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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sky Noise Phenomena Continues Into July

And, you thought the whole SNP was over? Think Again. Says it went on like this for TWO HOURS in the middle of the night and was coming from the entire sky.  301 views 2/0 positive/negative ratio of opinion:

link -
Very scary and probably very real. WTH? Oh, need more? Well, one day later on July 24th, this was uploaded from Buffalo New York. Seems only UDCC isn't scared to carry the SNP as we continue into 2012.
On a more personal level - I was bitten by about 30 hornets yesterday near the creek behind my home. Hurting big time today. My daughter said my swollen cheek makes me look like Abe Lincoln............................ And, a big thanks to those purchasing my E-Books as Three have been sold in less than 30 hours - appreciated. Remember, you never know about my author page - it may have a FREE Kindle book at any time.
H. R. Phillips Author Page. Or not.
IF you EVER read one of the Carlos Castaneda Books - You have to check out Lujan Matus, who I interviewed in 2011.

Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers

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