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Thursday, April 30, 2015

That 2013 `UFO' Video Above Buckeye Arizona

To the bin for this one - It's a pretty good video of what we've seen on UDCC over the last 7 years of a seeming Orb structure of lights... that combine, split and then simply are gone... the comments at the video link would indicate more that was seen there or of a similar nature. Only 2000 views or so in 2 years:
Buckeye Az 2013 UFO

Evidently the girls stopped the car and got just a bit of more video Here too.

BTW (by the way) I then searched MUFON to see if any other UFO reports were made that occurred in AZ on 1/15/2013 and GOT SIX results... similar too.
7:30 PM Report - Three Lights... took out binoculars
7:30 Report... same phenomena, well described
7:35 PM Report - same phenomena... articulate report too
And one report submitted two pictures.. this was one of them
I didn't download this to my computer... generally that means MUFON will make this one vanish before your eyes soon.
But the photo above was at  different time that evening... midnight.
Thanks for your readership

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Some Good `UFO' Reads -- And Links

Let's just keep it rolling today with a few quick thoughts and links to good content to satisfy at least for a moment your inquiring mindset. Ready?
I don't know if this New York Post article about a daytime UFO in NYC is real or not... NOT ONE PICTURE? NO video? What kind of coverage... if real... is this?
I really like the approach to UFOlogy taken by The Professor at the BIG STUDY.... here he looks at the various attributes of about 2 dozen cases involving electrical disturbances from UFOs in 1958.... one finding.... shape of UFO didn't matter at all.
And, those who like my writing and ideas are probably familiar with Bruce Duensing's approach to the world of UFOs... could they be lost in space-time? Read some more while at BD's blog... learn a spell or two.
Here's a project to detect Daytime Orbs with your smartphone (I think).... bit hazy even after going to website twice... still interesting and worth a minute or two (the app may be on your phone and you use a camera?).....
Hey... why not go LIKE my UFO page on FACEBOOK often with unique content not seen here.
Never Forget
UFO Disclosure
Ludicrous Foes

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Orb Near Volcano Plume?

I just saw this on Facebook.... can't say this is hiding can we?

una luz que se ve baja y sube y tambien sobre volo un avion y los rayos lo dejamos a su criterio de esta luz filmada por un celular de mi hno alex contreras
Posted by Pitt Contreras on Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Remember... even if you don't have a Kindle Device... you can still read Kindle books by using the link below:

From one of the featured UFO websites in the sidebar
oh those old 1950's-60's `UFOs' with radar confirmation
(and how many of these look similar to the rare UFO strings-symbols)
Have you heard about the strange 
that was heard Sunday night in Wisconsin? The comments also indicate the range it was heard.... and below... a video that supposedly captured the sound.

Interesting comments at the video too.
Later Dear Reader

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Kingston Ontario UFO Wave Of 2015?

Found a MUFON report among the latest 20 filed that is worth your view. MULTIPLE videos from the same location shot by the same lady of occasionally multiple Orbs simply hanging out in the sky apparently since March 2nd. Her submitted report also is very articulate... in one of her videos the orb looks a lot like the Jerusalem Orb... similar level in the sky (and apparent distance from video).

These are the video links:
link above goes to my Subreddit
this could be a planet IMO,,,, checking the next night at the same time would have confirmed this perhaps
pretty convincing... similar to first video
And last but not least the Articulate Report..... I'll be watching to see if this all develops.
Thanks for your readership

Sunday, April 19, 2015

2013 Daytime Chile UFO Comes To The Forefront

While I can't find ANY official confirmation at the government level (which this article implies (as always the oversell)) in this story.... evidently the UFO organization in Chile has `released' it's investigation into a video they received in 2014 and that was shot by Chilean miners in 2013. The story was eventually picked up by Fox News as you can see below.

The analysis had the craft about 30 feet in diameter... hung around for an hour... made no sound.... and one has to say... this still frame is pretty awesome.
Chile Government

Link of story and video
Interestingly.... it was the Chilean miners rescue in 2010 (at a different mine) that was SIMULTANEOUS with the NYC daytime UFO of Oct 13th 2010. Isn't life strange? 
(Yes... a great Moody Blues song... I know.)

