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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Eligael Gedalyovich - Who Filmed the Jerusalem UFO Speaks Out

While this may be less than satisfying to all - IMO - (and that is all it is an opinion) - this guy hardly seems like a yuckster. For those looking for some confession, or admission of a hoax, forget about it. Eligael also indicates that this isn't the first UFO he has seen in the location (I can tell you from following this that he posted a non-interesting UFO video about a few days after his famous video): Fewer than 3,400 views as posted.

Here you go:

I am not done with my full review of this event - stay tuned.


  1. Thanks for finding this, Rick. It's just not seeming like a hoax at all, is it?

  2. Is very interesting to at last see the person who claims to have taken the Jerusalem UFO footage!Of course I have seen videos that purport to have put a lid on the 'hoax', but you know what---I am not a video specialist, so what they claim to prove means not much to me because I do not know the technical side of video-making. Though I do think I can spot obvious phonies---like ONE of the videos of the J-JUFO for example where the back drop appears static. I think you, and others admit that that had been added?

    yesterday I received a reply to a comment I made on one of this guy's videos informing about the youtube user Hoaxkiller1's main claim that he has exposed it as a hoax, and the responder said that HIS claims had been debunked. I have asked for some more info on that and am still waiting. So......

  3. Hi, couple of things really, I was blown away when the vids were first shown.. then decided to wait and see how the outcome gets played out ...

    Lets firstly assume they were genuine. If so they are the best ufo clips I personally have ever seen, and Ive trawled hundreds if not thousands! But as with Roswell, dis-info will be spread, its a great way to confuse the masses, "lets prove this is a hoax so people wont get excited about future vids, of any ufo"!

    And whoever maintains that one vid is a still shot as they no movement, well, I saw flickering lights in the forground so god knows where others are looking to make that claim!

    But any city, even major cities like London, UK, have their moments of calm, no cars or people etc! So it doesn't mean a thing to say.. you cannot see movement so this means its a hoax! The shuttles tether vid was absolutely rigidly still. Guess the discs flying around the tether then were hoaxed by Nasa! plus from the angle and distance, you'd need bionic eyes to see anything moving, especially, from a distance, on a cell phone!

    It seems there are way too many armchair experts quick to open their mouths expressing their "expert opinion", and then going on to make a vid similar to show how its done! Geat! Proves nothing tho... other than some people can make a 'similar' looking vid.

    Perhaps those who shot the other J-UFO vids will step up sometime soon?

    Time is the only thing that will tell in this case, not armchair critics. Evryones an expert...yeh and empty cans always make the most noise. Be good to see if Radar picked anything up!

    Remember the apparitions of Mary In Egypt and the ufo's? Seen, photographed, and videoed by "thousands, night after night?

    taster vid:

    Full story and tonnes more info here:

    Wonder what the critics will have made of that if it happened today and was caught on cell-phone cameras?

    Im happy to sit on the fence re the J-UFO, time will tell...
    Keep up your great work!

  4. Hi, couple of things really, I was blown away when the vids were first shown.. then decided to wait and see how the outcome gets played out ...

    Lets firstly assume they were genuine. If so they are the best ufo clips I personally have ever seen, and Ive trawled hundreds if not thousands! But as with Roswell, dis-info will be spread, its a great way to confuse the masses, "lets prove this is a hoax so people wont get excited about future vids, of any ufo"!

    And whoever maintains that one vid is a still shot as they no movement, well, I saw flickering lights in the forground so god knows where others are looking to make that claim!

    But any city, even major cities like London, UK, have their moments of calm, no cars or people etc! So it doesn't mean a thing to say.. you cannot see movement so this means its a hoax! The shuttles tether vid was absolutely rigidly still. Guess the discs flying around the tether then were hoaxed by Nasa! plus from the angle and distance of the Dome, you'd need bionic eyes to see anything moving, especially, from a distance, on a cell phone!

    It seems there are way too many armchair experts quick to open their mouths expressing their "expert opinion", and then going on to make a vid similar to show how its done! Geat! Proves nothing tho... other than some people can make a 'similar' looking vid.

    Perhaps those who shot the other J-UFO vids will step up sometime soon?

    Time is the only thing that will tell in this case, not armchair critics. Evryones an expert...yeh and empty cans always make the most noise. Be good to see if Radar picked anything up!

    Remember the apparitions of Mary In Egypt and the ufo's? Seen, photographed, and videoed by "thousands, night after night?

    taster vid:

    Full story and tonnes more info here:

    Wonder what the critics will have made of that if it happened today and was caught on cell-phone cameras? That, IMO, was the single greates anomaly that no-one nowadays talks of!

    Im happy to sit on the fence re the J-UFO, time will tell...
    Keep up your great work!

  5. Hi, couple of things really, I was blown away when the vids were first shown.. then decided to wait and see how the outcome gets played out ...

