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Thursday, August 9, 2018

"Celestials In Our Own Solar System"

(I wrote this blog post in 2016 after shutting down the blog for new posts - it's about the WikiLeaks documents of 2014 concerning broadly the UFO Disclosure movement. It was unfinished, but reflected a lot of work putting it together and it seems UFO Disclosure and Space Force's are back in the news - it is. Thanks for your interests in my UFO blogs...much more in the sidebar...I have a couple other unfinished unpublished posts too...)

As regular Clockers know - I discontinued regular updating of this blog in May 2016; updating just once since. (I am still doing a bit of UFO blogging that you can find in the feeds in the sidebar.) But until that grand final post I've promised you all - I will on occasion blog about `special things' related to all this mess called UFOlogy; and one of them is the recent WikiLeaks involving John Podesta - close confidant of Hillary Clinton. The leaked e-mails from the stash uncovered from Podesta, by Wikileaks, IMO, had an interesting sentence or two worth looking into. This was the article that brought the leaks to my attention - and as you will see... I will dig deeper and give more analysis below than you will find in this "out of this world" titled article. Nonetheless, you may want to read their take first to compare it to mine.

Each of these very special comments involved e-mails between Podesta and the late astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell (who was a person with a unique view of man's consciousness). Mitchell had long been one of the crux's, a spiritual leader if you will, of the "disclosure movement". That was all before that - the disclosure movement -  was all shut down in 2011 by the Obama's administrations UFO Disclosure answer - and interestingly, these Wikileaks e-mails are after that action. 

Indeed, below you will find some of the quotes and chronology - and the actual links to the Wiki documents - it will lead to a different narrative than found in the original story which seems to be talking A LOT about non-referenced material (I'm not saying the writer wasn't looking at leaks/links not given - but - what is given in the article does not match up to the original article narrative IMO.) - So again - I will talk about what I can find IN the WikiLeaks.

Here's The Actual Wikileaks Linked To In The Original Article - and as you can see, the first date is 7-29-2014 and it is indeed talking about earlier communications from Mitchell asking for a Disclosure discussion with President Obama (You can see the June 25th letter further down the Wikileaks). As you can's actually from a person named Rebecca Hardcastle Wright who as you can see from the e-mail is the Founder of the Institute For Exoconsciousness which was founded " to research and apply the abilities of human consciousness sourced in extraterrestrial contact." *Bridging Extraterrestrial Experience and Consciousness Science* This Is Her Personal Blog where in here latest posting she thinks of her organization as a Think Tank for DC's upper crust.

Obviously -right up Edgar's interest zone. And, frankly...showing the skewed interests (evidently known to the Disclosure folks) of Podesta himself.

Anyway, Rebecca was to go to DC to meet with Podesta and to link Edgar into the conversation via Skype. Then, next the Wikileaks memo is dated in July from Podesta's staff and they postpone any meeting until August and remove Obama from involvement until after Podesta's meeting.

Now all of the above was based on the June 25th e-mail to Podesta by Mitchell - which I paste below:
Dear John Podesta:
As we move into the last half of 2014, the need for extraterrestrial disclosure intensifies. Thank you for your kind consideration and response to my email.

 This 4 July weekend I will meet with President Obama’s friend, Ambassador Hamamoto, at the US Mission in Geneva during their Independence Day Celebration. While in Geneva I will also speak at the UN and the European Space Agency regarding why we must move forward with disclosure and specific programs such as manned moon missions, since some scientists and others are calling for moon colonization due to what they perceive is  happening on Earth.

John, with this email I am requesting a conversation with you and President Obama regarding the next steps in extraterrestrial disclosure for the benefit of our country and our planet.Fifty years ago Battelle, Brookings and RAND studies on UFOs convinced thegovernment to remove knowledge of the extraterrestrial presence from the citizens of our country. These organizations advised with their best information. However, today much, if not most, of the extraterrestrial reality they examined is known by our citizens. These organizations' resultant strategies and policies of 50 years ago no longer hold credibility or benefit.

