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Monday, February 29, 2016

The 2012 Craziness - A Look Back

It's already been four LONG years since the craziness of the alternative crowd in 2012 and the lead up years to 2012.... how crazy was it? Well, I dug out the LAST post from one of these `alternative 2012'  Timewave 2012 sites (this one only carried on the hype to 2010 not wanting to face the truth) that the UFO crowd and everyone else had to deal with. And on the website it had a POLL in the upper sidebar which asked - What's Your Opinion On 2012 - and then gave a list of choices for everyone to opine - see the results below.
Nothing will happen
  26 (25%)
Just a Galactic Alignment
  15 (14%)
Earth changes, planetary transformation
  36 (35%)
Enlightenment worldwide
  38 (37%)
Peace on Earth and new cycle
  31 (30%)
End of Duality
  24 (23%)
First Contact
  26 (25%)
All of the Above
  13 (12%)
  6 (5%)
Meteor strike
  2 (1%)
Solar sun storm
  19 (18%)
The return of the great masters
  26 (25%)
  31 (30%)
End of Time
  8 (7%)
Return to Freedom and Liberty
  26 (25%)

Votes so far: 101
Poll closed 
Yes, this is how bats*it crazy - it all was back then - and until Dec of 2012 who was to call them nuts? 

As you know... we are still awaiting all of the above... especially the `Enlightenment Worldwide'..... almost laughable.
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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Daytime Orb.... Or Drone.... In San Antonio

I found this in Scott Browne's FB group - as readers know... we've had the San Antonio connection here before.

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The Archive Awaits

Monday, February 22, 2016

The 1976 Concorde Intelligent Orb Video

This is almost a `smoking gun' type of video... that somehow I've been unaware of (I think).... it's a must watch of the Concorde being `checked out' - right down to looking into the windows - by what is possibly an intelligent light source - what we around here call an Orb. That said, it's a bit curious that similar video hasn't been captured over the decades, at some interval, based on how many jets are in the air. OR is it all so Fortean that only HISTORIC jet flights rise to the `check out' actualization level? A `historic orb' much like the ones that checked out President Obama when running for office and on his Inauguration. 

Enjoy the video: 11K views.... 14/1 Positive to Negative votes at YT

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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Brad Morris - Sky Videographer

Okay... today's feature is a YouTube account named Brad Morris which features over 100 YT videos of claimed anomalous sky phenomena. It's all pretty standard to Clockers around here and is generally some brief Orb findings in extreme close up daytime videos of the sky. I did see a plane video or two with apparent orbs in the background racing by. This is certainly a sincere person touched by seeing strange things in the sky.....that said.

Much of it is nearly `imaginary' IMO in its description - and to that end - I'll feature Brad's good anomalous video -  what I call a `structured orb' - a rarely caught phenomena indeed... but then Brad stretches that into `a being peering over the edge' .... less than 150 views and from 2014.

The reading bin is starting to overfill with great thought links - expect those soon. Thanks for being a reader - if you are new - please dig into the sidebar and archive... while you have the chance.
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