANYTHING at all from humans? To give humans a permanent `home' in that `other space'? In an `other space' with a REAL phenomenology?

IF that was the case, perhaps the extremely vivid `dreams of abduction' which involve sex and fetuses - are for a purpose IN THAT REAL. .//////............ And that the `human females' that report such experiences shouldn't really be looking for some invasion of `hybrids' on our EARTHLY consensus of space - as much as a `breeder' for a different phenomenology of beings.

In other words, `hybrids' are NOT being bred to return to Earth - hybrids would be being bred to BE in the other special consensus of space. The type of space I call, via my Phillips Phenomenology, the `able to not be' space. A space that is a part of all of us and all things living or `dead' objects - a space that could be part of an evolutionary path of phenomenology itself.
Did you enjoy that ride?
The above books are 99 cents to 2.99!

Friday, March 29, 2013

The `Tall Whites' (Aliens) On Australia TV

Yep. My immediate impression too was the `White Stripes' had re-named themselves upon re-grouping (Jack White is out on his own right?). NO. The `Tall Whites' isn't some ultra conservative rural group either - well.......... I guess perhaps `rural' isn't too far off. .......... You see, the Tall Whites referrers to a group of tall aliens who live in the Nevada desert.... errr.... at least LIVED in the desert in the 1960's at least..... that is .... they aren't very tall either UNTIL they reach the age of 400. You see, they live to the ripe age of 800 but grow the entire last 400 years.... so they end up REAL BIG.

Believable? NO. Of course. But that is what is being peddled into Australia courtesy of the `Disclosure' crowd and their accessories. So, without further ado - the TV media downunder - a bit more respectful I bet than US counterparts would be:
(only a week old, 24K views, and a 15/1 ratio of positive to negative opinion) (OMG)
How about some other background on the Tall Whites and the character you see above? Sure - The Tall Whites!
The extent that the real issues of the anomalous are obscured by crappola like the above is nearly sickening.
Since it is a day of insights into disinfo - let's play the other side about a character named Kal Korff and a whole website dedicated to NOTHING but calling him an idiot - Kal Is An Idiot ---- who the hell is Kal? I've copied and pasted what came up on the big G when I put the name in with `UFO':

The Rise&Fall of UFO Debunker Kal Korff, page 1
15 posts - 4 authors - Dec 25, 2008
This thread is about UFO personality Kal Korff who made a name for himself by writing skeptical books about Roswell, Bigfoot and Billy Meier.

Kal Korff -
Korff's Deception. NOTE: For those who may be unaware of Kal Korff, he is the person whose fraudulent debunking of Meier's UFO photos, physical evidence ...
  1. Kal K. Korff - UFO Watchdog
    As usual, I'll make this short and get to the point: I am not associated with, do not work with, nor do I endorse Kal K. Korff. To put it bluntly, my opinion is that I ...The Future Of Mankind - A Billy Meier Wiki - Kal
  2. Jan 26, 2011 – Kal K. Korff is an individual most noted for his claims at debunking the Billy Meier UFO case in Switzerland. However, other debunking attempts ...
    Go ahead, knock yourself out.
    (tip of the hat to my buddy Joel for this story today)
    ====================================The Myth Representation Of UFOlogy
    Folks, TPTB will do anything to make sure the black budget never is public; and keeping real UFO information to a minimum, and in a confused state is the goal - one can assume. UFO Disclosure = Ludicrous Foes (anagram).

    Or, do you prefer `Lucid Sour Foes'?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Blinking Lights - Splitting Orbs (Latest MUFON Reports Today)

Just why would UFO's have `blinking lights' on the sides of crafts? To attract attention? To show that `they' don't care if `they' are looked at? For illumination of the `roadway'? Or, because the wife likes the latest designs? (Could the blinking lights be our human interpretation of `orbs lighting'?)

Whatever they are or the reasoning behind them - today I will highlight some of the various MUFON reports of the latest 20 listings for you to consider. I will just do snippets, go to the MUFON link to read the full accounts. I will also have other UFO links to consider later in today's post too - so read until the end. And, make sure to share this post to your Facebook Page or your Twitter Account - be a warrior about UFO info.
1st - happened this morning (Thursday) and is the very latest report of a THREE time recurring UFO in South Carolina `Multi colored lights flashing'. Quick read.