Five decades of UFO information have dramatically shifted the public awareness of an extraterrestrial presence. And yet, our government is still operating from outdated beliefs and policies. These are detrimental to trust in government transparency, science, religion, and responsible citizenry embracing the next step in our country’s space travel and research.

Three disclosure issues are prominent: 1) planet sustainability via next generation energies such as zero point energy, 2) galactic travel and research undertaken as an advanced species aware of the extraterrestrial presence, not as uninformed explorers who revert to colonialism and destruction and 3) the example of a confident, engaged government who respectfully regards the wisdom and intellect of its citizens as we move into space.

I respectfully receive your response to my request for conversation on disclosure.

The article also links to an April 30th, 2015 Wikileaks which I copy and paste below:
Hugs John,

I write on behalf of Dr. Mitchell to request your Skype talk with him ASAP regarding Disclosure and the difference between celestials in our own solar system (red is my emphasis) and their restraint by those from the nonviolent contiguous universe.Edgar recently closed Quantrek due to health reasons. His talk with you, John, is of great importance given the alternative of your not being aware of these key distinctions heralding either intergalactic warfare or peace.It is also imperative that after your talk with Edgar, he then speak directly with President Obama via Skype for historical purposes, about the same issue, while the President is still in office.John, Edgar has consulted on consciousness matters for American presidents in the past, has addressed the UN General Assembly twice. He is not in need of a personal experience, wishes only to serve.

Thank you and Eryn for letting me know dates and times for your availability so I can relay that to Edgar.

Now - the above communication for Edgar to Podesta was written by Terri Donovan Mansfield
ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Peace Task Force Director

Hmmm. (Clears Throat).... Oh, btw - here is how Snopes did their own evaluation of Podesta meeting with Edgar;
CLAIM: Wikileaks’ dump of John Podesta’s e-mails reveal conversations he had with a former NASA astronaut about the existence of aliens, alien technology, and space warfare.
They called the claim a MIXTURE (of truth) and said: ORIGIN:On October 9th, 2016, WikiLeaks disclosed thousands of e-mails from the personal account of Hillary Clinton campaign director John Podesta, also a former counselor to President Barack Obama. Among those files were two e-mails signed by former NASA astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell from the e-mail address

Snopes citied these additional Wikileaks to support their conclusion of MIXED...such as this Jan 18th 2015 Email - Found here and pasted below
Dear John,
As 2015 unfolds, I understand you are leaving the Administration in February.It is urgent that we agree on a date and time to meet to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point Energy, at your earliest available after your departure.My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield will be there too, to bring us up to date on the Vatican’s awareness of ETI [extraterrestrial intelligence].Another colleague is working on a new Space Treaty, citing involvement with Russia and China. However with Russia’s extreme interference in Ukraine, I believe we must pursue another route for peace in space and ZPE on Earth.I met with President Obama’s Honolulu childhood friend, US Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto on July 4 at the US Mission in Geneva, when I was able to tell her briefly about zero point energy.I believe we can enlist her as a confidante and resource in our presentation for President Obama.
I appreciate Eryn’s assistance in working with Terri to set up our meeting.
Best regards,
Edgar D. Mitchell, ScD
Chief Science Officer & Founder, Quantrek
Apollo 14 astronaut
6th man to walk on the Moon
And then this one: From August 18th 2015
included a brief introduction and a series of links to articles that primarily discussed the militarization of space. It bore the same signature as the first e-mail:Subject: email for John Podesta c/o Eryn re Space Treaty (attached)
Dear John,
Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk.
Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space.
The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death.
Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.
Best regards,

Snopes then goes on with a detailed look at the various concepts explored in the Mitchell e-mails to Podesta, including Zero Point Energy and Mitchell's lifelong interest in the anomalous and consciousness. Stuff I've covered in this blog on multiple occasions about the beliefs of the so-called Disclosure Movement.
(This was the end of my post - you have to wonder how the actual UFO Disclosure that Obama made in 2011 isn't even mentioned.)