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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Drones Simplify `UFO' Reporting In Age After U.S. UFO Disclosure

In the old days..... say about a year ago, before the `Disclosure' by the government that `no aliens have interacted with humans'; and, that they were `NOT hiding any information about UFOs from the public', (reaching for the barf bag)...... this type of story would have been ripe for the standard, `are there UFOs' story of the mainstream media (MSM). But, alas, nowadays we have a new `mystery' that the government doesn't talk about `spy drones'. Isn't that just peachy?

Oh, we still have the ability by the MSM to even muddy up that issue too, - via the `large remote control clubs' that fly large Remote control planes --- never mind that this was at 8K feet. Indeed, in this story, UFOs ------ AREN'T EVEN MENTIONED as a possibility. Unlike, 8k foot RC planes, large birds and as I mentioned, government drones.

link -
So, in our new age of reporting, UFOs do not even need to be considered in that old way of thinking - alien crafts. I'm surprised they didn't suggest the pilot was having a LSD flashback or something.
Clockers, a little favor please. Go to this link And vote for UDCC. IF you are really up to it, write a review. Oh, btw, thanks to whoever bought the Chicago O'Hare UFO book yesterday..... for an hour the book was 61st in the world on Kindle for UFOs. You can sample the book here - 2006 O'Hare UFO Incident. Yippee.
I updated my `science' oriented blog and the headline story is something that readers of UDCC will enjoy for sure. It's a guy who goes over the NASA pictures of the Mars Surface - and it seems he has found something in the last day or two of GREAT interest. Is this a MONOLITH on the surface of Mars? - It's just a two minute video and is not over hyped. It could also be a Dirt Devil and other things, including human space debris.
No, I'm not finished with you yet, or your mind. In this very high brow science take on the SETI question - it gets to the very bottom of whether the current listening for signals will ever be successful. It's only a 5 minute read for a lot of info about what type of signals we are actually likely to catch if we are lucky. And one of the ways is if they are deliberately Targeting EARTH with a beacon from their planet. -- Literally targeting Earth out of the whole cosmos.
Lest we forget the classics...... Area 51 Strange Craft Picture By Civilian In 2008 - LOTS to read at this blog.
Yeah, if you are new, you may need to bookmark and return to UDCC - at the least make sure you dig into the archive before you go.
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