2nd - (Tuesday) - `lights pulsated in a circular pattern' in Texas. Quick read.

3rd - (Tuesday) - `row of white lights with red flashing light beneath' - North Carolina. Quick read. Oh, they got within a 100 feet -  And took this picture yet another occasion evidently: --- is this a spectacular shot or a lens flare as it only turned up in one photo? AND, the person reported it in a separate report That Does NOT Seem Related To The 100 Foot Away Experience - obviously this person is tuned in or being tuned in. Quick read.

4th - `multi colored blinking lights' - (Wednesday, middle of night) in Michigan. Quick read.

5th - (Wednesday, for an hour) - `flashing red, green, blue and orange lights' in New York. Quick read.

6th - (Tuesday) - `red flashing light' in Connecticut. Quick read.

Had I expanded the inquiry to NOT be recent OR to include the word `pulsating' - the number would have been at least 1/2 of the reports.
I promised a good Orb splitting up front and you will not be disappointed in the story attached to the splitting Orb. 

Indeed, it was on Wednesday in Kings Park New York, an quick encounter involving two witnesses to an Orb being chased by a helicopter and then splitting into two in front of their eyes:
Was at friends house went outside to hear a helicopter that sounded liek a military one. Ive seen them come over my town before. so me and my friend wait to see this just above the trees my friend goes "WTF look!" I see this thing that looks like a star in from of the helicopter like about no more then 100ft away. It had a really really think trail coming from it. as it went straight coming about what we thought was northwest to north west. it split into two orbs one yellowish and one reddish then they the helicopter continued chase out if view. Then we go to 711 after a few minutes my freinds dad shows up and says my friends brother saw a post on FaceBook about lots of orbs over NYC. Direct MUFON Link
Got a nice comment from a lady with a New Ageish blog of some substance (compared to most of that ilk) - you can check it out right here - Fahrusha's Weblog - a walk through her blogroll will take up the next 1/2 hour so......... and one EXCELLENT UFO site I found on her blogroll that I simply had forgotten about is George Filer's NUFOC - George is a buddy of Ken Pfeifer a person well known at UDCC. GF's site  will add about another hour to your surfing time today. And, how about UFOdb? to complete your UFO and mind expansion for today?
My continued thanks to my UK readers who continue to purchase books from my Kindle Author Page  - up to 9 books this month, most ever for one month I think from the UK. 100's once again have downloaded my occasional FREE BOOK too this month. Please read a sample of any of my books at my author page.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lasers And UFO's - Part Five

The quest continues for that close up laser/UFO picture or video today in Part Five of this UDCC journey. So, without further ado:
The quest is over - with no smoking gun unless it was truly deeply buried in the content I brought in part one and two. Never found it. Never found an often seen website promoting such findings. DID find lots of stories of such.

But, that said, let's end this little pursuit with two real intense links and for totally different reasons. First, is from our beloved MSM - the Huffington Post - which just 10 days ago or so wanted to clue us into the methods for finding UFO's in our night skies for `that elusive million-dollar image' - and what was really important to bring to such an endeavor:

  • Warm clothing (depending on your location)
  • A good pair of binoculars
  • A good, reliable camera (duh!), capable of actually capturing night images
  • Fellow eyewitnesses and some snacks (in case it's a long stakeout)
  • Information from a database that can guide you to possible UFO hangouts
  • More Priceless Advice From HP
  • ========================================== You'll note the lack of mention of night vision equipment - lasers - or even a mental intentionality. So, is it HP that is offering this MILLION DOLLARS or is this LS's version of the Randi offer? Some of the more than priceless advice is that UFO's sometimes show up in one location more than one night in a row....... the article has one embedded video that HP promoted back in January off of a `gathering site' - evidently they can't find new ones or something - that video link is here to a good moving lights in the sky video from Jan. 2013 over Warren Michigan UFO
  • ===================================================

The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real - The Phenomenology Of Actualization
Finally, perhaps that MILLION bucks could have gone to this religious couple who had an extraordinary Orb IN their home - as found and brought to us all by UNKNOWN COUNTRY - yes, Whitley Strieber's webpage. The couple also had what UDCC is describing lately as the Neighborhood UFO experience too. 

