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Monday, April 27, 2009

The Actual Lack Of Thirst For Ufo Disclosure

This post is now part of a fantastic E-book called `The UFO Disclosure Destruction Papers' - you can find it at my Kindle Author page right here -

Thanks for reading a sample!


  1. Or, in my case, I don't trust government and so I don't count on them to release truth about anything. Only if it advanced some agenda-of-the-day would they disclose, and then you'd have a better than even chance it would be a lie anyway.

    If UFOs are extraterrestrial or interdimensional (or ?) we won't find out the truth from government. It will take an event that can't be covered up or lied about, and that is widespread enough to not suffer the hearsay problems that are so common to this issue.

    I normally visit this blog when The Anomalist has a link.

  2. Kent -- I see we agree nearly wholeheartedly as I've went also to your blog (and have featured it today on my Squidoo page). Thanks for the comment too - lots of folks find this blog thru TA.

    Tumbleworld - First, thanks for your comments - I appreciate you taking the time regardless of whether I'm agreed with or not. And, indeed, I take alot of assumptions in my post to come up with a `number' who may be actively interested in the disclosure issue - to the end - I'd be happy to hear your `numbers' supported by any data.

    That said, IMO folks interested in this issue do know the word disclosure --- your next point - however is well taken -- why the heck should the people believe the government -- but finally -- I'd say they would check on the net as we know the `restrictions' that our muckrakers in the press seem to be under.

    Rick Phillips


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