    Lets firstly assume they were genuine. If so they are the best ufo clips I personally have ever seen, and Ive trawled hundreds if not thousands! But as with Roswell, dis-info will be spread, its a great way to confuse the masses, "lets prove this is a hoax so people wont get excited about future vids, of any ufo"!

    And whoever maintains that one vid is a still shot as they no movement, well, I saw flickering lights in the forground so god knows where others are looking to make that claim!

    But any city, even major cities like London, UK, have their moments of calm, no cars or people etc! So it doesn't mean a thing to say.. you cannot see movement so this means its a hoax! The shuttles tether vid was absolutley rigidly still. Guess the discs flying around the tether then were hoaxed by Nasa! plus from the angle and distance, you'd need bionic eyes to see anything moving, especially, from a distance, on a cell phone!

    It seems there are way too many armchair experts quick to open their mouths expressing their "expert opinion", and then going on to make a vid similar to show how its done! Geat! Proves nothing tho... other than some people can make a 'similar' looking vid.

    Perhaps those who shot the other J-UFO vids will step up sometime soon?

    Time is the only thing that will tell in this case, not armchair critics. Evryones an expert...yeh and empty cans always make the most noise. Be good to see if Radar picked anything up!

    Remember the apparitions of Mary In Egypt and the ufo's? Seen, photographed, and videoed by "thousands, night after night?

    taster vid:

    Full story and tonnes more info here:

    Wonder what the critics will have made of that if it happened today and was caught on cell-phone cameras?

    Im happy to sit on the fence re the J-UFO, time will tell...
    Keep up your great work!

  6. What I want to know is, where is the But-of-course-it's-a-hoax! crowd? Why haven't they stepped in to comment on this?

    The answer is there is no real intellectual honesty in the debunker crowd, because they will never concede the possibility that any UFO evidence is genuine. They are not open-minded: they merely look to have confirmation of their biased beliefs.

  7. First, I thank all of you for your comments and articulations - they do help me too think about all of this.

    C.J. Sully - Indeed.

    Muz - I have seen and hope to pull out the link that says hoaxkiller1's stuff is suspect -- something I have implied here based on my own internet investigation if it can be called that.

    Nathan, thanks for your comments. I hope I can do justice to the whole flow of the informaiton about the J-Event - I do believe that the disinfo folks were out in force too.

    Jum, thanks for your thoughts too. Oh, they check in here once in awhile - but, have a hard time with open minded thinking as you would expect. The funny thing is that ATS would use my link when I do not simply mouth the common ATS position.


  8. Big talk, Jum. You completely ignore the fact HOAXkiller1 on youtube has conclusively demonstrated all four videos were software creations, as many posters and MSM outlets have noted. Also, someone at ATS was able to reproduce the fourth video -- the most convincing one -- completely. This is also well-known, as the Anomalist posted the link.

  9. Hey, Rick, I think we all have to be extra vigilant when it comes to All News Web. It will post anything, even obvious CGI hoaxes. Also, though originating from Australia, ANW is in the habit of taking most of its material from non-English sources so it can't be verified or refuted (or so thinks ANW). This might be yet another case of ANW opportunism -- I mean, why the heck would the source of this huge global story go to the least credible UFO site online?

    And here's some evidence to back up that ANW has no credibility: even the ever-loving-a-conspiracy ATS has a policy against threads based on All News Web garbage.

    "MOD NOTE: ALL ANW material or any site that uses ANW as a source will be trashed "

  10. First of all folks - a few words about Terry The Censor. On occasion I don't even allow the comments of TTC to appear - on other occasions, I do. TTC is known in the blogging community for being, well, annoying, boyish, and dense as well as impolite and a spreader of disinto from one point of view - his. He also is known to badger folks who comment about his comments with PERSONAL MESSAGES. A total non-starter than TTC seems to simply be below the level of understanding. So, if ANY of you receive a personal message from TTC that is not desired (and I assume that most of us are not here for personal messages) - let me know and TTC will have seen the last print in these pages.

    Now, Terry, shame I have to do the above for anyone - but, you know it is true. And, I do want to address - one time - your `information' --- I also want you to know that in THIS THREAD you are done - I will not permit any response in THIS thread.

    However, I will respond. And, do note you are within reasonableness within these posts - IMO.

    First and probably foremost - is that YOU haven't done YOUR homework on Hoaxkiller1 and his `background' in hoaxkilling. So, please do your homework - to quote Hoaxkiller as your 100% go to response is sad, really. Open your mind up a bit.

