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Saturday, October 24, 2015

My Kindle Books

Hey UDCC readers... did you know that my best posts about the UFO phenomena can be found in my E-Books? Please check out some of the books below - often I have FREE books too. Oh, and IF you are a subscriber to Amazon Unlimited --- ALL of my books are FREE.
if you ever read Carlos Castaneda... here's the new book for you

the WHY UFO Disclosure didn't happen

analysis of the biggest UFO events of the 2000's

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Another Fleet Of `UFO' Links

Going to the bin... for what will probably be a good thinking mans/womans set of links.
it's a bit interesting but certainly many other explanations come in front of mega structures IMO
So, let's say you look up at night as see something going across the sky that seems a bit strange.. could it be space debris... the ISS... what? ... Or an ORB? --- it would seem that IF the object in the sky was going East To West you can rule out space debris.
this was on the internet in the past week or so... but here's the type of stuff covered by this reporter An 'Anunnaki' Message From 1958 also recently - or most recently that Trump predicted 911 a year before it happened... get the idea.
worth your click
click pic for info

Monday, October 19, 2015

A Fleet Of Links

One of the tenets of the remains of the `2012 alternative believers scene' is that FLEETS of UFO's are always on call for us Earthlings.... so, in honor of those strange 2012 days.... here's some stuff from my bin that I thought you'd find of interest.
didn't even have to leave the MW to find it... cool
and could it be more fundamental than gravity?
slippery slope read of the day?
you decide
And, a final visual for today.
Thanks For Your Readership

have you heard about the FitBit?

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Jason Bales - UFO/Orb Videographer - Orb/UFO And Chemtrail Plane 2015

I became aware of this videographer via the FB group of Scott Browne that I've been touting around here - his, Jason Bales, YT page is Here - and he has any number of videos of anomalous activity above his skies. I picked this one out almost at random and was not disappointed.... it shows a magnified view of a Chemtrail plane that instantaneously seemed to have an Orb/UFO next to it and then shoot away.... it's shown in a loop several times. UDCC has been chronicling the Orb/Chemtrail plane association.... all of 70 views.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Most Disturbing `Conspiracy' Theory Of All - BioAPI

Can there be any bigger `worry' than being `controlled' by outside forces reducing our freewill? And, the that controlling force is none other than some evil outside of the governing politic? Operating and controlling with such invidiousness as to be UNDETECTABLE?  Well ... welcome to the Bio-API conspiracy theory complete with nanoparticles to invade your brain via the obviously nefarious Chemtrail spraying.

In what is seriously put together as a serious presentation as to what is `possible' ---- possibly ---- I suggest reading this material first, which has within it... other resources to check out to test for yourself if such an idea seems.... plausible. This will not be a five minute exercise and I've personally had these links for a considerable amount of time already... hesitant to even `go there'.. So... again.. this first resource is Atlantean Conspiracy - with plenty to digest.... as a teaser of the `pushback' of folks who dug into the links/ideas I give you this contrarian from the comment section:
...."So the author has a table about various aspects of manipulation to explain what the symptom and purpose of each is. If you go through each purpose, however, this is where it all unravels for me.

Here they are: to trigger the emotion of anger, to trigger the emotion of being powerless (or aware of their surveillance, or going crazy, all flip sides of the same thing IMO), and the last one is to perpetuate the myth of gangstalking.

Now the table has variations of these, but from what I can see these are the main groupings. My problem with these is that they are such weak, useless effects, totally inconsequential for the most part. The author talks about gangstalking on several pages, even just above the table in a section called "The Purpose of Gangstalking", but then here reveals it is a myth.

Worryingly, at the top of the same page the author states "The people who design and fund programs such as this run the world.. were previously content with passive concepts such as stealing money from everyone through taxation and harming society as a whole by doing things such as withholding free energy or approving cancer causing carcinogens for the food supply (eg. aspartame), which is all fine in my opinion - it all has its purpose and role".
I think ideologically this person is not a real truther, why would they be ok with stealing and killing, but have a serious problem with small-scale annoyances and induced paranoia? This, to me, is the definition of insanity, or more likely dis-information" ...