Oh, there is a final connection to Green Laser in this account as you can see in my excerpt below from the Very Detailed Account:
When she arrived downstairs, she saw a glowing ¾ orb shaped like an upside down letter U. It was approximately 2 ft in width and 1.5 ft in height. The object was very light gray/silver in color. The object had two vertical small round lights inside which blinked green pulsating laser light which were like blinking lasers pointing directly at my wife. The light stream was not wide but slim in width. The object’s bottom left side emitted bursts of very bright florescent white light, some long and some short, when my wife started praying to this object. The object was located near a corner wall and appeared to be floating about 4-5 feet off the ground.

Shake your head somewhere else - this is UFOlogy today.

 yes, this second item is FREE

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lasers And UFO's - Part Four

More of the on-going series of finding out who other than UDCC covers or implies that UFO's can be called or seen on a demand like basis. Did you miss Part Three?
Our next stop in our quest for the perfect Laser/UFO video and evidence continues at the Astral Projection And Metaphysics Forum..... aka..... Shop Of Enlightenment Dot Com...... in the forum thread titled `Dowsed UFO Shooting Laser Beam' Link:

Dowsed UFO shooting laser beam

Postby Waterhawk on Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:48 pm
Hello all,

Long time since I posted anywhere here. Constructing a very large order of orgone devices this weekend for a guy. Been out of work for over a year and recently employed doing painting & pressure washing. Funny how I get a call for someone wanting to hire me for employment, then next evening someone calling me to make orgone devices. About a week before all that I did some dowsing in order to possibly help me financially. Looks like it worked.

Ok so I recently found a video showing what looks to be a UFO. I then asked the person (who took that UFO video) if she wanted me to dowse and find more possible information concerning her video of the UFO. The following is what happened, enjoy ; )

UFO Video

Response to video: Dowsing

Now folks are asking me what dowsing is. So I now must make a video about dowsing for people tp learn dowsing from.

I started a live internet video & pod cast program called COA. Visit for more information.

Now, of course, the FIRST video link above - the one to the shooting of lasers - is NOT available. Of course. ..... The second is however and leads well into and onto the slippery slope based on Dowsing Info: (about 2k views, 2/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion.)
link- - IF you dig deep enough into this guys catalog you will find Project Camelot --- OMG.
So, if dowsing info based on a removed YouTube video showing UFO/Laser information is NOT your smoking gun - the quest continues............... In Part Five.
I have some good stuff on my other UFO blogs today that you'd be sure to enjoy - The 1984 UFO At The Olympic Opening Show and an examination of 5 UFO reports to MUFON in the Hickory North Carolina Area In Just The Last 30 Days. Or, give a visit to My Reddit Headlines - my news blog.
Dowsing As A Daily Tool: Your Every Day Guide To Intuition On Demand

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Laser's And UFO's - Part Three

Yesterday's post ended with the tease for the Laser Pointer Safety . Com website - Laser's Used To Tag UFO's - the 2012 article notes the illegal nature of simply shining the laser into the sky and also notes that what is happening is that folks who purchase NIGHT Vision equipment - can see LOTS OF DIFFERENT OBJECTS not normally visible -- then, you use the laser to tag the object UNTIL it responds. An excerpt: students are using lasers to tag UFOs that they see using night vision equipment. Author Tom Rose, the “East Stroudsburg Paranormal Examiner,” writes that night vision equipment is now more affordable, so it can be used to detect cloaked objects in the sky. These may be secret military aircraft or extraterrestrial ships.

Rose refers to YouTube clips where handheld lasers are pointed at the detected objects. Writes Rose:

“The idea seems to be to light up the objects with a laser pointer until they "respond" by suddenly glowing brighter. Successful attempts are met with cheering and exclamations….”

