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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Mysterious Morning Light Show Caught On Morning TV News Program

Hello Clockers...what's it been, 9 months? After waiting that long one would hope I'd deliver a good one for you...and I think this might qualify. Evidently, during a morning telecast on live TV in Milwaukee - some very strange lights appeared out of nowhere in the sky as they were cutting to a commercial break (a view overlooking the cityscape). Suddenly...and long enough for the newscasters to react...many MANY mysterious lights - looking much like fireworks (but without any up trail) appeared over a large swath of the sky...AND MOVED...each and every one of them. I first saw the link here on a website for a local Milwaukee FM Channel - and found the YouTube link you see below...already with over a million views in a couple weeks. Please watch this one a few times with an open mind...even as you listen to the newsreaders surprised voices.

Unidentified Lights On LIVE TV 2018  with 1,788 comments available to read....many suggesting, jokingly...that what we see is sperm and that Earth is a big egg...and we've just been fertilized...hmm.

So..what do you think...has the Fortean decided to communicate once more...with a new twist? Has some nefarious government or non government entity identified a manner to provoke fear or wonder into the populous at will? Has some prankster figured out how to drop fireworks from the sky in an unnoticeable manner? Or... is this simply a new development in fireworks that obscures the flight trail upwards (which would be a damn cool firework attribute)? OR...something VERY close to the camera that seemed to give the illusion of being in the sky (of course...if that was the case...this would be at least a semi common occurrence on live morning TV..which it isn't)?

Or...aliens, as suggested by the female reporter?

Let's simply assume for argumentative purposes that what was caught on camera WAS something anomalous as opposed to nefarious. Let's at the same time rule out my other suggestions above so we can focus on the anomalous..... Of the past we've seen mysterious displays of "multitudes" of orbs in the sky simultaneously...such as in Mexico. We've also seen Orbs move in the sky...but not quite like this - absolutely a "look at me" action/activation/actualization. 

Those who have read this blog for the past 11 YEARS, know that before all the BULLSHIT of CGI and clickbate "UFO" websites/YouTube channels - it was not difficult to find seemingly genuinely strange "lights" in the be exact...the same kind that have been seen for decades by humans, if not forever. 

An anomalous spontaneous generated moment of wonder for consciousness to find and discover. It just might be cranking up again for all to observe.

As Bruce Duensing's last post 

Is UAP A Quantum Detection System?

 before his death suggests - the anomalous may all be about a relationship between consciousness and being (takes you to Duensing's post)... and I'll let readers with this quote from Bruce ...his final comment:
Bruce DuensingMay 12, 2015 at 7:01 PM

I dont think for both pragmatic and perhaps metaphysical reasons there are no singular and definitive answers that could be narrowed down to any coherent narrarive in terms of the causes of UAP but it serves as an intriguing platform for exploring relationships such as stimulous and response as a singularity....drama as a reactive Zen Koan...I suspect there is no anthroporphic purpose as we define it in UAP..rather..relationships...without a heirarchy...Yet the questions mutate the answers...What or whom is detecting what or whom defies linear causation.

Or...was the video of nothing but Birds? With the OBVIOUS question...why has this NEVER been seen on the screen before?
Thanks for reading and having an open mind
you are rare.
Hey...there's tons on this webpage for true lovers of the anomalous...dig into the archive and page for more.