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Extreme Chemtrails.... Militant Atheists.... Ludicrous Foes

Working on an important read coming up... for today a bit of nonsenseAre Militant Atheists Using Chemtrails To Poison The Angels In Heaven .... the comments at this site are beyond priceless too. The brainless of the anomalous?
Hey, it's the weekend - how about a link to dozens of `paranormal' type websites to cruise around within?
off planet media
And NOW how about a read from Epic Jeff
that TOTALLY nails the main idea in a few sentences.... how much does `science' really know.... and it's about an AMAZINGLY under-reported finding about our very Milky Way..... they JUST found out that it's... are you ready for this? Perhaps TWICE as large and certainly 50% larger than previously thought...... quite a degree of error.... and the finding that the MW has ripples of density other than the plane we see the MW from. .... Anyhow.... the guy produces some of the finest blogging reads around...
Read some Samples
Thanks For Your Readership

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Published Comment 1,044 - See Below

Obviously, when you run a blog on the anomalous you get responses from folks.... of all sorts... some short some long some smart some interesting some dumb..... you can decide where this fits in as I got it last night and thought I'd share and then comment about it.
I don't think i'm a ufo activist or someone trying to convince anyone that anything does or does not exist. I do feel that i believe in recent phenomena enough to post a bit of my experiences here. I've been told a lot by a friend who DOES believe in a whole lot of unbelievable stuff, and i just listen because he's good company and there's not a lot to do in this town anyway. He said numbers are a universal language. Not just math but numbers in general. I'm not sure i ever really believed him i just enjoyed listening, but one day i actually made a wish at 11:11 and straight up put my whole soul into making that wish and my ears popped and you know, whatever. That was weird but i put it down to coincidence and laughed at myself. The next day two things happened. One, I saw what looked like a ufo fly out of a jets chemtrail. I dismissed it as i wasn't wearing my glasses and figured it was my mind compensating the blurry sky i saw. Then when trying to find a scary movie to watch i was suggested dark skies. I went to youtube to look up the trailer to see if the suggested movie was any good, and ended up stumbling upon a video posted that day of exactly what i saw in the chem trail that day. I don't mean like the same thing happening somewhere else, i mean it was recorded in my hometown and i have a pretty good idea of exactly where just based off of the mountain formation. so that was weird. Second thing to happen was when i was scrolling reddit and i saw a random motivational picture that said something along the lines of 'everything you've been wishing for is going to happen. if you just be patient and stay positive things are going to get so much better so soon. just hang in there.' i didn't pay too much attention to it but then i noticed something weird. the message was meant to be cute or something and it was pasted inside a drawing of the sun, with the rays being little lines. there was kind of a glitch or unloaded part of the image and it messed with the lines enough to say 11:11 (with the dots) and a winky emoticon thing. coincidentally, today also happened to be a really good day. i dont know. maybe it's nothing and it's an over active imagination or lack of sleep. but my friend said there's no such thing as coincidences. and im wondering if he's right. Maybe there's something out there that's looking after us. its weird that two people would be looking up at something as normal as a plane to see that ufo thing fly out of the chem trail. i mean that other guy was recording. it just seems weird. i dont even know why i felt the need to post this here. i found it on stumble upon and i probably wont ever come back to this. just wanted to share. i'm not saying im starting to believe in all this stuff i hear, but i mean here i am posting my experience and i also turned down the flouride treatment today at the dentist just because of what i believe. weird i know. have a great night guys. 
Hello anonymous... a few things about what you've experienced and my understandings after a number of years at this gig.... first.... `expectations' or `positionings' or `intentionalities' (such as 11:11) can act as a trigger for an anomalous experience... many such events happen at the exact correct moment.  That said, I don't believe in 11-11 or anything like that (despite having lucky numbers).... next... more and more people are filming and discovering that Chemtrails contain the anomalous... regardless of not knowing why.,,,, that said, it is VERY surprising that you would run into it in your town.... perhaps..... finally .... something looking over us.... depends on your intentionalites.... perhaps. Thanks for writing in.
Here's an interesting book from Amazon

Only occasionally do I send folks to my best stuff on Hub Pages
Thanks for your readership today - IF this is your first time here.... do yourself a favor and take it all in slowly.

Monday, April 13, 2015

UNPublished Files - Part 2 - Musings About Stephenville, O'Hare, Pheonix Lights and NYC's Oct. 13th Event

The below was written years ago.... sounds like a good start... perhaps I'll re pickup the theme again at some point.

As a person who has been involved in hundreds of marketing research projects - numbers are important to me. Also in any analysis the qualatative elements - the attributes of the product or service are equally important. But, as a UFO blogger, it is important to also strive to understand where the `total' population is on a particular subject matter and not just those reading my blogging material. In this post today I will try to bring that state of mind while looking at some overall `qualities' of the UFO events in the title of this essay.

What I'd like to address first is the numbers - the real numbers.

And, let's start with the Stephenville UFO incidents a few years ago -- of the four incidents above, this incident was limited to a rural area and occured only a few times over a period of several weeks (intensely). We are talking at best about several dozens of people perhaps. At least what I remember about the coverage via the internet and MSM. Several dozen. Certainly less than 1,000.
Sorry Folks.
That's it.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Are Orbs - `Micro Space Intelligence'?