Those damn college students again....... lol...... 
Now, the video `has been removed' by YouTube from the story but the picture below survives as part of what it once included:
Lasers aimed at UFOs
So, what does LPS think?
Commentary from Watching the video, one explanation for star-like objects moving at a constant rate is that they are satellites. The brightness increases can be due to satellite flares -- light reflecting off solar panels or other structures. For example, the well-known Iridium satellites have bright “flares” lasting a few seconds -- bright enough to be seen during the daytime. The website lists predictable visibility times for Iridium and other satellites.
So, the `callers' know the time in advance and time their prayers to be answered at the perfect moment?...... Yeah, right......
So, it's mundane...... and the still frame above of the green laser is a `reflection"?...... Yeah, right......
But, UDCC was certainly not at the end of the quest to see what other websites is exploring this slippery slope terrain of lasers and UFO's.... So.....

With the subject of Green lasers calling `Orb/UFO's' it was only a matter of time before UFO's would be using Green Lasers themselves or BECOMING LIKE GREEN LASERS themselves as can be seen in these THREE UFO reports from Colorado in 2011 and reported by Forteans West. Com - I'll provide a snippet of the three reports below see the details at the link:

2011-08-07 2011-07-28 Green strike in the sky, dividing itself in three green dots, joining each other to form one green light
Saw it for the third time tonight. Beam of green light as a laser beam. Divides itself in three dots, travels into space disappears, return forms a streak and divides itself in two, then join the original green light, forms a streak returns into space appears again… First sight during late night in the winter. Second sight during spring, third sight tonight. Same behaviors with small variations. Clearly to the naked eye.
Not a comet, not a laser beam. It divides itself and the two other light joins in the larger green light. Travels into space and repeats it’s patterns randomly. My observations last about an hour or more. Intriguing and clear.
Fake Green UFO
Green intense light - one of the many colors of UFO's and Orbs.
Seems a bit strange to not have the smoking gun yet - don't you think? That close up craft photo that has been called in to view for someone?....................... Tomorrow will be Part Four and perhaps the conclusion if it is a big post or just part four of five if not.
How about a bit more since it's Sunday and the weekend..... Like the return of Joe Capp's blog...... Contact Has Begun.... Joe is another like myself who saw a saucer close up.....  he makes a few assumptions I don't about the perception.... And, the Biggest Study (one of my favorite websites) goes with the dagger to our souls with The End Of UFOlogy...... this guy does his blogging work top notch.
IF you are still catching up:
amazon products to check out
bobble heads and dashboard bouncers
UDCC Affiliate C4L

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Lasers And UFO's - Part Two

Welcome. Today's installment of real UFO blogging will continue the examination of OTHER websites, other than UDCC, who have been willing to dip their big toe into the slippery goo at the edge of reality, by covering the `idea' that UFO's can be.................... `called'. In these `callings' we will be focusing on the usage of lasers into the sky to accomplish this feat of awe.

As you can see, this is part two,  and we've already established some basic connections between the laser phenomena and UFO's (per se) in Thursday's examples. So, with that as a background to today's content..... let us begin:
Today, we'll begin our coverage of this dangerous subject matter to TPTB, with what is claimed as the `power up' response by UFO's - to intense light power shown into the sky. 

This account below, from 2005 at the Gilliland Ranch, where 1000's are purported, even by 2005, to have watch UFO's `called' or `communicated' with. Gilliland Ranch - UFO `Power Up' Response to Intense Light. This article is replete with Video too and other links - background to the `calling phenomena' basically ignored by the MSM now for about a decade or more.

Below is a picture of a `power up':
I also provide these words from the above post at A Healed Planet.Net:

At about 11:00 PM, James decided to “call” a UFO and began flashing his ten-million-candlepower spotlight into the sky.  He later said that he also prayed for one to make its presence known as he flashed his spotlight.  James said that they respond to heartfelt human desire to see one, and they respond best to a joyful attitude.  He said that the dour, stern UFO “nuts and bolts” investigators do not have the right attitude to go UFO hunting.  Somebody said that afternoon that the “permanent scowl” that UFO investigatorPhil Klass wore defeated him before he even began, and that is giving Klass the benefit of the doubt that he was not working on behalf of the power structure as a UFO debunker. 
Within a couple of minutes after James began flashing his spotlight, it happened.  One innocuous “satellite” that was passing slowly south, to the east of Mount Adams, suddenly “powered on.”  For about five seconds, it was the brightest thing in the sky, by far.  Think of Venus-times-ten in brightness, and you get an idea of what we saw (one of my Boeing pals called it “Mars times fifty”).  It was spectacular, and nothing that could be explained by the typical “debunker” explanations.  It was not “one of ours.”  After about five seconds of brilliance, it powered down and became just one more “satellite” trailing across the night sky.  I had seen my UFO.  There was no doubt among any of us regarding what we had seen, and some were very experienced at watching satellites and other lights in the sky.  One of the witnesses that night was a retired Air Force captain). 
The Utah UFO Display: A Scientist's Report (Interesting Book)
So, have we even expanded the category? Is it no longer `lasers' that is the connection? Is it something that disturbs a particular `space' location? By whatever means? Simply using an unusual intentional focus on a particular area in the sky? And, once again, we even have the prayer aspect - mental aspect.
Oh, it was in about this time period (2005-2006) that the Prophet Yahweh was `calling UFO's' on his one live TV performance in Las Vegas .........................
Speaking of live performances..... today's post will conclude contentwise with the slippery slope - and only a partial connection to the Laser and `UFO' experience: it's a video I've seen if not used at least once before on one of my blogs I think about a UFO/USO and the proverbial unmentioned `immediate military UFO response'........... WITH an `unrelated' video of the use of a `Green Laser' to `produce' a truly over the top response from the skies IF to be believed. (and the reason for inclusion here)

The overall ratio of the video is about 1.5/1 Positive to Negative and I will provide the YouTube words about the video below too:


Uploaded on Sep 30, 2009 Witness Report.
Spain - 09-29-09 The power issues with the supernatural have on people is extraordinary. The latest example is a video that has come to the drafting of Terra Noticias, together with an anonymous note in which the sender says the fear he felt when he spotted a UFO from his boat.

While questioning the credibility of the images, since the absence of data we could not collect more information, the video is worthy of being published by the impact and creating curiosity aroused by the possible existence of UFOs in Spain.

The most impressive image of the video, which is engraved the most stylish 'Rec' or 'Blair Witch' is not only, obviously, the supposed UFO that crashes into the sea, but also the emergence of 'fighters' and wonder of surprising fishermen for persecution.

The Galician fisherman has decided to make public what, they said, lived and experienced while on his boat. While some apparent military aircraft chasing a 'foreign object' that hits the sea and made a spectacular dive, provenance unknown helicopter flies over the boat and ordered the fishermen to hurry to get away from the place where they are.

'Leave the area immediately, please contact the port. They receive instructions ... 'are the words to the fishing.

The note accompanying the recording, shows the fear of the sender in such a situation: "Sending this video after much thought, but after the scare, I think it my duty to report this has happened and I do not see any explanation
  • Category

  • License

    Standard YouTube License

    Next up for the laser-UFO connection in part three you ask?

Well, how about a website called Laser Pointer Safety and an article called Lasers Used To Tag UFO's? Which has an explanation for the `power up' seen on some occasions by `UFO Calling' enthusiasts --- those of you that read it today get the heads up.
Why not share this post on Twitter or Facebook? Then again, TPTB monitor that type of behavior, so .... use your best judgement.
My thanks to the multiple folks who purchased E-Books from my Kindle Author Page yesterday ..... and to the 7 UK folks so far this month too (and one from France and Italy, thanks). Keep exploring the pages of real bloggers providing a real alternative view to what the main stream media offers you. There is a reason bloggers exist.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Laser's And UFO's - Part One

Welcome Newbies and Hello Clockers - welcome back to real UFO blogging. Today's installment was inspired by `Googling' about the subject matter that we've covered before here on UDCC - lasers and UFO's. Nearly all uses of lasers in these findings you will be shown in Part One and beyond are involved in the LITERAL CALLING of anomalous sky phenomena into a location OR the `communicating' with such object.

Yeah, heady stuff. The type of subject matter that doesn't pass the censor stuff with the MSM IMO. And, IF true, certainly opens up the potential for the ultimate can of worms - the setting off of some sort of actualization process not normally associated with a location of space/time. The type of action, that, evidently, when taken in association with a `desire' or intentionality or ritual of an individual or group of individuals - can actualize an `able-to-not-be' space' IMO.