    Your mention of The Anomalist website almost made me laugh - as I have a personal internet relationship with one of the two editors (both really) who have been using MY logic as one of the few points of reason in the whole Jerusalem event - that must drive you nuts. Anomalist readers love UDCC. Anyway, I assure you that Anomalist NEVER OFFERS PROOF either via MY words or certainly anyone like Hoaxkiller1,

    Finally Terry, you are indeed correct about ANW in general - many of their offerings are crappola and the definition of it. That said, they fall into that category IMO for a couple of reasons - one - like myself - they, I assume LOOK for UFO vids. Terry, try it yourself for a day as I did on Feb. 12th - I found about 30 worthy vids posted within 24 hours - 29.5 of which never see the MSM or even the internet media you love - light of day. So, to even think that all are disprovable is beyond silly. And, when one simply goes with what is available - one often will look silly in many ways. It is something I am risking by trying to show how much is available.

    Lastly, so you TTC EXPECTED that the Jeru posters would be aware of YOUR ideas (and mine) about ANW -- that is near hallucinatory -- this guy was probably bothered by ANW more than anyone else and thought they deserved the scoop - simple, not some sort of conspiracy as you always see. Not only that - why would you think that a low user of YouTube In Isreal is hip to our UFO newsscence is totally nuts.

    Remember TTC, I will NOT print any response from you to this thread. You will simply have to mull over why I thought you deserved a full response.

    Oh, and grow up.


  11. Hi again, have you seen 'the' latest J-UFO with Jaime Mauusan and weather cam or cctv cam showing the ufo? Obviously that cant have been faked..

    If not, here it is!!

  12. (Sorry if I keep posting, but nothing my end says its been accepted, what Im doing wrong?)

    So once again....

    Hi again, have you seen 'the' latest J-UFO with Jaime Mauusan and weather cam or cctv cam showing the ufo? Obviously that cant have been faked..

    If not, here it is!!

  13. hey nathan, so did I till I was shocked to read a comments under this video two days back: UFO - OVNI - UFO Jerusalem weather cam - 5th video - New Analysis "#

    As a resident of Jerusalem i confirm what cam owner @boazn1 said below: The place filmed in this video is nowhere near the Dome of the Rock. The big white building shown is in fact The National Museum in Nayot residence, nowhere even near the Old City.
    jordannnnnnn 3 days ago 5

    @NickTrop This video is done because the same material was used in youtube to say that this was proof of UFO Jerusalem. This video only shows that can not be used as evidence. . The latest news I have is that this is not anywhere near the position where Dome of the Rock. Then remains the same conclusion. Fair evidence. Your opinion only validates that this video can not be used as evidence and that we are right.
    JuangonysChannel "

  14. Has nobody else seen the evidence of yet ANOTHER witness to the Jerusalem UFO also taken on 28 Jan? Click on "Mr Thomas Levine" for two still photos.


  16. Still a hoax.

  17. Terry,

    This is OLD OLD `news'. Nothing in this proves a hoax in any way. IMO.

    I did an almost final review of the case recently and spoke with someone of interest concerning the videos. I will have that update in UDCC fairly soon.

    In a nutshell - OF COURSE - a few of the videos were FAKES; including the last ones by EG. The reason he did those IMO is most likely money or some sort of pressure and I'd expect that he has signed a non-disclosure statement about the last CRAFT video he provided mysteriously to the internet.

    One learns to be cautious in final conclusions when the world power structure and information centers are challenged. So, once again, the conncetions between people who film things in a small community like a city is not surprising at all -- it's almost like saying - and they walk down the SAME STREET every day.


  18. Come on, Rick.
    1) Yeah, some of the videos were fake
    2) yeah, the video makers are filmmakers too
    3) and, yeah, the filmmakers are evasive and dishonest when questioned
    4) and not independent of each other as earlier claimes
    5) but there is a powerful conspiracy in the world
    6) and you can't disprove absolutely everything
    7) therefore those were real alien craft
    That's what you're saying.

  19. TTC,

    2) You mean they would have a reason and interest in filming at unusual times? As opposed to someone not interested in video and not in possession of a video device? ---- Or, the short answer - so? Fake hoaxers by definition are filmakers. EG last film was surely fake but as to THAT origin -- remains not only unknown but highly suspicious in distribution. That is, unless one sees hoaxes behind everything - like a big conspiracy.
    3. Tend to agree but understand non-disclosure agreements.
    4. EG stated early on - in Feb I believe - that he did NOT know why his friend gave that answer to a reporter question. I assume that you know why your friends answer questions in a certain way when an unusual event has occured?
    5.Really, tell me more! Seems like plenty of people must have decided to avoid the conspiracy with what they know over the years including but not limited to military, intelligence and government folk - the exact kind that aint supposed to talk.

    6.YOu mean like you TRY to?
    7.LOL. You saved the funniest for last. While I'm more reserved now, my feeling was that it was a `super orb' or spirit orb for lack of a better word. Next on my guesses would be nefarious government operations.

    TTC - you seemed to have missed an update or two that I did on this case - thought you kept up here?


  20. Uh, it says that the user has removed the video. Many strange things are happening to blogs, websites, user accounts being deleted without the user even knowing it. Congress is now trumping up reasons to close off the internet and there is a petition to bring attention to this. Pizza is not a vegetable.


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