And if so, is the intelligence self directed or under some sort of outside control? Yeah.... it's gotten that sick with a recent YouTube find about yet another Orb associated with Chemtrails. Indeed, the person who `produces' this video.... a dedicated person who seems to have BEYOND belief `findings' and `beliefs'... that are simply .... welll...... CRAZY. IMO. (Such as his PROOF that the MOON is an illusion, among other things. Yes, he seems to have bought into `it' bigtime.... I've listened to about 35 minutes of a recent interview he did.) Nonetheless, he's dedicated to the anomalous and has kicked up the Orb phenomena.

I'm talking about YouTube user Ccrow777 - who has a bevy of videos and a bevy of things to say.... I've bookmarked him before but found his stuff a bit too much in regards to the moon (his beliefs about the moon itself... not the `UFOs' he sees and records that pass in front of a sun-lit Moon.). I may or may not get into that in this post today. The reason is that the video below - uploaded on February 15th of this year and with about 20,000 views... is beyond stunning.

Now, I've been telling Clockers more and more that UFOs ARE Orbs.... and the for some reason (to be determined) they can occasionally be found near the Chemtrail phenomena in our collective skies. Additionally, I've been telling readers of the possible evolution of the Phenomena of Chemtrails... of their seeming `aliveness' almost... of `purple/red shaped things' WITHIN the Chemtrails themselves. You know - sounding like the crazies too.

So, none of those findings by myself have any influence from what Ccrow777 (Ccrow Triple 7 Channel -- Click Here) has seemingly found... and that HE also `SAYS IS NEW' TOO about Orbs... the speed and shooting. (The evolution continues?). You will be blown away by what he has filmed... and what he has filmed is an Orb that `SHOOTS' something into a Chemtrail `cloud' fragment. An Orb that clearly seems to be doing something of intent. IMO.
At this point I'd like to provide some of the ROBUST comments that have emerged from this video... they represent the range of what the `informed' public speculates about the phenomena TOO HOT for MSM coverage... Orbs and Chemtrails:

This Commenter Caught One Orb Display Herself

kevin bauer 1 month ago

    Thank-you for the upload and edited/zoomed in footage of the Orb shooting....something into the Chem-trail Clouds and the footage of the"Object" with the Magnetic,for lack of a better description,Halo to it as it traversed the Moon Crrow. Can't wait until you get footage of these Orbs and "Objects" with your new equipment and are able to zoom it in 2000%,should be...quite revealing,or so it is to be hoped.

Gary Eldridge 1 month ago

 dude you have SO much more in this clip to investigate. there is an orb trailing the guy that fired the shot, lower and left of the shooter... seconds after the shot into the cloud (at 2:08), the actual target item falls out of the trail... the  target that was left by the speeding flash moving right to left mentioned earlier.

Atka59 1 month ago

 Shortly after the orb exits the chemtrail an object can be seen falling from the sky, possibly the victim of the shot.  This type of orb resembles, if not exactly matches, the descriptions of foo fighters from WWII.  The enigmatic nature of the hidden world around us has my mind strongly fixated on the phenomena.  I really hate being fooled and treated like a child, my hard labor has gone toward funding either the creation, or investigation, of these phenomena, and I, in fact all of us, deserve to know what is going on!!!

IrOnMaN1789 1 month ago
 There are chemtrails and there are orbs. No doubt about it.
So they disperse chemicals into the atmosphere and then they send orbs to "fire" something in them? It doesn't make sense. Why go to all that trouble? This orb is operated by an intelligence, that's is a fact. The orb "fires" a projectile of some kind, that is a fact, The question is, who is this intelligence and what it disposes into the chemcloud? 

mike alphin 1 month ago
 Hey Crow have you seen the chemtrail planes doing circles this year? ?? Today for about two hours they laid it down hard from directions they never
fly. 30 planes two or three circling at a time some made huge arches all flying very slow. Can you think of any reason they do that??? Not all turned some went normally. Love to see you cover more about the skyfish / smartdust .could we be looking at radioactive isotopes. Have you seen the infered footage haskelfilmz channel does at night on his security cam's??? He slowed the play back rate x8 others have done the same with the living haze 

EXCELLENT Crrow!!  This is VERY exciting.  Now I'm beginning to get a little concerned about you, You are now getting detailed images of stuff they do not want out in the public domain. It's rather useless saying "please be careful", but ... please be careful.....:)

Which takes us back to my headline today... and my first paragraph... because what this is... can only be ... intelligent or NEFARIOUS. IMO. .... You are welcome to weigh in with your opinion too. The vid has about a 20/1 positive to negative ratio of public stated opinion.