Other comments, however, have even more to offer in the line of support that BioAPI may be real... it's worth your time in this day and age to be up on the farthest out but possible theories - when it comes to the powers that be in the world's power structure.
Speaking of mind over matter... click the below link for a game made by Mattel that proves that YOU TOO can move objects... with only your mind. Great Gift For The Holidays Too.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Amazing Speed Of The Human Condition For Perception

Those of you that have listened to my radio interview with Kate Valentine In 2013 , especially near the end of my interview, have heard this spiel before... but... here it is in the black and white too. It's some points I'd like to raise about our perceptions - and our real condition as Human Sapiens `literally' traveling around the universe on this rock called Earth. Because obviously - we... you and I ... are `going' or `traveling' WITH Earth as we trace and etch our own 3d/4d timeline onto the canvas of our presented reality. (As told to us via our own scientific findings.)

There is no written record of when mankind first sensed and noted that it was probable that the Earth we were standing on was `spinning' - but certainly, early thinkers grappled with the concept of how the Sun moved across the sky daily. But.. it wasn't until 9th Century BCE that an Indian Philosopher added perhaps another motion to our human body when he suggested that the Earth went around the Sun (heliocentric).

Let's just look at the speeds of these two motions of which we as human beings are embedded - 1000 MPH is what the Earth spins at the Equator and the Earth goes around the Sun at 66,600 (666?... hmm) MPH. So... IN ONE hour, and just in association with our relationship to Earth... we... each of our spaces that represent us as a human living on Earth - has `traveled' -- that EARTH rate + our pretty insignificant surface rate of 1,000 MPH. Indeed.... YOU are going faster than the fastest rocket ship ever launched from Earth (number 3 on this list) which was under 35,000 MPH.

But wait - what IF science says the speeds of our body above are a MERE tiny fraction of the REAL SPEED of the space of our human bodies? Well... welcome to the Milky Way, you galactic being you.... as you know our SUN is but one star of billions in our one Galaxy of billions called the Milky Way - and our Sun, like the Earth, is IN ORBIT around the Milky Way - and take a guess at the speed our Sun is moving? Well it turns out that the Sun is moving at a rate of 483,000 MPH to circle the Milky Way...... and as you know, the Earth has NO independence from moving with the Sun...  and as citizens of the galaxy, we are moving at the Sun's rate... plus the other previous rates (not going further, just faster).

But science has told us that even that is not our real condition - as a `human space' (being-thing) on a planet... because as it turns out, even our Milky Way is MOVING... towards what is called The Great Attractor - and it's pulling the Milky Way and everything in this area of OUR UNIVERSE towards it at the rate of 14,000,000 MPH.... yes, 14 million miles per hour.... Heck... the Speed Of Light ... the fastest speed in the universe is only going 670 Million Miles Per Hour.

We never consider that we... us... you and me... our spaces as humans... are traveling at roughly 2% the speed of light itself. Let that sink in. Seems a miracle that we have any perception at all......Not only that... but the very space that we are, that our body occupies... science tells us... is (of course) made up of the fundamental elements of our universe... atoms and such... and that the `space' or distance between the `stuff' of each atom... makes us more ghostly than `solid'- at an atomic level. In a sense... our content is so minimal as to be virtually non present at any given moment/location (probably) as we travel at 2% the speed of light.

But... we don't have the beingness to be beings operating at the cosmic level of perception... seeing our spaces as part of the Milky Way's movement... or the beingness to see our space at any of the `slower' levels either (but... with full awareness... might some humans be able to sense `their space' elsewhere at the 1000 MPH level?... just throwing that out there..... Planetary Beings if you will, seeing a larger space of themselves).

Indeed... the Rock Solid apparent speed for all humans of normal consciousness - is zero... we see NONE of our movement, despite our real speed best expressed as a percentage of the speed of light. And we see NO movement of these higher states, we are told by our logic, because EVERYTHING near us, within perception, is moving at the same speed as we are. Yes... even the chair you sit in - as is your cat walking in the next room - they too are moving at that same percentage of the speed of light. To us... ironically, everything to our perception is motionless... unless it is very local and most likely something living or built by human phenomenology.