This is how I look at the phenomenology of UFOlogy. Dangerous stuff. Not for the lighthearted IF it is shown that our reality structure has such placidity. And, certainly NOT in the interest of TPTB............... The posts the next day or two also bring to pure focus the ORB issue, ..... perhaps the most obvious MSM issue being totally avoided..... or, perhaps they are bored of waiting `for the saucer'.......... or worse.

So, with that as a backdrop - lets see what I found in other places on the internet that have dared to expose this possible slippery slope of reality that is right in our midst - perhaps.
About the earliest read on the subject was this post in 2006 that spoke of an e-mail received that told of using a laser and `finding' an UFO in the sky (years earlier). The article was called Laser Pen Attracts UFO... the article has a couple priceless quotes:
 Brian suggests that those looking for UFOs might wish to acquire one of those high powered laser pointers.
He thinks that these lasers may attract UFOs even when the sky seems clear of aerial phenomenon. This may indicate that UFOs are invisible but always present in our night skies.
What if instead of being invisible are actually UNactualized spaces until the laser?

The 2006 article in UFO Digest had the typical warnings about pointing lasers at eyes or it being potentially illegal to use into the sky. It's of a curious nature how the MSM has walked the line on all of this..... falling into line with TPTB that lasers into the sky is dangerous. Indeed, but for a different reason perhaps. Now remember, the above article said the E-Mail said (is that safely enough removed) that when the laser was pointed at the sky it `looked like a sparkler' in the sky was excited.
But, the above article/blogpost in 2006 is just the most straight forward of the posts in what could have you dropping your jaw... and wondering how the MSM avoids this stuff unless they are under pressure in some manner to keep the sheeple dumbed down.

Well, why not dig into the `Laser Pointer Forums' -- and into their UFO discussion with everything from how to HOAX a UFO with a laser (shine it on a balloon in the sky at night) to how to call Unidentified Craft... and maybe something that is one of us perhaps... as I provide this one quote from the forum that is a must read if you are to be following where this is all going.....
Here's a post from 7-16-2010:
One of my first green lasers attracted what I belieive was the Aurora TR3B antigravity spacecraft (black ops vessle) In the UK Wiltshire 
This thing came right over our heads & hovered there
It had a high pitch sound simular to a jet with orb shaped white lights on each point of the triange.. This thing looked menacing, but gave me a huge buzz & is the main reason I got into high powered lasers.
I have since seen other strange sightings in space but then again im now requently looking out for them.
I really dont care if people believe this sort of thing or not & dont expect anyone to until they see it for themselves but I know what I saw & thats my take on it!

So, once again, the confirmation of actualization, this time close and indeed as Clockers know, once you get ORBS this close the projection aspect of the experience seemingly takes over..... hence the Triangle craft.
Again, remember ORBS are dangerous to the MSM and TPTB..... destabilizing at a minimum and one of the topic areas with no upside for public discussion. Orbs could even be viewed as dangerous or destabilizing  to `religious' folks. IMO.
So, `exciting' the Orb Experience -- via this instrument (laser) -- (crutch some would argue - meaning Orb callers who use intentions and ritual) ---- you have to wonder since the MSM never covers the subject.... are there verifiable results?............... So, of course, I continued to dig to uncover who else, what other websites would be so brazen to pullout the `calling interstellar travelers' card other than UDCC.

Would Klaatu be next?
No, but what will be next indeed takes us to perhaps - Interstellar Travelers. Clockers know that UDCC covers those out on the edge of things... in uncharted by MSM waters.... yet often available to the public. And, one of those codgers caught this on a feed in May 2012... seems those UFO's might like lasers too UFO Shoots Laser. You can see the video below:

11-1 Positive to Negative ratio of opinion, about 3K views.
So, to end part 1....  we have ground confirmation of human usage of lasers producing something and video confirmation of something alien using something similar in `outer space'. (Of course `Beams' from Space Ships is nothing new to UFOlogy.) And, you know what..... we've only scratched the surface....

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Don't miss part two...... Love those `shares' on Facebook and Twitter.... Thanks.