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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Diversionary, Denied, UN `Alien Contact' `STORY - Derails Media Coverage Of UFO/NUKE/MILITARY News Conference

If you know my writings you are aware of my immediate distrust of the mainstream media on ANYTHING of importance - as I view the MSM as nothing more than an extended mouthpiece for the official government `line'. And, yesterday was NO exception. Why you ask?

For the reason that I find it completely impossible that a fake, probably planted story, about the United Nations appointing a `first contact' person for the Earth in case of aliens landing (yes, the media actually used the words - take us to your leader) had been appointed and would be announced. Now, our gullible media would have you `think' that this `annoucement' was just happenstance to be occurring only hours before retired Military Personal took to the podium to `announce' that UFO's were interfering with our Nukes.

Now, since supposedly our `security' is job number one of the government - one might think that if our Nukes were being interfered with by an unknown force - that the media might be interested. But, by the time the conference was even occurring the UN story and denial was number one and even this AM the story has THE SAME NUMBER OF LINKS (via goggle news search each story has 246 links - the Chicago Bears win had over 1,000 links for a comparison) - and I could not see the Nuke/UFO story on AOL News's 36 featured links.

Finally, UDCC has already predicted this Nuke/UFO story will have `no legs' and will be virtually removed from our collective consciousnesses by the weekend. Of course the naysayers to the fact that the public has been `had' once again by the controllers of the MSM will say that it ALL is designed to `get us ready for contact' - and the believers in Obama and Disclosure will - once again - tuck their heads firmly in the sand to the obvious evidence of manipulation of information about UFO's; or should we say mis-information.

Three links of interest:
If This Isn't a National Security Issue, Then What Is? -
UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens -
UN plan for 'alien ambassador' a case of science fiction? -

MUFON report worth reporting:
9/26 - Pilot Sees 5-6 Egg Shaped Objects Traveling Together -

9/26 - Woman sees `black mass' for second time - file this one under high strangeness.

Thanks for visiting the NEW `UFO Clock'!


  1. We've analyzed the media response to the news conference at the A.D. After Disclosure site.

  2. Rick,
    I haven't been actively following this U.N thing simply because in the beginning it did not pass the smell test in relation to deja vu. However, where did this story first pop up? Who "leaked it"? Why do I think it was the exo-political wing of Ufology?

  3. Hello Bryce and Bruce,

    Thanks for your comments and additions to all this - it started with an article in the Guardian and was loosely based on the woman making comments about near earth asteroids and an upcoming conference.

    The timing was much too much of a smell test for me - they absolutely have no shame in the manipulation of UFO information.

    Rick P.

  4. The UN story was put out by the Sunday Times, actually, and properly debunked by the Guardian.

    Seems the Times writer, Jonathan Leake, has a history of not faithfully representing the activities and statements of scientists.

  5. As for coverage of the nukes story itself, too many UFO buffs are reading from their well-thumbed copies of The Bell Jar without actually looking at the fairly strong coverage. It was the same way with Leslie Keane's book: pre-emptive whining.

    I wonder if you all would only be satisfied if mass looting broke out, nuns flinging themselves off steeples, children lying their heads on railway tracks...

    BTW, here's a couple far-out-of-state TV reports.

  6. Why would anyone from exopolitcs send out a "false" report ? I would be more suspicious of anyone suggesting this, especially someone who admits to not having followed the issue, Irresponsible or just another source of disinformation ?
    This issue is the most important issue in our times and if we are serious about supporting it we must be careful about conjecture we must have solid evidence, otherwise we're no better than those who have been lying to the public.


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