Nonetheless... it seems our grasp on our real reality - our real perception - is even more removed from our real station in the reality structure. As we are biological creatures our perceptions are dependent on our nervous systems - to relay the data sensations they are simultaneously receiving - including sound and sight and touch, etc.... all coming into our brains as frequencies on a spectrum of which our human senses only `connect' with and filter for a certain range of.... the light spectrum we see, the sound spectrum we hear... etc..... all the while our mind is `throwing', layering if you will,  non-existent information onto the incoming data - such as color interpretation (are any of us seeing the exact same colors?) - or `connecting' one instantaneous note of a melody ... with the proceeding ones, held in memory, to make a song.

So, in addition to filtering our data sensations and layering them with non data like color - (removing us from the real) ... our science tells us that - our senses `take time' to process in the data input..... the addition to the time it takes for ALL light data entering our vision AFTER bouncing OFF of objects (our chair our cat)... so importantly... what we think we see as NOW (from one location while traveling at 2% the speed of light) is ever so slightly NOT the `now' of the sensory input (remember that time it takes for light to bounce of the object to get to your eyes - imagine how far we move on a galactic scale in that moment even ). 

At the very least, we live in a continuum of phenomenology. Of consciousness and space. With almost NO attachment to any actual point of location or time in the universe - do to our movement. BTW - I advocate the ideas of Julian Barbour who maintains that there is NO time... only spaces. (To me it's more time expressing as spaces. My rarely found deep phenomenology blog can be found here - What Is Not Able To Not Be Is).

Now, are you ready for our 2% light speed moving, ghostly body, once removed from our own filtered data sensations that we wish to call our perception - to get even weirder and more murky?

Because, even with the above description... modern research has suggested that out of the about 100 impressions our brain provides as possible to `see' per second... that humans connect only a handful of those that are provided - maybe 15-30 or so frames of perception escape into our consciousness..... for the knitting together of our flowing reality. Using our own FINAL editing process. (could this be where paranormal reality is normally filtered out of our perception field of common consensus?)

So, from now onward.... think about the `now you' being a ghostly being - moving at a fraction of the speed of light - `using' selected filtered moments of the data sensation flow - that are NOT present in the REAL location of your here-now (remember all the movement of our space above) - and only then realize - The Amazing Speed Of The Human Condition For Perception.

Finally, for now, realize that the whole structure of now for an independent being/space such as yourself -  `runs off', in the ideas of Phenomenology... and, that the welling up of the present is in the same run-off box as the `just past' - as it joins itself in the continuum. A continuum that certainly seems to provide room for the non ordinary descriptions of space and spaces - that this blog examines.
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Monday, October 5, 2015

A WTH UFO/Red Orb Video From Ottawa Canada - September 21st 2015 (Vee Robillard)

To me... this is VERY impressive... 3 minutes of footage... amateur shot... red stationary orb that flashes to new location as a green moving orb... doesn't get much weirder than this. Under 250 views. Vee's YouTube Channel Here... all of two videos. --- IE... not a hoaxer or involved with the BS.

Indeed - one has to wonder how this DIDN'T get coverage by the MSM as certainly IMO... many folks would have seen this... I will be looking for more videos to emerge.
Finally for today on a personal note... this weekend I was involved in an incident after a horrendous accident that happened in front of me in Atlanta. Since my FB account is PUBLIC - you can read about my experience if you want Here.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Vile Debunkery - Exposing `Saucer Craft' UFOs and Houston's 2014 `Mass Sighting'

What an excellent piece of technical work - WELL worth the time to see:

All that said... this person... `Vile Debunkery'.... has all of TWO debunking videos and could be a counter con in some manner... sorry... disinfo is everywhere.
Did you see this UFO story recently?

This is the writing of the ORIGINAL re-take of the story about an old FBI Memo About Crashed Saucers And Aliens - a well written on a website called top secret writers - and this is the version pushed onto everyone else by Yahoo, about 4 days later,  and all the other copycat UFO websites. So, it's NOT news... is simply being re-cycled... and BTW here's the original FBI Memo ... I have FBI documents in the sidebar too.
He Follows ONE BTW