IS UDCC the only one talking about `Micro Space Intelligence'? 
My Author Page

Monday, April 6, 2015

1-17-2010 Unpublished Drafts #1 ...... AND Alien Craft On Mars! (not)

Hello Clockers.... how about a journey into the bin of the unpublished..... this post... the full post, eventually saw the light of day in a long long post.... but first... what never made it.

Hello, welcome to the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock (UDCC) - thanks for having an inquisitive mind and for finding this site and article. If you are new to the whole `UFO Disclosure' gig, or, even if you are a veteran - I want you to clearly think about some points that I am about to make regarding our government, UFO's and Robert Bigelow; the current headman of BAASS. Yes, this is the same Mr. Bigelow who is the wealthy visionary putting the first `hotel' in space.
However, the actual post is now in one of my E-Books
Yes, some `UFO' websites presented you with a `Crashed UFO On Mars' picture in the last month or so..... and here's how Ken 

The latest UFO find on the Red Planet was reported on March 27 by two YouTube anomaly hunters, Mars Moon Space Photo Zoom Club (MMSPZC) and Paranormal Crucible.    According to MMSPZC, the UFO flying saucer was discovered in images of the Martian region of Aram Chaos — 2.6°N, 21.5°W — near the canyon Valles Marineris and Ares Vallis.

Pfeifer covered it Alien Craft Discovered
Doesn't pass the sniff test around here.... sorry. I mean WHAT ABOUT ALL THOSE BUILDINGS IN THE LEFT OF THE SCREEN?  The undented crashed UFO...... (LOL) (cough) As Clockers know... the disinfo agents are desperate to continue the 2012 Folly in any manner they can. And often... one UFO website feels obligated to cover what others are touting as the new truth. Be wary.
My thanks to the person who bought mega amounts of things on Amazon yesterday using my blog links. Thanks. And, an on-going thanks to the person at North Carolina UFOs who keeps interacting with that blog too.... your efforts are noted.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

A 1989 UFO Story - Told Via MUFON's Latest UFO Reports

I should probably have blogged this one in Strange State UFO o in Strange UFO Stories ... but Clockers too need the oldtime stories of anomalous timelines and such..... ready? First a tease as to what caught my attention over at MUFONs latest 20 

}a friend and I were standing by burn barrel in rural setting, heard leaves start to russel. we had a strange vibration in our chest and pressure in our heads. we tried to speak and nothing came out. we looked around and saw a huge flat black triangle

reports.... READY? Location was Woodlawn Illinois Object was seen before too and by others in own family
Long Description of Sighting Report
Southern Illinois. We viewed a large black triangle almost hovering just above the tree tops while in path from west to east along route 15 between Woodlawn and Mt. Vernon. Friend and I witnessed this and neither can remember seeing it leave the area or what happened immediately afterwards. Object had a rumble/ vibration that sounded like a low, very loud bass speaker that made it impossible to speak to one another. Mentioned to family years later to find they had seen it also, at a later date along same path. One member had seen it 20yrs previous a only a few miles away.
Interesting in the the typical `absolute silence' was not experienced before the interruption of the time flow.... and the none sharing with others of the anomalous until it just happened to be brought up.... and of course... the linkage of the same object and location.
Here's an interesting UFO picture from the latest 20 reports.. taken in Richmond Virginia in March and the report includes the FAST departure after this picture, and ejecting material.... strange indeed.
yes, I've downloaded this... it will survive the typical MUFON `back-edit' of good Orb material.
Here's some thoughts from the blog of a recent commenter on his blog
strange stuff
IF today is your first time here... why not dig into the archive of over 1200 posts?

Friday, April 3, 2015

UDCC Returns - About That Russian UFO Video Hi folks, it's time for another round of UFOlogy with Rick Phillips and the UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock.... sorry for the lack of warning about not blogging for a couple weeks... needed the break and travel.... good to have you check in. Hey, how about clicking the above link to YouGov.Com - the new Gallup Poll standard. Be involved.... have your opinion count, really.
So, let's start with something a bit strange... 40K+ views, 23/1 positive to negative ratio..... one problem.... UFO gathering site video ... NO collaboration.... same city a year ago used by this gathering site. My speculation is that this is a sophisticated balloon and light `UFO' hoax/prank.
What do you think?
Speaking of higher Realms
has the time come?
OR Way Down The Rabbit Hole
with this new addition to the sidebar
An E.T. Mystery?
the full story on 10 radio bursts proving to be a bit hard to sweep under the rug.
There's more craziness in the bin so check back this weekend too.